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ᙯᔣෟĈஎొᐖਔং๫ ( Deep vein thrombosis )

ং๫ޢা࣏ཏ ( Post- thrombotic syndrome )


எొᐖਔং๫ ( deep vein thrombosis ) дለ࡚


̚ 1 ˠ1 Ąং๫ޢা࣏ཏ ( post- thrombotic syn- drome) ࠎஎొᐖਔং๫ޢ̝׀൴াĂॲፂለ࡚

ࡁտ̚Ăдௐ˘Ѩஎొᐖਔং๫ޢĂࡗѣ 2 0 % ঽˠົГѨ൴Ϡং๫Ăͷ׎̚ࡗѣ 20-50% ົд 2ѐ̰ົ൴Ϡং๫ޢা࣏ཏ2,3Ą׎ᓜԖܑᇈΞଂ






˘Ҝ 3 4 ໐շّฎमдͽـ݈ઉ૵ଐԛ։

рĄдҝੰ݈ 2 ฉฟؕѣν̈ჿཚණĂ׎াېд ܜॡม৭ϲٕ֕ྮޢົΐࢦĂҭߏдЃिޢাې


ົഴᅅĄҝੰॡ֗੼ࠎ 180 ̶̳ćវࢦࠎ 60 ̳

͝Ąдநጯᑭߤ͞ࢬĂҕᑅࠎ 120 Ɲ 80 ୮ѼՑ ߗĂ͕ྯࠎ 80 ྯ/̶Ăν̈ჿѣͪཚĂҭ൑ϩቲ តࡓٕԊొ൴ሤ۞ன෪Ą׎ዶநጯᑭߤ࠰ࠎϒ

૱Ą਒ొ X Ѝ൑ځពள૱Ąд၁រވҕ୵ᑭߤ͞

ࢬĂ protein C ࠎ 111.9 ( ϒ૱ቑಛĈ 70-140 )ć pro- tein Sࠎ 85.8 ( ϒ૱ቑಛĈ 55-160 )ć anti-thrombin I I Iࠎ 11 4 . 6 ( ϒ૱ቑಛĈ 8 0 - 1 3 0 ) ćҕ̈ڕࠎ 185x103/ɢ L ( ϒ૱ቑಛĈ 140-450x103/ɢ L )Ă׎

ዶ၁រވᑭߤᇴፂӮдϒ૱ቑಛ̰Ąᗁरֶፂᓜ ԖাېĂ੼ޘᘃႷঽˠѣஎొᐖਔং๫Ąٺߏฟ

ֹؕϡԩ጖ҕ጗ڼᒚ ( Β߁ enoxaparine 60 mg q12h ̈́ warfarin 1.5 mg qd ) Вڼᒚ 5 ͇Ăٺ΍ੰ

݈૟ warfarin Լј 3 mg qd Ą΍ੰॡ̈ჿ̏൑ཚ ණຏᛇͷѩॡҕ୵ INR ࠎ 2.58 Ą΁аזฎԊᚶ ᜈፉЇฎम̍үĂд΍ੰ˟ߐഇޢĂν̈ჿཚණ Г൴ĂॲፂঽˠٙࢗĂ΁Ϗ޷ॡڇᘽĄௐ˟Ѩҝ


ᗁጯᐖਔᛷᇆдᗕ˭۳ᐖਔҌ˭ටᐖਔ֭൑൴ன ѣҕংĄ( ဦ˘ ) ΍ੰޢĂঽˠϏؠॡڇᘽĂΪ ѣдাېΐᆐॡĂ΁̖ڇϡ warfarin Ąдܝ෧੠

ᖸ 10 ࣎͡Ă׎ INR ࣃ̂ొ̶Ҳٺ 2.0 Ąд൴ঽ 1 0࣎͡ޢĂཚණ۞ଐԛ̏Ϥ̈ჿؼҩҌ̂ჿĂ ͷᇆᜩ΁۞̍үĂঽˠЯѩГޘˢੰĄѩॡν˭




๫Ą( ဦ˟ ) ॲፂ Villita ෞ̶ᛳٺᅅ຋Ҍ̚ޘং๫


޺ᜈĂ͍׎дፋ͇̍үඕՁޢĂাېົΐᆐĂঽ ˠЯѩШ̍үಏҜϦኛ঻ᖚઃᓟĄ






1Ĉ݈∧ᐖਔ ( anterior tibial vein ), 2 Ĉදᐖਔ ( peroneal vein ), 3Ĉ⯰ᐖਔ ( popliteal vein ), 4Ĉஎ۵ᐖਔ ( deep femoral vein ), 5 Ĉᐪ۵ᐖਔ (iliofemoral vein)


