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Algorithm Design and Analysis Amortized Analysis


Academic year: 2022

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Algorithm Design and Analysis Amortized Analysis

Yun-Nung (Vivian) Chen




• Amortized analysis

• #1: Stack Operations

• Aggregate method

• Accounting method

• Potential method

• #2: Binary Counter

• Aggregate method

• Accounting method

• Potential method


Algorithm Design & Analysis

• Design Strategy

• Divide-and-Conquer

• Dynamic Programming

• Greedy Algorithms

• Graph Algorithms

• Analysis

• Amortized Analysis


Amortized Analysis

Textbook Chapter 17 – Amortized Analysis


Data-Structure Operations

• A data structure comes with operations that organize the stored data

• Different operations may have different costs

• The same operation may have different costs







Worst Case Time Complexity





operations worst-case

Cost of stack operations PUSH(S, x) = O(1)

POP(S) = O(1)

MULTIPOP(S, k) = O(min(|S|, k))


Worst Case Time Complexity

• n-th operation takes MULTIPOP(S, n) = O(n) time in the worst case

• n operations take O(n2) time

Stack Operations

Suppose that we apply a sequence of n operations on a data structure. What is the time complexity of the procedure?

Can this be an over-estimate?

What if only a few operations take O(n) time and the rest of them take O(1) time?

The worst-case bound is not tight because this

expensive Multipop operation cannot occur so frequently!


Amortized Analysis

• Goal: obtain an accurate worst-case bound in executing a sequence of operations on a given data structure

• An upper bound for any sequence of n operations

• Comparison: types of running-time analysis

Type Description

Worst case Running time guarantee for any input of size n

Average case Expected running time for a random input of size n Probabilistic Expected running time of a randomized algorithm

Amortized Worst-case running time for a sequence of n operations


3 Methods for Amortized Analysis

Aggregate method (聚集法)

• Determine an upper bound 𝑇(𝑛) on the cost over any sequence of 𝑛 operations

• The average cost per operation is then 𝑇(𝑛)/𝑛

• All operations have the same amortized cost

Accounting method (記帳法)

• Each operation is assigned an amortized cost (may differ from the actual cost)

• Each object of the data structure is associated with a credit

• Need to ensure that every object has sufficient credit at any time

Potential method (位能法)

• Similar to accounting method; each operation is assigned an amortized cost

• The data structure as a whole maintains a credit (i.e., potential)

• Need to ensure that the potential level is nonnegative at any time


Stack Operations

Textbook Chapter 17.1 – Aggregate analysis

Textbook Chapter 17.2 – The accounting method Textbook Chapter 17.3 – The potential method


Stack Operations

• Implementation with an array or a linked list

Operation Type Cost

PUSH(S, x): inset an element x into S POP(S): pop the top element from S

MULTIPOP(S, k): pop top k elements from S at once




while not STACK-EMPTY(S) and k > 0 POP(S)

k = k - 1

Stack Operations

Suppose that we apply a sequence of n operations on a data structure. What is the time complexity of the procedure?


Aggregate Method (聚集法)

• Approach:

1. Determine an upper bound 𝑇(𝑛) on the cost of any sequence of 𝑛 operations 2. Calculate the amortized cost per operation as 𝑇(𝑛)/𝑛

3. All operations have the same amortized cost


operations 𝑇(𝑛) Amortized cost of each op =

… …


Aggregate Method for Stack

• The number of each operation type

• These npop + nmultipop operations together take at most

• Total cost for n operations:

• Amortized cost per operation:

Operation Type #Operations

PUSH(S, x): inset an element x into S npush POP(S): pop the top element from S npop MULTIPOP(S, k): pop top k elements from S at once nmultipop


Key idea: #pop elements ≤ #push operations/elements


Another Thinking

• Once the push operation is taken, we prepare the additional cost for the future usage of multipop

Key idea: #pop elements ≤ #push operations/elements


Accounting Method (記帳法)

• Idea: save credits from the operations that take less cost for future use of

operations that take more cost (針對使用花費較低的operations時先存錢未 雨綢繆, 供未來花費較高的operations使用)

• Approach:

1. Each operation is assigned a valid amortized cost

• If amortized cost > actual cost, the difference becomes credit (存)

• Credit is deposited in an object of the data structure

• If amortized cost < actual cost, then withdraw (提) stored credits

2. Validity check: ensure that every object has sufficient credit for any sequence of n operations

3. Calculate total amortized cost based on individual ones


Accounting Method (記帳法)

• Validity check: ensure that every object has sufficient credit for any times of n operations (不能有赤字)

• ci: the actual cost of the i-th operation

• ĉi: the amortized cost of the i-th operation

→ For all sequences of n operations, we require

Aggregate Method

Each type of operations have its actual cost

Compute amortized cost using T(n)

Accounting Method

Each type of operations can have a different amortized cost

Assign valid amortized costs first and then compute T(n)


Accounting Method for Stack

1. Assign the amortized cost

2. Show that for each object s.t.

• PUSH: the pushed element is deposited $1 credit

• POP and MULTIPOP: use the credit stored with the popped element

• There is always enough credit to pay for each operation

3. Each amortized cost is O(1) → total amortized cost is O(n)

Operation Type Actual Cost Amortized Cost

PUSH(S, x) 1 2

POP(S) 1 0

MULTIPOP(S, k) min(|S|, k) 0


Potential Method (位能法)

• Idea: represent the prepaid work as “potential,” which can be released to pay for future operations (the potential is associated with the whole data

structure rather than specific objects)

• Approach:

1. Select a potential function that takes the current data structure state as input and outputs a “potential level”

2. Validity check: ensure that the potential level is nonnegative

3. Calculate the amortized cost of each operation based on the potential function 4. Calculate total amortized cost based on individual ones

Accounting Method

Each object within the data structure has its credit

Potential Method

The data structure has credits


Potential Method (位能法)

• Potential function Φ maps any state of the data structure to a real number

• D0: the initial state of data structure

• Di: the state of data structure after i-th operation

• ci: the actual cost of i-th operation

• ĉi: the amortized cost of i-th operation, defined as


Potential Method (位能法)

• Total amortized cost

• To obtain an upper bound on the actual cost

• Define a potential function such that

• Usually we set


Potential Method for Stack

1. Define Φ 𝐷𝑖 to be the number of elements in the stack after the i-th operation

2. Validity check:

• The stack is initially empty →

• The number of elements in the stack is always ≥ 0 →

3. Compute amortized cost of each operation:

• PUSH(S, X):

• POP(S):


4. All operations have O(1) amortized cost → total amortized cost is O(n)

Practice: justify why it is zero

ci: the actual cost of i-th operation ĉi: the amortized cost of i-th operation


Fibonacci Heap


Prim’s Time Complexity

• Fibonacci heap (Textbook Ch. 19)


• EXTRACT-MIN: (amortized)

• DECREASE-KEY: (amortized)

• Total complexity:

MST-PRIM(G, w, r) // w = weights, r = root for u in G.V

u.key = ∞ u.π = NIL r.key = 0 Q = G.V

while Q ≠ empty

u = EXTRACT-MIN(Q) for v in G.adj[u]

if v ∈ Q and w(u, v) < v.key v.π = u

v.key = w(u, v) // DECREASE-KEY


Dijkstra’s Time Complexity

• Fabonacci heap (Textbook Ch. 19)


• EXTRACT-MIN: (amortized)

• DECREASE-KEY: (amortized)

• Total complexity:



Q = G.v // INSERT while Q ≠ empty

u = EXTRACT-MIN(Q) S = S∪{u}

for v in G.adj[u]

RELAX(u, v, w)


v.d = ∞ v.π = NIL s.d = 0

RELAX(u, v, w)

if v.d > u.d + w(u, v) // DECREASE-KEY

v.d = u.d + w(u, v) v.π = u


Binary Counter

Textbook Chapter 17.1 – Aggregate analysis

Textbook Chapter 17.2 – The accounting method Textbook Chapter 17.3 – The potential method


Binary Counter

• Implementation with a k-bit array

• Each operation takes O(log n) time in the worst case

• n operations take O(n log n) time


while i < A.length and A[i] == 1 A[i] = 0

i = i + 1

if i < A.length A[i] = 1

Binary Counter

Suppose that a counter is initially zero. We increment the counter n times. How many bits are altered throughout the process?

0 1 10 11 100 101 110 111 1000

1001 1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 1111 10000 increment


Aggregate Method for Binary Counter


Value A[3] A[2] A[1] A[0] Total Cost of First n Operations

0 0 0 0 0 0

1 0 0 0 1 1

2 0 0 1 0 3

3 0 0 1 1 4

4 0 1 0 0 7

5 0 1 0 1 8

6 0 1 1 0 10

7 0 1 1 1 11

8 1 0 0 0 15

flip every increment flip every 2 increments

flip every 4 increments flip every 8 increments


Aggregate Method for Binary Counter

• Total #bits flipping in n increment operations:

• Total cost of the sequence:

• Amortized cost per operation:


Accounting Method for Binary Counter

1. Assign the amortized cost

2. Validity check:

• Each bit 0 to bit 1, we save additional $1 in the bit 1

• When bit 1 becomes to bit 0, we spend the saved cost

3. Each increment

• Change many 1s to 0s → free

• Change exactly a 0 to 1 → O(1)

• Each amortized cost is O(1) → total amortized cost is O(n)

Operation Actual Cost Amortized Cost

bit 0 → bit 1 1 2 (存$1到bit 1)

bit 1 → bit 0 1 0 (用掉存在bit 1裡面的$1)

increment #flipped bits 2 for setting a bit to 1


Accounting Method for Binary Counter


Value A[3] A[2] A[1] A[0] Total Cost of First n


0 0 0 0 0 0

1 0 0 0 1 1

2 0 0 1 0 3

3 0 0 1 1 4

4 0 1 0 0 7

5 0 1 0 1 8

6 0 1 1 0 10

7 0 1 1 1 11

8 1 0 0 0 15


Potential Method for Binary Counter

1. Define Φ 𝐷𝑖 to be the number of 1s in the counter after the i-th operation

2. Validity check:

• The counter is initially zero →

• The number of 1’s cannot be negative →

3. Compute amortized cost of each INCREMENT:

• Let LSB0(i) be the number of continuous 1s in the suffix

• For example, LSB0(01011011) = 2, and LSB0(01011111) = 5

4. All operations have O(1) amortized cost → total amortized cost is O(n)

ci: the actual cost of i-th operation ĉi: the amortized cost of i-th operation


Concluding Remarks

Aggregate method (聚集法)

• Determine an upper bound 𝑇(𝑛) on the cost over any sequence of 𝑛 operations

• The average cost per operation is then 𝑇(𝑛)/𝑛

• All operations have the same amortized cost

Accounting method (記帳法)

• Each operation is assigned an amortized cost (may differ from the actual cost)

• Each object of the data structure is associated with a credit

• Need to ensure that every object has sufficient credit at any time

Potential method (位能法)

• Similar to accounting method; each operation is assigned an amortized cost

• The data structure as a whole maintains a credit (i.e., potential)

• Need to ensure that the potential level is nonnegative at any time



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