Master Thesis
Coherent Texture Synthesis for Photograph Relighting and Texture Replacement
Ë(Yuan-Chung Shen)
(Yung-Yu Chuang, PhD.)
(Ming Ouhyoung, PhD.)
Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering
National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan
Photometric Stereo
In this thesis, we present a texture synthesis method for realistic rendering without acquiring the actual reflectance properties. The method is from the observation that most objects have texture repeatedly laid on different locations of their surface explicitly or implicitly. These samples form a pretty sparse set of BTFs. Our goal is to extract the underlying texture from photographs of the object, and to transfer the texture to other objects with different illumination. This method is very simple and provides pseudo-BTFs reflectance, using tex- ture synthesis approaches.
The input data is acquired directly from a few of photographs. These photographs contain appearances of the object with different lighting directions at a fixed viewpoint. We use Photometric Stereo to estimate the normal map and the unshaded image in preprocessing.
Then, different texture points (texels) are recognized by their pixel values with neighborhood matching, using segmentation and labeling. Therefore, we can transfer the texture to another object and render it under different illumination conditions using these clustered texels.
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Problem statement . . . 2
1.2 System overview and thesis organization . . . 3
2 Related work 5 2.1 BRDFs and BTFs . . . 5
2.2 Photometric stereo . . . 7
2.3 Texture synthesis over surfaces . . . 7
3 Acquisition 9 3.1 Setup and acquisition . . . 9
3.1.1 Light calibration . . . 9
3.2 Photometric stereo . . . 10
4 Photograph relighting 13 4.1 Texel clustering . . . 13
4.2 Shading maps . . . 14
4.3 Relighting . . . 16
5 Texture replacement 19 5.1 The approach . . . 19
5.1.1 Image analogies . . . 19
5.1.2 Feature vectors . . . 21
5.2 Rendering . . . 21
6 Results 23 6.1 Synthetic objects . . . 23
6.2 Real objects . . . 23
6.3 Environment mapping . . . 26
7 Conclusion and future work 29
7.1 Conclusion . . . 29 7.2 Future work . . . 29
List of Figures
1.1 System Overview . . . 3 3.1 Light Calibration . . . 10 3.2 Photometric Stereo. The left image is one of the captured ”melon” pho-
tographs, the middle one is the recovered normal map, and the right one is the unshaded image. . . 11 4.1 Texel Clustering . . . 14 4.2 Shading Maps. . . 15 4.3 Pseudo BTF reconstruction. Applying shading maps on the original object.
The radiance is increasing linearly for each image. . . 15 4.4 Relighting. These images are the results of relighting under different illumi-
nation model and different light directions, using constructed shading maps.
The left columns are Lambertian model, while the right ones are Phong model. 17 5.1 Image Analogies. A and A’ are the normal maps of the source and target
objects, while B and B’ are the unshaded images of the source and target object. . . 20 5.2 Results. These images are the results of relighting the synthesized target
object under Lambertian model (left column) and Phong model (right column) with different light directions . . . 22 6.1 Texture transfer and relighting for synthetic objects. The images in the left
column are rendered in OpenGL as our source objects. The images in the middle and right columns are generated by our method and rendered in Lam- bertian Model and in Phong Model respectively. . . . 24
6.2 Texture transfer and relighting for real objects. The images in the left column are the source objects. The images in the middle and right columns are generated by our method and rendered in Lambertian Model and in Phong Model respectively. . . . 25 6.3 Texture transfer and relighting for real objects. The images in the left column
are the source objects. The images in the middle and right columns are generated by our method and rendered in Lambertian Model and in Phong Model respectively. . . . 27 6.4 Rendering with environment mapping. . . 27
Chapter 1 Introduction
Rendering objects realistically has been one of the major goals in research and commercial use for years. Computer graphics applications increasingly require textures to represent del- icate surfaces with highly reflective properties without modeling geometric details. However, constructing a surface with complicated appearances manually is an extremely tough and tedious task. Besides, as the development of graphics hardware, in game or film industries, programmers often use shading languages to develop shaders for modeling the appearance of various materials. Nevertheless, it is still very common that a generalized surface shader has dozens of arguments to accomplish and causes developers to be exhausted for tuning the parameters.
