Can Active Learning Experience Be Transferred?
Hong-Min Chu
Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, National Taiwan University E-mail:
Hsuan-Tien Lin
Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, National Taiwan University E-mail:
Active learning is an important machine learning prob- lem in reducing the human labeling effort. Current active learning strategies are designed from human knowledge, and are applied on each dataset in an im- mutable manner. In other words, experience about the usefulness of strategies cannot be updated and trans- ferred to improve active learning on other datasets.
This paper initiates a pioneering study on whether active learning experience can be transferred. We first propose a novel active learning model that linearly ag- gregates existing strategies. The linear weights can then be used to represent the active learning experience.
We equip the model with the popular linear upper- confidence-bound (LinUCB) algorithm for contextual bandit to update the weights. Finally, we extend our model to transfer the experience across datasets with the technique of biased regularization. Empirical stud- ies demonstrate that the learned experience not only is competitive with existing strategies on most single datasets, but also can be transferred across datasets to improve the performance on future learning tasks.
In many machine learning applications, high-quality labels are costly to obtain [1], [2]. Active learning is a machine learn- ing scenario that tries to reduce the labeling cost while still maintaining the performance of learned models by asking key labeling questions [3]. Most current active learning algorithms are based on human knowledge about how to ask questions, and the knowledge is applied immutably on every dataset when conducting active learning. A recent work [4] argued that any single active learning algorithm based on immutable human knowledge is unlikely to perform well on all datasets, and hence proposed to adaptively learn a probabilistic blending of a set of human-designed active learning algorithms. The blending is learned within a single dataset via connecting with multi-armed bandit learning. Given the possibility to learn a decent blending of different pieces of human knowledge within a single dataset, our key thought is: can the learned experience be transferred to other datasets to improve the performance of active learning?
Our thought is related to how human beings learn to ask questions in real life. We do not just learn to ask questions within a single learning task; we instead accumulate expe- rience in question-asking in past and current learning tasks and transfer the experience to future learning tasks. There
are setups in machine learning that study how experience can be transferred to future tasks. The simplest setup is transfer learning [5], or inductive transfer. Transfer learning is about accumulating experience from one or several source tasks and applying the experience to a related target task. Several attempts have been made in previous studies to improve the performance of active learning with transfer learning [6]–[8].
However, all the algorithms proposed in these studies aim to transfer the experience of supervised or semi-supervised learning from the source tasks to the target task, and do not transfer the experience of active learning (question-asking).
Furthermore, the algorithms assume a shared feature space between different tasks, while experience transfer between heterogeneous active learning tasks is yet to be studied.
Other related setups include never-ending learning and life- long learning. Never-ending learning is a rather general setup that defines how machines can learn like humans to transfer experience to different tasks in a self-supervised manner, and has been realized in a system for accumulating beliefs by read- ing continuously from the web [9]. Life-long learning [10], [11], on the other hand, considers feeding the machines with a sequence of tasks with the hope of improving the performance on the next task in the sequence. The setup is similar to our thought but has been realized on only sentiment classification tasks [10].
To the best of our knowledge, neither never-ending nor life- long learning has been carried out on active learning tasks.
In fact, allowing the machine to mimic humans in life-long active learning is highly non-trivial, as experience that can be accumulated and transferred between heterogeneous active learning tasks is not well-defined, not to mention applying past experience to future learning tasks.
In this paper, after introducing the cross-dataset (cross-task) active learning problem in Section II, we first propose a notion of machine experience that can be transferred across active learning tasks in Section III. The notion is based on encoding human knowledge of active learning via scoring functions of existing active learning algorithms, and representing machine experience as linear weights that combine the human knowl- edge. Under the notion, existing active learning algorithms can be simply viewed as taking some special and immutable weights to combine the knowledge.
Then, we improve existing active learning algorithms by designing a novel approach that adaptively update the linear
arXiv:1608.00667v1 [cs.LG] 2 Aug 2016
weights during the active learning process. Inspired by the aforementioned work [4], we connect our problem of updating the linear weights with contextual bandit learning. Based on the connection, we apply a state-of-the-art contextual bandit algorithm, Linear Upper-Confidence-Bound (LinUCB) [12], to update the weights. The resulting approach effectively blends existing active learning algorithms towards better performance.
We extend the proposed approach to allow the learned experience (weights) to be transferred across datasets in Sec- tion IV. The transferring extension is based on the idea of biased regularization that restricts the adaptive weights to be close to the past experience. The simple formulation of biased regularization can be seamlessly coupled with the LinUCB algorithm to form the transferring extension.
Empirical studies in Section V demonstrate that our ap- proach is competitive to existing active learning algorithms.
The results also indicate that the transferring extension ef- fectively improves the learning performance of our approach with the experience learned from both heterogeneous and homogeneous tasks, thus demonstrating the usefulness of the learned experience. Finally, we conclude the possibility of transferring active learning experience in Section VI.
