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2009.12.28 INT C 陳其財 任心如 林雅敏 陳哲偉 詹明毅





• Personal data

– Name : 黃XX黃 – Gender : Male

Age : 32 – Age : 32

– Native : 屏東

– Occupation : 工

– First Visit : 98/05/13



• Chief Complaint

– refer from LDC for extraction 38



• Present Illness

– This 32 y/o patient felt discomfort over 38

area about 2 months ago He came to LDC for area about 2 months ago.He came to LDC for help.The doctor referred him to our OPD for extraction of the 38 impaction.p



• Past medical history : y

– Hospitaliztation history (+)

– Denied any food and drug allergyDenied any food and drug allergy – Denied any systemic disease

• Past Dental History

– General dental treatment

• Attitude to dental treatment :

– CooperativeCooperative



• Personal data

– Risk factor related to malignancyRisk factor related to malignancy

• Alcohol : unknown

• Betel nut : unknown

• Betel nut : unknown

• Cigarette : unknown

• Other habit : unknown


X-ray findings


There is a well-defined unilocular ovoid shaped radiolucence with a corticated outline extending from CEJ of impacted tooth 38 to half of ramus and from 2cm under sigmoid g p g notch to the furcation of impacted tooth 38,measuring approximately 3x2 cm.

Filling :18 17 13 12 11 21 24 37 38 46 47 missing :15 26 48 Restorarion :16x14 25x27 35 36 44 45 impaction :28 38 Restorarion :16x14 25x27 35 36 44 45 impaction :28 38


There is a well-defined radiolucence lesion over posterior and superior of impacted tooth 38 The distal root and crown of

superior of impacted tooth 38. The distal root and crown of tooth38 is involved and the lamina dura of them was



There is a well-defined unilocular ovoid shaped radiolucence with a corticated outline extending from CEJ of impacted

with a corticated outline extending from CEJ of impacted tooth 38 to 3/4 of ramus and from 1cm under sigmoid notch to the mesial root of tooth 38,measuring approximately 4x2.5 cm The inferior alveolar canal is involved The root

cm. The inferior alveolar canal is involved. The root

resorption is noted.


C omputed T omography


P it E i i T h

P ositron E mission T omography



是異於傳統加馬照相機的新一代核子醫學儀 器 它利 –是異於傳統加馬照相機的新一代核子醫學儀 器,它利

用正子同位素產生互毀反應後所射出的成對加馬輻射 線來作為成像的原理


–PET影像資料如配合動脈血中正子同位素藥物濃度資料 以代謝模式加以運算,可求得單位組織代謝速率

正子攝影配合氟 標記葡萄糖作為放射藥劑 可進行 –正子攝影配合氟-18標記葡萄糖作為放射藥劑,可進行






例如 使用FDG可測得每單位組織每分鐘代謝多少分子 –例如:使用FDG可測得每單位組織每分鐘代謝多少分子 的葡萄糖, 使用15O-水可測定每單位組織的血流、血 量等



所以可用氟-18葡萄糖正子攝影來偵測惡性腫瘤,運用 的時機包括良惡性病灶的鑑別、治療前分期、治療中 再分期、治療效果的評估及治療後復發的追踨等。

再分期 治療效果的評估及治療後復發的追踨等。


Difference diagnosis


Difference diagnosis Difference diagnosis

‡ Intra-bony or peripheral

‡ Intra bony or peripheral

‡ Inflammation or cyst or neoplasm

‡ Benign or malignant


Intra-bony or peripheral origin?

Intra-bony or peripheral origin?

c Mucosal lesion : (-) d Induration : unknown e Bony destruction : (+)

f B i ( )

f Bony expansion : (-)


(but can’t rule out peripheral origin)


Inflammation? Cyst? Neoplasm?

Inflammation? Cyst? Neoplasm?

c F l l h t k

c Fever or local heat : unknown d Pain : (+) ( )

e Lymphadenopathy : unknown f Pus discharge : ( )

f Pus discharge : (-) g Duration : 2 months


(but can’t rule out NEOPLASM)


(if Neoplasm) Benign or malignant

(if Neoplasm) Benign or malignant

c M bilit ( ) c Mobility : (-)

d Ulceration : (-)


( ) e Induration : (-)

f Duration : 2 months


f Duration : 2 months g Pain : (+)

h Numbness: (-)

i Lymphadenopathy : unknown

i Lymphadenopathy : unknown

j Margin : well-defined


Working Diagnosis




Od t i K t t

Odontogenic Keratocyst Periapical Cyst


Unicystic Ameloblastoma Unicystic Ameloblastoma

Ameloblastic Fibroma

Odontogenic Fibroma

Odontogenic Fibroma


Odontogenic Keratocyst g y

Odontogenic Keratocyst Our Case Age gender 10~40 y/o slight male 32 y/o male

Age, gender 10 40 y/o, slight male 32 y/o, male X-ray Well-defined uni- or

multilocular R-L

Well-defined unilocular R-L Jaw 60~80% in mandible,

unerupted tooth

L’t mandibular ramus

Pain Small: painless Pain

Pain Small: painless Large: pain


Growth Slowly growing Slowly growing (6 months : 2x3 cm Æ 2 5x4 cm)

2x3 cm Æ 2.5x4 cm) Swelling Bony expansion and

thinning of cortical plates

No bony expansion

Effects on tooth

Less root resorption No root resorption


Periapical Cyst

Periapical cyst Our case

Site unspecific L’t mandible

body and ramus body and ramus

Gender unspecific Male

Ageg unspecificp 32 y/oy

Size Vary in size About 2 x 3 cm

Symptom / -No s/s, unless there is an acute P’t felt Symptom /


No s/s, unless there is an acute inflammatory exacerbation.