A number of techniques have been discussed to address such a problem, and lots of solu- tions have been proposed to approximate the goal. Algorithms exist for synthesizing a wide variety of textures over surfaces, but they may require more information about geometric details. On the other hand, more rendering artifacts with complex reflectance properties are desired in practical use. Typically, generating realistic results requires knowledge of accurate light-transport models, such as Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Functions (BRDFs) or Bidirectional Texture Functions (BTFs). Unfortunately, full coverage of all viewing and lighting directions is difficult to acquired or estimated. Recently, image-based rendering have come to notice since appropriate synthesis of real photographs provides appealing results.
However, these methods could not be easy to carry out. Thus, our goal is to create realistic results without much difficulty.
Generally speaking, photographs are usually taken under complex illumination environ- ment (e.g. outdoor), but the lighting condition is not acquired simultaneously. Also, we have no idea about the geometry of the objects we take in the photographs. Thus, by analyzing
the shading of objects to acquire their reflectance seems not applicable since the illumina- tion and geometry remain unknown. In our work, we do not use techniques, such as shape from shading, to analyze the shading of objects in photographs. Instead, we directly use the distribution of the shading as pseudo-reflectance for rendering facilities. Although this analysis is not physically correct, our pseudo rendering is still transparent for human vision systems since our eyes are tolerant towards such an slight defect.
The idea of this work is based on the observation of [HE03]. They use a photograph of a sphere or ellipsoid of the source material as the exemplar and generate a realistic rendering of a input 3D surface by sampling from it non-uniformly. Their method is very simple but produces realistic results. However, they can only render the target model with the same illumination as the input photograph. If the input illumination changes, the target rendering requires re-synthesis and causes the inconsistency of the textured appearance. Our work extends their approach and tries to keep the consistency of the texture under different illumination.
1.1 Problem statement
Our work aims at photo-realistic rendering from the view of texture synthesis techniques.
For non-emitting objects, the image formation can be computed according to the rendering equation [Kaj86], expressed as
I(x) =
Ωρ(x, ωi, ωo)L(ωi)(ωi· N)dωi,
where I is the pixel value as a function of position x, L is the lighting vector with incident direction ωi over a hemisphere Ω around the surface normal N, and ρ is the reflectance function which governs the amount of light into the viewpoint with the direction ωo from all directions ωi. With the purpose of manipulating textured objects, we are interested in two phases:
• fill ρ from pretty sparse samples of input photographs for different illumination L(ωi)
• re-arrange ρ for all x by matching new N in order to replace the texture on other surfaces, using texture synthesis methods
However, in the above equation, there are two unknown variables: the reflectance function ρ, and the surface normal N. All we know are the pixel values I and the light L. Because our source object is illuminated in a single point light source, we can eliminate the integration over the hemisphere. What we do is to fill the function of ρ and use it for another surface.
Normal Map Unshaded
Index (Texture)
Rough Normal Map Input Images
Photometric Stereo
Low-pass filter
New Index
New Object Texture
Texel Clustering Shading
Normal Map
Rough Normal Map
Low-pass filter
Image Analogies
Figure 1.1: System Overview
1.2 System overview and thesis organization
Figure 1.1 is the overview of this thesis. The input data is acquired by simple acquisition. We fix the viewpoint and change the lighting directions to capture several photographs. Then, we will use Photometric Stereo to estimate the normal map and the unshaded image of the source object. With the unshaded image, we can guess the distribution of the underlying texture points by our clustering method and generate an index map for the object. Such an index map can generate shading maps from input images for real-time rendering. Besides, we can also use this index map to texture on other objects according to the combined consideration of the texture coherence and the geometry surface, using Image Analogies.