In this work, we focus on a popular active learning setup called pool-based active learning [3] for binary classification.
Under the setup, an active learning algorithm is presented with a labeled pool and an unlabeled pool initially. We denote the labeled pool as Dl= {(x1, y1), (x2, y2)...(xNl, yNl)} and the unlabeled pool as Du= {˜x1, ˜x2, ..., ˜xNu}, where xi, ˜xj∈ Rd, and yi∈ {+1, −1}. In general, the algorithm can only access a small Dl in the beginning, while the size of Du is relatively large.
With the initial Dl, the algorithm calls some base model to learn a classifier h0. Then, given a budget T , for each iteration t = 1, 2, ...., T , the algorithm is allowed to query the label of an ˜xj ∈ Du from some given labeling oracle.
The instance-label pair (˜xj, yj) will then be moved to Dl, and the base model can be called with the enlarged Dl to learn a new classifier ht. The goal of the algorithm is to make the performance of h1, h2, ..., hT as good as possible, where the performance will be measured with the test accuracy on a separate test set in this work.
We also study how active learning experience can be accumulated across datasets. In the setup of cross-dataset active learning, we present the active learning algorithm with a sequence of datasets (D(1)l , Du(1)), (D(2)l , Du(2)), · · · , (D(Q)l , D(Q)u ), with the hope of improving the active learning performance along with the sequence like life-long learning [10], [11]. More specifically, we hope that the experience accumulated from (D(1)l , Du(1)), · · · , (D(q−1)l , Du(q−1)) can be exploited when conducting active learning on (Dl(q), D(q)u ) for q = 2, 3, · · · , Q.
Many active learning algorithms select ˜xj from Du in iteration t with a scoring function of instance ˜x subject to the current classifier ht−1. For an algorithm a, we shall denote
the scoring function as sa(˜x, ht−1), and assume that a would query the label of ˜xj = arg max
x∈D˜ u
sa(˜x, ht−1). The scoring function measures the goodness of each instance, and reflects the strategy taken within the algorithm.
A classic and intuitive strategy is called uncertainty sam- pling [13], which queries the instance ˜xj that the classi- fier ht−1is most uncertain with. [14] realizes the uncertainty sampling strategy with a scoring function that computes the inverse distance from ˜x to the hyperplane of ht−1learned from Support Vector Machine (SVM).
Other works argue that uncertainty sampling only works well when ht−1 is close enough to the ideal boundary, and may result in unsatisfactory performance when ht−1 is not good enough [15]. Representative sampling is a family of strategies, each based on a different scoring function, that tries to improve uncertainty sampling. For example, [16] applies k- means clustering and takes the inverse distance from ˜x to the cluster center as the scoring function for representativeness, modulated by whether ˜x resides inside the margin of a SVM classifier ht−1. [17] equips Gaussian distributions on top of k-means clustering to calculate representativeness, and proposes a scoring function that multiplies the uncertainty of x by its representativeness. [18] optimizes a scoring function˜ based on estimating the label assignments in a min-max view, and argues that the optimized scoring function covers both uncertainty and representativeness.
The strategies above embed our human knowledge of key labeling questions in the scoring functions. Several works [4], [19] also consider selecting the strategies adaptively for better performance, motivated by the fact that human-designed scor- ing functions cannot always match dataset characteristics and thus adaptive selection may be necessary. The state-of-the-art approach Active Learning By Learning [4] performs adaptive strategy selection by connecting the selection problem to ban- dit learning, and designs a learning-performance-based reward function to guide the bandit learner in selecting reasonable strategies probabilistically. The internal probability that each strategy gets selected reflects the goodness of the strategy, and is updated on the fly within the single dataset.
Recall that we aim to accumulate active learning experience across datasets. Human-designed scoring functions cannot help with so because they are generally immutable and cannot adaptively change with experience. A na¨ıve way of extending current adaptive-selection approaches [4], [19] for accumu- lating active learning experience is to define the experience as the internal probability distribution for selections, and then transfer the distribution to the next active learning task.
Nevertheless, as we shall see in Section V, the unstable nature of probabilistic choices makes the distribution too volatile to serve as robust active learning experience in practice.
In this section, we shall first introduce our notion of active learning experience. Then we propose a novel active learning approach, Linear Strategy Aggregation, that queries an unla-
beled instance and updates the experience simultaneously in each iteration.
A. Notion of active learning experience
As introduced in Section II, the scoring functions of human- designed active learning algorithms represent pieces of human knowledge about key labeling questions. A proper way to combine different pieces of human knowledge, or namely different scoring functions, can then be naturally viewed as experience of active learning.
