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Bulletin For Prospective Undergraduate Students = 本科生課程簡介, 2009-10


Academic year: 2021

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nspiring, innovative, challenging, rewarding... it’s no wonder that The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) is setting the pace in Hong Kong, China and around the world. With our dynamic undergraduate programs in and among science, engineering, and business and management, global reputation for research excellence, and stimulating international outlook, we offer first-class education and exciting personal development opportunities to fast forward the leaders of tomorrow.

HKUST, one of the best decisions you can make.


程富有啟發性及挑戰性,為社會的未來領袖提供一流的教育及 個人發展機會。創新的研究及國際視野使科大在香港、中國、 以至在國際間扮演著領先的角色。



A World-Class Education







fficially opened in 1991, HKUST has rapidly established itself as a leading global research university, advancing Hong Kong as an international hub of academic excellence and helping to propel the city’s economic transformation into a knowledge-based society. In 2007 the Times Higher Education Supplement ranked HKUST at 53 in its league table of the world’s top 200 universities and no.23 in its rankings of the world’s top 50 universities for technology. The full-time MBA program offered by HKUST Business School has also been ranked by the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) in 2007 as No. 1 in Asia and Australia.

Located over 60 hectares in scenic Clear Water Bay on a breath-taking, award-winning campus and equipped with state-of-the-art facilities, HKUST provides an unforgettable educational experience for those who undertake their studies at the University. High-powered intellectual endeavor, a multi-disciplinary approach, undergraduate research opportunities, internships, Mainland China and overseas exchanges, and an increasingly international student body encourage fresh ideas and cross-cultural perspectives which enhance career prospects. Meanwhile, first-rate sports facilities, a wide range of student societies and HKUST’s own Center for the Arts offer many different ways to unwind.

Those new to Hong Kong will find HKUST combines the best of both worlds: a full-scale campus university in a green and serene environment with the cosmopolitan city center less than 30 minutes away. Hong Kong’s location on the southern edge of China and at the heart of Asia also provides a springboard for those who want to see for themselves one of the world’s most exciting growth regions.

Teaching and learning

All the University’s faculty members came from the best in the world. Our multinational academics all have PhDs, the majority from leading global universities including Har vard, Yale, Cambridge, Stanford, Oxford and Caltech. They conduct their research at the cutting edge and their contributions are regularly recognized by honors in their respective fields. These inspiring pioneers pass on their knowledge, experience and enthusiasm to those they teach, bringing the latest knowledge into the lecture hall and encouraging students to maximize their potential. The University offers honors degrees for undergraduates in the Schools of Science, Engineering, and Business and Management. Interdisciplinary programs, double majors, and minor programs are also available. The School of Humanities and Social Science plays its part in providing general education and minor programs


世 界 頂 尖 教 育


Our students

HKUST has almost 6,000 undergraduate students and over 3,000 postgraduates. Creative thinkers, innovators, budding entrepreneurs, community movers and shakers, active participants, idealists and global citizens are among the many who find themselves at home at vibrant HKUST. A number of scholarships are available for distinct and outstanding students.

1991 年創校,科大迅速成為一所優秀的研究型大學,作 為國際教育樞紐,在推動香港轉型為知識型社會上作出重大 貢獻。《泰晤士報高等教育特刊》在 2007 年發表全球 200 所最 佳學府的調查結果,科大再度名列首 60 位,排名 53;而在 全球 50 所最佳大學 ( 科技組別 ) 排名上高踞全球第 23 位。 另外,全日制工商管理碩士課程在 2007 年於經濟學人信息部 排名榜位列亞太之冠,進一步鞏固科大的國際學術地位,並 反映國際學術界對科大予以高度評價。 科大校園佔地 60 公頃。其特色建築群坐落於風景優美的清水 灣,設備完善。學生除學習本科知識外,亦有機會進行跨學科 學習及本科生研究。在國際化的氛圍裡,科大學生更可以透 過實習及海外或內地大學交流計劃,拓展新思維與國際視 野,令他們更富競爭力。而一級的體育設施、多樣化的學生 組織及藝術中心讓同學的校園生活更精彩繽紛。 香港 - 位處於中國的南大門及亞洲心臟地帶,是這個高速發展 的地區與世界接軌的跳板。香港科技大學自然是本地及海外 學子的理想學府。 教 學 及 學 習 科大擁有強盛的優秀師資隊伍。來自世界各地的科大教授, 全部擁有博士學位,當中大部分更出自世界一流研究型學府, 包括哈佛、耶魯、劍橋、史丹福、牛津、加洲理工等。他們 充滿熱誠,不僅在其研究領域上有超卓表現,更將知識及經 驗傳授與學生,並鼓勵他們發揮自己的潛質。 科大提供理學、工程學、工商管理學榮譽學士課程。本校更設 有跨學科課程、雙主修及副修課程供同學選讀。人文社會科學 學院除開辦研究生課程外,同時為本科生提供通識教育及副修 課程,以利學生全面發展。 我 們 的 學 生 香港科技大學大約有 6,000 名本科生及超過 3,000 名研究生, 他們不僅成績優異,更是一群積極主動,具創新思維的社會 推動者,未來的企業家。本校為傑出學生設立各種不同的獎 學金,以支持學術發展。


Total Education


KUST believes in total education. Undergraduate programs are designed to strike a balance between the sharp focus prevalent in traditional Chinese and British universities and the broad characteristics of American universities. In addition to courses in the field of major study and related areas, students must take courses in general education that introduce them to different ideas, concepts, and modes of thought.

Features of HKUST Undergraduate Programs:


Require full-time attendance normally for three academic years


All lead to honors degrees


Credit-based system:

- around 100 credits for a 3-year program - flexibility is built into the curriculum - second major and/or minor program(s)


Offer minor programs in the following areas: - Biochemistry - Biology - Bioengineering - Chemistry - China Studies - Humanities - Information Technology - Liberal Studies - Mathematics - Physics

- Social Science - Technology Management


Opportunity for dual program designations (double major): - Students can have “double major” in order to broaden their

knowledge and skills

- Graduation with dual program designation can be done within normal study period


Use English as medium of instruction


Require course work in English to strengthen the language training




全 人 教 育


大著重全人教育,本科課程的設計,涵括傳統中、英式 大學的專業教育特色,以及美式大學的通才教育精神。除主修 課程外,學生亦需修讀通識教育科目,藉以擴闊視野及思維。 本 科 課 程 特 色 :






學分制: - 一般三年制課程須修讀約 100 個學分 - 課程設計靈活,同學可修讀雙主修及 / 或副修課程


提供以下副修課程: - 生物化學 - 生物學 - 生物工程學 - 化學 - 中國研究 - 人文學 - 資訊科技 - 通識研究 - 數學 - 物理學 - 社會科學 - 科技管理


提供雙主修課程: - 同學可修讀雙主修課程以擴闊知識及技術 - 可無需延長修讀年期而完成雙主修課程






Invaluable Enrichment Programs

See the World

The University’s extensive International Exchange Programs offer the opportunity to study at over 140 top institutions worldwide. Exchange par tners include highly renowned universities in North America, Europe, Asia, Australia and Mainland China. On top of bringing our students to the world, the programs also bring inbound students to HKUST, which could serve as an international platform for idea and cultural exchange.

Discover Yourself

Mentoring Programs enable students to discover more about themselves with the help of their mentors throughout a series of activities, including lunch/dinner meetings, simulated formal conferences and presentations. Students can acquire practical knowledge, and more importantly, develop positive values, faith and life philosophy.

Practice Makes Perfect

Many of our undergraduate programs offer internship opportunities in major firms and multinational corporations to give students the chance to apply theory to practice and to prepare well for the world of work. Internships may take the form of field projects, full-time summer internships, in-company placements and part-time internships during the academic year.