The thesis is organized as follows. Related work about illumination models and texture synthesis is summarized briefly in Chapter 2. Data acquisition, calibration, and preprocess are described in Chapter 3. The key component, texel clustering, is introduced in Chapter 4. After recognizing texels, texture transferring with Image Analogies can be achieved in Chapter 5. The experiment results are given in Chapter 6. We will make a brief conclusion and discuss some future work in Chapter 7.
Chapter 2
Related work
One of the major challenges in computer graphics is photo-realistic rendering of complex materials. For accurate rendering of real-world objects, image-based rendering plays an important part in such an area. An important problem towards the acquisition of the geometry and reflectance properties of real objects. Recent years, many researchers make their efforts on using multiple photographs to recover the reflection model of certain material for photo-like rendering. However, there are still many unknown variables in considering truly situation, which requires more sophisticated and elaborate models of surface properties. Our work treats several photographs of a source material as a set of BTF samples and samples from it to synthesize a rendering. For this purpose, several related research in different aspects will be discussed in this chapter.
2.1 BRDFs and BTFs
In order to describe the light-transport response in the real world, many illumination model are proposed for realistic rendering. A simplified local reflection model called Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function (BRDF) is proposed and characterizes the process where light transport occurs at an idealized surface point. BRDF is a function of four variables defined on the cross product of two hemispheres, and it describes the ratio of reflected radiance to incident flux per unit area:
ρ(θi, φi, θr, φr) = dLr(θr, φr) dEi(θi, φi),
where L is the radiance, E is the irradiance, (θi, φi) are the incident angles, and (θr, φr) are the reflected angles.
Matusik et al. [MPBM03] introduced a data-driven reflectance model for isotropic BRDFs.
Each acquired image of sample sphere represents a dense set of BRDF samples, and each pixel of the sphere can be treated as a separate BRDF measurement. Nevertheless, tradi- tional method for capturing full coverage of BRDFs takes lots of time and storage. Recent research involves estimation of the reflectance properties of the material by performing sparse sampling with interpolation and extrapolation. Kautz et al. [KSS+04] proposed a technique for the easy acquisition of realistic materials without acquiring the actual BRDFs. They captured several images for different light directions in a fixed orthogonal viewing direction.
These set of acquired data forms a shading map, in which the average radiance is increasing linearly for every image. Therefore, real-time rendering can be performed by simply table lookup of this shading map according to the chosen BRDFs. Using extremely simple equip- ment, Paterson et al. [PCF05] presented a new method for BRDF parameters and surface geometry capturing with a standard digital camera and an attached flash as an portable cap- ture device. They can capture materials with spatially varying BRDF and recover geometry and BRDF parameters with fewer samples on a roughly planar object.
Although BRDF is proposed to describe reflectance properties of certain material, there are still some problems that are not concerned about. In real world, many materials exhibit rich reflection properties which are influenced as a result of small-scale geometry details.
Dana et al. [DvGNK99] proposed a new texture representation called Bidirectional Texture Function (BTF) to model visual appearance of both reflectance and meso-structure. BTF is a six dimensional function, described as BT F (x, y, θi, φi, θr, φr), where (x, y) are the texture coordinates, (θi, φi) are the light direction, and (θr, φr) are the viewing direction. It extends conventional 2D texture with varying lighting and viewing directions, which captures many visual effects such as translucency, inter-reflection, shadow, and occlusion effects of real world material. Unfortunately, BTF acquisition needs more dense samples to recover the reflection properties with different viewing and light directions. Liu et al. [LYS01] introduced a novel approach for synthesizing large-scale BTFs. They recover an approximate surface geometry of measured sample using a shape-from-shading method, and regard the height field as a gray scale image to synthesize a new surface with traditional 2D texture synthesis algorithms. Using a reference BTF image, they can synthesize BTF on the new surface geometry by applying local appearance preserving texture synthesis.