More specifically, we consider combining, or blending, the human-designed scoring functions to a new scoring function for better performance, and define the blending parameters as experience. Note that current adaptive-selection approaches [4]
cannot fully match this novel definition, as they blend (via probabilistic selection) the recommended queries of the scor- ing functions instead of blending the scoring functions directly.
To take an initiative on the definition, we consider the simplest model where the scoring functions are blended lin- early, and leave the possibility of using more sophisticated models as future directions. In particular, given a set of scoring functions {s1, s2, . . . , sM} from different human- designed strategies, we set the aggregated scoring function to be ˆs(˜x, ht−1) = PM
m=1wmsm(˜x, ht−1). The weight vector w = (w1, w2, · · · , wM) then contains the blending parameters and serves as the experience that will be transferred.
B. Linear Strategy Aggregation
With the notion of experience established, we now introduce our proposed approach, Linear Strategy Aggregation (LSA).
LSA solves the task of adaptively updating the experience and querying the unlabeled instance ˜xj to maximize the active learning performance. Motivated by previous adaptive selec- tion approaches [4], [19], we design LSA via the connection between the task and a well-known adaptive learning problem of contextual bandit [20]. We will first discuss more details about the contextual bandit problem.
The setup of the contextual bandit problem is as fol- lows [20]: a player is presented with K actions and a budget T . In each iteration t = 1, · · · , T , the context vector zk,tfor each action k ∈ {1, 2, · · · , K} is provided, and a player is required to perform an action kt∈ {1, 2, · · · , K}. Once the action is performed, the corresponding reward rkt,t is then revealed.
The objective of the player is to maximize the cumulative reward. To maximize the cumulative reward, the player is typically required to balance between exploration (choosing actions that improve the estimation of reward) and exploitation (choosing actions with the highest estimated reward).
Many algorithms for the contextual bandit problem have been studied in the literature [12], [21]–[23], and a family of them estimates the reward of an action through a linear model of the corresponding context [12], [22], [23]. A state- of-the-art algorithm of the family is called Linear Upper- Confidence-Bound (LinUCB) [12], which not only carries strong theoretical guarantees but also performs well on real- world tasks [24]. Next, we take a closer look at LinUCB, and
then apply it for LSA by connecting the contextual bandit problem back to active learning.
LinUCB maintains the weight vector wtof the linear model to be the ridge regression solution from the context vectors to the observed rewards. Specifically, before each iteration t, wt is obtained by
wt= arg min
λkwk2+ kZtw − rtk2
, (1)
where Zt = zk1,1, · · · , zkt−1,t−1T
contains the context vectors that correspond to the chosen actions as rows and rt= rk1,1, · · · , rkt−1,t−1 contains the rewards revealed by the chosen actions as elements.
LinUCB runs an online procedure to solve (1) and up- date wt. In particular, LinUCB maintains a matrix At = ZTtZt+ λI and a vector bt= ZTtrt by
(At= At−1+ zkt−1,t−1zTk
bt= bt−1+ rkt−1,t−1zkt−1,t−1 , (2) where A0 = λI and b0 = 0 are initialized before the first iteration. Then, the solution to (1) is simply
wt= A−1t bt . (3)
To maximize the cumulative reward, LinUCB uses the upper-confidence-bound technique to balance exploration and exploitation. That is, in each iteration t, LinUCB performs the action
kt= arg max
uk,t , (4)
uk,t= wTtzk,t+ α q
zTk,tA−1t zk,t . (5) The first term corresponds to the estimated reward of action k in iteration t, and the second term represents the uncertainty of action k under its context vector. The parameter α controls the preference between exploration (the second term) and exploitation (the first term).
We follow [19], a pioneer blending approach for active learning, to connect active learning with LSA and contextual bandit with LinUCB. In particular, we treat each ˜xj ∈ Du
as an action k ∈ {1, 2, · · · , |Du|}. Then, performing an action kt in iteration t by LinUCB is equivalent to querying the corresponding ˜xkt by LSA. The remaining issues are to specify what the context vectors ˜zk,t are and how the rewards rkt,t are calculated. We first discuss our choice of the context vectors to achieve experience updating, and then illustrate our design of the rewards, which represents active learning performance, in Section III-C.
