Case Report Case Report
Intern E
Intern E 組 組
蔡億霖 蔡億霖 李幸芸 李幸芸 楊俊泓 楊俊泓 楊宗維 楊宗維 楊念珊 楊念珊
General data General data
Name : Name : 盧盧X XX X
Sex : FemaleSex : Female
Age : 70 y/oAge : 70 y/o
Native :Native :高雄市高雄市
Martial status : 已婚Martial status : 已婚
Attending V.S.: 陳中和醫師Attending V.S.: 陳中和醫師
First visit :95/09/13First visit :95/09/13
Chief Complaint Chief Complaint
A swelling mass over right side of mouth floor A swelling mass over right side of mouth floor for one year, with painful sensation for 1 month for one year, with painful sensation for 1 month
Present illness Present illness
A swelling mass over right side of A swelling mass over right side of
mouth floor was found one year ago mouth floor was found one year ago
and didn
and didn’’t make her uncomfortable. t make her uncomfortable.
She didn
She didn’’t go for help. t go for help.
One month ago, she felt painful One month ago, she felt painful sensation of the mass, went to
sensation of the mass, went to 第一門第一門 診診 and wasand was referred her to our OPD . referred her to our OPD .
Present illness Present illness
Besides, she didn’Besides, she didn’t feel uncomfortable of t feel uncomfortable of right
right submandibularsubmandibular region during meal region during meal time.
The patient had lost all teeth 28 years The patient had lost all teeth 28 years ago . The latest CD was fabricated at ago . The latest CD was fabricated at 苓苓 雅門診雅門診 5 years ago. When the CD was 5 years ago. When the CD was
delivered and adjusted, the patient didn delivered and adjusted, the patient didn’’t t
felt uncomfortable when wearing denture.
felt uncomfortable when wearing denture.
Past history Past history
Past Medical History Past Medical History
–– Left breast cancer: operation at veterans hospital Left breast cancer: operation at veterans hospital 802H
802H 10 years ago without C/T and R/T. F/U for 3 10 years ago without C/T and R/T. F/U for 3 years.
–– Stroke 2 years ago: routine medication with Stroke 2 years ago: routine medication with Aspirin
–– Denied any drug or food allergyDenied any drug or food allergy
Past Dental History Past Dental History
–– OD, Endo, ExtractionOD, Endo, Extraction
–– Wearing CD from 42 y/oWearing CD from 42 y/o
Personal history Personal history
Risk factors related to malignancyRisk factors related to malignancy
–– AlcoholAlcohol::((--))
–– Betel quidBetel quid::((--)) –– CigaretteCigarette::((--))
Other oral habits: avoid sour foodsOther oral habits: avoid sour foods
OMF Examination OMF Examination
A swelling mass over right A swelling mass over right side of mouth floor
side of mouth floor
-- 1.5 cm x 2.5 cm1.5 cm x 2.5 cm -- RedRed
-- Mild depression of central Mild depression of central portion
-- Tenderness(+)Tenderness(+) -- FirmFirm
-- fixed to underlying tissuefixed to underlying tissue
Saliva secretion of WhartonSaliva secretion of Wharton’s ’s duct: clear
duct: clear
No paresthesiaNo paresthesia of right side of right side of tongue border
of tongue border
Image finding
Image finding – – Panorex Panorex
Panorex image finding image finding
This This panorexpanorex shows edentulous alveolar ridge shows edentulous alveolar ridge with general horizontal
with general horizontal resorptionresorption, especially in , especially in maxilla (only basal bone left) and the
maxilla (only basal bone left) and the trabeculartrabecular density of maxilla decrease.
density of maxilla decrease.
There is an elevated dome shape soft tissue There is an elevated dome shape soft tissue image over
image over rr’’tt mandible, extending from the mandible, extending from the posterior
posterior ½½ of mandible body to the anterior of mandible body to the anterior region of
region of ramusramus, measuring approximately , measuring approximately 2.8cm in diameter.
2.8cm in diameter.
Sinus: NPSinus: NP
CondyleCondyle: NP : NP
Peripheral or
Peripheral or Intrabony Intrabony Origin Origin
Bony destruction (Bony destruction (--))
Mucosal lesion (+)Mucosal lesion (+)
Peripheral Origin
Inflammation, Neoplasm or Cyst Inflammation, Neoplasm or Cyst
Fever or local heat (Fever or local heat (--) )
Fluctuation (Fluctuation (--))
LymphadenopathyLymphadenopathy ((--) / (+)) / (+)
IndurationInduration ((--) )
Long duration (1 year)Long duration (1 year)
Benign or Malignant Benign or Malignant
Pain (+)Pain (+)
Tenderness (+)Tenderness (+)
IndurationInduration ((--))
LymphadenopathyLymphadenopathy (+)/((+)/(--))
WellWell--defined margindefined margin
Benign or low grade malignant
Differential Diagnoses
Mescenchymal Metastasis Salivary gland
Fibroma Rhabdomyoma
Breast cancer
Mucoepidermoid ca.