൭ăՔࢦຏᛇăཚණă٩ඏăສᚧຏă̈́ו൭ ຏĄ׏ݭাېࠎдܜॡม৭ϲ̈́֕ྮॡাېົΐ ࢦĂдЃि̈́π዁ޢাېົഴᅅĄдநጯᑭߤ૱

֍ѣͪཚă຋ҕგᕖૺăҒ৵Ք፥ă໠ৃܑ̈́ϩ ᐖਔѡૺĄдᚑࢦଈ۰Ξਕົѣ lipodermatoscer- losis̈́ሚႹĄ






ͅᑕĂឰҕংԛј̂ҕ๴Ă൒ޢᖣ඾វ̰ҕং໘ ྋ፟טĂֹҕგГޘޭೇ఼ၰ7Ąڼᒚஎొᐖਔ

ং๫̝ޢĂтڍҕং໘ྋ̙ԆБΞਕົጱ࡭ᐖਔ ܡ๫Ăᐖਔᘝቯజ৔ᗼĂ̈́ᐖਔᑅ̿੼ĄдА݈


ೇ఼ၰ۞ॡมĂజᄮࠎߏϏֽົ൴णјᐖਔҕ୵ ਗ਼߹̝ࢦࢋЯ̄8 Ą Van Bemmelen ଯኢጱ࡭ᐖਔ

ౕᗆ̙Б͹ࢋΒ߁˟࣎ՎូĂࢵАЯࠎܕბᐖਔ ܡ๫ĂᅈბᐖਔົᕖૺĂତ඾ᐖਔᘝቯЯࠎᐖਔ

ۡशត̂൑ڱԆБౕЪĂ౵ޢд̱࣎͡ޢЯࠎᐖ ਔᘝቯԆБజ৔ᗼĂጱ࡭ϖ˳ᐖਔౕᗆ̙Б9Ą ॲፂ Ginsberg ࡁտଂާّஎొᐖਔং๫൴ϠޢĂ ᅮࢋ 3-6 ̖࣎͡ΞͽឰЯᐖਔܡ๫̈́൴ۆͅᑕ͔


࣏ཏҌ͌ࢋඈזஎొᐖਔং๫ޢ 3-6 ࣎͡10Ą ϫ݈̪൑˘ᇾ໤ᑭߤٕ෧ᕝ໤݋Ξͽؠཌྷং



͹ࢋያᓜԖাېĄд Milne ࡁտ̚Ăͽౌ˪ઙ෹




ޢা࣏ཏ۞ঽˠົҡᐌѣᐖਔᘝቯౕᗆ̙Бćҭ ߏ˘ֱঽˠѣᚑࢦᐖਔᘝቯౕᗆ̙БݒΪѣᅅ຋

ং๫ޢা࣏ཏ۞াېĄଂ֖ࡦొઇᐖਔᛷᇆࠎ෧ ᕝ˭۳ᐖਔܡ๫۞͞ڱ̝˘ĂΞͽឰԧࣇϤྋ࣠




Villata ۞ং๫ޢা࣏ཏෞ̶ܑĂ૟Чีᚑࢦ

ޘ̶ˬඈ৺Ă̶Ҿග̟ 1-3 ̶ĂΒ߁ 5 ࣎াې ( ূ ൭ă൭ّ൯᝾ăՔࢦຏăສᚧຏă̈́ຏᛇள૱ )

̈́ 6 ࣎ᇈ෪ ( ͪཚăࡓҒർඕăҒ৵Ք፥ăᐖਔ ѡૺăϩቲតࡓă̈́̈ჿূ൭ )Ąࡶෞ̶ᓁ̶ࠎ 5-14̶Ăᛳٺᅅ຋Ҍ̚ޘং๫ޢা࣏ཏć̶ᇴ̂

ٺ 15 ̶ͽ˯ࠎᚑࢦং๫ޢা࣏ཏĄ఺࣎ᖎٽෞ

̶ֹܑ̏ϡд 4 ࣎ለ߷ࡁտ2,3,12,13ĄΩγ Ginsberg


ֱࡁտ1 4 , 1 5Ą΁ࣇᄮࠎഅѣާّஎొᐖਔং๫ঽ

ΫĂঽˠѣ޺ᜈ˘࣎͡ূ൭̈́ཚණĂͷѣ׏ݭপ ᇈ-াېົд˘͇̍үඕՁٕܜॡม৭ϲٕӱ඾

តᆖचćд୎˯Ѓिٕཙొٶ੼ॡাېົቤྋĂ Ξͽ෧ᕝࠎং๫ޢা࣏ཏĄΩγĂѣᐖਔౕᗆ̙

Б۞މ៍ᙋፂ˵Ξͽү˘ᅃӄᇾ໤ĂপҾߏдѣ Ξਕࠎ׎΁Я৵͔੓˭۳ͪཚ۞ॡ࣏Ą

дཌྷ̂Ӏ۞୉ཏࡁտពϯĂдௐ˘Ѩஎొᐖ ਔং๫ޢĂჯ΁׻ K ޻ԩ጗ڼᒚ̙ԆБăಏ઎ّ



K޻ԩ጗ڼᒚॡĂѣ෹࿅˘Ηॡม̰׎ INR Ҳٺ 2.0Ăࠎং๫ޢা࣏ཏ൴Ϡ̝੼Пᐍཏ ( ౼ზͧࠎ 2.71 Ă 95% ܫᏥડมࠎ 1.44-5.10 )15Ąд Prandoni ࡁտ̚Ăಏ઎Г൴ّஎొᐖਔং๫̈́ѐ᛬ඈЯ৵ ᄃং๫ޢা࣏ཏ൴Ϡѣ࠹ᙯ16Ą


