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I Relational Database


Academic year: 2022

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I Relational Database Modeling– how to define

Relational Model

data structure, operations, constraints

• Design theory for relational database

High-level Models

• E/R model, UML model, ODL



Relational Database Programming

– how to operate

Chapter 5: From an abstract point of view to study the question of database queries and modifications.

Relational Algebra

A Logic for Relation

Chapter 6~10: From a practical point to learn the operations on Database

The Database Language SQL


Chapter 5 Algebraic and Logic Query languages

Relational operations (chapter 2)

Extended operators

Datalog: a logic for relations

Relational algebra vs. Datalog


Review 1: what is Relational Algebra?

An algebra whose operands are

relations or variables that represent relations.

Operators are designed to do the

most common things that we need to do with relations in a database.

The result is an algebra that can be used as a query language for relations.


Review 2:

“Core” of Relational Algebra

Set operations: Union, intersection and difference (the relation schemas must be the same)

Selection: Picking certain rows from a relation.

Projection: picking certain columns.

Products and joins: composing relations in a useful ways.

Renaming of relations and their attributes.


Review 3: Bags Model

SQL, the most important query

language for relational databases is actually a bag language.

SQL will eliminate duplicates, but usually only if you ask it to do so explicitly.

Some operations, like projection, are much more efficient on bags than



Extended (“Nonclassical”) Relational Algebra

Add features needed for SQL bags.

1. Duplicate-elimination operator 

2. Extended projection.

3. Sorting operator 

4. Grouping-and-aggregation operator

5. Outerjoin operator 


Duplicate Elimination

(R ) = relation with one copy of each

tuple that appears one or more times in R.

Example R = A B 1 2 3 4 1 2

 (R ) = A B 1 2 3 4



L(R) = list of tuples of R, ordered according to attributes on list L

Note that result type is outside the normal types (set or bag) for relational algebra.

Consequence,  cannot be followed by other relational operators.

R = A B  B(R ) = [(1,2), (5,2), (3,4)]

1 2 3 4 5 2


Extended Projection

Allow the columns in the projection to be functions of one or more columns in the argument relation.


R = A B  A+B,A,A (R)= A+B A1 A2 1 2 3 1 1 3 4 7 3 3

•Arithmetic on attributes

•Duplicate occurrences of the same attribute


Aggregation Operators

Aggregation operators apply to entire columns of a table and produce a single result.

The most important examples: SUM, AVG, COUNT, MIN, and MAX.


Example: Aggregation

R = A B

1 3

3 4

3 2

SUM(A) = 7 COUNT(A) = 3 MAX(B) = 4 AVG(B) = 3


Grouping Operator

L(R ) where L is a list of elements that are either

1. Individual (grouping) attributes or

2. Of the form (A), where  is an

aggregation operator and A the attribute to which it is applied, computed by:

Grouping R according to all the grouping attributes on list L.

Within each group, compute (A), for each element (A) on list L

Result is the relation whose column consist of one tuple for each group. The components of that tuple are the values associated with each element of L for that group.



compute 

beer, AVG(price)

(R )

R= Bar Beer price Joe’s Bud 2.00 Joe’s Miller 2.75 Sue’s Bud 2.5 Sue’s Coors 3.00 Mel’s Miller 3.25

1. Group by the grouping attributes, beer in this case:

Bar Beer price Joe’s Bud 2.00 Sue’s Bud 2.5 Joe’s Miller 2.75 Mel’s Miller 3.25 Sue’s Coors 3.00


Example (cont.)

2. Computer average of price with groups:

Beer AVG (price) Bud 2.25

Miller 3.00 Coors 3.00


AVG(price)(R )




R = A B C

1 2 3

4 5 6

1 2 5

A,B,AVG(C) (R) = ??

First, group R :


1 2 3

1 2 5

4 5 6

Then, average C within groups:


1 2 4

4 5 6



The normal join can “lose” information, the (4,5) and (4,6) (dangles) has no vestige in the join result.

Outerjoin operator  : the null value can be used to “pad” dangling tuples.

Variations: theta-outjoin, left- and right- outjoin (pad only dangling tuples from the left (resp., right).


1 2

4 5


2 3

4 6


1 2 3


Example: Outerjoin

R = A B S = B C

1 2 2 3

4 5 6 7

(1,2) joins with (2,3), but the other two tuples are dangling.


1 2 3

4 5 NULL NULL 6 7


Example (cont.)

R L S = A B C

1 2 3 4 5 NULL

R  RS = A B C 1 2 3 null 6 7


Classroom Exercises

R(A,B): {(0,1),(2,3),(0,1),(2,4),(3,4)}




1)  B+1,C-1 (S) 2)  b,a (R) 3) (R) 4) a, sum(b) (R) 5) R outjoin S


Logic As a Query Language

If-then logical rules have been used in many systems.