Speak Another Language

Chinese, English, Japanese, Korean and other language courses are available, especially English courses are designed to match the undergraduate programs. The Language Center enables self-directed learning of languages and let students extend their communication skills.

Share from the Best

Every year, talks, seminars and forums are organized to provide students with insights on a wide range of subjects. Distinguished guests including Nobel Laureates, top researchers, business leaders, professors and outstanding artists have been invited to share their knowledge and opinions on topics ranging from the latest developments at the frontiers of research to their own life experiences.


豐 富 見 識

擴 闊 視 野 科大與全球逾 140 所著名學府合作舉辦「國際交流計劃」,同 學可選擇到北美洲、歐洲、亞洲、澳洲,或中國內地交流學 習。交流計劃同時為大學帶來交流學生,使科大校園成為一 個文化與知識的國際交流平台。 發 掘 自 我 「導師計劃」讓參與的學生,在經驗豐富的前輩指導下,加深 對自己的認識,發掘及發揮自我潛能。透過午餐會、晚宴、模 擬大型會議及演講會,學生有機會掌握各種實用的技巧及知 識。學生更可於過程中建立正確的價值觀、人生觀及信念。 學 以 致 用 不少本科課程均會安排學生到大機構或跨國企業實習,讓學 生能實踐課堂所學的理論,親身體驗工作環境及文化,而實 習的形式包括暑期工、短期在職訓練或在學期間兼職等。 研 習 外 語 大學提供多項語文課程,涵蓋中文、英語、日語、韓語及其 他語文。而英語課程更經特別設計以配合本科生課程。語言 中心更為同學們提供各種語言學習材料、活動及輔導服務以 協助他們自學各種語言及提升溝通技巧。 分 享 傑 出 成 果 科大每年均會舉辦各類講座、座談會及研討會,邀請各界別 的傑出人士,包括諾貝爾獎項得主、頂尖科研人員、商界翹 楚、優秀學者及藝術家等,為同學講解最新的科技發展、分 享個人經歷或研究成果等。 What We Offe r 為你 提 供 7


Distribution of Graduates by Employment Sector, Year 2007

2007 年 畢 業 生 就 業 統 計

Exceptional Career Prospects for Graduates

助 你 踏 上 青 雲 路

Commerce & Business 商界 73.4%

HKUST graduates are well prepared for the careers of today. Our graduates are popular with employers. Managers of local and multinational corporations have described them as “diligent”, “flexible”, “professional” and “possessing leadership qualities”. The employment rate is consistently high, with the commerce and business sector employing over 70% of the graduates.

Among those who decided to pursue further full-time studies, nearly 70% chose to stay at HKUST. Other graduates went abroad to top

universities around the world, including Stanford, Yale, Harvard, Princeton, U of Pennsylvania, UC Berkeley, MIT, Cambridge and Imperial College London.

科大的畢業生訓練有素,切合現今社會的需要。在許多本地 及跨國企業管理層眼中,他們「勤奮」、「靈活變通」、「專業」 及「具備領袖才能」,所以就業率向來甚高,其中有超過七成 畢業生投身商界。 至於選擇繼續深造的畢業生,接近七成會留在科大攻讀全日 制課程,而其他則會到世界知名學府,如史丹福大學、耶魯 大學、哈佛大學、普林斯頓大學、賓州大學、加州大學柏克 萊分校、麻省理工學院、劍橋大學及倫敦帝國學院進修。 Government 政府 2.5% Construction 建造業 4.5%

Community & Social Service 社會服務 1.7%

Education 教育界 7%

Manufacturing & Industries 製造業 10.9%



School of Engineering

工 學 院 http://www.seng.ust.hk/


Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering 化學工程及生物分子工程學系


Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering 土木及環境工程學系


Department of Computer Science and Engineering 計算機科學及工程學系


Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering 電子及計算機工程學系


Department of Industrial Engineering and Logistics Management 工業工程及物流管理學系


Department of Mechanical Engineering 機械工程學系

School of Business and Management

工 商 管 理 學 院 http://www.bm.ust.hk/


Department of Accounting 會計學系


Department of Economics 經濟學系


Department of Finance 財務學系


Department of Information Systems, Business Statistics and Operations Management 資訊、商業統計及營運學系


Department of Management of Organizations 組織管理學系


Department of Marketing 市場學系

School of Humanities and Social Science

人 文 社 會 科 學 學 院 http://www.shss.ust.hk/


Division of Humanities 人文學部


Division of Social Science 社會科學部

School of Science

理 學 院 http://science.ust.hk/


Department of Biochemistry 生物化學系


Department of Biology 生物學系


Department of Chemistry 化學系


Department of Mathematics 數學系


Department of Physics 物理學系

Schools and Departments

學 院 及 學 系

What We Offer 為 你 提 供

The University consists of five Schools. The Schools of Science, Engineering, and Business and Management offer both undergraduate and postgraduate degrees through to doctorate. The School of Humanities and Social Science offers postgraduate education, as well as general education and minor programs for undergraduates. The University also provides interdisciplinary and joint programs with cooperation among different schools and departments. The HKUST Fok Ying Tung Graduate School, who also operates a campus in Nansha, Guangzhou, offers postgraduate programs and research opportunities to students. 本校由五所學院組成。其中理學院、工學院及工商管理學院 提供本科生及研究生課程。人文社會科學學院則開辦研究生 課程,並為本科生提供通識教育及副修課程。此外,大學更 設有由不同院系合作提供的跨學科及聯合課程。香港科大霍 英東研究院也在香港科大設在廣州南沙的校區內開辦研究生 課程,並為學生提供研究機會。


Abundant Academic Resources

Outstanding Students


he University provides state-of-the-art facilities and services for students to maximize their academic skills and potential:

Lee Shau Kee Library


As an integral component of the academic programs, the 5-storey library offers users a learning environment rich in both printed materials and electronic resources. Students have access to Library information, services, tools and resources from any location at any time.

Presently, the Library offers the following resources and facilities:

. Books, periodicals and

over 710,000 volumes


. Media materials

over 32,000

. Electronic collections

over 300 electronic databases, over 20,000 full-text e-journals and over 105,000 e-books

. Information Commons

over 50 workstations, scanning

stations, a/v editing stations, collaborative study and a variety of software to facilitate project creation and development. Research and technical assistance are provided.

In addition, the Library provides ample and comfortable study space. Group study rooms, reading tables, and individual study carrels are located throughout the Library to facilitate learning and research.

Information Technology Services Center


HKUST’s computer network is a high-speed, reliable network that serves the entire University and provides users with the latest sophisticated technology.

Language Center


The Language Center offers Language Enhancement programs to help students acquire the necessary English skills, as well as courses in many other languages. The newly renovated Self-Access Center provides a wide variety of materials, activities and counseling services to aid the self-directed learning of English, Putonghua and other languages. A Putonghua Training and Testing Center has recently been set up to administer the Putonghua Proficiency Test under the auspices of the State Language Commission, and provide special training courses to help students meet the challenge.



Support for

over 50 workstations, scanning stations, a/v editing stations, collaborative study and a variety of software to facilitate project creation and develop-ment. Research and technical assistance are provided.



豐 富 的 大 學 資 源



Industrial Training Center


Practical training is provided for Engineering students to give them a broad and structured understanding of engineering practice, and help them satisfy training requirements of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE) for registration purpose.