As discussed in Section III-A, our active learning experi- ence w is defined as the blending parameters of the set of scores s1(˜xk,t, ht−1), ..., sM(˜xk,t, ht−1) given an unlabeled instance ˜xk,t. The definition allows a natural connection between LinUCB and LSA by setting
zk,t= s1(˜xk,t, ht−1), ..., sM(˜xk,t, ht−1). (6)
Algorithm 1 Linear Strategy Aggregation
Parameters: LinUCB balancing parameter α, ridge regres- sion parameter λ, minimum goodness parameter , number of iterations T
Input: labeled pool Dl, unlabeled pool Du, scoring functions {s1, s2, · · · , sM}; a labeling oracle
1: Initialize A0= λI, b0= 0
2: for t = 1, 2, ...., T do
3: Obtain contexts z1,t, z2,t, ..., z|Du|,twith (6) and (7)
4: Obtain ukt,t, zkt,t and ˜xkt,t with (4) and (5)
5: Query ˜xkt and get ˜ykt from the oracle
6: Learn htwith Dl∪ {(˜xkt, ˜ykt)}
7: Obtain vt with (9)
8: Calculate rkt,t with (8)
9: Update At, bt, wt by (zkt,t, rkt,t) with (2) and (3)
10: Dl= Dl∪ {(˜xkt, ˜ykt)}, Du= Du\{˜xkt}
11: end for
Then, the vector wt in LinUCB corresponds to the evolv- ing experience w calculated by ridge regression; the inner product wtTzk,t, which is the first term of (5), corresponds to the aggregated scoring function ˆs(˜xk,t, ht−1) that is made from both the current experience wtand the human knowledge {sm}Mm=1. LSA queries an unlabeled instance with (4) and (5), which contains ˆs(·, ·) as well as an exploration term introduced by LinUCB, and updates the experience wt with (3) and .
Recall that the goal of ridge regression within LinUCB is to provide a good estimate from the context vector to the reward. We apply one trick in zk,t to improve the quality of the estimate. In particular, we add another element of zk,t[0], and set the element to a constant value of the previous reward zk,t[0] = rkt−1,t−1 , (7) where the rewards (including the edge case of zk,1[0]) will be defined in Section III-C. According to (5), the added constant does not affect the choice of kt, but it allows ridge regression to utilize the previous reward for estimating the current reward. In other words, the value provides a shared context on the active learning performance to assist the linear model. Empirically, we observe that the trick indeed improves the quality of the estimate and the stability of LSA.
C. Reward scheme
The only issue left for LSA is a properly designed reward that represents active learning performance, or namely test accuracy in this work. A state-of-the-art reward function proposed is called importance-weighted accuracy (IW-ACC), which is used in the Active Learning By Learning (ALBL) approach [4]. IW-ACC weighs each instance in Dl with the inverse of the probability that the instance is queried, and cal- culates the weighted accuracy as the reward. The importance weighting allows IW-ACC to be an unbiased estimator of the test accuracy.
More specifically, in each iteration t of ALBL, let ˜xkt be the instance queried, ykt be the obtained label, and pkt,tbe the probability of querying ˜xkt. Then, with vt= p−1k
t,t, IW-ACC is calculated as
rkτ,τ = Pτ
t=1vtJhτ(˜xkt) = yktK Pτ
t=1vt , (8)
where J·K is the indicator function. The probability pkt,t
reflects the goodness of ˜xkt in iteration t, and the key idea of IW-ACC is to assign vt as the inverse of the goodness to correct the sampling bias during active learning.
Nevertheless, unlike ALBL, LSA is a deterministic algo- rithm based on LinUCB. Thus, there is no pkt,t and IW-ACC cannot be directly taken as the reward. We thus propose a new reward scheme that mimics the key idea of IW-ACC. In our proposed scheme, each instance ˜xkt queried in iteration t is weighted with
max(ukt,t, )−1
(9) where ukt,t is from (5) and > 0 is a small constant.
Recall that LSA maximizes over uk,tto decide the instance to be queried. That is, uk,t reflects the goodness of the unlabeled instance ˜xk,t. By using the inverse of ukt,t as weights, our proposed scheme effectively meets the key idea of importance weighting behind IW-ACC while avoiding the need of probabilistic queries. The small constant > 0 guards the rare edge cases of ukt,t≤ .
In the proposed LSA, the rewards are of another use of serving as zk,t[0] = rkt−1,t−1 in (7). When t = 1, there is technically no “previous reward” to use in (7). The simplest choice would be taking zk,1[0] = 0.5 for representing the random-guessing accuracy. In this work, we heuristically take zk,1[0] to be the training accuracy when learning from the initial Dl in order to provide a better shared context on the performance.
With the proposed scheme, the final piece of LSA is now complete. In each iteration t, LSA simply runs LinUCB to query an unlabeled instance ˜xkt using (4) and updates the experience wt with (3) by the context vector zkt,t as well as the proposed reward rkt,t in (8). The details of LSA are listed in Algorithm 1.
LSA is now able to adaptively update the experience within any single dataset. Our next goal is to achieve experience transfer across datasets, with the hope of improving active learning performance. We thus design an extension of LSA, called Transfer LSA (T-LSA), that takes the learned experience as a reference when conducting active learning on the current dataset.
