Introduction to
Real-Time Process Scheduling
郭大維 教授
(Embedded Systems and Wireless Networking Laboratory)
Introduction to Real-Time Process Scheduling
Q:Many theories and algorithms in real-time process scheduling seem to have simplified assumptions
without direct solutions to engineers’ problems. Why should we know them?
A: Provide insight in choosing a good system design and scheduling algorithm.
Avoid poor or erroneous choices.
Copyright: All rights reserved, Prof. Tei-Wei Kuo, Embedded System and Wireless Networking Lab, National Taiwan University.
Introduction to Real-Time Process Scheduling
⊕ What do we really know about the rate monotonic (RM) and the earliest deadline first (EDF) scheduling?
⊕ What is known about uniprocessor real-time scheduling problems?
⊕ What is known about multiprocessor real-time scheduling problems?
⊕ What is known about energy-efficient real-time scheduling problems?
⊕ What task-set characteristics cause NP-hard?
⊗ What is the impact of overloads on the scheduling results?
⊗ What do we really know about theories for off-line schedulability such as the rate monotonic analysis?
Copyright: All rights reserved, Prof. Tei-Wei Kuo, Embedded System and Wireless Networking Lab, National Taiwan University.
Introduction to Real-Time Process Scheduling
Job Shop Scheduling
Independent Process Scheduling
(Liu & Layland, 1973, etc.)
Process Scheduling with Non-Preemptable Resources
(Mok, 1983, Sha, Rajkumar, 1986, Baker, 1991, etc.)
Multiprocessor Process Scheduling
(Dhall, 1972-, etc.)
Process Scheduling with End-to-End Delays
(Stankovic, Gerber, Lin, etc, since ?.)
Process Scheduling with Probabilistic Guarantee
(Liu, Lehoczky, etc, since 1995.)
Process Scheduling with Realistic Task Characteristics
(Liu, Mok, etc, since 1996.)
Process Scheduling with Multiple Resources
Sporadic Process Scheduling
(Sprunt, 1989, etc.)
Non-preemptable Scheduling
(Baruah, 1990-, etc.)
Rate-Based Scheduling
(Buttazzo, Liu, Brauah, Kuo, etc, since 1995.)
Energy-Efficient Process Scheduling
(Mosse, Hakan Chen, Kuo, etc)
Multiprocessor Process Scheduling
(Barauh, Anderson, etc.)
Introduction to Real-Time Process Scheduling
Uniprocessor Process Scheduling
• Rate Monotonic Scheduling
• Earliest Deadline First Scheduling
• Priority Ceiling Protocol
• Important Theories
Reading: Stankovic, et al., “Implications of Classical Scheduling Results for Real-Time Systems,” IEEE Computer, June 1995, pp. 16-25.
Krishna and Shin, “Real-TimeSystems,” McGRAW-HILL, 1997.
Copyright: No reproducing of this material in any form is allowed unless a formal permission from Prf. Tei-Wei Kuo is received.
Process Model
Periodic process
each periodic process arrives at a regular frequency - a special case of demand.
) r: ready time, d: relative deadline, p: period, c: maximum computation time.
For example, maintaining a display
Sporadic process
An aperiodic process with bounded inter-arrival time p.
For example, turning on a light
Other requirements and issues:
process synchronization including precedence and
critical sections, process value, etc.
Copyright: All rights reserved, Prof. Tei-Wei Kuo, Embedded System and Wireless Networking Lab, National Taiwan University.
Performance Metrics
Metrics for hard real-time processes:
Schedulability, etc.
Metrics for soft real-time processes:
Miss ratio
Accumulated value
Response time, etc.
Other metrics:
Optimality, overload handling, mode-change handling, stability, jitter, etc.
Combinations of metrics.
Copyright: All rights reserved, Prof. Tei-Wei Kuo, Embedded System and Wireless Networking Lab, National Taiwan University.