Without much difficulty, Haro et al. [HE03] presented a computationally inexpensive method for rendering a 3D surface using a single photograph. The concept from Haro et al.
is like the inverse of the work by Hertzmann [HS03], whick also uses a reference sphere but
to reconstruct the reflection properties from the image. Haro et al. use a photograph of a sphere or ellipsoid of the source material as the exemplar, sample from it non-uniformly, and coherently produce a realistic rendering of an input 3D model from a fixed viewpoint and light direction. They use Image Analogies [HJO+01] as their matching algorithm, which will consider normal and texture simultaneously as feature vectors to synthesize a 3D surface.
The key idea is that the shape, i.e. sphere or ellipsoid, provide enough coverage of the complete set of normals for recovery, and these can be used as a good estimate for rendering a complex surface with the same material. Their method is very simple, but fills the niche between pure 2D texture synthesis methods and full BTF synthesis.
2.2 Photometric stereo
For image-based rendering, we may need to know the underlined surface geometry and lighting condition. Photometric Stereo was first introduced by Woodham[Woo80]. It gives us a hint that we can estimate local surface orientation by different shaded images. Under different illumination, the intensities of the same facet depend on both the local surface normal and the lighting direction. Therefore, we can reconstruct the underlying geometry and material based on these images.
Goldman et al. [GCHS04] extend the work taken by Hertzmann et al. [HS03] and propose a method to extract per-pixel BRDFs along with 3D shape. Their captured photographs are with the same viewpoint and different illumination. They observed that the materials can be depicted as a combination of different fundamental materials. Therefore, they can reconstruct the shape and the spatially-varying BRDFs by optimizing BRDF parameters of an objective function. Based on the shape and the material reconstructed by their method, it can also work for illumination editing and material transfer between models.
2.3 Texture synthesis over surfaces
There are many methods to wrap a rectangular texture image onto a surface. Different nearest-neighbor search methods has been shown to produce results of good quality. Their goal is to synthesize textures on the surface directly, avoid noticeable seams between syn- thesized patches and minimize the distortion of the texture pattern. Wei and Levoy [WL01]
demonstrated the ability to synthesize general textures over arbitrary manifold surfaces with dense polygon meshes. With a similar idea, Turk [Tur01] used the vector field specified by
users to indicate the orientation of the texture for synthesizing. Considering a general type of texture, Ying [YHBZ01] synthesize textures on surfaces from examples. Although all of the work produced good results in synthesis, they require more information about the polygon meshes in their algorithms.
Texture synthesis has been widely researched for years. With copying small patches re- peatedly, texture synthesis can generate a larger image for practical rendering. Different from traditional synthesis methods, Lefebvre et al. [LH05] introduced a novel texture syn- thesis scheme based on neighborhood matching. This algorithm can be adapted to parallel synthesis for creating infinite texture without the limited variety of tiles. For each exemplar, they use coordinates instead of pixel values to synthesize texture into a coarse-to-fine pyra- mid. We borrow such an idea from their work in synthesis. Besides, for texture variability, they can add jitter and more user control to perturb the coordinates which will determine the resulting appearance.
Recently, several related photograph editing techniques are proposed to easily manipu- late the appearance from images. With single photograph, Fang et al. [FH04] developed a sophisticated tools of shape-from-shading and distorted graphcut textures combined to conveniently and robustly synthesize textures on objects in photographs. This method uses a simple Lambertian reflectance model to reconstruct the surface normal of small patches and to segment these patches by the reconstructed normal. Warping each segmentation of these patches according to their orientation can apply textures to other objects, and using graphcut technique to generate seamless textures. However, this method is limited to simple lighting conditions with smooth diffuse surfaces, because the recovered normal is not accu- rate if the shading is much more complex. Like the work of Fang et al. [FH04], Khan et al.
