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The Influencing Factors of the Sense of Job Achievement for Nursing Assistants in Nursing Homes 翁永柱、陳月娥


Academic year: 2022

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The Influencing Factors of the Sense of Job Achievement for Nursing Assistants in Nursing Homes


E-mail: 381615@mail.dyu.edu.tw


This study aimed to investigate the influencing factors of the sense of job achievement for nursing assistants in Nursing Homes. The researcher adopt questionnaire survey data collection, then deal with data analysis through descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA and Pearson product-moment correlation. The conclusions of this research were as followings: 1. The variables of ages, educational standards, seniorities, licenses and trainings didn't show a highly differences in the sense of job achievement. 2. The variables of working hours, holiday, salaries and serving areas showed highly differences in the sense of job achievement. 3. Ages, education levels, seniorities, licenses, working hours, salaries, trainings and serving areas, these had no medium or high correlation with the sense of job achievement. 4. Ages, education levels, seniorities, licenses, working hours, holidays, salaries, job trainings and serving areas, these had no medium or high correlation among each other. But working hours had a highly negative correlation with holidays. The final suggestions: The organizations should reduce the workload and en-courage the nursing assistants to obtain licenses, which could contribute a connection to the salary structures. By doing these, it will improve the sense of job achievement, and then raise the quality of long-term care.

Keywords : Nursing Homes、Nursing Assistants、the Sense of Job Achievement Table of Contents

內容目錄 簽名頁 中文摘要 iii 英文摘要 iv 誌謝辭 v 內容目錄 vi 圖目錄 viii 表目錄 ix 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 問題背景與動機 1 第二節 研究目的 4 第三節 名詞解釋 5 第二章 文獻探討 8 第一節 人口老化與長期照護需求 8 第二節 機構照護現況 13 第 三節 照顧服務員工作現況 16 第四節 工作成就感之相關理論 22 第五節 照顧服務員工作成就感影響因素 26 第三章 研究設 計 34 第一節 研究架構 34 第二節 研究假設 35 第三節 操作型定義 36 第四節 研究對象與抽樣設計 38 第五節 研究工具與信 效度分析 40 第四章 研究結果與分析 45 第一節 樣本資料分析 45 第二節 研究變項變異數分析 57 第三節 研究變項相關分析 65 第四節 研究假設驗證 67 第五章 結論與建議 70 第一節 結論 70 第二節 建議 74 參考文獻 79 ㄧ、中文部分 79 二、英文部 分 88 附錄 一. 護理機構設置標準 95 二. 照顧服務員訓練實施計畫及其相關事項 101 三. 照顧服務員技術士技能檢定規範 109 四. 問卷調查表 113 圖目錄 圖 3-1 研究架構 35 表目錄 表 3-1 問卷之抽樣分配表 40 表 3-2 工作成就感量表之因素分析 42 表 3-3 工作成就感量表之信度分析 44 表 4-1-1 樣本基本資料分配一覽表 48 表 4-1-2 樣本基本資料分區比較表 53 表 4-1-3 工作成就感之描述性統計 55 表 4-2-1 不同年齡在工作成就感之差異分析 58 表 4-2-2 不同教育程度在工作成就感之差異分析 59 表 4-2-3 不同工作年資在工作成就感之差異分析 59 表 4-2-4 不同資格取得在工作成就感之差異分析 60 表 4-2-5 不同工作 時數在工作成就感之差異分析 61 表 4-2-6 不同休假天數在工作成就感之差異分析 62 表 4-2-7 不同薪資在工作成就感之差異 分析 63 表 4-2-8 不同在職訓練在工作成就感之差異分析 64 表 4-2-9 不同服務地區在工作成就感之差異分析 65 表 4-3 各變 項相關分析 66 表 4-4 研究假設之驗證結果 68


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incapable to extract any quantities from QCD, nor to tackle the most interesting physics, namely, the spontaneously chiral symmetry breaking and the color confinement.. 

• Formation of massive primordial stars as origin of objects in the early universe. • Supernova explosions might be visible to the most

Abstract In this paper, we study the parabolic second-order directional derivative in the Hadamard sense of a vector-valued function associated with circular cone.. The

Akira Hirakawa, A History of Indian Buddhism: From Śākyamuni to Early Mahāyāna, translated by Paul Groner, Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1990. Dhivan Jones, “The Five

(Another example of close harmony is the four-bar unaccompanied vocal introduction to “Paperback Writer”, a somewhat later Beatles song.) Overall, Lennon’s and McCartney’s

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Microphone and 600 ohm line conduits shall be mechanically and electrically connected to receptacle boxes and electrically grounded to the audio system ground point.. Lines in

The continuity of learning that is produced by the second type of transfer, transfer of principles, is dependent upon mastery of the structure of the subject matter …in order for a