Basic definitions:
Preemptive scheduling: allows process preemptions. (vs non- preemptive scheduling)
Online scheduling: allocates resources for processes depending on the current workload. (vs offline scheduling)
Static scheduling: operates on a fixed set of processes and produces a single schedule that is fixed at all time. (vs dynamic scheduling)
Firm real-time process: will be killed after it misses its deadline. (vs hard and soft real-time)
Fixed-priority scheduling: in which the priority of each process is
fixed for any instantiation. (vs dynamic-priority scheduling)
Copyright: All rights reserved, Prof. Tei-Wei Kuo, Embedded System and Wireless Networking Lab, National Taiwan University.
Rate Monotonic Scheduling Algorithm
all periodic fixed-priority processes
relative deadline = period
independent process - no non-preemptable resources
Rate Monotonic (RM) Scheduling Algorithm
RM priority assignment: priority ~ 1/period.
preemptive priority-driven scheduling.
Example: T1 (p1=4, c1=2) and T2 (p2=5, c2=1)
T1 T2 T1 T2 Time
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Rate Monotonic Scheduling Algorithm
Critical Instant 1
An instant at which a request of the process have the largest completion/response time.
An instance at which the process is requested simultaneously with requests of all higher priority processes
Worst-case analysis
Fully utilization of the processor power
Example: T1 (p1=4, c1=2) and T2 (p2=5, c2=1Æ2)
1 Liu and Layland, “Scheduling Algorithms for multiprogramming in a hard real-time Environment,” JACM, vol. 20, no. 1, January 1973, pp. 46-61.
T1 T2 T1 T2 Time
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Copyright: All rights reserved, Prof. Tei-Wei Kuo, Embedded System and Wireless Networking Lab, National Taiwan University.
Rate Monotonic Scheduling Algorithm
Schedulability Test:
A sufficient but not necessary condition
Achievable utilization factor α
) of a scheduling policy P -> any process set with total utilization factor no more than α is schedulable.
Given n processes, α =
Let processes be sorted in RM order. The ith process is schedulable if
An optimal fixed priority scheduling algorithm
c p
i( )
n 2 1/ n − 1
( )
c p j i
j j
i =
−∑ 1
1 /
1Copyright: All rights reserved, Prof. Tei-Wei Kuo, Embedded System and Wireless Networking Lab, National Taiwan University.
Rate Monotonic Scheduling Algorithm
Rate Monotonic Analysis (RMA) 2
Basic Idea:
Before time t after the critical instance of process τ i , a high priority process τ j may request amount of
computation time.
A sufficient and necessary condition and many extensions...
2 Sha, “An Intorduction to Rate Monotonic Analysis,” tutorial notes, SEI, CMU, 1992
c t
⎢ ⎢
⎥ ⎥
deadline of τ i
t p
for some t in
⎡ ⎤
{ kp j
j| = 1 ,..., ; i k = 1 ,..., p
i/ p
( ) i i
j j
i t d
p c t t
W ≤ ≤
⎥ ⎥
⎢ ⎢
= ∑ =1 ⎡
Copyright: All rights reserved, Prof. Tei-Wei Kuo, Embedded System and Wireless Networking Lab, National Taiwan University.
Rate Monotonic Scheduling Algorithm
A RMA Example:
T1(20,100), T2(30,150), T3(80, 210), T4(100,400)
c1 <= 100
c1 + c2 <= 100 or
2c1 + c2 <= 150
c1 + c2 + c3 <= 100 or
2c1 + c2 + c3 <= 150 or
2c1 + 2c2 + c3 <= 200 or
3c1 + 2c2 + c3 <= 210
c1 + c2 + c3 + c4 <= 100 or
2c1 + c2 + c3 + c4 <= 150 or
Time W3(t)
50 100 150 200 130
150 170 190 210
Rate Monotonic Scheduling Algorithm
RM was chosen by Space Station Freedom Project
FAA Advanced Automation System (AAS)
RM influenced the specs of IEEE Futurebus+
RMA is widely used for off-line analysis of time-critical systems.Copyright: All rights reserved, Prof. Tei-Wei Kuo, Embedded System and Wireless Networking Lab, National Taiwan University.
