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An Extension of the Theory of Planned Behavior for Studying the Usage Behavior of Marketing-oriented blogs 許雅綾、包冬意


Academic year: 2022

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An Extension of the Theory of Planned Behavior for Studying the Usage Behavior of Marketing-oriented blogs


E-mail: 9707168@mail.dyu.edu.tw


The rapid development of Internet has brought the rising of Blogs, and the number of Bloggers and browsers is growing rapidly.

Various Blog commercial models and applications have been developed, which cause a major influence on personal behaviors and decision-making with Blogs as a new kind of Internet media, Bloggers or managers must consider how to use Blogs to promote marketing and to obtain benefit. The devel-opment of marketing-oriented Blogs is important in the future and it is also worth our attention. This research investigated the usage behavior of marketing-oriented Blogs. Based on literature review, this research uses the theory of planned behavior as a theo-retical framework. Furthermore, based on the characteristics of Blogs, this research also includes “Trust”, “Perceived Enjoyment”, “Perceived Usefulness”, “Perceived Ease of Use”, “Download Delay” and

“User Skills” into the model in order to establish the us-age behavior of marketing-oriented Blogs. An empirical study was conducted. The re-search adopted questionnaires for collecting data and investigating and used PLS-Graph3.0 to analyze data. The results of this research as follows. “Attitude Toward Behavior”, “Subjective Norm” and “Perceived Behavioral Control” are positively re-lated to “Behavioral Intention to Use”, and those factors have been effected by “Trust”, “Perceived Enjoyment

”, “Perceived Ease of Use”, “Download Delay” and “User Skills”. The result also bring some implication on the management of marketing-oriented Blogs.

Keywords : Blog;TPB;PLS

Table of Contents

中文摘要 ..................... iii 英文摘要 .....................

iv 誌謝辭  ..................... v 內容目錄 ....................

. vi 表目錄  ..................... viii 圖目錄  ..................

... ix 第一章  緒論................... 1   第一節  研究背景與動機........

.... 1   第二節  研究目的............... 5   第三節  研究範圍..........

..... 5   第四節  研究流程............... 6   第五節  論文架構.........

...... 7 第二章  文獻探討................. 8   第一節  部落格與行銷導向部落格.

....... 8   第二節  計畫行為理論............. 18   第三節  信任........

......... 31   第四節  認知愉悅性.............. 33   第五節  下載延遲....

........... 34   第六節  使用者技能.............. 35 第三章  研究方法....

............. 38   第一節  研究模式與假說............ 38   第二節  變數的操 作型定義........... 43   第三節  問卷調查對象與方式.......... 46   第四節  衡量 問項............... 47   第五節  資料分析方法............. 50 第四章  資料 分析................. 53   第一節  樣本基本資料分析........... 53   第二節   信效度之檢驗............. 57   第三節  結構化方程模式(SEM) ......... 63 第五章   結論與建議................ 66   第一節  研究結論............... 66    第二節  研究貢獻與建議............ 69   第三節  研究限制...............

70 參考文獻 ..................... 71 附錄  研究問卷................

.. 86 表目錄 表 1-1 Web 1.0與Web 2.0的變化與差異 ....... 2 表 2-1 部落格定義之整理..........

.... 10 表 2-2 常見部落格服務平台............. 15 表 2-3 計畫行為理論的相關研究.......

.... 29 表 3-1 本研究假說匯整表.............. 42 表 3-2 變數的操作型定義..........

.... 45 表 3-3 本研究衡量問項............... 47 表 4-1 樣本基本資料分析表.........

.... 54 表 4-2 網際網路及部落格使用時間.......... 56 表 4-3 使用行銷導向部落格網站類型.....

.... 57 表 4-4 敘述統計分析表............... 58 表 4-5 測量模型之檢定結果.........

.... 59 表 4-6 區別效度分析................ 62 表 4-7 本研究假設檢定結果.........

.... 64 圖目錄 圖 1-1 歷年台灣經常上網人口成長情況........ 1 圖 1-2 本研究的研究流程圖......


....... 6 圖 2-1 2006第四季部落格貼文語言別 ........ 14 圖 2-2 台灣目前有在經營的部落格網站..

...... 15 圖 2-3 理性行為理論................ 19 圖 2-4 計畫行為理論..........

...... 21 圖 2-5 科技接受模式................ 24 圖 2-6 結合計畫行為理論與科技接受模式.

...... 26 圖 3-1 本研究的研究架構.............. 38 圖 3-2 認知行為控制的二階模型.....

...... 39 圖 4-1 本研究各變數路徑係數及關係圖........ 63 REFERENCES

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This study combines the Technology Acceptance Model and Theory of Planned Behavior as its research foundation, added with dimension of perceived value as