Our design is motivated from an earlier work that focuses on personalized handwriting recognition [25]. The main idea of the work is to first learn a generic handwriting recognizer wgen by SVM from a large amount of handwriting data of all people. The personalized handwriting recognizer w is then learned from a small amount of individual data via a
Biased Regularization SVM (BRSVM). BRSVM replaces the
`2regularization term12kwk2in the objective function of SVM with a biased regularization term 12kw −wgenk2to enforce the personalized w to be close to the generic wgen.
BRSVM for personalized handwriting recognizer allows learning of w with the prior knowledge of wgenas a reference point. In our cross-dataset active learning problem, we intend to take wprev, the experience learned from other datasets, as our reference point. For simplicity, let us first assume that wprev comes from the experience of active learning from one previous dataset. That is, wprev = wT learned from (D(1)l , Du(1)). Recall that wt in LSA is the ridge-regression solution of (1). Then, we borrow the idea of BRSVM to replace 12kwk2 with 12kw − wprevk2 as our regularization term. That is, biased regularization can be simply achieved by solving
wˆt= arg min
λkw − wprevk2+ kZtw − rtk2 (10) instead. The close-form solution is
wˆt= (ZTtZt+ λI)−1(ZTtrt+ λwprev) (11) The parameter λ now represents the trust of previous experi- ence.
To integrate (11) into LSA, we need to update ˆwt online like (2) and (3). Recall that (2) maintains At = ZTtZt+ λI and bt= ZTtrt. Then, (11) can be re-written as
wt= A−1t (bt+ λwprev
| {z }
). (12)
Notice that the only difference between (3) and (12) is the term λwprev between btand b0t. Thus, we can easily achieve biased regularization in T-LSA by replacing b0= 0 in LSA with b00 = λwprev and maintaining b0t instead of bt. The weight vector ˆwt can then be updated online with A−1t b0t in (12). When wprev = 0, which means zero experience, biased regularization falls back to usual `2 regularization and T-LSA falls back to LSA.
We now consider the full setup of cross-dataset active learning, as defined in Section II, where a sequence of datasets, (D(1)l , Du(1)), · · · , (D(Q)l , D(Q)u ), is presented. Let ˆw(1) be the experience learned from (D(1)l , Du(1)). When learning wt
on (D(2)l , D(2)u ) using wprev= ˆw(1) as the reference point in (10), the first term λkw − wprevk2 allows the information of the earlier experience to be somewhat preserved, and the second term kZtw − rtk2 allows new experience to be accumulated. Thus, ˆw(2) learned from (D(2)l , D(2)u ) contains experience from both the first and the second datasets. It is then natural to learn ˆw(3)on (D(3)l , D(3)u ) with wprev= ˆw(2), or more generally learn ˆw(q) on (D(q)l , Du(q)) with wprev =
w(q−1) for q = 2, · · · , Q. The simple use of wprev= ˆw(q−1) completes the design of the full T-LSA algorithm, as listed in Algorithm 2. For simplicity, we overload bt to denote b0t in Algorithm 2.
Algorithm 2 Transfer LSA
Parameters: Same as parameters for Algorithm 1
Input: Datasets sequence (Dl(1), D(1)u ),...,(Dl(Q), Du(Q)), scor- ing functions for Algorithm 1
1: wprev← 0
2: for q = 1, 2, · · · , Q do
3: Initialize Algorithm 1 (LSA) with (A0, b0) = (λI, λwprev) instead
4: Run the initialized LSA on (D(q)l , Du(q)) and obtain experience ˆw(q)
5: wprev← ˆw(q)
6: end for
With the help of biased regularization, T-LSA achieves cross-dataset active learning. When the experience is help- ful, which possibly happens when transferring experience from more related datasets, T-LSA utilizes the experience to speedup exploration in the wild. When the experience is not so helpful, which can mean a negative transfer in the terminology of transfer learning, the second term kZtw −rtk2 in (10) allows new experience to be adaptively accumulated.
In Section V-B, we will empirically study how different kinds of experience affect the performance of T-LSA.
We couple the following key active learning algorithms with our proposed approaches, LSA and T-LSA, to validate their empirical performance. The algorithms, as illustrated in Section II, are
1) UNCERTAIN: uncertainty sampling with SVM [14].
2) REPRESENT: representative sampling based on k-mean clustering [16]. Because the uncertainty part is essen- tially the same as UNCERTAIN, we only take the scoring function for representativeness for blending.
3) DUAL: another representative sampling approach using mixture-of-Gaussian weighted uncertainty as scoring function [17].
4) QUIRE: another representative sampling approach using the min-max view of label-assignment to optimize the scoring function [18].
We take logistic regression as our base classification model, and use the `2-regularized logistic regression solver of LIB- LINEAR [26] with default parameters to learn a classifier from the model.
We conduct experiments on two sets of benchmark datasets.