Earliest Deadline First Scheduling Algorithm
Assumptions (similar to RM):
all periodic dynamic-priority processes
relative deadline = period
independent process - no non-preemptable resources
Earliest Deadline First (EDF) Scheduling Algorithm:
EDF priority assignment: priority ~ absolute deadline.
i.e.,arrival time t + relative deadline d.
preemptive priority-driven scheduling
Example: T1(c1=1, p1=2), T2(c2=2, p2=7)
T1 T2 Time
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
T1 T2 T1 T1 T2
Copyright: All rights reserved, Prof. Tei-Wei Kuo, Embedded System and Wireless Networking Lab, National Taiwan University.
Earliest Deadline First Scheduling Algorithm
Schedulability Test:
A sufficient and necessary condition
Any process set is schedulable by EDF iff
EDF is optimal for any independent process scheduling algorithms
However, its implementation has considerable
overheads on OS’s with a fixed-priority scheduler and is bad for (transiently) overloaded systems.
c p
j j j
i =
≤∑ 1
1Copyright: All rights reserved, Prof. Tei-Wei Kuo, Embedded System and Wireless Networking Lab, National Taiwan University.
Priority Ceiling Protocol
Assumptions (as the same as RM for the first two):
all periodic fixed-priority processes
relative deadline = period
Non-preemptable resources guarded by semaphores
Basic Ideas and Mechanisms:
Bound the priority inversions by early blocking of processes that could cause them, and
Minimize a priority inversion’s length by allowing a temporary rise in the blocking process’s priority .
Contribution of the Priority Ceiling Protocol
Efficiently find a suboptimal solution with a clever allocation policy, guaranteeing at the same time a minimum level of performance.
Priority Ceiling Protocol
Pre-requirements: nested critical sections!
Priority Ceiling Protocol (PCP):
Define a semaphore’s priority ceiling as the priority of the highest priority process that may lock the
Lock request for a semaphore is granted only if the requesting process’s priority is higher than the ceiling of all semaphores concurrently locked by other processes.
In case of blocking, the task holding the lock inherits the requesting process’s priority until it unlocks the
corresponding semaphore. (Def: priority inheritance)
1 Sha, Rajkumar, and Lehoczky, “Priority Inheritance Protocols: an Approach to Real-Time Synchronization,” IEEE Transactions on computers, Vol. 39, No. 9, Sept. 1990, pp. 1,175-1,185.
Copyright: All rights reserved, Prof. Tei-Wei Kuo, Embedded System and Wireless Networking Lab, National Taiwan University.
Priority Ceiling Protocol
A PCP Example: deadlock avoidance
τ 1 Time
τ 2 S1 Time t1
attempt to lock S2 S1,S2
S1 t4
priority inheritance
unlock S1 and reset priority S2 S1,S2
t6 t7
Copyright: All rights reserved, Prof. Tei-Wei Kuo, Embedded System and Wireless Networking Lab, National Taiwan University.
Priority Ceiling Protocol
A PCP Example: avoid chain blocking
τ 0 Time
τ 1 Time
τ 2 S1 Time t1
attempt to lock S2 S1
attempt to lock S2
S1 t3
priority inheritance S2
unlock S1 and reset priority S2 S1,S2
t5 t6
Copyright: All rights reserved, Prof. Tei-Wei Kuo, Embedded System and Wireless Networking Lab, National Taiwan University.
Priority Ceiling Protocol
A PCP Example: one priority inversion
τ 0 Time
τ 1 Time
τ 2 S1 Time t1
attempt to lock S2 S1,S2
attempt to lock S1
S1 t3
priority inheritance S1
unlock S1 and reset priority t5
S2 S1,S2
t6 t7
Priority Ceiling Protocol
Important Properties:
A process is blocked at most once before it enters its critical section.
PCP prevents deadlocks.
Schedulability Test of τ i
worst case blocking time B i - an approximation!
Let processes be sorted in the RM priority order – BS – i = { τ j | j > i & Max (s in Sj) (ceiling(s)) >= priority( τ i )}
– B i = Max ( τ j in BS i ) |critical section|
– S j = { S | semaphore S is accessed by τ j }
( )
c B
p i
j j
i i j i
+ +i
≤ −
∑ − 1
1Copyright: All rights reserved, Prof. Tei-Wei Kuo, Embedded System and Wireless Networking Lab, National Taiwan University.
