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The Study of Corporate Governance between Taiwan and Japan 盧吉釧、劉欣芸 楊維娟


Academic year: 2022

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The Study of Corporate Governance between Taiwan and Japan 盧吉釧、劉欣芸 楊維娟

E-mail: 9417991@mail.dyu.edu.tw


Most of the company that is on the way to IPO is facing a complicated administration structure problem caused by internal or external environment .It becomes focus of corporate governance. In addition, the different economic development status, laws and social values among varies countries will bring the company to face different management topic. There is special company culture in Japan, an important cadre employee can be promoted as inside director. Besides, those banks who own the majority were used to monitor company operation through cross-holding. They simply make the external audition becomes internal audition. In 1993 (Ping Cheng 5th year), the Japan government revised the commercial law that need to set up a outside supervisor and supervisory committee for the purpose of strengthen the independent character and efficiency. Yu Ping 13th year, the government also increase the commercial law, to allow to lengthen terms of office and authority etc. In our country, there is a symptom that the company’s shareholder owned by only a few people, it turns the ownership authority and management authority overlap. Because of supervisor has close relation with director and the corporation shareholder must be elected as the director and supervisor at the same time, for the reason that supervisor is lack of independent character, that makes the supervisor never perform the deserved function what laws gave them. Even though there is regulation of both independent director and supervisor released by Securities and Future Bureau to direct TSE & OTC listed company, but it is yet to be completed overall. In Taiwan, it is a key point for how to make the supervision mechanism well-performed if we want to strengthen the corporate governance , this text is refer to Japan’s relevant legislation to evaluate our advantage and disadvantage and propose the following improvement: 1. To regulate the outside supervisor proportion.

2. Formulate the outside supervisor qualification document. 3. Both director and supervisor should be amalgamated and be elected.

4. Strengthen the authority of supervisors. 5. To establish supervisors committee and legalize their rights. 6. Government or corporate shareholder can't appoint any delegate to elect the director or supervisor. 7. Included the liability insurance of both director and supervisor and involved in the norm of the law.

Keywords : Corporate Governance, Outside Supervisor, Company law.

Table of Contents

封面內頁 簽名頁 授權書……… iii 中文摘要………

……… v 英文摘要………

……… vi 誌謝……… viii 目錄………

……… ix 圖目錄………

xi 表目錄……… xii 第一章 緒論 第一節 研究動機與目的 ...1 第二節 研究目的...3 第三節 研究方法...4 第四節 研究範圍與限制...4 第二章 文獻探討 第一節 公司治理的概念...7 第 二節 代理理論...17 第三節 公司治理之理論學派...20 第四節 公司治理的架構

、模式...22 第五節 公司治理之原則...31 第三章 日本公司治理 第一節 日本公司 內部監控機制...34 第二節 日本採取外部監察人制度之理由...43 第三節 外部監察人在日 本法上的實踐...44 第四章 我國公司治理 第一節 我國公司內部監控機制...46 第二節 我 國公司內部監控的現況問題...60 第三節 我國外部董監現況 ...65 第五章 我國公司治理 制度改革方向之探討 第一節 日本與我國公司治理模式之比較...69 第二節 我國公司治理之改革方向--外部董 事及外部監察人...79 第三節 外部董事與外部監察人制度的選擇探討...80 第四節 我國採取外部監察人制度 的作法...84 第五節 外部監察人制度在我國法上的實踐...87 第六章 結論及建議 第一節 結 論...93 第二節 建議...95 參考文

獻...99 圖 目 錄 圖1-1 研究架構流程圖...6 圖2-1 世界銀行公司治理架構 圖...23 圖5-1 日本公司治理模式...74 圖5-2 台灣公司治理模式...77 表 目 錄 表2-1 公司治理文獻彙總...11 表2-2-1 公司治理重要性—董事會的表現相較於財務報表的重 要

性...16 表2-2-2 願意為公司治理付出溢價比率─亞洲...16 表2-3 代理理論文獻彙

總...20 表2-4 英美市場導向模式與日德銀行導向模式及東亞家族控制模式三種模式之比較....26 表2-5 世界


經濟論壇2004-2005年「企業競爭力指標」排名 ...29 表5-1 台灣公開發行公司董監事持股限制...78 表5-2 日本與台 灣公司治理之比較研究...78


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