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Applied Deep Learning HW3


Academic year: 2022

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Applied Deep Learning HW3

Natural Language Generation

Deadline: 2022/05/16 23:59:59




Data & Evaluation 說明影片

adl-ta@csie.ntu.edu.tw TA Hours:

Wed. 14:00~15:30 @ Google Meet

Thu. 13:30~15:00 @ Google Meet


Change Logs


Task Description


Chinese News Summarization (Title Generation)

❖ input: news content

從小就很會念書的李悅寧, 在眾人殷殷期盼下

,以榜首之姿進入臺大醫學院, 但始終忘不了 對天文的熱情。大學四年級一場遠行後,她決心 遠赴法國攻讀天文博士。 從小沒想過當老師的 她,再度跌破眾人眼鏡返台任教, ...

❖ output: news title

榜首進台大醫科卻休學 、27歲拿到法國 天文博士 李悅寧跌破眾人眼鏡返台任教



❖ Source: news articles scraped from udn.com

➢ Train: 21710 articles from 2015-03-02 to 2021-01-13

➢ Public: 5494 articles from 2021-01-14 to 2021-04-10

➢ Private: Not released and will include articles after deadline


Data (cont.)

❖ Example



❖ ROUGE score with chinese word segmentation

➢ What is ROUGE score?

➢ Chinese word segmentation: ckiptagger(github)

❖ Example

➢ candiate: 我 是 人

➢ reference: 我 是 一 個 人

➢ rouge-1: precision=1.0, recall=0.6, f1=0.75

➢ rouge-2: precision=0.5, recall=0.25, f1=0.33

➢ rouge-L: precision=1.0, recall=0.6, f1=0.75



❖ Fine-tune a pre-trained small multilingual T5 model to pass the baselines

❖ Public baseline

➢ rouge-1: 22.0, rouge-2: 8.5, rouge-L: 20.5 (f1-score * 100)

❖ Private baseline

➢ Will be announced after deadline


Bonus: Applied RL on Summarization



r=0 r=0 r=0 ... r=ROUGE

t=0 t=1 t=2 ... t=n


Bonus: Applied RL on Summarization (cont.)

❖ You can use any RL algorithms (policy gradient, DQN and etc.)

❖ You can design your own reward function

➢ e.g. ROUGE-L, avg(ROUGE-N) and etc.

❖ You can either directly add RL loss while training or fine-tune

from a supervised-learning checkpoint




Q1: Model (2%)

❖ Model (1%)

➢ Describe the model architecture and how it works on text summarization.

❖ Preprocessing (1%)

➢ Describe your preprocessing (e.g. tokenization, data cleaning and etc.)


Q2: Training (2%)

❖ Hyperparameter (1%)

➢ Describe your hyperparameter you use and how you decide it.

❖ Learning Curves (1%)

➢ Plot the learning curves (ROUGE versus training steps)


Q3: Generation Strategies(6%)

❖ Stratgies (2%)

➢ Describe the detail of the following generation strategies:

■ Greedy

■ Beam Search

■ Top-k Sampling

■ Top-p Sampling

■ Temperature

❖ Hyperparameters (4%)

➢ Try at least 2 settings of each strategies and compare the result.

➢ What is your final generation strategy? (you can combine any of them)


Bonus: Applied RL on Summarization (2%)

❖ Algorithm (1%)

➢ Describe your RL algorithms, reward function, and hyperparameters.

❖ Compare to Supervised Learning (1%)

➢ Observe the loss, ROUGE score and output texts, what differences can you find?




What You Can Do

❖ Allowed packages/tools:

➢ Python 3.8 / 3.9 and Python Standard Library

➢ PyTorch 1.7.1, TensorFlow 2.4.1, pytorch-lightning 1.2.3

➢ transformers, datasets, accelerate, sentencepiece

➢ rouge, spacy, nltk, ckiptagger, tqdm, pandas, jsonlines

➢ Dependencies of above packages/tools.

❖ If you want to use other package, mail TA.

❖ You can use any package you want when writing report.


What You Can NOT Do

❖ Use external training data

➢ E.g. scrape news from the internet

❖ Any means of cheating or plagiarism, including but not limited to:

➢ Use other classmates’ published / unpublished code.., including students who took previous ML / ADL / MLDS.

➢ Just copy and past any public available code without modification

➢ Use package or tools not allowed.