The first set is commonly used to validate pool-based active learning approaches for binary classification, and is taken to validate not only the competitiveness of LSA versus other ap- proaches, but also to examine the potential of T-LSA for cross- dataset active learning with heterogeneous datasets. The first benchmark set include the following eight datasets from the UCI repository [27]: austra, breast, diabetes, german, heart, letterMvsN, liver, and wdbc, where the dataset letterMvsN is constructed from a multi-class dataset letter.
TABLE I: LSA versus underlying algorithms based on t-test at 90% confidence level (#win/#tie/#loss)
rank percentage of queried instances
5% 10% 15% 20% 30% 40% 50%
1st 0/6/2 0/7/1 0/7/1 0/8/0 0/8/0 0/8/0 1/6/1 1/50/5
2nd 0/8/0 0/8/0 1/7/0 0/8/0 0/8/0 1/7/0 1/7/0 3/53/0
3rd 1/7/0 4/4/0 4/4/0 6/2/0 5/3/0 4/4/0 3/5/0 27/29/0
4th 4/4/0 7/1/0 8/0/0 8/0/0 8/0/0 7/1/0 6/2/0 48/8/0
total 5/25/2 11/20/1 13/18/1 14/18/0 13/19/0 12/20/0 11/20/1 79/140/5
TABLE II: LSA versus ALBL based on t-test at 90% confi- dence level (#win/#tie/#loss)
percentage of queried instances
5% 10% 15% 20% 30% 40% 50%
ALBL 0/8/0 2/6/0 2/6/0 2/6/0 2/6/0 2/5/1 3/5/0 13/42/1
The second set, which contains two datasets of handwritten digit recognition, USPS and MNIST, is used in several previous studies of multi-task learning [28], [29]. We take the second set to examine the potential of T-LSA for cross-dataset active learning with homogeneous datasets. We follow [28] to reduce the feature dimensions of USPS and MNIST to 87 and 62 respectively with principal component analysis.
For the larger datasets letterMvsN, USPS and MNIST, we randomly keep only 2000 examples to make experiments sufficiently efficient. Then, we split each dataset randomly with 50% for training and 50% for testing, We take the training set as our unlabeled pool Du, and the test set for reporting active learning performance. We randomly select 4 instances from the unlabeled pool Du as our initial labeled pool Dl. Experiments on each dataset are averaged over 10 times.
We will first compare LSA with the four underlying ac- tive learning algorithms and the state-of-the-art ALBL ap- proach [4] for blending those algorithms on single datasets.
Then, we will compare T-LSA with LSA and ALBL under the cross-dataset setting to understand the effectiveness of experience transfer. For fairness, we will also na¨ıvely extend ALBL to T-ALBL as illustrated in Section II, and take T- ALBL for comparison. In particular, T-ALBL initializes the internal probability distribution with the previously learned distribution to achieve experience transfer.
Parameter tuning of active learning is known to be hard [4].
In our experiments, we run the approaches on several parame- ter combinations, and report the result of the best combination.
Practically, existing blending approaches like ALBL [4] or COMB [19] can then be run on top of the combinations to adaptively approximate the best result. Specifically, for the experiments on single datasets, we run LSA with λ = 1 and α ∈ {1.5, 2.0, 2.5}. For the experiments of cross-dataset active learning, we fix α = 1.5 and run LSA and T-LSA with λ = 1 and λ ∈ {1, 5, 10} respectively. For the parameters of other algorithms, we follow the recommended parameters provided in the paper/codes from the authors.
We do not include another adaptive blending approach of COMB [19] for two reasons:
1) ALBL is known to outperform COMB on single
datasets [4].
2) Unlike ALBL, which maintains an internal probabilistic distribution on the active learning algorithms, COMB maintains the distribution on the unlabeled instances. It is non-trivial to transfer the distribution as experience to other datasets with different number of instances.
A. Experiments on Single Datasets
We first compare LSA with the four underlying active learn- ing algorithms on the first set of eight benchmark datasets, and plot the test accuracy under different percentages of queries in Fig. 1. From the results, we can observe that LSA is usually close to the best curves of the four algorithms after querying 10% of unlabeled instances. The results demonstrate that LSA is effective in terms of blending human knowledge towards decent query decisions. The less-strong performance of LSA in the first 10% of queries hints the need of using experience to guide exploration instead of starting from zero experience.
The results in Fig. 1 is further supported by Table I with t- tests at 90% significance level. The tests compare LSA with the underlying algorithms at different ranks. Table I indicates that LSA often yields competitive performance with the best underlying algorithm, and is always no-worse than the second best. The results in Fig. 1 and Table I confirm that LSA to be a decent adaptive blending approach for active learning, just like its ancestors of ALBL [4] and COMB [19]. Note that LSA is a deterministic approach while ALBL and COMB are both probabilistic.