學提供實用方便的服務及設施,有助學生發揮學習的潛 能,事半功倍。 李 兆 基 圖 書 館 http://library.ust.hk/ 作為教學研究中不可或缺的一環,樓高五層的科大圖書館為 學生提供一個收藏量極豐的資料寶庫,包括印刷資料及電子 資料。圖書館的萬維網伺服器已發展成為一個資訊中心,全 校師生可隨時隨地使用各項訊息、資源及服務。 目前科大圖書館的資源與設備如下:

. 書籍、期刊

超過 710,000 冊 及縮微資料

. 視聽資料

超過 32,000 種

. 電子資料

超 過 3 0 0 個 涵 蓋 不 同 主 題 的 數 據 庫 , 20,000 種全文電子期刊及 105,000 本電子書

. 綜合資訊坊

設超過 50 台的電腦,配備有不同類型的軟 件,以及掃描器、視聽編輯器材、協助工 作空間,並有館員提供資訊和技術支援。 此外,本館亦提供豐富、舒適的學習空間。館內各層均設有 讀者座位、書桌、小組研討室供學生作學習、研究之用。 資 訊 科 技 服 務 中 心 http://www.ust.hk/itsc/ 科大擁有最先進的電腦網絡設備,為全校師生提供優質及高 速穩定的網絡服務。 語 言 中 心 http://lc.ust.hk 除了提供語文進階課程,致力協助同學掌握英語技巧之外, 更開辦其他語文課程、提供自學設備及開設普通話培訓測試 中心,專責與國家語言文字工作委員會合辦普通話水平測試, 並為同學開辦相關的培訓課程。 工 業 培 訓 中 心 http://www.ust.hk/itc 為工學院的學生提供實習訓練,讓他們對工程業界的實際基 本操作有更全面及更有系統的認識,並協助他們達到香港工 程師學會 (HKIE) 有關實習的要求。


Outstanding Support for Outstanding S tudents 優 越 環 優 秀 學 生

In addition to a campus renowned for its natural and architectural beauties, HKUST's first-class residential, sports, recreational and cultural facilities make living on campus an enjoyable experience.

Residential Hall


Living on campus is a great way to achieve total education. Around 3,000 residential places are provided to undergraduate students in the halls of residence. Residential living plays a special role in campus life. By being more than a place to sleep and study, the halls provide a learning opportunity for students to:

. enhance their interpersonal skills

. extend the breadth of their interests

. develop their organization and leadership skills

Facilities for Sports, Cultural and Other Activities


A full range of student amenities and sports facilities are available on campus for students to enjoy a breadth of interests and activities.


精 彩 校 園 生 活

無論是環境優美的校園、舒適的學生宿舍、完備的體育設施, 或是多姿多采的康樂及文化活動,均讓學生經歷一個愉快的校 園生活。 學 生 宿 舍 http://sao.ust.hk/housing 宿舍生活是通識教育重要的一環。大學設有學生宿舍,提供約 三千個宿位給本科生。在校園生活方面,學生宿舍扮演著特別 的角色,不單是住宿及讀書的地方,更讓學生有機會:

. 學習與人相處的技巧

. 擴闊個人興趣

. 培養組織及領袖才能

運 動 及 文 康 設 施 http://sao.ust.hk/facilities 校園設有一系列室內及戶外設施,讓學生進行各種有益身心的 體育及文康活動。 13


Student Development Opportunities


HKUST provides ample opportunities for students to develop themselves in the pursuit of quality education and life.


Art & Culture

Various art and cultural activities are available through the Center for the Arts and Center for Cultural Studies.


Sports & Recreation

Students are encouraged to par ticipate in spor ts and recreational activities. The Healthy Life Style Course enables students to enjoy the fun of participation in sports and exercise.


REDbird Program

This program is organized to promote student success and learning. Through training, community service learning, projects, internships and exchange activities, the program fosters student total development and personal growth.


Internships & Mentoring

Internships and mentoring programs are organized for students to explore the career fields suited to their interests and skills, and to prepare for the world of work.


Talks, Forums & Confluence Dinners

Through participating in talks, forums and Confluence Dinners, students will broaden their knowledge and skills for personal development.


International Activities

In addition to the academic exchange programs, various cross-cultural exchange activities are organized to enhance the international exposure and experience of HKUST students.

Students’ Union and Student Societies


The Students’ Union, which is independent and self-governing, plays a key role in promoting and coordinating the activities of more than 100 student societies on campus.

Facilities for Every Interest

The University has a selection of other facilities that cater to the different interests and needs of our students:


photographic dark room, music rooms, etc., for the pursuit of hobbies


conference room, meeting rooms, workshop and office space for the organization of activities


common rooms and quiet room for leisure activities


catering facilities include self-service cafeterias, Chinese and Western restaurants, a food court, a coffee shop and a snack shop


commercial facilities include a bookstore, banking services, a supermarket and a hair salon


學 生 身 心 發 展 http://sao.ust.hk 科大提供不少多元化節目及活動,讓學生增進知識及體驗豐 盛的人生。


藝術及文化 透過藝術中心及文化研究中心,讓學生有機會接觸各類藝 術及文化活動。

. 體育及康樂活動

科大極鼓勵學生參與體育及康樂活動,並特別開辦「活力生 活」課程,讓學生領略運動的樂趣。


紅鳥計劃 大學舉辦紅鳥計劃,透過培訓、社區服務、學習計劃、實 習及交流活動,鼓勵學生全面發展。

. 實習與導師計劃

為學生而設的導師計劃及實習機會,幫助他們找尋合適自 己,同時又可發揮所長的出路,並且為將來的工作做好準 備。

. 講座、論壇及卓賢匯

透過參與講座、論壇及卓賢匯,學生可擴闊視野及提升各 項技能以助個人發展。

. 國際交流活動

除了學術交流,大學不時舉辦各類學生文化交流活動,以 增加科大學生的國際經驗。 學 生 會 及 學 生 組 織 http://ihome.ust.hk/~su_union/ 香港科技大學學生會是一個獨立自主的組織,在推動及統籌 校內超過 100 個學生組織所舉辦的活動方面,擔當重要的角 色。

完 備 設 施


. 沖印室、音樂室等,培養各種不同的興趣

. 會議室、工作室及辦公室,方便學生籌辦課外活動

. 電視室及休息室可供學生娛樂及休憩

. 膳食設施包括自助式的學生飯堂、中西式餐廳、美食廣場、


. 其他生活設施包括書局、銀行、超級市場及理髮店




he University welcomes applications from local and non-local students who are seeking admission to full-time studies at the undergraduate level.

Application for Admission

Local Applicants

Undergraduate students may enter the University either through the JUPAS Scheme or via Direct Admissions.

The JUPAS Scheme www.jupas.edu.hk

. For applicants seeking admission on the strength of HKALE


Applicants applying through JUPAS (Joint University Programmes Admission System) should refer to the JUPAS website for details of application procedure.

Direct Admissions www.ust.hk/admissions

. For applicants seeking admission on the strength of qualifications

other than/in addition to HKALE results

Online Application www.ust.hk/admissions Application Period From around October 2008 Online Application Fee For Local Applicants HK$2001

After reviewing the application documents, selected applicants will normally be interviewed from March onwards. The fact that an applicant is not invited for interview does not mean that he/she is not being considered for admission. Successful applicants may be made a firm offer or an offer with conditions.

Early Admissions Scheme

Outstanding secondary-six students may be admitted to HKUST through the Early Admissions Scheme (EAS).

Further information can be obtained on HKUST (www.ust.hk/admissions) or JUPAS (www.jupas.edu.hk) website.


