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Algorithm Design and Analysis Divide and Conquer (3)


Academic year: 2022

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Algorithm Design and Analysis Divide and Conquer (3)

Yun-Nung (Vivian) Chen




• Recurrence (遞迴)

• Divide-and-Conquer

• D&C #1: Tower of Hanoi (河內塔)

• D&C #2: Merge Sort

• D&C #3: Bitonic Champion

• D&C #4: Maximum Subarray

• Solving Recurrences

• Substitution Method

• Recursion-Tree Method

• Master Method

• D&C #5: Matrix Multiplication

• D&C #6: Selection Problem

• D&C #7: Closest Pair of Points Problem

Divide-and-Conquer 之神乎奇技

Divide-and-Conquer 首部曲


D&C #5: Matrix Multiplication


Textbook Chapter 4.2 – Strassen’s algorithm for matrix multiplication


Matrix Multiplication Problem


Naïve Algorithm

• Each entry takes 𝑛 multiplications

• There are total 𝑛2 entries




Matrix Multi. Problem Complexity




• We can assume that 𝑛 = 2𝑘 for simplicity

• Otherwise, we can increase 𝑛 s.t. 𝑛 = 2 log2 𝑛

• 𝑛 may not be twice large as the original in this modification


A11 A12

A21 A22

B11 B12

B21 B22

C11 C12

C21 C22



Conquer Divide

Algorithm Time Complexity

MatrixMultiply(n, A, B) //base case

if n == 1 __ _return AB

//recursive case

Divide A and B into n/2 by n/2 submatrices

C11 = MatrixMultiply(n/2,A11,B11) + MatrixMultiply(n/2,A12,B21) C21 = MatrixMultiply(n/2,A11,B12) + MatrixMultiply(n/2,A12,B22) C21 = MatrixMultiply(n/2,A21,B11) + MatrixMultiply(n/2,A22,B21) C22 = MatrixMultiply(n/2,A21,B12) + MatrixMultiply(n/2,A22,B22) return C

𝑇 𝑛 = time for running MatrixMultiply(n, A, B)


Strassen’s Technique

• Important theoretical breakthrough by Volker Strassen in 1969

• Reduces the running time from Θ(𝑛3) to Θ(𝑛𝑙𝑜𝑔27) ≈ Θ(𝑛2.807)

• The key idea is to reduce the number of recursive calls

• From 8 recursive calls to 7 recursive calls

• At the cost of extra addition and subtraction operations


4 multiplications 3 additions

1 multiplication 2 additions Intuition:


Strassen’s Algorithm

• 𝐶 = 𝐴 × 𝐵

2 + 1×

1 + 1×

1 − 1×

1 + 1 − 1×

1 + 1 − 1×

1 − 1×

1 + 1×

12 + 6 − 7×

2 + 1 − 1 + 1 + 2 + 1 −


Verification of Strassen’s Algorithm

• Practice






Strassen’s Algorithm Time Complexity

Strassen(n, A, B) // base case if n == 1 ___ return AB

// recursive case

Divide A and B into n/2 by n/2 submatrices M1 = Strassen(n/2, A11+A22, B11+B22)

M2 = Strassen(n/2, A21+A22, B11) M3 = Strassen(n/2, A11, B12-B22) M4 = Strassen(n/2, A22, B21-B11) M5 = Strassen(n/2, A11+A12, B22) M6 = Strassen(n/2, A11-A21, B11+B12) M7 = Strassen(n/2, A12-A22, B21+B22) C11 = M1 + M4 - M5 + M7

C12 = M3 + M5 C21 = M2 + M4

C22 = M1 – M2 + M3 + M6 return C

𝑇 𝑛 = time for running Strassen(n,A,B)


Practicability of Strassen’s Algorithm

• Disadvantages

1. Larger constant factor than it in the naïve approach

2. Less numerical stable than the naïve approach

• Larger errors accumulate in non-integer computation due to limited precision 3. The submatrices at the levels of recursion consume space

4. Faster algorithms exist for sparse matrices

• Advantages: find the crossover point and combine two subproblems



Matrix Multiplication Upper Bounds

• Each algorithm gives an upper bound

Current lowest upper bound


Matrix Multi. Problem Complexity



D&C #6: Selection Problem

Textbook Chapter 9.3 – Selection in worst-case linear time


Selection Problem



n = 10, k = 5

3 7 9 17 5 2 21 18 33 4


Selection Problem ≦ Sorting Problem

• If the sorting problem can be solved in 𝑂 𝑓 𝑛 , so can the selection problem based on the algorithm design

• Step 1: sort A into increasing order

• Step 2: output 𝐴[𝑛 − 𝑘 + 1]



Selection Problem Complexity

Can we make the upper bound better if we do not sort them?