[KRFB06] proposed an automatically texture and material editing method. They assume that human vision are very tolerant of physical in accuracies, such as shadow, translucency, and transparency. Based on such an assumption, they estimated surface geometry and envi- ronment lighting condition with simple approaches from single photograph. They can then apply new texture or other reflectance properties, such as BRDF or translucency, on the recovered surface. The results are very appealing, though they are not physically correct.
Chapter 3 Acquisition
In this chapter, we will briefly describe the acquisition process of our system. The acquisi- tion and the preprocess are very simple. We only need to capture several (at least three) photographs at the same viewpoint with different lighting directions. After capturing these photographs, we will recover the normal map and the unshaded image in preprocess.
3.1 Setup and acquisition
Our acquisition procedure is described as follows. The acquired object is located in a black box and illuminated by a distant point light source at different incident directions. A mirror ball is then put beside the acquired object for light calibration. The camera is orthographic and the light source is a distant light. We assume that the target is a Lambertian object and the black box will diminish the effect of the ambient light. The distance between the object and the camera is about 2 meters, and the distance between the object and the light is about 1 meters. During the acquisition, we capture one image per light direction, and there are total of about 9 photographs.
3.1.1 Light calibration
After acquisition, we need to estimate the light direction for each captured photograph.
For light calibration, we locate the brightest pixel on the mirror ball and trace the lighting direction from the pixel. We assume that the mirror ball is a perfectly reflected sphere. The location of the brightest pixel p represents the corresponding point where total reflection occurs at the surface tangent plane. The light direction L is then on the opposite side of the normal N from the viewpoint V , i.e. (0, 0, 1), as shown in Figure 3.1. We can then compute
mirror ball surface
tangent plane p
Figure 3.1: Light Calibration L from N and V :
L = N cos(θ) + (N cos(θ)− V )
= 2N cos(θ)− V
= 2N (N · V ) − V
3.2 Photometric stereo
The goal in preprocess is to recover the normal map and the unshaded image of the target object. Because we assume that the target is a diffuse object, for normal recovery and unshading, we follow the Photometric Stereo [Woo80] approach:
I = ρN · L −→ I· L−1 = ρN so that, ρ = |I · L−1|
N = 1ρI· L−1
where I is the intensity, L = [LxLyLz] is the light direction, N = [NxNyNz] is the normal, and ρ is the albedo for each pixel. The N is the desired normal map, and we take ρ as our unshaded image, since we assume that the source is a diffuse object. We need only three
Figure 3.2: Photometric Stereo. The left image is one of the captured ”melon” photographs, the middle one is the recovered normal map, and the right one is the unshaded image.
images to recover N , and the inverse L−1 exists if and only if the three vectors Li do not lie in the same plane. In our case, for robustness, we prefer to capture more than three photographs to solve an over-determined linear system:
I1 I2 . . . In
L1x L1y L1z L2x L2y L2z ... ... ... Lnx Lny Lnz
= ρ Nx Ny Nz
Chapter 4
Photograph relighting
After acquisition, we have several samples of an static object at a fixed viewpoint with different lighting directions. In this chapter, we present a new idea for pseudo-BTF recon- struction. We will first cluster all pixels into different texture points (texels). Therefore, each cluster can form shading maps from those samples of photographs for later rendering.
We can then illuminate the object with other lighting conditions or apply any BRDFs on it for altering its appearance with different reflective behavior by simple table-look-up of these shading maps.
4.1 Texel clustering
Our observation is from the texture mapping technique in the traditional computer graphics applications. If we would like to display an object with complex appearance, the easiest way is to glue a texture image with such a pattern. This texture image will be duplicated and pasted on the surface at different location according its texture coordinates. However, for real objects, we cannot figure out the texture coordinate for each pixel. Our approach is from the clustering and labeling method.
The input of our texel clustering method is an unshaded image of the source object, i.e.
albedos. We suppose that there should be a certain texture pattern laid on its surface. If we can reconstruct the underlying texture by analyzing its texels, we can retrieve the texture for further rendering or texture replacement. We assume that different texture points (texels) have different albedos and have coherence with their neighbors on its appearance. The goal of texel clustering is to recognize different texels and to group them, as shown in Figure 4.1.
