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Development and Application of a Directional Link Analysis Technique 黃勝偉、陳鴻文


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Development and Application of a Directional Link Analysis Technique 黃勝偉、陳鴻文

E-mail: 9607621@mail.dyu.edu.tw


Traditional techniques of social network analysis mainly focused on identify the central members in a network, but rarely explored the interaction and relationships be-tween actors and sub-groups. A lot of information within a network is hence ignored. Therefore, a novel directional link analysis technique is proposed here. Instead, both dynamic and static relationships between actors and sub-groups will be investigated from the latent structure of a network. Enron e-mail corpus and indictment name list were used to illustrate and demon-strate the proposed techniques. First, the e-mail contact networks were classified by the topics of e-mail contents between July and Nov. 2001 which were regarded as the pe-riod of Enron fraud crisis. Following that, strongly connected

components, communi-cation bridges between components and other topological information of the e-mail networks were found by the proposed Directional Link Analysis (DLA). To identify the employee involving fraud within the node set found by DLA. The experimental results illustrated the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed methods by the average de-tection rate and the average running time being 83.07% and 1.47 seconds, respectively. Therefore, DLA and DNSA are useful as novel tools of automatic link analysis because of their efficiency and objectiveness.

Keywords : 圖形理論(graph theory)、社會網絡分析(social network analysis)、方向性鏈結分析(directional link analysis)、安隆電 子郵件分析(Enron corpus analysis)、弱鏈結(weak tie)

Table of Contents

中文摘要... iii 英文摘要... v 誌謝辭... vii 內容目 錄... viii 表目錄... x 圖目錄... xii 第一章 緒

論... 1 第一節 研究背景及動機... 1 第二節 研究目的... 3 第三節 研究範圍與 限制... 3 第四節 論文架構... 4 第二章 文獻探討... 6 第一節 鏈結分析的問 題... 6 第二節 圖形理論... 13 第三節 社會網絡分析... 17 第四節 安隆公

司... 23 第三章 研究方法與設計... 31 第一節 研究方法與架構... 31 第二節 方向性 鏈結分析 (Directional Link Analysis, DLA)... 37 第三節 網絡結構差異分析(Differentiation of Network Structure Analysis, DNSA)... 41 第四章 實驗與結果評估... 50 第一節 開發工具與設計環境... 50 第二節 實驗資料來 源... 50 第三節 實驗結果分析... 54 第四節 結果評估比較... 61 第五章 結論與未來 研究方向... 65 第一節 結論... 66 第二節 後續研究發展建議... 67 參考文

獻... 68 附錄A... 81 REFERENCES

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