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The Application of Activity-Based Costing for the charges systems of District Court 蘇烈伯、楊維娟 ; 何文榮


Academic year: 2022

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The Application of Activity-Based Costing for the charges systems of District Court 蘇烈伯、楊維娟 ; 何文榮

E-mail: 9510745@mail.dyu.edu.tw


There are all kinds of user fees in our daily life: administration fee and legal fees, to name just a few. The scheduling of various user fees has enormous impacts to the rights of people. In order to fulfil the users-pay principle and improve the fee structure, the

Taiwanese government in 2002 issued and implemented the Charges and Fees Act, which stipulate the standards of costs that should be taken into consideration when it comes to the fee schedules, in order to promote the equality of financial burdens on people and safeguard people's rights. This research paper applies activity-based costing to contribute the costs of the resources in the court of the case study into individual operations and thus their matching cost items, so that more real costs of legal service fees are derived. Such true costs are compared against the corresponding charges in order to understand whether the charges are in line with the spirits of the Charges and Fees Act. The finding of this research project is aimed to serve as a reference to the regulators in their structuring of user fee charges. This research paper finds that execution fees, and notary fees that the court in question levies are greater than its service costs and the margin is equivalent to 10% or less of the expenses on the individual basis. Such a practice is in line with the cost-recovery principle. However, the litigation fees,the deposit fees charged for non-litigation events are not sufficient to cover the service sots and the shortage exceeds 90% of the costs, which is obviously not in line with the cost-recovery principle . This research paper suggests that the government should classify or increase subject in budgetary accounting item ,and examine the fee service cost of the rule, and consider the principle of charging, examine the rule fee and seek the standard of accepting, review the schedule for deposit fees and explore the possibility of raising the fees in order to meet with the cost recovery principle and to ensure the equality of public finance, so that the government does not have to shoulder the service costs of particular individuals by imposing the burden onto the general-public tax payers.

Keywords : charges/fees ; Activity-Based Costing

Table of Contents

目 錄 封面內頁 簽名頁 授權書 iii 中文摘要 iv 英文摘要 v 誌謝 vii 目錄 viii 圖目錄 xi 表目錄 xii 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機 1 第二節 研究目的 3 第三節 研究流程 3 第二章 文獻探討 5 第一節 規費之概 念 5 ㄧ、規費之特性與定義 5 二、規費的種類 7 三、規費計算標準之原則 11 第二節 作業基礎 成本法 16 ㄧ、定義 16 二、作業基礎成本法架構 17 三、設計作業基礎成本制度之步驟 23 四、作 業基礎成本法之運用 26 五、作業基礎成本法之批評 30 第三章 研究方法 第一節 個案研究法 32 第二節 個案研究法之研究設計 35 第三節 資料收集方法與作業基礎成本法之應用 37 ㄧ、資料收集方法 37 二、作業 基礎成本法之應用 38 第四章 個案研究 第一節 個案法院背景介紹 40 ㄧ、機關主要職掌 40 二、內部分 層業務 41 三、組織系統圖 42 第二節 司法規費徵收及會計作業 42 一、司法規費徵收種類及流程 42 二、現行會計作業程序 44 第三節 應用作業基礎成本法計算司法規費成本 44 一、第一階段成本分攤 46 二

、第二階段成本分攤 53 第四節 分析與比較 69 一、分析比較 69 二、個案研究分析結果 72 第 五章 結論與建議 第一節 研究結論 74 一、研究結果 74 二、結論 75 三、對機關之建議 76 第二節 對後續研究之建議 78 第三節 研究限制 79 參考文獻 81 圖目錄 圖1-1 論文流程 4 圖2-1 作業基礎成本制度 20 圖2-2 成本分派構面之組成要素 21 圖2-3 程序中作業間之相依性 22 圖2-4 ABC架構圖 24 圖2-5 設計作業基礎成本制之流程圖 27 圖2-6 資源成本之歸屬法及偏好程度 27 圖3-1 ABC應用在地方法院之研究架構圖 33 圖4-1 組織系統圖 43 圖4-2 司法規費收入流程圖 45 圖4-3 應用ABC計算司法規費成本流程圖 47 表目錄 表2-1 規費定義彙整表 6 表2-2 規費分類標準彙整表 12 表2-3 規費計費基準原則彙整表 16 表2-4 作業基礎成本法之定義 18 表2-5 傳統成本制度與ABC分攤方法 之差異 19 表2-6 國內作業基礎成本法之實證研究彙總表 28 表3-1 個案研究的定義彙整表 33 表3-2 個案研究 基本之設計型態 36 表4-1 個案法院司法規費種類彙總表 43 表4-2 個案法院歲入來源別決算表 46 表4-3 個案法院歲出機關別決算表 48 表4-4 個案法院間接成本之主要活動與成本動因 57 表4-5 個案法院薪資清冊員工統 計人數 58 表4-6 個案法院各單位人事費 59 表4-7 個案法院各單位業務費 60 表4-8 個案法院各單位服務 總成本 61 表4-9 個案法院間接成本之作業成本與成本動因 62 表4-10 個案法院成本標的作業動因統計量 63


表4-11 個案法院業務支援單位作業成本分配表 64 表4-12 個案法院行政支援單位作業成本分配表 66 表4-13 個案法院 服務成本表 68 表4-14 個案法院司法規費徵收收入與服務成本比較表 73


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