We take a two-step approach for our clustering method:
Figure 4.1: Texel Clustering
• group all pixels by their albedos
• cluster each pixel of the same albedo by neighborhood matching
We first group pixels only by albedos. For acceleration, we use k-means algorithm to minimize a total intra-cluster variance:
V =
k i=1
| xj − ui |2
where there are k clusters Ci, i = 1, 2, . . . , k, ui is the centroid point of the cluster, and
xj = (Rj, Gj, Bj)∈ Ci.
After picking up pixels with the same albedo, we will further cluster them by neighbor- hood matching, which makes the texel more consistent. We also use k-means algorithm to cluster pixels as above, but here xj =(Rt, Gt, Bt), where t = neighbor(j).
By this two-step clustering method, we can cluster all pixels into several groups, and each group represents an texel of the underlying texture of the object. We will give each group an unique label, i.e. index. Therefore, we can relight the object or synthesize the texture on another object by the indices to the texels.
4.2 Shading maps
Before rendering the object, we will generate shading maps S(k, r) = (R, G, B) first, where k is the index of a certain texel and r corresponds to the rendering coefficient, e.g. N · L.
Shading maps are like a stack of images of the underlying texture under different lighting conditions. Once we want to render an object with such a texture by a specific rendering
Shading Maps
Camera Viewer
Acquisition Rendering
Figure 4.2: Shading Maps.
Figure 4.3: Pseudo BTF reconstruction. Applying shading maps on the original object. The radiance is increasing linearly for each image.
coefficient r-value, rendering can be easily achieved by a simple table-look-up into these shading maps, as shown in Figure 4.2.
After clustering pixels by separate texels, for each texel, we can collect all pixels with different normals and lighting directions from input images. We will then construct a sorted list from this collection by N· L. Re-sampling from this list uniformly can generate a series variation of such a texel from dark to bright. It is done by querying different but uniformly distributed ri with linear interpolation, extrapolation, or even scaling from this sorted list.
ri = i
N, i = 0, 1, . . . , N,
where N is the number of the acquired levels of the shading maps. Repeating all texels forms shading maps, which can also be seen as a sparse set of the texture under different rendering
coefficients, as seen in Figure ??.
4.3 Relighting
After generating shading maps, rendering with different lighting conditions is fairly simple.
At first, we will compute rendering coefficient r for each pixel p. Although we assume diffuse objects during shading maps construction, we can use any other BRDFs for r instead, such as Phong model, as well as Lambertian model, i.e. N · L, as shown in Figure 5.2. As stated before, after deciding rendering coefficient r, we do a table-look-up into our shading maps S(index(p), r), and copy the (R, G, B) values to the target object. It also performs linear interpolation of different r for smoothing with varied lighting conditions. If the desired value r is beyond the maximum or under the minimum in the shading maps, we can either clamp rk to the maximum or minimum or scale the pixel value for the desired r.
Figure 4.4: Relighting. These images are the results of relighting under different illumination model and different light directions, using constructed shading maps. The left columns are Lambertian model, while the right ones are Phong model.
Chapter 5
Texture replacement
In this chapter, we would like to replace the texture of the target object, using the index map generated by our texel clustering method. Different from other texture synthesis methods, we synthesize the index map for the target object instead of the pixel values directly. In this way, we can change the illumination after synthesis as the same as in the previous chapter.
5.1 The approach
After clustering pixels into each texel, we can almost retrieve the texture of the source object.
For texture replacement, we use the index map of the source object to generate that of the target object by traditional 2D texture synthesis algorithms. In order to match the surface geometry with the texture, here we use normals as well as the texture coherence (albedos) for synthesizing since we assume that the source object provides enough coverage of the complete samples of the normals. Besides, for fluctuant surfaces, we will blur the normal map in preprocess by some low-pass filter to eliminate the influence of the high-frequency details and to maintain the coherent structure. Before synthesizing, we will first encode normal maps into color images, i.e. (R, G, B) maps to (X, Y, Z). As a result, we can perform matching in 2D images (the encoded images) instead of over the 3D surface.