To understand the effectiveness of LSA as a blending ap- proach, we compare LSA with ALBL. Because of space limits, we plot the test accuracy along with the standard deviation on only four of the datasets, austra, breast, heart and wdbc in Fig. 2. We also compare LSA with ALBL with t-tests at 90%
confidence level on all datasets, and summarize the results in Table II. The results of both Fig. 2 and Table II indicate that LSA is competitive to and sometimes even slightly better then ALBL. Furthermore, according to Fig. 2, we can observe that the variation (standard deviation) of the LSA curve not only decreases more rapidly than that of the ALBL curve, but is also generally smaller after the first 10% of the exploration queries.
The observation indicates that ALBL, being a probabilistic blending approach, is generally less stable than LSA, and matches our conjecture in Section II that the distribution in ALBL may be too volatile to serve as robust active learning experience in practice.
B. Experiments on Active Learning Across Datasets
Next, we move to the experiments of cross-dataset active learning. We first introduce the experiment setting before we proceed to discuss the details of the experiment results.
The experiment setting is as follows: A target dataset is first picked, and a random sequence that consists of other datasets is generated. Transferring algorithms, including T-LSA and T-ALBL, are then run on first q datasets of the sequence to accumulate experience. With the previous experience, the active learning performance of the transferring algorithms is
(a) austra (b) breast (c) diabetes (d) german
(e) heart (f) letterMvsN (g) liver (h) wdbc
Fig. 1: Test Accuracy of LSA versus underlying strategies
(a) austra (b) breast (c) heart (d) wdbc
Fig. 2: Test Accuracy of LSA versus ALBL
evaluated on the target dataset. Each result is averaged over 10 different random sequences.
The experiments of active learning across datasets are conducted in two different scenarios, where homogeneous and heterogeneous tasks are considered respectively. Specifically, a set of homogeneous tasks consists of datasets that share similar learning targets and the same feature space, and is constructed from the two benchmark datasets of multi-task learning. A set of heterogeneous tasks, on the other hand, involves datasets having different learning targets and feature space, and is simulated by the eight benchmark datasets of active learning.
We will first discuss the experiments on homogeneous tasks, where algorithms that exploit the transferred experience are expected to perform better. The experiments on heterogeneous tasks, which is a more general but more challenging scenario, will then be discussed.
For the experiments in each scenario, we first compare T- LSA and T-ALBL using experience from different number of previous datasets (i.e. different q) with their non-transferring predecessors, namely LSA and ALBL, to evaluate the effec-
tiveness of experience transfer of active learning. Then, we will directly compare T-LSA with T-ALBL, LSA and ALBL using a specific q to understand the absolute performance difference between T-LSA and other competitors.
We choose to not include QUIRE in the cross-dataset exper- iments because QUIRE is considerably more time-consuming given its label-assignment estimation steps.
a) Experiments on Homogeneous Tasks: The experi- ments of learning across homogeneous tasks are conducted on two benchmark datasets of hand-written digit recognition, USPSand MNIST, for multi-task learning. We split both USPS and MNIST into 5 binary classification datasets, namely 0vs1, 2vs3, 4vs5, 6vs7 and 8vs9 to construct the set of homogeneous learning tasks. Since the active learning performance on USPS and MNIST converges quickly, we only compare the results with respect to the queries in first 10% of unlabeled data to better illustrate the difference.
We compare T-LSA with LSA and T-ALBL with ALBL, and present the results of test accuracy in Fig. 3 and Fig. 4 respectively. Owing to the readability, only results of two tasks
(a) USPS 0vs1 (b) USPS 8vs9 (c) MNIST 0vs1 (d) MNIST 8vs9 Fig. 3: Test Accuracy of LSA versus Transfer LSA on MNIST and USPS
(a) USPS 0vs1 (b) USPS 8vs9 (c) MNIST 0vs1 (d) MNIST 8vs9
Fig. 4: Test Accuracy of ALBL versus Transfer ALBL on USPS and MNIST
(a) USPS 0vs1 (b) USPS 8vs9 (c) MNIST 0vs1 (d) MNIST 8vs9
Fig. 5: Test Accuracy of Transfer LSA versus other competitors on USPS and MNIST
on each dataset are presented here. From Fig. 3, we observe that T-LSA generally outperforms LSA on tasks 0vs1 and 8vs9 of both USPS and MNIST. On the other hand, Fig. 4 indicates that T-ALBL performs similarly or even worse than ALBL on task 0vs1 of both USPS and MNIST. For task 8vs9, the improvement of T-ALBL with regard to ALBL is rather minor on MNIST, while obvious negative transfer can be observed on USPS.
We then compare T-LSA with T-ALBL, LSA, and ALBL directly using experience from one previous dataset, to exam- ine the absolute performance difference between T-LSA and other competitors. The results are illustrated in Fig. 5. These competitors are further compared on all five tasks of both datasets based on t-test at 90% confidence level, and the results are summarized in Table III. From Fig. 5, we can observe that performance of LSA is again inferior especially in the first 4%
of queries. T-LSA, on the other hand, often performs the best
among all four competitors. The results of Table III indicates a slight improvement of T-LSA over LSA in the initial stage of learning, and shows the competitive performance of T-LSA over other competitors.