Nonrecursive rules are equivalent to the core relational algebra.

Recursive rules extend relational algebra and appear in SQL-99.


Logic As a Query Language (cont.)

A Query: to find a cheap beer whose price is less than 2 dollars

A Rule:

if sells (bar,beer,price) and the price <

2 then the beer is cheap.


Predicates and atoms

A predicate followed by its arguments is called an atom.

Atom = predicate and arguments.

Predicate = relation name or arithmetic predicate, e.g. <.

Arguments are variables or constants.

Relations are represented in Datalog by predicates.

R(a1,a2,…an) has value TRUE if (a1,a2,…an) is a tuple of R, otherwise, it is false.


A Logical Rule

Frequents(drinker, bar) Likes(drinker, beer)

Sells(bar, beer, price)

Define a rule called “happy drinkers”

--- those that frequent a bar that serves a beer that they like.


Anatomy of a Rule

Happy(d) <- Frequents(d,bar) AND

Likes(d,beer) AND Sells(bar,beer,p)

Body = antecedent = AND of subgoals.

Head = consequent, a single subgoal

Read this symbol “if”


Subgoals Are Atoms

An atom is a predicate, or relation name with variables or constants as arguments.

The head is an atom; the body is the AND of one or more atoms.

Convention: Predicates begin with a capital, variables begin with lower- case.


Example: Atom

Sells(bar, beer, p)

The predicate

= name of a relation

Arguments are

variables (or constants).


Applying a Rule

Approach 1: consider all combinations of values of the variables.

If all subgoals are true, then evaluate the head.

The resulting head is a tuple in the result.


Example: Rule Evaluation

Happy(d) <- Frequents(d,bar) AND

Likes(d,beer) AND Sells(bar,beer,p) FOR (each d, bar, beer, p)

IF (Frequents(d,bar), Likes(d,beer), and Sells(bar,beer,p) are all true)

add Happy(d) to the result

Note: set semantics so add only once.


Only assignments that make all subgoals true:

d  David, bar  Joe’sbar, BeerBud d  David, bar  Joe’sbar, BeerMiller d  Frank, bar  Sue’sbar, BeerBud

In the above cases it makes subgoals all true. Thus, add (d) = (david, Frank) to happy (d).

d Susan, bar Joe’sbar, beerCoors, however the third subgoal is not true, because (Joe’sbar, Coors,p) is not in Sells.

Bar Beer price

Joe’s Bud 2.00

Joe’s Miller 2.75 Sue’s Bud 2.5 Sue’s Coors 3.00

Drinker Beer

David Bud David Miller Frank Bud Susan Coors

Drinker Bar

David Joe’sbar Frank Sue’s bar Susan Joe’s bar


Applying a Rule

Approach 2: For each subgoal,

consider all tuples that make the subgoal true.

If a selection of tuples define a

single value for each variable, then add the head to the result.


Example: Rule Evaluation – (2)

Happy(d) <- Frequents(d,bar) AND

Likes(d,beer) AND Sells(bar,beer,p) FOR (each f in Frequents, i in Likes, and

s in Sells)

IF (f[1]=i[1] and f[2]=s[1] and i[2]=s[2])

add Happy(f[1]) to the result


Three assignments of tuples to subgoals:

f(david Joe’sbar) i(David Bud) s(Joe’s Bud 2.00)

f(david Joe’sbar) i(David Miller) s(Joe’s Miller 2.75) f(frank,Sue’sbar) i(Frank Bud) s(Sue’s Bud 2.5)


f[1]=i[1] and f[2]=s[1] and i[2]=s[2]) true

Thus, (david,frank) is the only tuples for the head.

Drinker Bar

David Joe’sbar Frank Sue’s bar Susan Joe’s bar

Drinker Beer

David Bud David Miller Frank Bud Susan Coors

Bar Beer price

Joe’s Bud 2.00

Joe’s Miller 2.75 Sue’s Bud 2.5 Sue’s Coors 3.00


Arithmetic Subgoals

In addition to relations as predicates, a predicate for a subgoal of the body can be an arithmetic comparison.

We write arithmetic subgoals in the usual way, e.g., x < y.


Example: Arithmetic

A beer is “cheap” if there are at least two bars that sell it for under $2.

Cheap(beer) <- Sells(bar1,beer,p1) AND Sells(bar2,beer,p2)

AND p1 < 2.00 AND p2 < 2.00

AND bar1 <> bar2


Negated Subgoals

NOT in front of a subgoal negates its meaning.