-Large size:swelling and mild sensitivity -Movement of adjacent teeth are possible

P t felt


j p

Pain Often:(-)



Radiographic Features

- A round radiolucency encircles the affected tooth apex.

- Loss of the lamina dura along the

dj t t

An ovoid RL involved distal root of tooth 38 adjacent root

- Root resorption is common


Unicystic Ameloblastoma

Unicystic Ameloblastoma Our case

Site More than 90% in L’t mandible body

Posterior Mandible and ramus

Gender unspecific Male

A M t i ’t 32 /

Age -Most common in younger p’t -About 50% diagnosed during

10~20 y/o

Average age:23 y/o

32 y/o

-Average age:23 y/o

Size Vary in size About 2 x 3 cm

Symptom / -Often asymptomatic P’t felt uncomfort Symptom /


Often asymptomatic

-Large lesions may cause a painless swelling of the jaws

P t felt uncomfort

Pain ( ) (+)

Pain (-) (+)

Radiographic Features

Circumscribed radiolucency Combine impacted tooth

An ovoid RL involved distal root of tooth 38 p

(often Md. 3rd molar)


Ameloblastic Fibroma

Ameloblastic Fibroma Our case Site The most common in the

posterior mandible(about 50%)

L’t mandible body and ramus

Gender Male > female Male

Gender Male female Male

Age Most common in the 0~20 y/o 32 y/o

Size Vary in size About 2 x 3 cm

Symptom / Sign


LargeÆswelling of the jaws

P’t felt uncomfort

Pain ( ) (+)

Pain (-) (+)

Radiographic Features

Well-defined unilocular or Multilocular RL

An ovoid RL involved distal Combined impacted teeth (about 75%) root of tooth 38


Central odontogenic fibroma

Central odontogenic fibroma Our case

Gender female Male

A M 40 / 32 /

Age Mean age: 40 y/o 32 y/o

Symptom - Uncomfortable

Site Mandible, post. L’t mandible body

Site Mandible, post. L t mandible body

and ramus

Size - About 4x2.5 cm

Outline Small lesion: unilocular Large lesion: mutilocular


border Well defined with a Well defined with border Well-defined with a

sclerotic border

Well-defined with corticated border

shape ovoid

Effect on surrounding structure

Root resorption Root divergence

Large lesion:bony expansion

Involved distal root of tooth 38

Large lesion:bony expansion teeth lossening


Clinical impression Clinical impression

• Odontogenic keratocyst, left mandibular





Treatment course Treatment course

• 98.05.13

– First visit :asking for 38 extraction – X-ray finding : dentigerous cyst

Suggest OP – Suggest OP

• 98.11.27

– OP :enucleation+ 38 extraction+ bone graft OP :enucleation+ 38 extraction+ bone graft

• 98.12.08

– Specimen report: salivary duct carcinoma p p y

• 98.12.11

– OP: Wide excision (partial mandibulectomy)


Salivary duct carcinoma Salivary duct carcinoma

– uncommon highly malignant tumor – mean age : 56 years (older man)g y ( ) – Site:

• parotid gland parotid gland

• submandibular salivary gland

• minor salivary glands in the maxilla minor salivary glands in the maxilla


Salivary duct carcinoma Salivary duct carcinoma

– 27% of the tumors

• arose from pre-existing pleomorphic adenoma

– perineural and lymphatic invasion (common)


– Distant metastasis

( t f f il )

(most common cause of failure )


Th k f tt ti

Thanks for your attention





 Pano: There is a well-defined, not corticated, multilocular, scalloped radiolucency over left mandible body and symphysis, extending from the apex of tooth 42 to the distal side

Unilocular RL with corticated margin. Effects Impacted 48 with root resorption. Cortical bone expansion. Usually involve impacted mandibular 3 rd molar. Cyst usually attach the

There is a well-defined, unilocular radiolucency with corticated margin (lower margin of the lesion) over R’t mandibular body &amp; ramus, extending from distal side of tooth 46 to

corticated margin over the apex of tooth 32 to 46, extending from 32 root apex to mesial root apex of tooth 46 and from mandible alveolar ridge of 41 to 45 down to the

mandible, extending from distal side of tooth 32 and the impacted tooth 33 to the mesial root of tooth 75 and the impacted tooth 35, measuring about 3.0 x 3.0 cm²..

Tooth 37 upward displacement and tooth 38 root buccal displacement were noted Inferior alveolar canal upper border missing and corticated bone of lower border of mandibular

There is a well-defined unilocular round shaped radiolucence with a corticated margin over the apex of tooth 32,33, which extending from mesial aspect of tooth 34 root apex to

posterior maxilla, extending from the distal side of tooth 24 to the left maxillary tuberosity, and from 2/3 height of left maxillary sinus to the left maxillary.. alveolar crest