5.1.1 Image analogies
In order to preserve both small and large scale for fine-detailed surfaces, we use neighborhood matching in multi-resolution pyramids. As the same as [HE03], we follow Image Analogies [HJO+01] as our matching algorithm, which could be seen in Figure 5.1. Our texture transfer algorithm takes a set of four images as input: the normal map A of the source object, the
Figure 5.1: Image Analogies. A and A’ are the normal maps of the source and target objects, while B and B’ are the unshaded images of the source and target object.
unshaded image B of the source object, the index map I of the source object, and the normal map A of the target object, and it will produce the unshaded image B and the index map I of the target object as output.
The matching procedure are described as follows. At first, in the initialization step, three image pyramids (multi-scale representation) are constructed for the normals A and albedos B of the source object and the normals A of the target object. The synthesis algorithm then proceeds from the coarsest level to the finest level, one level at a time, computing each one of the unshaded image B of the target object. At each level l, the feature vectors F (Bq) is constructed for each pixel q on the source object before synthesis. Each pixel p to be synthesized on the target object B will then be compared against for each q by these feature vectors in scan-line order. The matching procedure have two phases:
• global search, which attempts to find the closest pixel with the minimum distance according to the feature vectors F (Bp) and F (Bq)
• coherent search, which tries to preserve the coherence with the synthesized pixels in its neighbors
For the global search, we use ANN [MA97], a library for approximate nearest neighbor search- ing, to accelerate the matching procedure. For the coherence search, based on Ashikhmin’s approach [Ash01], each synthesized pixel around the pixel generates a shifted candidate ac- cording to its position. The best match pixel will then be chosen among the candidates from the global search and the coherence search. This is done for each pixel at each pyramid level, resulting in a synthesized image of the target object. Moreover, at the last step in the synthesis procedure, we will also copy the corresponding indices I of the source to the target instead of the albedo itself. Therefore, we can get a new index map I of the target object with the original texture for more rendering artifacts.
5.1.2 Feature vectors
For each pixel, a feature vector F are constructed from normals and albedos in the neigh- borhoods. At the coarsest level, F is composed of normals within the m-by-m neighborhood and albedos with the causal neighborhood (L-shape) around the pixel. At other levels, F is composed of normals and albedos within the n-by-n neighborhood in the previous level, normals within the m-by-m neighborhood and albedos with the causal neighborhood in this level. Such a feature vector will be computed for all pixels while searching and result in a very long dimensional array for matching. It not only ensures the consistency of the surface geometry but also preserves the texture coherence of the source object in more details.
5.2 Rendering
After synthesizing texture (index map) on the surface of the target object, we can render it with different illumination models as we did in the previous chapter. At first, we will also generating shading maps from those input images, the source object. We can then estimate the variation from dark to bright for each texel. During rendering the target object, we use the synthesized index map to look up the shading maps. With different lighting conditions or with different light reflection models, we may have different behavior to render this target object with the shading maps.
Figure 5.2: Results. These images are the results of relighting the synthesized target object under Lambertian model (left column) and Phong model (right column) with different light directions .
Chapter 6 Results
We have implemented our algorithm on an Intel P4 3.2 GHz personal computer, and we will present the results with four synthetic objects and four real ones as follows. Our method takes about 5 minutes for clustering texels and 3∼5 hours for transferring textures with images of resolution 512x512 pixels and with size of window 5x5 pixels. The rendering computation is close to real-time performance (30 FPS) with 10 samples of shading maps under illumination of 1 point light source.
6.1 Synthetic objects
Before presenting the final results, we first use some synthetic objects to verify our algorithms.