Priority Ceiling Protocol
Variations of PCP:
Stack Resource Policy - not permitted to start unless resources are all available.
)multi-units per resource
)dynamic and fixed priority assignments
Dynamic Priority Ceiling Protocol )extend PCP into an EDF scheduler.
Baker, “Stack-Based Scheduling of Real-Time Processes,” J. Real-Time Systems, Vol. 3, No. 1, March 1991, pp. 67-99.3
Chen and Lin, “Dynamic Priority Ceilings: A Concurrency Control Protocol for Real-time Systems,” J. Real-Time Systems, Vol. 2, No. 4, Nov. 1990, pp. 325-340.Introduction to Real-Time Process Scheduling
Multiprocessor Process Scheduling
• Important Theories
• Basic Approaches
Reading: Stankovic, et al., “Implications of Classical Scheduling Results for Real-Time Systems,” IEEE Computer, June 1995, pp. 16-25.
Krishna and Kang, “Real-TimeSystems,” McGRAW-HILL, 1997.
Copyright: All rights reserved, Prof. Tei-Wei Kuo, Embedded System and Wireless Networking Lab, National Taiwan University.
Multiprocessor Process Scheduling
⊕ Understand the boundary between polynomial and NP- hard problems to provide insights into developing
useful heuristics.
⊕ Understand the fundamental limitations of on-line algorithms to create robust system and avoid misconceptions and serious anomalies.
⊕ Know the basic approaches in solving multiprocessing scheduling
Remark: It is the area which we have very limited knowledge because of its complexity and our minimal experiences with multiprocessor systems.
Nonpreemptive Multiprocessor Scheduling
Important Theorems 1 :
)Single deadline, identical processors, ready at time 0
Theorems: (“_”-marked items causes NP-completeness!)
Processors Resources Ordering Computation Time Complexity
2 0 Arbitrary Unit Polynomial
22 0 Independent Arbitrary NP-Complete
32 0 Arbitrary 1 or 2 units NP-Complete
32 1 Forest Unit NP-Complete
33 1 Independent Unit NP-Complete
3N 0 Forest Unit Polynomial
4N 0 Arbitrary Unit NP-Complete
51. Stankovic, et al., “Implications of Classical Scheduling Results for Real-Time Systems,” IEEE Computer, June 1995, pp. 16-25.
2. Coffman and Graham, “Optimal Scheduling for Two-Processor Systems,” ACTA Information, 1, 1972, pp.200-213.
3. Garey and Johnson, “Complexity Bounds for Multiprocessor Schedulingwith Resource Constraints,” SIAM J. Computing, Vol. 4, No.3, 1975, pp. 187-200.
4. Hu, “Parallel Scheduling and Assembly Line Problems,” Operating Research,, 9, Nov. 1961, pp. 841-848.
5. Ullman, “Polynomial Complete Scheduling Problem,” Proc. fourth Symp. Operating System Principles, ACM, 1973, pp. 96-101.
Copyright: All rights reserved, Prof. Tei-Wei Kuo, Embedded System and Wireless Networking Lab, National Taiwan University.
Preemptive Multiprocessor Scheduling
Theorem of McNaughton in 1959.
Goal: Compare preemption and non-preemption.
) identical processors.
Theorem 0: Given the metric to minimize the weighted sum of completion times, i.e., Sum(w j c j ), there exists a schedule with no preemption for which the
performance is as good as for any schedule with a finite number of preemptions.
Note: It is NP-hard to find an optimal schedule! If the metric is to minimize the sum of completion times, the shortest- processing-time-first greedy approach is optimal.
McNaughton, “Scheduling with Deadlines and Loss Functions,” Management Science, Vol. 6, No. 1, Oct. 1959, pp.1-12.
Copyright: All rights reserved, Prof. Tei-Wei Kuo, Embedded System and Wireless Networking Lab, National Taiwan University.
Preemptive Multiprocessor Scheduling
Theorem of Lawler in 1983. Goal: Show that heuristics are needed for real- time multiprocessor scheduling.