➢ Give/get trained model to/from others.

➢ Give/get report answers or plots to/from others.

➢ Publish your code before deadline.

❖ Violation may cause zero/negative score and punishment from school.





❖ Model performance (10%)

➢ Public baseline (5%)

➢ Private baseline (5%)

❖ Report (10% + 2%)

➢ In PDF format!

➢ Score of each problem is shown in the Report section.

❖ Format

➢ You may lose (some or all) of your model performance score if your script is at wrong location, causes any error, etc.


Submission - Format


Submission - File Layout

❖ You are required to submit .zip file to NTU Cool

❖ File structure for the .zip file (case-sensitive):

➢ /[student id (lower-cased)]/ (Brackets not included.)

■ download.sh

■ run.sh


■ report.pdf

■ code/all other files you need


Submission - Scripts


➢ Do not modify your file after deadline, or it will be seen as cheating.

Keep the URLs in download.sh valid for at least 2 weeks after deadline.

Do not do things more than downloading. Otherwise, your download.sh may be killed.

You can download at most 4G, and download.sh should finish within 1 hour. (At csie dept with maximum 10MB/s bandwidth)

❖ You can upload your model to Dropbox. (see tutorial)

❖ We will execute download.sh before predicting scripts.


Submission - Scripts


❖ Arguments:

➢ ${1}: path to the input file

➢ ${2}: path to the output file

❖ TA will predict testing data as follow:

➢ bash ./download.sh

➢ bash ./run.sh /path/to/input.jsonl /path/to/output.jsonl

❖ Specify the Python version (3.8 or 3.9) in the .sh file.

➢ Default python version would be 3.8

➢ Ex. python3.8 predict.py … / python3.9 predict.py … “python” would be python3.8

Make sure your code works!


Submissiom - Reproducibility

❖ All the code you used to train, predict, plot figures for the report should should be upload.

❖ We will remove the answers in public.jsonl when we reproduce your submission.


➢ Write down how to train your model with your code/script specifically.

➢ If necessary, you will be required to reproduce your results based on the README.md.

➢ If you cannot reproduce your result, you may lose points.

❖ You will get at least - 2 penalty if you have no or empty



Execution Environment

❖ Will be run on computer with

➢ Ubuntu 20.04

➢ 32 GB RAM, GTX 3070 8G VRAM, 20G disk space available.

➢ the packages we allow only.

➢ python 3.8 / 3.9

❖ Do NOT train with very large model (e.g. mt5-xl) or you will get an out of memory error on 8G VRAM.

Time limit: 1 hours for run.sh in total

❖ You will lose (some or all) your model performance score

if your script is at wrong location, or cause any error.


Late Submission Penalty

❖ Late submission of "code and report":

➢ 0 day < late submission ≤ 1 day: original score * 0.95

➢ 1 day < late submission ≤ 3 day: original score * 0.90

➢ 3 day < late submission ≤ 4 day: original score * 0.75

➢ 4 day < late submission ≤ 5 day: original score * 0.50

➢ 5 day < late submission ≤ 6 day: original score * 0.25

➢ 6 day < late submission: original score * 0.00

❖ Late submission is determined by the last submission.

➢ Update your submission after deadline implies that you will get penalty.




Text-to-Text Transformer (T5)

Decoder Bi-Encoder



Hidden state


Hidden state









❖ Pre-trained mt5-small is very large. (300M parameters, 3x than BERT-base)

❖ Some tips to reduce GPU memory usage:

➢ Reduce batch size + gradient accumulation

➢ Truncate text length (256/64 for input/output can pass the baseline)

➢ fp16 (transformers==4.5.0 has a bug on T5 fp16 training)

➢ adafactor (instead of Adam)

❖ For reference, you can pass the baseline within 4 hours

training on single RTX 3070 8G if your code is correct.


How to Fix T5 FP16 Training

● https://github.com/huggingface/transformers/pull/10956

● Install fixed version transformers library

○ git clone https://github.com/huggingface/transformers.git

○ git checkout t5-fp16-no-nans

○ pip install -e .



❖ T5

➢ https://huggingface.co/transformers/model_doc/t5.html

➢ https://huggingface.co/transformers/model_doc/mt5.html

❖ Generation:

➢ https://huggingface.co/transformers/main_classes/model.html#generatio n





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