Unbiased Risk Estimators Can Mislead: A Case Study of Learning with Complementary Labels
Yu-Ting Chou, Gang Niu, Hsuan-Tien Lin, Masashi Sugiyama
ICML 2020 work done during Chou’s internship at RIKEN AIP, Japan;
resulting M.S. thesis of Chou won the 2020 thesis award of TAAI
October 8, 2021, AI Forum, Taipei, Taiwan
Supervised Learning
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unknown target function f : X → Y
training examples D : (x1,y1), · · · , (xN,yN)
learning algorithm
final hypothesis g≈f
hypothesis set H
supervised learning:
every input vectorxn with its (possibly expensive) label yn,
Weakly-supervised: Learning without True Labels y
n(a) positive-unlabeled learning [EN08] (b) learning with complementary labels [Ish+17] (c) learning with noisy labels [Nat+13]
• positive-unlabeled: some of true yn= +1 revealed
• complementary: ‘not label’ yninstead of true yn
• noisy: noisy label yn0 instead of true yn
weakly-supervised: arealisticandhot research direction to reduce labeling burden
[EN08] Learning classifiers from only positive and unlabeled data, KDD’08.
[Ish+17] Learning from complementary labels, NeurIPS’17.
popular weakly-supervised models [DNS15; Ish+19; Pat+17]
• deriveUnbiased Risk Estimators (URE) as new loss
• theoretically, nice properties (unbiased, consistent, etc.) [Ish+17]
• practically,sometimes bad performance(overfitting) our contributions: on Learning with Complementary Labels (LCL)
• analysis:identify weaknessof URE framework
• algorithm: propose animproved framework
• experiment: demonstratestronger performance
next: introduction to LCL
[DNS15] Convex formulation for learning from positive and unlabeled data, ICML’15.
[Ish+19] Complementary-Label Learning for Arbitrary Losses and Models, ICML’19.
[Pat+17] Making deep neural networks robust to label noise: A loss correction approach, CVPR’17.
Motivation behind Learning with Complementary Label
complementary label yn instead of true yn
Figure 1 of [Yu+18]
complementary label: easier/cheaperto obtain for some applications
Fruit Labeling Task (Image from AICup in 2020)
hard: true label
• orange?
• mango?
• cherry
• banana
easy: complementary label
• orange
• mango
• cherry
• banana 7
complementary:less labeling cost/expertiserequired
Ordinary (Supervised) Learning
training: {(xn= ,yn =mango)} →classifier Complementary Learning
training: {(xn= ,yn=banana)} →classifier
testing goal: classifier( ) →cherry
ordinary versus complementary: same goal via different training data
Learning with Complementary Labels Setup
N examples (inputxn,complementary label yn) ∈ X × {1, 2, · · · K } in data set D such that yn6= ynfor some hidden ordinary label
yn∈ {1, 2, · · · K }.
a multi-class classifier g(x) thatclosely predicts(0/1 error) the ordinary label y associated with someunseeninputs x
LCL model design: connecting complementary & ordinary
Unbiased Risk Estimation for LCL
Ordinary Learning
• empirical risk minimization (ERM) on training data
risk: E(x,y )[`(y , g(x))] empirical risk: E(xn,yn)∈D[`(yn,g(xn))]
• loss `: usuallysurrogateof 0/1 error
LCL [Ish+19]
• rewrite the loss ` to `, such that
unbiased risk estimator: E(x,y )[`(y , g(x))] = E(x,y )[`(y , g(x))]
• LCL by minimizingURE
URE:pioneer modelsfor LCL
Example of URE
Cross Entropy Loss
for g(x) = argmaxk ∈{1,2,...,K }p(k | x),
• `CE: derived by maximum likelihood as surrogate of 0/1 risk: R(g; `CE) = E(x,y )(− log(p(y | x)))
| {z }
Complementary Learning [Ish+19]
URE: R(g; `) = E(x,y )
z }| {
(K − 1) log(p(y | x))
| {z }
k =1
log(p(k | x))
under uniform y assumption
ERM with URE: minpR with E taken on D
Problems of URE
URE overfits on single label
` = − log(p(y | x)
` = (K − 1) log(p(y | x)) −
k =1
log(p(k | x))
ordinary risk and URE very different
• ` >0 → ordinary risk non-negative
• smallp(y | x) (often) → possibly very negative `
empiricalURE can be negative: only observingsome but not all y
• negative empirical UREdrags minimizationtowards overfitting practical remedy: [Ish+19]
NN-URE: constrain emprical URE to be non-negative how can we avoid negative empirical URE?