) identical processors, different deadlines for processes.
Theorem 0: The multiprocessing problem of scheduling P processors with process
preemption allowed and with minimization of the number of late processes is NP-hard.
Lawler, “Recent Results in the Theory of Machine Scheduling,” Mathmatical Programming: The state of the Art, A. Bachen et al., eds., Springer-Verlag, New York, 1983, pp. 202-233.
Copyright: All rights reserved, Prof. Tei-Wei Kuo, Embedded System and Wireless Networking Lab, National Taiwan University.
Preemptive Multiprocessor Scheduling
Theorems of Mok in 1983
Goal: Understand the limitations of EDF.
) different ready times.
Theorem 0: Earliest-deadline-first scheduling is not optimal in the multiprocessor case.
Example, T1(c=1,d=1), T2(c=1,d=2), T3(c=3,d=3.5), two processors.
Theorem 1: For two or more processors, no deadline scheduling algorithm can be optimal without complete a priori knowledge of deadlines, computation times, and process start times.
A.K. Mok, “Fundamental Design Problems of Distributed Systems for the Hard Real-Time Environment,” Ph.D. Thesis, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer science, MIT, May 1983.
Multiprocessor Anomalies
Theorem of Graham in 1976.
Goal: Notice anomaly and provide better design.
) A set of processes is optimally scheduled on a multiprocessor with some priority order, fixed execution times, precedence constraints, and a fixed number of processors.
Theorem 0: For the stated problem, changing the priority list, increasing the number of processors, reducing execution times, or weakening the
precedence constraints can increase the schedule length.
R. Graham, “Bounds on the Performance of Scheduling Algorithms,” Computer and Job Shop Scheduling theory, E.G. Coffman, ed., John Wiley and Sons, 1976, pp. 165-227.
Copyright: All rights reserved, Prof. Tei-Wei Kuo, Embedded System and Wireless Networking Lab, National Taiwan University.
Multiprocessor Anomalies
An ExampleP1
Copyright: All rights reserved, Prof. Tei-Wei Kuo, Embedded System and Wireless Networking Lab, National Taiwan University.
Multiprocessor Scheduling -
Contemporary Approach
The multiprocessor scheduling problem is NP-hard under any but the most simplifying assumptions.
The uniprocessor scheduling problem is usually tractable.
Common Approach - 2 Steps
Assign processes to processors
Run a uniprocessor scheduling algorithm on each processor.
Minimize the number of processors, fault tolerance, etc.
Copyright: All rights reserved, Prof. Tei-Wei Kuo, Embedded System and Wireless Networking Lab, National Taiwan University.
Multiprocessor Scheduling -
Contemporary Approach
However, the process assignment problem is again NP-hard in most cases.
Utilization balancing - balance workload of processors. 1
Next-fit algorithm - used with RM. 2
Bin-packing algorithm - set with a threshold and used with EDF 3 , etc.
Other considerations:
precedence constraints, dynamic overload handling, etc.
1. J.A. Bannister and K.S. Trivedi, “Task Allocation in Fault-Tolerance Distributed systems,” Acta Informatica 20:261-281, 1983.
2. S. Davari and S.K. Dhall, “An On Line Algorithm for Real-Time Tasks Allocation,” IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium, 1986, pp.194-200, Dhall’s Ph.D. thesis, UI.
3. D.S. Johnson, Near-Optimal Bin-Packing Algorithms,” Ph.D. thesis, MIT, 1974.
Multiprocessor Scheduling
Current Research
Classification: Migration(/Partition) & Static or Dynamic Priorities
Some Recent Results:
) Utilization Bound = 42% by a bin-packing partitioning approach (JRTS, 1999)
) Utilization Bound = 37.482% by RM-US –
processes with a utlization > bound is given the highest priority; otherwise RM is adopted.
) Utilization Bound = m – [(m-1)*Umax] if Umax <=
0.5, where Umax = max Ui. Or Utilization Bound = (m+1)/2+Umax if Umax > 0.5 – M-CBS (RTAS02)
) Utilization Bound = 75% - EZDL (to appear)
Energy-Efficient Real-Time Task Scheduling
郭大維 教授
(Embedded Systems and Wireless Networking Laboratory)
Copyright: All rights reserved, Prof. Tei-Wei Kuo, Embedded System and Wireless Networking Lab, National Taiwan University.