Join Us

Join Us



校歡迎本地及非本地的學生 申請入讀本科生全日制課程。

申 請 入 學

本 地 申 請 人 報讀科大本科課程,可循「大學聯合招生辦法」或直接申請兩 個途徑。 「大學聯合招生辦法」 www.jupas.edu.hk

. 以香港高級程度會考成績申請入學者

「大學聯合招生辦法」( 聯招 ) 申請人請參閱聯招網頁及《大學 聯合招生辦法指南》內有關申請的程序。 直接申請 www.ust.hk/admissions

. 持香港高級程度會考以外資歷或附加資歷的申請人

網上申請 www.ust.hk/admissions 申請日期 約 2008 年10 月 本地申請人網上申請費用 港幣 200 元1 所提交的表格及相關文件經審閱後,部份申請人會被邀出席 面試,一般於三月後進行。然未獲約見的申請人,並不表示 已落選。申請人如被錄取,將獲本校發予「正式取錄」或「條 件式取錄」。 中六生優先錄取計劃 科大設有中六生優先錄取計劃,讓優秀的中六學生能提早 一年升讀大學。申請人可瀏覽本校入學及註冊處(www.ust.hk/ admissions) 或聯招網頁 (www.jupas.edu.hk) 查閱有關詳情。 17 1 申請人亦可提交書面申請,申請費用為港幣 400 元


* For the purpose of admission, non-local students are defined by the University Grants Committee as persons entering Hong Kong for the purpose of education with a student visa/entry permit issued by the Director of Immigration.

Non-Local Applicants*

HKUST attracts students from all over the world to study and learn with the best and the brightest. The International and Mainland Students and Programs Office (IMSPO) is available to assist with admission-related queries, and provide services to help students settle down and discover different aspects of life on campus and in Hong Kong. IMSPO, in co-operation with student societies, also organizes activities to enrich the student’s university experience at HKUST.

Non-local applicants should apply directly to the University. If official transcripts are in a language other than English or Chinese, a certified translation in English must be provided. Online application (Non-local applicants):


Mainland Students and Programs: www.ust.hk/mainland


International Students and Programs: www.ust.hk/international Applicants should be aware that competition for admission is such that only very well qualified candidates will gain admission. Because of the differences between educational systems, students eligible to enter undergraduate programs in their own countries may find that their qualifications are not necessarily recognized for entry to HKUST.


The International and Mainland students and Programs Office (IMSPO) - www.ust.hk/imspo

Points to Observe before Applying

1) Visa/Entry Permit

In order to study in Hong Kong, non-local students must obtain a student visa/entry permit. Applicants may apply for the visa/entry permit through HKUST, with the Director of Admissions, Registration and Records acting as the sponsor. Applicants will be required to show sufficient financial resources to cover expenses for their period of study. Applications for the student visa/entry permit can be initiated as soon as an applicant receives the admission offer letter from the University.

For any queries, please contact:


The International and Mainland Students and Programs Office: Mainland Students and Programs (www.ust.hk/mainland) International Students and Programs (www.ust.hk/international) or


* 據大學及教育資助委員會所介定,「非本地學生」是指持由香港入境 處處長所簽發之來港就讀簽證 / 進入許可來港就學之人士。 非 本 地 申 請 人 * 出色的科研成就與享譽國際的師資,是科大吸引來自世界各 地優秀學子前來進修的主要原因。國際與中國內地學生及學 術事務處 (IMSPO) 協助非本地學生處理有關入學事宜,適應校 園生活及熟習香港的環境,並與其他學生組織合辦活動,以 豐富非本地學生在科大的體驗。 非本地學生應直接向本校申請入學。若提供的證明文件並非 以中文或英文書寫,申請人必須提供有效之英文翻譯本。 網上申請 ( 非本地申請人 ):

. 中國內地學生及學術事務 : www.ust.hk/mainland

. 國際學生及學術事務 : www.ust.hk/international

入讀本科課程的競爭非常激烈,故只有成績優異者方獲取 錄。而由於教育制度的差異,於其他國家具升讀本科課程資 格的學生,未必符合科大的入學要求。

. 國際與中國內地學生及學術事務處 ─ www.ust.hk/imspo

申 請 前 應 考 慮 事 宜 1) 簽證 / 進入許可 非本地學生如欲在香港就學,必須申領「來港就讀簽證」/ 進入 許可。申請人可透過本校申請「來港就讀簽證」/ 進入許可, 並可在申請簽證時填上本校之入學及註冊處處長為保證人, 另須證明其經濟能力足以應付在學時期的支出。申請人應在 收到取錄通知後盡快提交簽證 / 進入許可申請。 如有任何查詢,可聯絡:

. 國際與中國內地學生及學術事務處 :

中國內地學生及學術事務 (www.ust.hk/mainland) 國際學生及學術事務 (www.ust.hk/international) 或

. 香港特別行政區政府入境事務處 (www.immd.gov.hk)

19 Come Join Us 加 入 科 大


2) Financial Aspects

Non-local students should carefully consider the financial aspects of their studies in Hong Kong before applying for admission. The costs of meals, books and incidental personal expenses vary according to individual preferences. An average HKUST student spends approximately HK$100 (US$13) per day for meals on-campus. Depending on your spending pattern, personal miscellaneous expenses on local transportation, laundry, sundries, entertainment and so on, will be about HK$200 per week.

3) Accommodation

Non-local full-time students are offered on-campus accommo-dation in their first 2 years of study upon application. Their hall applications for the remaining years of study will be considered together with other students according to the University’s hall

allocation policy. Most rooms are designed for double occupancy and are air-conditioned and furnished. There are provisions for linking personal computers to the university network and common facilities include shower, toilet, common rooms with TVs, pantries and telephones, coin-operated washing machines, dryers and microwave ovens.

Visiting Students


Students from institutions outside Hong Kong who wish to study at the University on a short-term basis, i.e. normally for one semester, may apply for admission to the University as visiting students. Visiting students may take courses but are not enrolled in specific programs of the University.

2) 經濟 申請入學前,非本地學生應仔細考慮本身的經濟能力。食 宿、課本、及其他個人生活開支因人而異,一般而言,科大 學生在校用膳平均開支約為每天港幣 100 元 (13 美元 )。其他 開支如本地交通、衣服洗滌、娛樂及雜項約為每星期港幣 200 元。 3) 住宿 全日制非本地學生在首兩年就讀期間申請宿位,可獲分配入 住科大學生宿舍。在餘下學年之申請,將會與其他學生按宿 位分配辦法一併考慮。宿舍大部分房間為雙人房,每個房間 均配備空調及傢具,並可以電腦接駁上網,另外亦提供其他 設施如浴室、備有電視的活動室、廚房,同時亦有電話、收 費洗衣機、乾衣機等。 來訪學生 www.ust.hk/admissions/ug/admissions/visiting/apply.html 香港以外地區的大專學生如有意在本校作短期進修 ( 一般為一 個學期 ) ,可直接向本校申請成為來訪學生。然來訪學生只可 修讀個別學系的科目,而非修讀個別課程。 Come Join Us 加 入 科 大


2) Financial Aspects

Non-local students should carefully consider the financial aspects of their studies in Hong Kong before applying for admission. The costs of meals, books and incidental personal expenses vary according to individual preferences. An average HKUST student spends approximately HK$100 (US$13) per day for meals on-campus. Depending on your spending pattern, personal miscellaneous expenses on local transportation, laundry, sundries, entertainment and so on, will be about HK$200 per week.

3) Accommodation

Non-local full-time students are offered on-campus accommo-dation in their first 2 years of study upon application. Their hall applications for the remaining years of study will be considered together with other students according to the University’s hall

allocation policy. Most rooms are designed for double occupancy and are air-conditioned and furnished. There are provisions for linking personal computers to the university network and common facilities include shower, toilet, common rooms with TVs, pantries and telephones, coin-operated washing machines, dryers and microwave ovens.

Visiting Students


Students from institutions outside Hong Kong who wish to study at the University on a short-term basis, i.e. normally for one semester, may apply for admission to the University as visiting students. Visiting students may take courses but are not enrolled in specific programs of the University.

