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A Study of Introducing The Participative Management into Property Management Systems in Elementary Schools 李欣欣、包冬意


Academic year: 2022

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A Study of Introducing The Participative Management into Property Management Systems in Elementary Schools


E-mail: 9607406@mail.dyu.edu.tw


Good administrative efficiency brings up good teaching quality. Computerization of administrative affairs of schools is the essential work of promoting administrative efficiency. There is no exception that primary school adopt it. It is the important work of the school that the property is managed. Though there are “The Property Administrative System of The Counties and Cities” offered free by the auditing department of the Executive Yuan in the elementary school, but the design of this system lacks the functions of the participative management, besides administrative staff, other relevant personnel with business have no way of participating in, it is unable to bring information to go shares, to promote the purpose of efficiency, and that become one of business personnel's pressure sources instead. This research probes into the meaning of the participative management, state theoretical foundation, application, way, function, and expound the necessity of introducing the participative management into property management systems. Then gather together the demand for exactly participating in management by way of focus group's meeting, analyse and channel into the way to participate in management, then carry on systematic function, program directory, the designs of the database and operation interface separately, and with easy to obtain and use extensive PHP language and MySQL database system, trying to make one property management systems to introduce the participative management into. Show every main function and characteristic of the property management system of this research finally, assess and compare the system developed with this research and “The Property Administrative System of The Counties and Cities”, whether accord with the spirit of the participative

management. Summarize the systematic characteristic developed by this research finally, it can really achieve the goal of participating in management, propose the future research direction of the property management system.

Keywords : property management ; (the property administrative system of the counties and cities ; the participative management Table of Contents

內容目錄 中文摘要 ................... iii 英文摘要 ................... iv 誌謝辭 .................... vi 內容目錄 ................... vii 表目錄

.................... ix 圖目錄 .................... xi 第一章 緒論..

................ 1 第一節 研究背景與動機............. 1 第二節 研究目的....

............ 3 第三節 研究範圍與限制............. 3 第四節 研究流程........

........ 4 第五節 論文架構................ 6 第二章 文獻探討............

.... 7 第一節 參與管理................ 7 第二節 國民小學財產管理............

19 第三節 縣市財產管理系統概況.......... 25 第四節 財產管理系統導入參與管理之必要性.... 33 第三 章 系統分析與設計............. 39 第一節 焦點團體會議資料分析.......... 39 第二節 系統 分析................ 43 第三節 系統設計................ 54 第四章 系統建置與 評估............. 74 第一節 系統建置環境.............. 74 第二節 系統功能展示..

............ 77 第三節 系統效益評估.............. 93 第五章 結論與未來發展....

......... 96 第一節 結論.................. 96 第二節 未來發展方向........

...... 96 參考文獻 ................... 98 附錄A 徵求出席者之宣傳電子郵件.....

... 106 附錄B 焦點團體會議相關資料.......... 107 附錄C 焦點團體會議導引...........

. 108 附錄D 焦點團體會議記錄............ 109 附錄E 焦點團體會議出席者基本資料表...... 116 REFERENCES

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