Proposed Framework
Proposed Framework
Minimize Complementary 0/1
• Recall the goal: We minimize 0-1 loss instead of `
• The unbiased estimator of R01
R01 : Ey[`01(y , g(x))] = `01(y , g(x))
• We denote `01 as the complementary 0-1 loss:
`01(y , g(x)) =Jy = g (x)K Surrogate Complementary Loss (SCL)
• Surrogate loss to optimize `01
• Unify previous work as surrogates of `01[Yu+18; Kim+19]
[Yu+18] Learning with biased complementary labels, ECCV’18.
[Kim+19] Nlnl: Negative learning for noisy labels, ICCV’19.
Proposed Framework
Negative Risk Avoided
Unbiased Risk Estimator (URE)
URE loss `CE [Ish+19] from cross-entropy `CE,
`CE(y , g(x)) = (K − 1) log(p(y | x))
| {z }
negative loss term
log(p(j | x))
can go negative.
Surrogate Complementary Loss (SCL) another loss [Kim+19], a surrogate `01
φNL(y , g(x)) = − log(1 − p(y | x))) remains non-negative.
Proposed Framework
Illustrative Difference between URE and SCE
`ˆ R
φˆ R
φ AE
A URE: Ripple effect of errors
• Theoretical motivation [Ish+17]
• Estimation step (E) amplifies approximation error (A) in ` SCL: ‘Directly’ minimize complementary likelihood
• Non-negative loss φ
• Practically prevents ripple effect
Proposed Framework
Classification Accuracy
1 Unbiased risk estimator (URE) [Ish+19]
2 Non-negative correction methods on URE (NN) [Ish+19]
3 Surrogate complementary loss (SCL)
Table:URE and NN are based on ` rewritten from cross-entropy loss, while SCL is based on exponential loss φEXP(y , g(x)) = exp(py).
Data set + Model URE NN SCL
MNIST + Linear 0.850 0.818 0.902
MNIST + MLP 0.801 0.867 0.925
CIFAR10 + ResNet 0.109 0.308 0.492 CIFAR10 + DenseNet 0.291 0.338 0.544
Gradient Analysis
Gradient Analysis
Gradient Direction of URE
• Very diverged directions on each y to maintain unbiasedness
• Low correlation to the target `01
∇`(y , g(x))
∇`(y , g(x))
Figure:Illustration of URE
Gradient Direction of SCL
• Targets to minimum likelihood objective
• High correlation to the target
Gradient Analysis
Gradient Estimation Error
Bias-Variance Decomposition
MSE = E(f − c)2
= E(f − h)2
| {z }
+ E(h − c)2
| {z }
Gradient Estimation
1 Ordinary gradient f = ∇`(y , g(x))
2 Complementary gradient c = ∇`(y , g(x))
3 Expected complementary gradient h
Gradient Analysis
Bias-Variance Tradeoff
(a) MSE (b) Bias2 (c) Variance
• SCL reduces variance by introducing small bias (towards y ) Bias Variance MSE
URE 0 Big Big
SCL Small Small Small
Explain Overfitting of URE
• Unbiased method only do well in expectation
• Single fixed complementary label cause overfitting Surrogate Complementary Loss (SCL)
• Minimum likelihood approach
• Avoids negative risk problem Experiment Results
• SCL significantly outperforms other methods
• Introduce small bias for lower gradient variance
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