2) 經濟 申請入學前,非本地學生應仔細考慮本身的經濟能力。食 宿、課本、及其他個人生活開支因人而異,一般而言,科大 學生在校用膳平均開支約為每天港幣 100 元 (13 美元 )。其他 開支如本地交通、衣服洗滌、娛樂及雜項約為每星期港幣 200 元。 3) 住宿 全日制非本地學生在首兩年就讀期間申請宿位,可獲分配入 住科大學生宿舍。在餘下學年之申請,將會與其他學生按宿 位分配辦法一併考慮。宿舍大部分房間為雙人房,每個房間 均配備空調及傢具,並可以電腦接駁上網,另外亦提供其他 設施如浴室、備有電視的活動室、廚房,同時亦有電話、收 費洗衣機、乾衣機等。 來訪學生 www.ust.hk/admissions/ug/admissions/visiting/apply.html 香港以外地區的大專學生如有意在本校作短期進修 ( 一般為一 個學期 ) ,可直接向本校申請成為來訪學生。然來訪學生只可 修讀個別學系的科目,而非修讀個別課程。 21 20 Come Join Us 加 入 科 大


Entry to an undergraduate program of study at the University requires prospective students to satisfy both the general University and specific program admission requirements.

Applicants may be requested to attend personal interviews and/or take additional tests to be administered by the University. Interviews are designed for the purpose of further assessing the applicant’s motivation, aptitude and overall suitability for the chosen field of study. Students from different backgrounds are welcome.

General University Admission Requirements

For entry to an HKUST undergraduate program for academic year 2009-10 through the JUPAS scheme, ALL of the following requirements must be met:

(a) Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination (HKCEE) i Level 2 or above* in English Language;

ii Level 2 or above* in Chinese Language (or Grade E or above in an alternative language); and

iii Grade E or above in Mathematics plus at least 4 other subjects

The above attainment must be obtained at the first and/or second attempts. At least 5 of these subject attainments must be obtained at a single sitting.

(b) Hong Kong Advanced Level Examination (HKALE)

i Passes in either one Advanced Level (AL) subject plus two Advanced Supplementary (AS) subjects, or two AL subjects;

Admission Requirement Equivalents

Applicants may seek admission to the University on the basis of qualifications recognized as equivalent to the University Admission Requirements set out above. These include:

(a) Graduation from secondary school with internationally recognized qualifications, including, but not limited to: the General Certificate of Education examinations at the Ordinary and Advanced level; SAT and Advanced Placement examinations; and the International Baccalaureate Diploma; or (b) At least one year of successful, full-time study in a

bachelor’s degree program at a tertiary institution recognized by the University; or

(c) Successful completion of an associate degree, higher diploma or other like qualification from a tertiary institution recognized by the University.

* Grade E or above is required if the English Language and/or Chinese Language subject was/were taken in 2006 or earlier.

** For applicants who use an alternative language, rather than Chinese, to satisfy the language requirements in the HKCEE, an extra AL/AS subject may be used as a substitute for the Chinese Language and Culture requirement.

Notwithstanding the above, the University may recognize other qualifications, or successful study at another recognized institution. Applicants with outstanding achievements at international competitions, such as the International Physics or Mathematics Olympiad, may also apply and their applications will be considered on individual merits. In presenting these qualifications, applicants must also include evidence that they have achieved a standard of English equivalent to a pass in the Hong Kong AS Level Use of English examination.


* 按 2006 年或以前的會考中英語文評分制度,大學入學之最低要求為 E 級。 ** 若申請人以中國語文以外的其他語文來符合大學對中學會考程度之語 文要求,則可以任何額外一科高級程度或高級補充程度科目取代高補 中國語文及文化科。 23 除上述資歷外,申請人亦可憑從其他認可院校獲取的資歷申請入學,大 學亦會按個別情況考慮錄取於國際比賽 (例如國際物理或數學奧林匹克 比賽) 中取得傑出成績的申請人。大學亦對申請人的英語水平有嚴格要 求,申請人必須證明其英語能力達香港高級程度會考英語運用考試及格 的成績或同等的水平。 大學於審核非本地申請人的學歷時,會確保有關學歷與本地聯招申請人 入學資格相符。

入 學 要 求

Come Join Us 加 入 科 大 申請人必須符合本校的一般入學要求及個別課程的入學要求。 申請入讀本科課程人士,可能會被邀出席面試,或參加由大 學舉辦的測試。而面試之目的,是為進一步瞭解申請人的意 向和能力,以評估其是否適合所報讀之課程。本校歡迎來自 不同背景的申請人。 一 般 入 學 要 求 根據本校 2009 -10 年度的一般入學要求,「大學聯合招生辦法」 申請人須具備以下資歷: ( 一 ) 香港中學會考 (HKCEE) 於第一及 或第二次應考中: 甲、 英國語文達二級*; 乙、 中國語文達二級* (或其他語文達 E 級);及 丙、 數學及另外 4 科達 E 級。 而上述其中 5 科成績需於同一次取得。 ( 二 ) 香港高級程度會考 (HKALE) 甲、 於以下科目取得及格成績: 高級一科 + 高補兩科;或高級兩科; 乙、 高補中國語文及文化考試及格**;及 丙、 英語運用考試及格。 其 他 等 同 之 一 般 入 學 要 求 申請人可持其他等同於以上入學要求的資歷作出入學申請。 當中包括: ( 一 ) 中學畢業並持有國際認可之學歷,包括但不限於:普通 教 育 文 憑 試 ( G C E ) 普 通 程 度 ( O - L E V E L ) 及 高 級 程 度 (A-LEVEL);學術評估測試 (SAT) 及大學預修課程 (AP) 考 試;及大學預科國際會考文憑;或

( 二 ) 於一所本校認可的專上院校完成至少一年之全日制學士 學位課程;或

( 三 ) 獲一所本校認可的專上院校頒發之副學士、高級文憑或 其他類同之學歷。


Specific Requirements (Grade E or above are required unless otherwise specified) 課程入學要求 (需考獲E級或以上,特別說明者除外)

Program Title HKALE Subject(s) that must be Included & other requirements

課程名稱 必須包括的香港高級程度會考科目及其他要求 1st Year Intake* 預計 收生人數* Min No. of HKALE Subjects 最少香港高級程度 會考科目數量 Abb. Title/ Prog. Code 課程簡稱 / 課程代號

BSc Molecular Biomedical Sciences 理 學 士 ( 分 子 生 物 醫 學 科 學 ) BSc Biochemistry 理 學 士 ( 生 物 化 學 ) BSc Biology 理 學 士 ( 生 物 學 ) BSc Chemistry 理 學 士 ( 化 學 ) BSc Mathematics 理 學 士 ( 數 學 )

BSc Mathematics ( Mathematics and IT Education ) (1)

理 學 士 ( 數 學 ─ 數 學 及 資 訊 科 技 教 育 ) (1) BSc Physics 理 學 士 ( 物 理 學 ) BSc Applied Physics 理 學 士 ( 應 用 物 理 學 ) MBMS 5103 BICH 5115 BIOL 5141 CHEM 5177 MATH 5218 MAIE 5220 PHYS 5244 APHYS 5256 24 60 75 76 88 20 55 25 3AL / (2AL + 1AS)

3AL / (2AL + 1AS)

3AL / (2AL + 1AS)

2AL / (1AL + 2AS)

2AL / (1AL + 2AS)

2AL / (1AL + 2AS)

Program Admission Requirements

各 學 系 課 程 的 入 學 要 求

Applicants for 2009-2010 entry must satisfy entrance requirements specific to their desired programs of study IN ADDITION TO the General University Admission Requirements. Unless otherwise stated, HKALE subjects referred to below are required in addition to Use of English and Chinese Language & Culture. Applicants are advised to consult HKUST admissions website (www.ust.hk/admissions) for the most updated information.