Example: Think of Arc(a,b) as arcs in a graph.

S(x,y) says the graph is not transitive from x to y ; i.e., there is a path of length 2 from x to y, but no arc from x to y.

S(x,y) <- Arc(x,z) AND Arc(z,y) AND NOT Arc(x,y)


Safe Rules

A rule is safe if:

1. Each variable in head,

2. Each variable in an arithmetic subgoal, and

3. Each variable in a negated subgoal,

also appears in a nonnegated, relational subgoal.

Safe rules prevent infinite results.


Example: Unsafe Rules

Each of the following is unsafe and not allowed:

1. S(x) <- R(y)

2. S(x) <- R(y) AND NOT R(x)

3. S(x) <- R(y) AND x < y

In each case, an infinity of x ’s can satisfy the rule, even if R is a finite relation.

R 7 9 0 1







An Advantage of Safe Rules

Safe rule: S(x) <- R(x) AND x > 1

Where tuples(x) is from only the

nonnegated, relational subgoals R.

The head, negated relational

subgoals, and arithmetic subgoals thus have all their variables defined and can be evaluated.

R 7 9 0 1


Datalog Programs

Datalog program = collection of rules.

In a program, predicates can be either

1. EDB = Extensional Database = stored table.

2. IDB = Intensional Database = relation defined by rules.

Never both! No EDB in heads.


For example


Sells(bar,beer,price) Beer(name,manf)


Cheap(beer) <- Sells(bar1,beer,p1) AND Sells(bar2,beer,p2) AND p1 < 2.00 AND p2 < 2.00 AND bar1 <> bar2

Happy(drinker) <- Frequents(d,bar) AND Likes(d,beer) AND Sells(bar,beer,p)

bar beer price Joe’s Bud 3

Joes’s Miller 1 Mary’s Bud 1 Mary’s Miller 1.5

David Bud 1.5

cheapBeer Miller


Create table sells(bar string, beer string, Price float);


Evaluating Datalog Programs

Pick an order to evaluate the IDB predicates, all the predicates in the body of its rules needs to be


If an IDB predicate has more than

one rule, each rule contributes tuples to its relation.


Example: Datalog Program

EDB Sells(bar, beer, price) and Beers(name, manf)

Query: to find the manufacturers of beers Joe doesn’t sell.

JoeSells(b) <- Sells(’Joe’’s Bar’, b, p) Answer(m) <- Beers(b,m)

AND NOT JoeSells(b)


Example: Evaluation

Step 1: Examine all Sells tuples with first component ’Joe’’s Bar’.

Add the second component to JoeSells.

Step 2: Examine all Beers tuples (b,m).

If b is not in JoeSells, add m to Answer.


Relational Algebra & Datalog

Both are query languages for

relational database (abstractly)

Algebra: use algebra expression.

Datalog: use logic expressions.

Core of algebra = Datalog rules (no recursive)


From Relational Algebra to Datalog

RS I(x)  R(x) AND S(x) RS I(x)  R(x)

I(x)  S(x)

RS I(x)  R(x) AND NOT S(x)

A(R) I(a)  R(a,b)

F(R) I(x)  R(x) AND F


From Relational Algebra to Datalog (cont.)

A(R) I(a)  R(a,b)

C1 AND C2(R) I(x)  R(x) AND C1 x AND C2

C1 OR C2(R) I(x)  R(x) AND C1 I(x)  R(x) AND C2

RS I(x,y)  R(x) AND S(y) R S I(x,y,z)  R(x,y) AND

x S(y,z)



U (a,b,c) and V (b,c,d) have theta join

Relational algebra:

U V a<d or U.b<>V.b

Relational datalog:

X(a,ub,uc,vb,vc,d)<- U(a,ub,uc) and V(vb,vc,d) and a<d

X(a,ub,uc,vb,vc,d) <- U(a,ub,uc) and V(vb,vc,d) and ub <>vb


Expressive Power of Datalog

Without recursion, Datalog can

express all and only the queries of core relational algebra.

The same as SQL select-from-where, without aggregation and grouping.

But with recursion, Datalog can express more than these



Recursive Rule example

Path(X,Y)  Edge (X,Y)

Path (X,Y)  Edge (X,Z) AND Path(Z,Y) More will be on chapter 6


Summary of Chapter 5

Extensions to relational algebra

Datalog: This form of logic allows us to write queries in the relational model.

Rule: head  subgoals, they are atoms, and an atom consists of an predicate

applied to some number of arguments.


Relational algebra vs. datalog



Exercise 5.3.1 (2.4.1) a), f), h)

Exercise 5.4.1 g)

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