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Problem 2: E-R Model (9 points)


Academic year: 2021

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浙江大学 2018–2019 学年 春夏 学期

《数据库系统》课程期末考试试卷(A 卷)


Answers of Problem 1:

(16 points, 4 points per part)

1) Title(director=”Yimou Zhang” (movie) grade>=4 (comment)) 评分细则:

错一处扣4 分

2) Update comment set grade=0 where grade is null 评分细则:

错一处扣4 分,grade=null, grade is null 等类似答案均给分 3) Select type from movie, comment

Where movie.title=comment.title Group by title

Having avg(grade) >=all (Select avg(grade) From movie, comment

Where movie.title=comment.title Group by title)


写出having……且对均给 2 分,用其他 SQL 语句写出相同效果均给分

4) Select title from movie Except

Select title from movie Where exists ( select *

From comment A, comment B

Where A.title=movie.title and A.user_name = B.user_name And B.title=’ the avenger’

And A.grade <=B.grade ) 评分细则:

写出4 个正确条件给 2 分,全对给 4 分

Problem 2: E-R Model (9 points)



联系写成实体扣 1 分,没写联系扣 1 分,属性写错漏写扣 1 分,少写实体或联系

1 分,扣完为止。

name city team


playing Match_id

location time match

name age


player Score()


name city team


playing Match_id

location time

score of home team() score of visiting team() match

name age


player belong

home visiting

Score Shooting foul

Score Shooting foul


2) (4 points)

Match(match_id, location, time) Team(name, city)

Playing(match_id, name, score) Player(name, age)

Phone(player_name, phone_number)

Statistics(match_id, player_name, score, shooting, foul) 者其中的match 和 playing 改为:

Match(match_id, location, time, home_team_name, visiting_team_name, score_of_home_team, score_of_visiting_team)

Each match has one home team and one visiting team.


每个关系没有主键或者写错扣1 分,扣完为止

Problem 3: Relational Formalization (12 points, 4 points each)

1) {C E}


写对一个键给两分,多写一个扣1 分。诸如写{ACE,CE,BCE}的不得分

2) Decompose R into R1(A, B) and R2(A, C, D, E), decompose R2 into R21(A, C) R22(C, D, E), and further decompose R22 into R221(C, D) and R222(C, E)


由 于 根 据 不 同 模 式 分 出 来 的 步 骤 可 能 不 一 , 但 是 由 于 最 终 关 系 为 {C->A,C->B,C->D},所以最终结果一定是诸如{A,C}{B,C}{C,D}{D,E}等二元组,

根据实际情况没分彻底的如(B,C,D)每个 0.5 分,分彻底的 1 个 1 分,分错但是结 果正确的酌情给2-3 分。

3) The decomposition is dependency preserving.


(2)中答案正确并且此处正确的给 4 分,

(2)中答案错误并且根据实际拆分情况,若判断一致此处给 3 分 (2)中答案错误并且此处正确的给 2 分,(不给出解释扣 1 分)


Problem 4: XML (12 points, 4 points each)



<!ELEMENT movie_comment ( movie*)>

<!ELEMENT movie (type, director, comment+)>

<!ATTLIST movie title ID #REQUIRED>


<!ELEMENT director (#PCDATA)>

<!ELEMENT comment (user_name, grade)>

<!ELEMENT user_name (#PCDATA)>

<!ELEMENT grade (#PCDATA)>



1-2 处扣 1 分,较多错误酌情扣 2-3 分

2) /movie_comment/movie[type=”action” and ./comment/user_name=”Alice”

and ./comment/grade=5]/@title 评分细则:

漏一个条件扣1 分,路径错误扣 1 分

3) for $p in /movie_comment/movie[director=“Yimou Zhang”]

where count($p/comment[grade=5])>=1 return $p/@title


少一个条件扣一分,逻辑错误扣2-3 分

Problem 5: B


-Tree (12 points, 3 points each)


After inserting 8, 6 and 3:

7 35

5 60

5 6

9 12 20 30

60 81

35 45 50

7 8

9 20 2 3



每个value 错扣 1 分,最多扣 2 分 叶子正确最少得1 分


After deleting 81 and 45:


索引merge 错误扣 1 分,插入叶子错误扣 1 分 叶子正确最少得1 分

3) Maximal number of key values: 4*4*4*4*3=768 Minimal number of key values: 2*2*2*2*2=32 评分细则:


4) (3 + 1) + 1 = 5 或 (3 + 1) + 2 = 6 评分细则:

错,扣3 分

Problem 6: Query Processing (12 points, 4 points each)

1) 5,000/500/5 = 2 评分细则:

2,4 均可,没有计算扣 2 分 400 扣 1 分,10 扣 1 分

9 20 35

2 5 7

9 12 20 30 35 50 60


Number of blocks of comment is 1,000,000/100=10,000

Since the equi-join attribute title forms a key on inner relation, we can stop inner loop on the first match.

Assign 10 blocks to comments, 1 block to movies, and 1 block for output.

Number of block accesses: (10000/10)*100+10000 = 110000 或 10000 * 100/10 + 100 = 100100 Number of seeks: 2*10000/10=2000


Movie,comment 各 1 分 Block 110000,100100 均给 1 分 Seeks 2000,20 均给分


3) Minimal height = log60(5000) 3(向上取整)

Max height = log30(5000) 3(向上取整)

So, the height of the B+-tree index on movie(title) is 3.

Number of block accesses: 10000+1000000/500*3+1 Number of seeks: 10000+1000000/500*3+1



Problem 7: Concurrency Control (12 points, 4 points each)

1) T1

T3 T2

The schedule is not serializable, because there are cycles in the graph.


少一个依赖扣1 分,

如前趋图错,若冲突串行化与画出图一致,也给全分 2) The schedule is not cascadeless.


结论错,论述正确得2 分 结论对,论述错得3 分 结论对,论述正确得4 分 其余不给分

3) No. This is because the schedule in 1) exists cycles.



结论错,论述正确得2 分

结论对,论述错,酌情得2-3 分 结论对,论述正确得4 分


Problem 8: Aries Recovery Method (15 points, 3 points each)

1) 1002


多答扣1-3 分 2) 1010 评分细则:

多答扣1-3 分 3) T4



4) “102.1” = 62, “102.2” = 73 评分细则:

错一个扣1 分,错 2 个扣完 多一个扣1 分,多 2 个不给分 5)

1015: <T4, 102.1, 62>

1016: <T4, abort>





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