除一般入學要求外,2009-2010年度本科課程之申請人另須符合所選學系課程的附加要求。如非特別說明,申請人須具備下表所列之高級程度 會考科目,另加「英語運用」及「中國語文及文化」。申請人可瀏覽本校入學及註冊處網頁 (www.ust.hk/admissions) 以瞭解最新課程資料。

AL Biology and AL Chemistry AL 生物 及 AL 化學 AL Biology and AL Chemistry AL 生物 及 AL 化學

AL Biology and AL Chemistry / AS Chemistry AL 生物 及 AL 化學 / AS 化學 AL Chemistry AL 化學 AL Pure Mathematics AL 純粹數學 (i) AL Physics; OR

(ii) AS Physics and AL Pure Mathematics / AL Applied Mathematics / AS Applied Mathematics / AS Mathematics and Statistics

(i) AL 物理;或

(ii) AS 物理 及 AL 純粹數學 / AL 應用數學 / AS 應用數學 / AS 數學及統計學 * Intake quotas subject to adjustment 收生人數或會因應情況作適當調整

(1) This is a 4-year program, students of this program must be able to read Chinese and Speak Cantonese. 本課程為四年全日制,修讀此課程者必須有閱讀中文及操廣東話的能力。

School of Science

理 學 院


Specific Requirements (Grade E or above are required unless otherwise specified) 課程入學要求 (需考獲E級或以上,特別說明者除外)

Program Title HKALE Subject(s) that must be Included & other requirements

課程名稱 必須包括的香港高級程度會考科目及其他要求 1st Year Intake* 預計 收生人數* Min No. of HKALE Subjects 最少香港高級程度 會考科目數量 Abb. Title/ Prog. Code 課程簡稱 / 課程代號 Engineering A (2) 工學士 - 統一入學組別甲 (2)

A student admitted into the Engineering A stream will, upon completion of the first semester of study, enroll into one of the following degree programs:

同學於修業首學期完結時可選擇入讀以下其中一個學 位課程:

. BEng Chemical Engineering

工 學 士 ( 化 學 工 程 學 )

. BEng Chemical and Environmental Engineering

工 學 士 ( 化 學 及 環 境 工 程 學 )

. BEng Chemical and Bioproduct Engineering

工 學 士 ( 化 學 及 生 物 產 品 工 程 學 )

. BEng Civil and Environmental Engineering

工 學 士 ( 土 木 及 環 境 工 程 學 )

. BEng Civil and Structural Engineering

工 學 士 ( 土 木 及 結 構 工 程 學 )

. BEng Mechanical Engineering

工 學 士 ( 機 械 工 程 學 )

Applicants may include both 5505 and the specific programs ( i.e. 5311, 5323, 5347, 5361, 5373, 5610 ) in their program choices.

申請人可同時報讀5505 及個別工學課程 ( 包括 5311, 5323, 5347, 5361, 5373, 5610 ) 。

Engineering B (2)

工學士 - 統一入學組別乙 (2)

A student admitted into the Engineering B stream will, upon completion of the first semester of study, enroll into one of the following degree programs: 同學於修業首學期完結時可選擇入讀以下其中一個學 位課程:

. BEng Computer Science

工 學 士 ( 計 算 機 科 學 )

. BEng Computer Science (Information Engineering)

工 學 士 ( 計 算 機 科 學 - 資 訊 工 程 )

. BEng Computer Engineering

工 學 士 ( 計 算 機 工 程 學 )

. BEng Electronic Engineering

工 學 士 ( 電 子 工 程 學 )

. BEng Electronic Engineering (Information and

Communication Engineering)

工 學 士 ( 電 子 工 程 學 - 信 息 及 通 訊 工 程 )


BEng Industrial Engineering and Engineering


工 學 士 ( 工 業 工 程 及 工 程 管 理 學 )

. BEng Logistics Management and Engineering

工 學 士 ( 物 流 管 理 及 工 程 學 )

Applicants may include both 5555 and the specific programs ( i.e. 5414, 5426, 5464, 5517, 5529, 5567, 5579 ) in their program choices.

申請人可同時報讀5555 及個別工學課程 (包括 5414, 5426, 5464, 5517, 5529, 5567, 5579 ) 。 ENGG-A 5505 61 2AL / (1AL+2AS)

School of Engineering

工 學 院 25 AL Pure Mathematics and

AL Physics / AL Chemistry / AL Biology / AS Physics AL 純粹數學 及 AL 物理 / AL 化學 / AL 生物 / AS 物理 ENGG-B 5555 100 2AL / (1AL+2AS) AL Pure Mathematics / AL Applied Mathematics / AL Physics / AS Applied Mathematics /

AS Mathematics and Statistics / AS Physics and

HKCEE Physics

AL 純粹數學 / AL 應用數學 / AL 物理 / AS 應用數學 / AS 數學及統計學 / AS 物理 及



Specific Requirements (Grade E or above are required unless otherwise specified) 課程入學要求 (需考獲E級或以上,特別說明者除外)

Program Title HKALE Subject(s) that must be Included & other requirements

課程名稱 必須包括的香港高級程度會考科目及其他要求 1st Year Intake* 預計 收生人數* Min No. of HKALE Subjects 最少香港高級程度 會考科目數量 Abb. Title/ Prog. Code 課程簡稱 / 課程代號 CENG 5311 CEEV 5323 CBPE 5347 CIEV 5361 CIVL 5373 COMP 5414 CSIE 5426 CPEG 5464 ELEC 5517 EEIC 5529 IEEM 5567 IELM 5579 MECH 5610 17 14 14 11 70 48 35 77 65 31 23 23 58 3AL / (2AL + 1AS)

3AL / (2AL + 1AS)

2AL / (1AL + 2AS)

2AL / (1AL + 2AS)

2AL / (1AL + 2AS)

2AL / (1AL + 2AS)

2 subjects chosen from: AL Biology / AL Chemistry / AL Physics / AL Applied Mathematics / AL Pure Mathematics

One of them must be Biology / Chemistry / Physics

2 個科目選自: AL 生物 / AL 化學 / AL 物理 / AL 應用數學 / AL 純粹數學 而其中一科必須包括生物 / 化學 / 物理

2 subjects chosen from: AL Biology / AL Chemistry / AL Physics / AL Applied Mathematics / AL Pure Mathematics

One of them must be Biology / Chemistry

2 個科目選自: AL 生物 / AL 化學 / AL 物理 / AL 應用數學 / AL 純粹數學 而其中一科必須包括生物 / 化學

AL Pure Mathematics / AL Applied Mathematics and AL Physics / AL Chemistry / AS Physics / AS Chemistry

AL 純粹數學 / AL 應用數學 及 AL 物理 / AL 化學 / AS 物理 / AS 化學

AL Pure Mathematics / AL Applied Mathematics / AL Physics / AS Applied Mathematics / AS Mathematics and Statistics / AS Physics


HKCEE Physics

AL 純粹數學 / AL 應用數學 / AL 物理 / AS 應用數學 / AS 數學及統計學 / AS 物理 及


(i) AL Physics / AS Physics OR

(ii) AL Pure Mathematics / AL Applied Mathematics / AS Applied Mathematics / AS Mathematics and Statistics and Grade D or above in: HKCEE Physics

(i) AL 物理 / AS 物理 或

(ii) AL 純粹數學 / AL 應用數學 / AS 應用數學 / AS 數學及統計學 並 於 HKCEE 物理科取得 D 級 或以上成績

AL Pure Mathematics and AL Physics / AL Chemistry / AS Physics AL 純粹數學 及 AL 物理 / AL 化學 / AS 物理

BEng Chemical Engineering 工 學 士 ( 化 學 工 程 學 )