Challenges in Embedded Systems Designs Limited Resources
Limited Energy Supply
Variety in Product Designs
Strong Demands in Friendly User Interface
Strong Mutual Influence Between Hardware and Software Designs
Limited Lifetime in Many Products
Copyright: All rights reserved, Prof. Tei-Wei Kuo, Embedded System and Wireless Networking Lab, National Taiwan University.
Worlds are Getting More and More Complicated! Processors with Voltage-Scaling Supports
I/O Devices with Different Voltage Supplies and Operating Modes
Communication Devices with Different Operating Modes
Where To Save Energy Consumption? Hardware Designs
Operating Systems/System Components Designs
Application Systems/Programs Designs
System Design Issues – Energy- Efficiency Designs
Operating System Designs
Application Program Designs
Application SystemDesigns
Application Systems Application
Programs Application
Programs Application
Copyright: All rights reserved, Prof. Tei-Wei Kuo, Embedded System and Wireless Networking Lab, National Taiwan University.
Operating System Designs
Proper Voltage-Scaling Scheduling HW Architectures, Task Characteristics, etc.
Task Scheduling, Multi-Resource Scheduling, etc.
Intelligent Event Management Idle Time, Synchronization, Multi-Event Waiting, etc.
Intelligent Device Management Device Status Scheduling, Request Scheduling, Polling-Style Programming, etc.
Copyright: All rights reserved, Prof. Tei-Wei Kuo, Embedded System and Wireless Networking Lab, National Taiwan University.
The Idle Task – uC/OS-II
The idle task is always the lowest-priority task and can not be deleted or suspended by user tasks.
To reduce power dissipation, you can issue a HALT-like instruction in the idle task.
Suspend services in OSTaskIdleHook()!!void OS_TaskIdle (void *pdata) { #if OS_CRITICAL_METHOD == 3
OS_CPU_SR cpu_sr;
pdata = pdata;
for (;;) {
} }
Copyright: All rights reserved, Prof. Tei-Wei Kuo, Embedded System and Wireless Networking Lab, National Taiwan University.
Application System Designs
Application Characteristics Assumptions, Optimization Goals, Architecture Choices, Topology Constraints, etc.
Standard Constraints Design Flexibility, Restrictions, Quality-of-Services, etc.
Cross-Layer Optimization Coupling Strength, Modularity, Upgradeability, etc.
Example Application System Designs – Adaptive Sensor Networks
Power Management Consider power-efficiency for node and protocol
Mobility Management Detect and manage nodes with dynamic movements.
Task Management Schedule and balance workloads performed by nodes.
Task Management
Power Management Mobility Management
Physical Layer Data Link Layer Application Layer
Transport Layer
Network Layer
Copyright: All rights reserved, Prof. Tei-Wei Kuo, Embedded System and Wireless Networking Lab, National Taiwan University.
Application Program Designs
Application Characteristics Design Logics, Hardware Supports, Resource Utilization & Patterns, etc.
User/Process Behaviors Bottleneck Identification, Program Structures, User Access Patterns, etc.
Copyright: All rights reserved, Prof. Tei-Wei Kuo, Embedded System and Wireless Networking Lab, National Taiwan University.
Case Study – Energy-Profiling of a Browser
An open-source web browser running on Linux built upon a Qt application environment
A full-featured web browser
) HTML 4 compliance
) Cascading Style Sheets (CSS1) and CSS2
) JavaScript
) Java Applet
) Flash
) SSL, etc.
The profiling overheads were no more than 7% of the profiling system (Profiling Frequency = 20,000HZ).
Copyright: All rights reserved, Prof. Tei-Wei Kuo, Embedded System and Wireless Networking Lab, National Taiwan University.