Ғ̪ѣۋᛉĄֹϡᇅّᜑΞͽഴ͌ᐖਔᑅ̈́ᐖਔ ਗ਼߹ĂԼච௡ᖐ຋̈ೈᒖ̈́ᅃӄ̈ჿ҉҇ᑒ঒ү ϡĂͽഴ͌ͪཚাېĄ Brandjies ඈˠ޽΍Ăд

͟มఢ݋ֹϡ̈́ተܜޘ۞ᇅّᜑ ( ٺཙኺᑅ˧ࡗ ࠎ 40 mmHg )Ăٺܕბ˭۳ᐖਔং๫ޢ੠ᖸ˟

ѐĂ൴ன Villata ̶ᇴځពࢫҲ3Ąҭߏᇅّᜑ၆ ٺ˘ֱঽˠΞਕ൑ڱዋᑕĂ׎ࣧЯΒ߁ࡍᑛޢღ ᒿຏăϩቲສᚧຏᛇă್̈́ሤຏĂֹ଀ঽˠึڇ

ّ̙т࿰ഇĄ౵ܕ˵ѣࡁտ੠ᖸ 202 ࣎ঽˠ൴ன ࡍᑛᇅّᜑ൑ڱ࿰֨ং๫ޢা࣏ཏĂү۰޽΍Ξ ਕࣧЯࠎٙќะ࣎९ᇴͧྵ͌Ăͽ࡭ٺᇅّᜑ۞

ड़ڍ̙ځព17Ąٙͽ Ginsberg ̈́׎ТဈޙᛉĂ၆ ٺஎొᐖਔং๫Ҍ͌˘࣎͡ޢѣཚණன෪ٕাې ᚑࢦ۞ঽˠѝഇѣቤྋҭд੠ᖸഇม˫ೇ൴Ăᑕ ѝഇֹϡᇅّᜑĄՏֹ͟ϡᇅّᜑΞਕົഴ͌ং



Ҿߏдঽˠдᐖਔং๫ޢ̏ѣ޺ᜈাېٕཚණன 18 Ą




˘Ăٙͽ࿰֨Г൴ࠎࢵࢋϫᇾĄѩϫᇾΞᖣϤд எొᐖਔং๫൴ϠޢĂዋ༊ֹϡ۞ԩ጖ҕ጗጗ณ ᄃڼᒚॡมĂͽഴ͌Г൴̝Ξਕّ̈́΍ҕ׀൴া







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A Case Study of Preventing Post-Thrombotic Syndrome After Deep Vein Thrombosis

Chun-Yen Chen, Cheng-Ho Tsai, and Hung-I Yeh

Post Thrombotic Syndrome (PTS) is a chronic complication of Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT). This syndrome is characterized by chronic and persistent pain with swelling in the affected limb. From Europe and North America's medical studies, data show that PTS develops within one to two years in 30% of DVT patients.. However, there is no PTS data available in Taiwan. In this case report, we will make the attempt to report PTS development af- ter DVT. One recent study from Italy demonstrates that older patients with under-treatment of Vitamin K antag- onist, ipsilateral recurrence and high BMI have a higher chance of developing post-thrombotic manifestations af- ter suffering the first episode of DVT. Some patients with PTS are disabled and unable to maintain a steady job due to their related leg symptoms. For our case study, we have completed a 10-month follow-up study of a 34- year-old patient with DVT. We find that the reason this patient suffered PTS is because of inadequate intensity of anticoagulation for DVT and recurrent DVT. Even to this day, there is no "gold standard" test method nor has there been a universal diagnosis definition of PTS. In this report, we are suggesting that the diagnosis of PTS should be based primarily on the presence of typical clinical features. The best way to minimize both risk recur- rence and bleeding of PTS is by prescribing adequate intensity and duration of anticoagulation for initial DVT treatment. Daily use of elastic compression stockings in managing PTS is controversial. Elastic compression stockings is recommend in patients with persistent symptoms or swelling after DVT. ( J Intern Med Taiwan 2008;

19: 153- 157 )

Cardiovascular Division, Department of Internal Medicine, Mackay Memorial Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan;

Mackay Medicine, Nursing and Management College, Taipei, Taiwan



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