The observations on both USPS and MNIST demonstrate that T-LSA successfully improves the active learning perfor- mance of LSA by transferring the active learning experience via the proposed linear weights, which is as expected in the scenario of active learning across homogeneous tasks.
T-ALBL, however, often performs inferior than ALBL, con- firming that experience transfer via the probability distribution of ALBL can lead to negative impact.
b) Experiments on Heterogeneous Tasks: Next, we shall discuss the experiments on learning across heterogeneous tasks. The experiments are conducted on the eight benchmark datasets of active learning. The feature spaces and the learning targets vary from each others between different active learning
(a) austra (b) breast (c) diabetes (d) wdbc Fig. 6: Test Accuracy of LSA versus Transfer LSA
(a) austra (b) breast (c) diabetes (d) wdbc
Fig. 7: Test Accuracy of ALBL versus Transfer ALBL
(a) austra (b) breast (c) diabetes (d) wdbc
Fig. 8: Test Accuracy of Transfer LSA versus Transfer ALBL
TABLE III: Transfer LSA versus other competitors on USPS and MNIST based on t-test at 90% confidence level (#win/#tie/#loss)
percentage of queried instances
2% 4% 6% 8% 10%
LSA 2/8/0 0/10/0 0/10/0 0/10/0 0/10/0 2/48/0 ALBL 0/9/1 0/10/0 2/8/0 0/10/0 1/9/0 3/46/1 T-ALBL aft. 1 0/10/0 0/9/1 1/8/1 1/8/1 1/9/0 3/44/3 total 2/27/1 0/29/1 3/26/1 1/28/1 2/28/0 8/138/4
datasets. We set q = 3 in the experiments.
We first compare T-LSA with LSA and T-ALBL with ALBL, and present the results in Fig. 6 and Fig. 7 respectively.
Owing to the space limits and readability, only selected results on austra, breast, diabetes and wdbc are presented. According to Fig. 6, T-LSA improves the performance of LSA on datasets austra, breast and wdbc. For dataset diabetes, T-LSA is
TABLE IV: Transfer LSA versus other competitors based on t-test at 90% confidence level (#win/#tie/#loss)
percentage of queried instances
5% 10% 15% 20% 30% 40% 50%
LSA 1/7/0 1/7/0 1/7/0 1/7/0 1/7/0 2/6/0 1/6/1 8/47/1
ALBL 0/7/1 2/6/0 2/6/0 3/5/0 3/5/0 3/5/0 2/6/0 15/40/1
T-ALBL aft. 3 0/7/1 0/8/0 2/6/0 3/5/0 1/7/0 1/7/0 1/7/0 8/47/1 total 1/21/2 3/21/0 5/19/0 7/17/0 5/19/0 6/18/0 4/19/1 31/134/3
inferior in the initial stage, but can quickly catch up and even outperform LSA. On the other hand, we can observe from Fig. 7 that T-ALBL improves over ALBL on datasets breast and wdbc, but is inferior on datasets austra and diabetes.
We then compare T-LSA directly with T-ALBL, LSA and ALBL, where the transferring algorithms can exploit the experience from previous 3 datasets (i.e. q = 3). We illustrate the results in Fig. 8. We also compare these algorithms based on t-test at 90% confidence level, and summarize the results
in Table IV. From Fig. 8, T-LSA reaches the best performance among all four competitors on datasets austra, breast and wdbc, and can catch up with the best competitor after querying 10% of unlabeled data on dataset diabetes. The results of Table IV further confirm that T-LSA can often outperform other competitors.
The aforementioned observations demonstrate that experi- ence transfer via our proposed linear weights is superior to that via the probabilistic distribution of ALBL with the following two advantages: (1) better improvement from experience trans- fer and (2) ability to recover more quickly when the transferred experience is negative to performance. In addition, T-LSA is shown to improve over LSA by providing a better starting point for exploration in the initial stage of active learning.
The success of T-LSA in both scenarios positively answers the question in our title, where active learning experience can indeed be transferred to improve the active learning performance.
We propose a novel approach that accomplishes the mis- sion of transferring active learning experience across datasets.
The approach is based on a unified representation of human knowledge and environment status about active learning, and a linear model on the representation. The model allows taking the linear weights as experience, and can be updated by the LinUCB algorithm for contextual bandit learning through a novel reward function. The experience learned from the model can be transferred to other active learning tasks through biased regularization. Empirical studies not only confirm the competitiveness of the proposed approach, but also confirm that it can be beneficial to transfer the experience across active learning tasks that are either homogeneous or heterogeneous for better performance.
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