Motivations on Energy-Efficient Process Scheduling
Energy-Efficiency Considerations for Battery- Powered Embedded Systems
Operating Duration
Dimensions in Problem Formulation Architecture Considerations, e.g.,
Homogeneous/Heterogeneous Multiprocessors
Process Models, e. g., Frame-Based Process Sets
Processor Types, e.g., Available Processor Speeds
Definitions – Voltage Scaling and Power Consumption
A Dynamic Voltage/Speed Scaling (DVS) system is a system that can execute tasks at different speeds. A higher supply voltage results in a higher frequency (or higher execution speed).
) s = k * (V dd -V t ) 2 /(V dd ), where
• s is the corresponding speed of the supply voltage V dd , and V t is the threshold voltage
The dynamic power consumption function P() of the execution speeds is a convex function:
) P(s) = C ef V dd 2 s
) P(s) = C ef s 3 /k 2 , when V t = 0
Example Voltage Scaling Processors:
Example Voltage Scaling Processors:
Intel XScale XScale, , StrongARM StrongARM, , Transmeta Transmeta, Intel , Intel Centrino Centrino
Copyright: All rights reserved, Prof. Tei-Wei Kuo, Embedded System and Wireless Networking Lab, National Taiwan University.
Dilemma – Performance versus Energy Consumption
Definition: Energy-Efficient Process Scheduling Given a process set with timing
constraints and a set of processors with available processor speeds (and constraints), find a feasible schedule such that the energy consumption is minimized.
Copyright: All rights reserved, Prof. Tei-Wei Kuo, Embedded System and Wireless Networking Lab, National Taiwan University.
Task Models under Investigation
Frame-Based Real-Time tasks All the tasks are ready at time 0 and share a common deadline D.
Each task τ i is associated with c i amount of computation requirements.
Periodic Real-Time Tasks The job of each task τ i arrives periodically in a period p i after the first job of τ i releases at time a i .
Each task τ i is associated with c i amount of computation requirements.
The relative deadline of τ i is equal to p i .
Copyright: All rights reserved, Prof. Tei-Wei Kuo, Embedded System and Wireless Networking Lab, National Taiwan University.
Task Models under Investigation
Aperiodic Real-Time Tasks The job of each task τ i might arrive with a minimum separation time p i after the first job of τ i releases at time a i .
Each task τ i is associated with c i amount of computation requirements.
The relative deadline of τ i is given as a constant d i .
Periodic Multi-Framed Real-Time Tasks Periodic Real-Time Tasks
Each task τ i is associated with a regular pattern of c i amount of computation
requirements in secutive periodis.
Our Roadmap on Energy-Efficient Process Scheduling
Energy-Efficient Task Scheduling and Synthesis
Task Scheduling on A Single Processor
Task Scheduling for Multiprocessors
Minimization on the
Energy Consumption CMP Processors General-Purposed
Processors Maximization on the
System Reward/
Tasks Have the Same Power Consumption Functions
Tasks Have Different Power Consumption Functions Discrete Number of
Processor Speeds
No Speed Transition During Execution of
Any Job Allow Speed Transition
During Execution of Any Job
Copyright: All rights reserved, Prof. Tei-Wei Kuo, Embedded System and Wireless Networking Lab, National Taiwan University.
Potential Directions
Realistic Task Models
Leakage Current
Process Synchronization
Multi-Core System Architectures
I/O Peripherial Considerations
Complicated System ArchitecturesCopyright: All rights reserved, Prof. Tei-Wei Kuo, Embedded System and Wireless Networking Lab, National Taiwan University.
Papers to Study
J. Stankovic, M. Spuri, M.D. Natale, G.C.
Buttazo,”Implications of Classical Scheduling Results for Real-Time Systems,” IEEE
Computer, 1995
C.L. Liu and J.W. Layland, “Scheduling
Algorithms for Multiprogramming in a Hard Real- Time Environments,” Journal of ACM, 1973.
L. Sha, R. Rajkumar, J.P. Lehoczky, “Priority Inheritance Protocols: An Approach to Real- Time Synchronization,” IEEE Transactions on Computers, 1990.
Copyright: All rights reserved, Prof. Tei-Wei Kuo, Embedded System and Wireless Networking Lab, National Taiwan University.