BEng Chemical and Environmental Engineering 工 學 士 ( 化 學 及 環 境 工 程 學 )

BEng Chemical and Bioproduct Engineering 工 學 士 ( 化 學 及 生 物 產 品 工 程 學 )

BEng Civil and Environmental Engineering 工 學 士 ( 土 木 及 環 境 工 程 學 ) BEng Civil and Structural Engineering 工 學 士 ( 土 木 及 結 構 工 程 學 ) BEng Computer Science 工 學 士 ( 計 算 機 科 學 )

BEng Computer Science (Information Engineering) 工 學 士 ( 計 算 機 科 學 - 資 訊 工 程 ) BEng Computer Engineering 工 學 士 ( 計 算 機 工 程 學 ) BEng Electronic Engineering 工 學 士 ( 電 子 工 程 學 )

BEng Electronic Engineering (Information and Communication Engineering)

工 學 士 ( 電 子 工 程 學 - 信 息 及 通 訊 工 程 ) BEng Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management

工 學 士 ( 工 業 工 程 及 工 程 管 理 學 ) BEng Logistics Management and Engineering 工 學 士 ( 物 流 管 理 及 工 程 學 )

BEng Mechanical Engineering 工 學 士 ( 機 械 工 程 學 )

School of Engineering

工 學 院

Come Jo

in Us 加

入 科大


Specific Requirements (Grade E or above are required unless otherwise specified) 課程入學要求 (需考獲E級或以上,特別說明者除外)

Program Title HKALE Subject(s) that must be Included & other requirements

課程名稱 必須包括的香港高級程度會考科目及其他要求 1st Year Intake* 預計 收生人數* Min No. of HKALE Subjects 最少香港高級程度 會考科目數量 Abb. Title/ Prog. Code 課程簡稱 / 課程代號

Bachelor of Business Administration (3)

工 商 管 理 學 士 (3)

Degrees offered 學位包括:


BBA Professional Accounting 專 業 會 計 學


BBA Economics 經 濟 學


BBA Finance 財 務 學


BBA Information Systems 資 訊 系 統 學


BBA Management of Organizations 組 織 管 理 學

. BBA Marketing 市 場 學

. BBA Operations Management 營 運 管 理 學

. BBA General Business Management

綜 合 商 業 管 理 學 BBA Professional Accounting(3)

工 商 管 理 學 士 ( 專 業 會 計 學 ) (3)

BSc Economics and Finance 理 學 士 ( 經 濟 及 財 務 學 ) BSc Quantitative Finance 理 學 士 ( 計 量 財 務 學 )

BBA Global Business

工 商 管 理 學 士 ( 環 球 商 業 管 理 )


Grade D or above in: AS Use of English is normally required 英文

AS 英語運用 : 一般須達 D 級或以上


Grade C or above in: AS Use of English Mathematics

(i) AL Pure Mathematics / AL Applied Mathematics OR

(ii) Grade B or above in: AS Mathematics and Statistics / AS Applied Mathematics / HKCEE Additional Mathematics

英文 AS 英語運用 : C 級或以上 數學 (i) AL 純粹數學 / AL 應用數學 或 (ii) 於以下科目取得 B 級或以上成績 : AS 數學及統計學 / AS 應用數學 / HKCEE 附加數學 English

Grade C or above in: AS Use of English Chinese/Alternative Language

Level 4 / Grade C or above in: HKCEE Chinese / an alternative language OR

Grade C or above in: AS Chinese Language & Culture 英文 AS 英語運用 : C 級或以上 中文 / 其他語文 HKCEE 中國語文 / 其他語文 : 四級 / C 級或以上 AS 中國語文及文化 : C 級或以上 BBA 5701 ACCT 5713 ECOF 5751 QFIN 5787 GBUS 5921 431 130 50 30 45 2AL / (1AL + 2AS)

2AL / (1AL + 2AS)

2AL / (1AL + 2AS)


School of Business and Management

工 商 管 理 學 院

(3) The Year 1 curricula of 5713 ACCT and 5701 BBA are identical.

Those interested in Professional Accounting should include either or both of 5713 and 5701 in their program choices. 5713 is for admission directly to the BBA in Professional Accounting Program. On the other hand, those admitted into 5701 may select Professional Accounting as a major subject area of study from the second year onwards.

5713 ACCT 及 5701 BBA 課程首年之課程內容均相同。

有意修讀專業會計學課程之申請人可選擇同時報讀5713 及 5701。入讀 5701 之學 生可於修業第一年完結後選擇專業會計學作為主修課程,而課程5713 則為直接修讀 工商管理學士 ( 專業會計學 ) 。


Specific Requirements (Grade E or above are required unless otherwise specified) 課程入學要求 (需考獲E級或以上,特別說明者除外)

Program Title HKALE Subject(s) that must be Included & other requirements

課程名稱 必須包括的香港高級程度會考科目及其他要求 1st Year Intake* 預計 收生人數* Min No. of HKALE Subjects 最少香港高級程度 會考科目數量 Abb. Title/ Prog. Code 課程簡稱 / 課程代號

Interdisciplinary Program

跨 學 科 課 程

Joint School Program: School of Science & School of Business and Management

院 系 聯 合 課 程 : 理 學 院 及 工 商 管 理 學 院

Dual Degree Program in Technology and Management (4)

科 技 及 管 理 學 雙 學 位 課 程 (4)

For the degree in Technology, applicants admitted to this program will be required to choose from one of the following:

入讀本課程之科技學位,申請人可選讀以下其中一個 學科:

. BEng Chemical Engineering

化 學 工 程 學


BEng Chemical and Bioproduct Engineering 化 學 及 生 物 產 品 工 程 學

. BEng Civil and Structural Engineering

土 木 及 結 構 工 程 學


BEng Computer Science 計 算 機 科 學

. BEng Computer Engineering

計 算 機 工 程 學


BEng Electronic Engineering

電 子 工 程 學

. BEng Industrial Engineering and Engineering


工 業 工 程 及 工 程 管 理 學

. BEng Logistics Management and Engineering

物 流 管 理 及 工 程 學


BEng Mechanical Engineering 機 械 工 程 學

For the degree in Management, applicants will be enrolled in BBA in General Business Management 入讀本課程之管理學位,申請人可選讀 綜合商業管理學 BEng & BBA 5309 40 3AL (preferred) / (2AL + 1AS) AL Pure Mathematics / AL Biology / AL Chemistry and AL Physics AL 純粹數學 / AL 生物 / AL 化學 及 AL 物理

BSc Mathematics and Economics 理 學 士 ( 數 學 及 經 濟 學 )


Grade C or above in: AS Use of English Chinese/Alternative Language

Level 4 / Grade C or above in: HKCEE Chinese / an alternative language


Grade C or above in: AS Chinese Language & Culture

Note: Grade D in AS Use of English or AS Chinese Language and Culture will be considered if outstanding grades in 3AL / (2AL + 1AS) subjects are obtained in HKALE. 英文 AS 英語運用: C 級或以上 中文/ 其他語文 HKCEE 中國語文 / 其他語文: 四級 / C 級或以上AS 中國語文及文化: C 級或以上 註: 於 AS 英語運用 或 AS 中國語文及文化取得 D 級之 申請人,如在 3AL / ( 2AL + 1AS ) 科目中取得優異成 績,仍可獲考慮。

MAEC 5232

25 2AL / (1AL + 2AS) English

Grade D or above in: AS Use of English BSc Risk Management and Business Intelligence

理 學 士 ( 風 險 管 理 及 商 業 智 能 學 )

RMBI 5012

26 2AL / (1AL + 2AS) Mathematics

AL Pure Mathematics 數學 AL 純粹數學 Mathematics AL Pure Mathematics English

Grade D or above in: AS Use of English

Note: Grade E in AS Use of English will be considered if outstanding grades are obtained in HKALE. 英文

AS 英語運用 : D 級或以上

註 : 於 AS 英語運用取得 E 級之申請人,如在 HKALE 中 取得優異成績,仍可獲考慮。


* For the purpose of admission, non-local students are defined by the University Grants Committee as persons entering Hong Kong for the purpose of education with a student visa/entry permit issued by the Director of Immigration.