• Idea

• Select a pivot and divide the inputs into two subproblems

• If 𝑘 ≤ 𝑋> , we find the 𝑘-th largest

• If 𝑘 > 𝑋> , we find the 𝑘 − 𝑋> -th largest



We want these subproblems to have similar size

→ The better pivot is the medium in the input array a


(1) Five Guys per Group


(2) A Median per Group


small number → large number


(3) Median of Medians (MoM)

small number → large number


(4) Partition via MoM


Larger than MoM Smaller than MoM



(5) Recursion

• Three cases

1. If 𝑘 ≤ 𝑋> , then output the 𝑘-th largest number in 𝑋>

2. If 𝑘 = 𝑋> + 1, then output MoM

3. If 𝑘 > 𝑋> + 1, then output the 𝑘 − 𝑋> − 1 -th largest number in 𝑋<

• Practice to prove by induction

Smaller than MoM Larger than MoM MoM


Two Recursive Steps

• Step (2): Determining MoM

• Step (5): Selection in X< or X>



Divide-and-Conquer for Selection

Selection(X, k) // base case if |X| <= 4

__ sort X and return X[k]

// recursive case

Divide X into |X|/5 groups with size 5 M[i] = median from group i

MoM = Selection(M, |M|/2) for i = 1 … |X|

if X[i] > MoM

insert X[i] into X2 else

insert X[i] into X1 if |X2| == k – 1

return x

if |X2| > k – 1

return Selection(X2, k)

return Selection(X1, k - |X2| - 1)


Candidates for Consideration


• If 𝑘 ≤ 𝑋> , then output the 𝑘-th largest number in 𝑋>

• If 𝑘 > 𝑋> + 1, then output the 𝑘 − 𝑋> − 1 -th largest number in 𝑋<

delete delete

Deleting at least 𝑛

5 ÷ 2 × 3 = 3

10𝑛 guys


D&C Algorithm Complexity

• 𝑇 𝑛 = time for running Selection(X, k) with |X| = n

• Intuition



• Theorem

• Proof

• There exists positive constant 𝑎, 𝑏 s.t.

• Use induction to prove

• n = 1, 𝑎 > 𝑐

• n > 1,


Inductive hypothesis

select 𝑐 > 10𝑏


Selection Problem Complexity


D&C #7: Closest Pair of Points


Textbook Chapter 33.4 – Finding the closest pair of points


Closest Pair of Points Problem

• Input: 𝑛 ≥ 2 points, where 𝑝𝑖 = 𝑥𝑖, 𝑦𝑖 for 0 ≤ 𝑖 < 𝑛

• Output: two points 𝑝𝑖 and 𝑝𝑗 that are closest

• “Closest”: smallest Euclidean distance

• Euclidean distance between 𝑝𝑖 and 𝑝𝑗:

Brute-force algorithm

Check all pairs of points:

Θ 𝐶2𝑛 = Θ 𝑛2


Closest Pair of Points Problem

• 1D:

• Sort all points

• Scan the sorted points to find the closest pair in one pass

• We only need to examine the adjacent points

• 2D:



Divide-and-Conquer Algorithm

• Divide: divide points evenly along x-coordinate

• Conquer: find closest pair in each region recursively

• Combine: find closet pair with one point in each region, and return the best of three solutions

left-min = 10

right-min = 13 cross-min = 7


Cross Two Regions

• Algo 1: check all pairs that cross two regions → 𝑛/2 × 𝑛/2 combinations

• Algo 2: only consider points within 𝛿 of the cut, 𝛿 = min{l−min, r−min}

• Other pairs of points must have distance larger than 𝛿


left-min = 10

right-min = 13 cross-min = 7

𝛿 𝛿



Cross Two Regions

• Algo 1: check all pairs that cross two regions → 𝑛/2 × 𝑛/2 combinations

• Algo 2: only consider points within 𝛿 of the cut, 𝛿 = min{l−min, r−min}

• Algo 3: only consider pairs within 𝛿 × 2𝛿 blocks

• Obs 1: every pair with smaller than 𝛿 distance must appear in a 𝛿 × 2𝛿 block

要是很倒霉,所有的 點都聚集在某個𝛿 ×

2𝛿區塊內怎麼辦 縮小搜尋範圍!