We expect that these objects will get better results because we can obtain near perfect normal maps and unshaded images. In Figure 6.1, we show several results on the same object with different kinds of texture. The source teapot are textured with different images in OpenGL, using its texture coordinates. These textures are almost stochastic textures, except the last one, ”brick”. We think that our synthesis method generates better results for stochastic textures than for structured ones. As it is shown, our method can produce realistic results for those textured target objects.
6.2 Real objects
We show the results of real objects in Figure 6.2. The first three objects are plastic balls wrapped with different pieces of cloth. There are two reasons for us to choose these source objects. One is because the sphere shape can provide enough coverage of normals for texture
Figure 6.1: Texture transfer and relighting for synthetic objects. The images in the left column are rendered in OpenGL as our source objects. The images in the middle and right columns are generated by our method and rendered in Lambertian Model and in Phong Model
Figure 6.2: Texture transfer and relighting for real objects. The images in the left column are the source objects. The images in the middle and right columns are generated by our method and rendered in Lambertian Model and in Phong Model respectively.
transfer, and the other is that such an object is more available. In the last example, we use a melon as our source object. The melon has an appearance with an irregular net structure which is very different with others.
6.3 Environment mapping
Except relighting with single point light source, we can also apply Environment Mapping on our target objects, as shown in Figure 6.4. This will produce more vivid results with complex lighting conditions from the around environment.
Figure 6.3: Texture transfer and relighting for real objects. The images in the left column are the source objects. The images in the middle and right columns are generated by our method and rendered in Lambertian Model and in Phong Model respectively.
Figure 6.4: Rendering with environment mapping.
Chapter 7
Conclusion and future work
7.1 Conclusion
In this thesis, we present an algorithm about texture synthesis for image relighting and tex- ture transfer. The main contribution of our work is that we keep the texture consistency and make it relightable during synthesis. We perform Photometric Stereo to retrieve the normal map and the unshaded image from input photographs. The texel clustering will then guess the underlying distribution of texture points. With the knowledge of these texels, we can alter the illumination and achieve real-time rendering by the construction of shading maps.
Besides, we can also replace the texture on other surfaces with these texels. Although we make some assumptions about the input photographs and the recovered reflectance proper- ties are not as physically correct as in the real world, the results are still unnoticeable for human eyes.
Our work provides a brand-new point of view for image-based rendering, and the texel clustering method also attempts to proved another approach for texture generation. Instead of interpolation for complete BTF reconstruction as in the previous work, we take the ap- proach of synthesis to analyse the reflectance behavior and are able to perform a pseudo but fast rendering under varied illumination.
7.2 Future work
There are still many interesting problems to be discussed for making this work more practical.
We are interested in using this approach to produce more vivid results and apply other artifacts from real objects. Although we can replace the texture from the source object on
the target one, we would like to transfer more shading artifacts to make the target more realistic, such as bump mapping or displacement mapping. We think this may require more information in constructing feature vectors for matching, and the synthesis algorithm we used now will probably have to be modified so that it may be able to work for accurate normal map propagation. Besides, in preprocessing, we only use simple illumination model to be fit by our captured photographs. The specular highlights or self-shadow cannot be handled very well, and it may produce incorrect results. We should use more complex models to analyse the source object such that we can get more accurate normal maps and unshaded images for better results.
As shown in the previous results, our method works well for stochastic textures. However, for regular textures, a better synthesis algorithm may be helpful to maintain the structured pattern of the texture. On the other hand, like other texture synthesis methods did, most of them focus on the issues about 2D images stitching. Although the input and output to our system are also 2D images, we think maybe we can try to apply our work on real 3D surface.
The idea is from mesh parameterization, for example, geometry image. If we can project the object on the texture space, we can do our work for its whole body, like texture coordinate generation. We can also use more traditional texture synthesis methods for better results.
Therefore, after re-projecting back to 3D domain, we may rotate the object and change different viewpoints instead of only in the front of it.
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