1. Tuition/Program Fees for Undergraduate


(to be paid in two equal installments at the beginning of each semester)

For Local Students (for 2008-09): Tuition Fees

HK$42,100 per annum The tuition for the 4th

year of study of the Dual Degree Program in Technology and Management is HK$60,000 per annum.

For Non-Local* Students (for 2008-09): Tuition Fee

HK$80,000 per annum

Program Fee:

For non-local undergraduate students of the BBA Global Business program or the Dual Degree Program in Technology and Management . . . $20,000 per annum


一 、 學 費 / 課 程 費 用 ( 分兩期在學期開始前繳交 ) 本地學生修讀本科生課程 (2008-09 年度 ) 學費 全年港幣 42,100 元 科技及管理學雙學位課程第四學年之學費為港幣 60,000 元。 非本地學生修讀本科生課程 * (2008-09 年度 ) 學費 全年港幣 80,000 元 課程費用 適用於入讀工商管理學士 ( 環球商業管理 ) 或科技及管 理學雙學位課程的非本地學生 . . . 全年港幣 20,000 元 * 據大學及教育資助委員會所介定,「非本地學生」是指持由香港入境處 處長所簽發之來港就讀簽證/進入許可來港就學之人士。

費 用

Come Join Us 加 入 科 大 29


2. Undergraduate Hall Charges:

Subject to annual revision, for a residential year from 28 August 2008 to 3 June 2009:

$10,170 - $11,700 per person in double rooms $7,620 - $8,800 per person in triple rooms $8,450 - $9,730 per person in bunk-bed rooms

3. Estimated Expenses:

Apart from tuition fee and hall charges, students may spend approximately HK$100 (US$13) per day for meals on campus. Depending on your spending pattern, personal miscellaneous expenses on local transportation, laundry, sundries, entertainment and so on, will be about HK$200 per week. 二 、 本 科 生 宿 舍 費 用 : 以下為 2008 年 8 月 28 日至 2009 年 6 月 3 日的宿舍收 費,費用或會視乎每年情況作調整: 雙人房 每位港幣 10,170 至 11,700 三人房 每位港幣 7,620 至 8,800 雙人房 ( 雙層床 ) 每位港幣 8,450 至 9,730 三 、 預 計 開 支 : 除學費及宿費外,科大學生在校用膳平均開支約為每天 港幣 100 元 (13 美元 ) ,其他開支如本地交通、衣服洗 滌、娛樂及雜項約為每星期港幣 200 元,開支視乎各人 不同消費模式。 Com e Jo in U s 加 入 科 大


A number of scholarships and prizes are awarded on behalf of individual and corporate donors to students on the strength of academic merit and the recommendations of a school or depar tment. In the academic year of 2007/08, around HK$30 million scholarships were awarded through the University to outstanding students in various programs of study.

In addition, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology has special scholarship schemes for outstanding JUPAS, EAS and Direct Entry entrants. JUPAS students who have outstanding all-rounded or non-academic achievements may apply for All-Rounded/Non-Academic Achievements Scholarships. For details about the scholarship schemes, please visit the following website: www.ust.hk/scholarship

Financial Assistance

There are two main sources of financial support for Hong Kong students:

Government Student Financial Assistance


Full-time students who have the right of abode in Hong Kong or have resided or have had their home in Hong Kong continuously for three complete year s immediately pr ior to the commencement of their year of study are eligible to apply to the Government Student Financial Assistance Agency (SFAA) for financial aid. Holders of student visas are not eligible, irrespective of their number of years of residence in Hong Kong at the University. Assistance is offered through two schemes:

本校設有多項由個人或團體捐贈的獎學金及獎項,按學業成 績由學院或學系推薦,頒發予學生。在 2007-08 學年,獎學金 頒出總額達三千萬港元。 香港科技大學更為循不同途徑入學的優異生設立了豐富的獎 學金計劃,包括聯招、「中六生優先錄取計劃」及「直接入讀計 劃」。具特殊才華和表現的聯招生,可申請獎學金。有關獎學 金計劃詳情,請參考以下網站:www.ust.hk/scholarship

經 濟 援 助

香港學生可申請以下兩項經濟援助: 政 府 學 生 經 濟 援 助 www.info.gov.hk/sfaa/ 全日制學生如擁有香港特別行政區居留權,或在課程開始前已 連續在香港居住或其家庭在香港已住滿三年,可向政府學生資 助辦事處申請經濟援助。然持學生簽證就學者則並不符合資 格。經濟援助會透過以下兩個途徑發放: 31



Tertiary Student Finance Scheme (TSFS):

Grants/loans awarded in relation to family income and financial status


Non-means Tested Loan Scheme (NLS):

Loans up to the amount of tuition fee

Students may apply for assistance from both schemes or either one. Application forms and further details may be obtained from the SFAA or from the Student Affairs Office of the University.

University Loans and Bursaries

Students with additional financial needs may apply for loans and bursaries administered by the University. In general, these funds are used to supplement, but not substitute for, Government financial assistance. Details of loans and bursaries are available at the Student Affairs Office.

Credit Transfer

Applicants from universities, polytechnics or other post-secondary institutions who have completed, or are studying curriculum relevant to the program(s) for which they are applying, may apply for credit transfer upon admission. Transfer credits from programs of other institutions attended by the student prior to the admission to HKUST will only be granted if the prior study was properly disclosed in the admission application. Application must be made within one month of commencement of first semester. Applications for direct entry to


資助專上課程學生資助計劃 助學金及 / 或低息貸款的金額需視乎家庭收入及資產狀況而 定


免入息審查貸款計劃 貸款額最高可達應繳學費的總數 學生可同時申請兩項援助計劃,或只擇其一。而有關申請 表格及詳細資料,可向學生資助辦事處或本校學生事務處 索取。 大 學 貸 款 及 助 學 金 學生經濟上如有困難,亦可向大學申請貸款與助學金。然本 校的貸款及助學金通常只用以貼補政府資助的不足。有關詳 情,請向學生事務處查詢。

學 分 承 認

申請人如於入讀本校前,曾在其他大學、理工學院或認可之 大專院校修畢或現正修讀相關的課程,可申請學分承認。然 其必須於提交入學申請時,已詳列有關課程,其學分方可獲 承認。而學分轉移申請必須於入學後首個月內提出。而循直 接申請途徑申請高年級入學者,本校將按個別情況考慮其學 分轉移申請。



Information technology learning targets: A guideline for schools to organize teaching and learning activities to develop our students' capability in using IT. Hong

“Chinese Language Assessment Tools” tailored for NCS students and a longitudinal study, further evaluate the effectiveness of measures to support NCS students’

These activities provide chances for students to work on their own, to apply their economic concepts, to develop a critical attitude and, above all, to increase the interest of

An information literate person is able to recognise that information processing skills and freedom of information access are pivotal to sustaining the development of a

• For parents who wish to apply for Central Allocation only, they should submit the application form with all originals and copies of the supporting documents to School

*More able students and those who have interest may further study the development of popular culture (pop music, cartoons, movies, television, etc.) in post-war Hong Kong to

• For parents who wish to apply for Central Allocation only, they should submit the application form with all originals and copies of the supporting documents to School

• Children from this parenting style are more responsive, able to recover quickly from stress; they also have better emotional responsiveness and self- control; they can notice