Cross Two Regions

• Algo 1: check all pairs that cross two regions → 𝑛/2 × 𝑛/2 combinations

• Algo 2: only consider points within 𝛿 of the cut, 𝛿 = min{l−min, r−min}

• Algo 3: only consider pairs within 𝛿 × 2𝛿 blocks

• Obs 1: every pair with smaller than 𝛿 distance must appear in a 𝛿 × 2𝛿 block

• Obs 2: there are at most 8 points in a 𝛿 × 2𝛿 block

• Each 𝛿/2 × 𝛿/2 block contains at most 1 point, otherwise the distance returned from left/right region should be smaller than 𝛿



Cross Two Regions

• Algo 1: check all pairs that cross two regions → 𝑛/2 × 𝑛/2 combinations

• Algo 2: only consider points within 𝛿 of the cut, 𝛿 = min{l−min, r−min}

• Algo 3: only consider pairs within 𝛿 × 2𝛿 blocks

• Obs 1: every pair with smaller than 𝛿 distance must appear in a 𝛿 × 2𝛿 block

• Obs 2: there are at most 8 points in a 𝛿 × 2𝛿 block



pi+2 pi+5



1. Sort the points by y-values within 𝛿 of the cut (yellow region) 2. For the sorted point 𝑝𝑖, compute the distance with 𝑝𝑖+1,

𝑝𝑖+2, …, 𝑝𝑖+7

3. Return the smallest one

At most 7 distance calculations needed


Algorithm Complexity

• 𝑇 𝑛 = time for running Closest-Pair(P) with |P| = n

41 Closest-Pair(P)

// termination condition (base case)

if |P| <= 3 brute-force finding closest pair and return it // Divide

find a vertical line L s.t. both planes_contain half of the points // Conquer (by recursion)

left-pair, left-min = Closest-Pair(points in the left) right-pair, right-min = Closest-Pair(points in the right) // Combine

delta = min{left-min, right-min}

remove points that are delta or more away from L // Obs 1 sort remaining points by y-coordinate into p0, …, pk

for point pi:

____compute distances with pi+1, pi+2, …, pi+7_// Obs 2 ____update delta if a closer pair is found

return the closest pair and its distance

Exercise 4.6-2



• Idea: do not sort inside the recursive case


sort P by x- and y-coordinate and store in Px and Py // termination condition (base case)

if |P| <= 3 brute-force finding closest pair and return it // Divide

find a vertical line L s.t. both planes_contain half of the points // Conquer (by recursion)

left-pair, left-min = Closest-Pair(points in the left) right-pair, right-min = Closest-Pair(points in the right) // Combine

delta = min{left-min, right-min}

remove points that are delta or more away from L // Obs 1 for point pi in sorted candidates

____compute distances with pi+1, pi+2, …, pi+7_// Obs 2 ____update delta if a closer pair is found

return the closest pair and its distance


Closest Pair of Points Problem

• 𝑂(𝑛) algorithm

• Taking advantage of randomization

• Chapter 13.7 of Algorithm Design by Kleinberg & Tardos

• Samir Khuller and Yossi Matias. 1995. A simple randomized sieve algorithm for the closest-pair problem. Inf.

Comput. 118, 1 (April 1995), 34-37.



Concluding Remarks

• When to use D&C

• Whether the problem with small inputs can be solved directly

• Whether subproblem solutions can be combined into the original solution

• Whether the overall complexity is better than naïve

• Note

• Try different ways of dividing

• D&C may be suboptimal due to repetitive computations

• Example.

• D&C algo for Fibonacci:

• Bottom-up algo for Fibonacci:

1. Divide

2. Conquer



Fibonacci(n) if n < 2 ____return 1

a[0]=1 a[1]=1

for i = 2 … n


return a[n]

Our next topic: Dynamic Programming

“a technique for solving problems with overlapping subproblems”



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Course Website: http://ada.miulab.tw Email: ada-ta@csie.ntu.edu.tw



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Algorithm Design Methods Divide &amp; Conquer..

if left_sum&gt;=right_sum and left_sum&gt;=cross_sum return (left_low,left_high,left_sum). else if right_sum&gt;=left_sum and right_sum&gt;=cross_sum