Mixed tumor
Acinic cell adenocarcinoma
Teachers’ comments: We suggest the differential diagnosis should only
include malignance without considering whether it is of low-grade (this is a matter of histology). So, the malignancies of mesenchymal origin such as fibrosarcoma, rhabdomyosarcoma, etc should be considered. For salivary gland origin, PLGA, adenocystic carcinoma should be included
Working diagnosis Working diagnosis
MucoepidermoidMucoepidermoid carcinoma carcinoma
PleomorphicPleomorphic tumortumor
AcinicAcinic cell cell adenocarcinomaadenocarcinoma
Mucoepidermoid carcinoma carcinoma
Our case
Our case MucoepidermoidMucoepidermoid carcinomacarcinoma
ageage 7070 20-20-7070
gender femalefemale femalefemale
frequency Most common salivary gland malignanciesMost common salivary gland malignancies
sitesite L`tL`t mouth floormouth floor Parotid gland, minor salivary glandParotid gland, minor salivary gland
Growth rate
Growth rate 1 year1 year 1 year1 year
大小大小 1.5*2.51.5*2.5 < 3cm< 3cm
color redred Blue or redBlue or red
mobility fixed to underlying tissuefixed to underlying tissue movablemovable
painpain ++ ++
induration -- --
LAPLAP -- --
P.SP.S Lower lip, floor of mouth, tongue, retromolarLower lip, floor of mouth, tongue, retromolar pad中pad中最常見的最常見的salivary tumorsalivary tumor
Mixed tumor Mixed tumor
Our case
Our case Mixed tumorMixed tumor
ageage 7070 30-30-5050
gender femalefemale femalefemale frequency
frequency Most commonMost common
sitesite L`tL`t mouth floormouth floor Parotid gland, Parotid gland, submandibularsubmandibular Growth
raterate 1 year1 year Slow, months to yearsSlow, months to years consistency
consistency firmfirm firmfirm
mobility fixed to underlying fixed to underlying tissue
tissue Movable,Movable,變大變大ÆÆless mobilityless mobility
painpain ++ --
induration -- --
LAPLAP -- --
Acinic cell cell adenocarcinoma adenocarcinoma
Our case
Our case AcinicAcinic cell adenocarcinomacell adenocarcinoma
ageage 7070 20-20-7070
gender femalefemale femalefemale frequency
frequency Much lessMuch less
sitesite L`tL`t mouth floormouth floor Parotid gland,Parotid gland, SubmandibularSubmandibular glandgland 速度速度 一年一年 Slow, months to yearsSlow, months to years
大小大小 1.5*2.51.5*2.5 < 3 cm< 3 cm mobility
mobility fixed to underlying tissuefixed to underlying tissue movablemovable
painpain ++ +/ +/ --
tendernes tendernes
ss ++ +/ +/ --
Fibroma Fibroma
Our case
Our case fibromafibroma
ageage 7070 4040-60-60
gender femalefemale femalefemale
sitesite L`tL`t mouth floormouth floor Anywhere in mouth,Anywhere in mouth, BuccalBuccal mucosamucosa Growth rate
Growth rate 一年一年 slowslow
大小大小 1.5*2.51.5*2.5 < 1.5 cm< 1.5 cm surface
surface SmoothSmooth smoothsmooth
basebase sessilesessile sessilesessile color
color redred pinkpink
consistency firmfirm firmfirm
mobility fixed to underlying tissuefixed to underlying tissue fixedfixed
painpain ++ +/ -+/ -
tenderness ++ --
induration -- --
LAPLAP -- --
Rhabdomyoma Rhabdomyoma
Our case
Our case rhabdomyomarhabdomyoma
ageage 7070 Middle-Middle-aged and older aged and older p`tp`t gender
gender femalefemale malemale
sitesite L`tL`t mouth floormouth floor Pharynx, oral cavity, laynxPharynx, oral cavity, laynx (Mouth floor, soft palate, (Mouth floor, soft palate,
base of tongue) base of tongue) consiste
ncyncy firmfirm
painpain ++ ++
Biopsy Biopsy
9/13 arrange to Oral Surgery for biopsy9/13 arrange to Oral Surgery for biopsy
IncisionalIncisional biopsy was performed over right biopsy was performed over right mouth floor
mouth floor
Before going into biopsy, a clinical impression should be provided, such as Clinical impression: Mucoepidermoid carcinoma, right posterior mouth floor
(95/9/20)項目項目 結果值結果值 參考標準值參考標準值 單位單位
WBCWBC 5.355.35 4.0-4.0-10.010.0 *1000/ul*1000/ul RBCRBC 3.893.89 4.0-4.0-5.55.5 *10*6*10*6次方次方//ulul
HgbHgb 12.012.0 12-12-1616 g/dlg/dl
HctHct 38.238.2 37-37-4747 %%
MCVMCV 98.298.2 79.0-79.0-101.0101.0 flfl MCHMCH 30.830.8 26.0-26.0-35.035.0 PgPg MCHCMCHC 31.431.4 31.0-31.0-37.037.0 g/dlg/dl
PLTPLT 233233 130.0-130.0-500.0500.0 *1000/ul*1000/ul NEUTNEUT 59.259.2 37.0-37.0-75.075.0 %%
EOSIN 1.71.7 0.0-0.0-4.04.0 %%
BASOBASO 0.40.4 0.0-0.0-1.01.0 %%
LYMPH 35.335.3 12.0-12.0-50.050.0 %%
MONOMONO 3.43.4 0.0-0.0-10.010.0 %%
RDW-RDW-CVCV 12.012.0 11.5-11.5-14.514.5 %% RDW-RDW-SDSD 42.942.9 36.0-36.0-46.046.0 flfl
(95/9/20)項目項目 結果值結果值 參考標準值參考標準值 單位單位
Protein 7.57.5 6.0-6.0-8.38.3 gm/dlgm/dl Bil(Total
Bil(Total)) 1.561.56 0.2-0.2-1.01.0 mg/dlmg/dl GOT(AST)
GOT(AST) 1616 10-10-4242 IU/LIU/L
GPT(ALT) 1313 10-10-4040 IU/LIU/L
ALPALP 6161 32-32-9292 IU/LIU/L
UNUN 9.19.1 7.0-7.0-18.018.0 mg/dlmg/dl Creatinine
Creatinine 0.70.7 0.6-0.6-1.31.3 mg/dlmg/dl NANA 141141 136136-145-145 mmolmmol/L/L KK 4.24.2 3.5-3.5-5.15.1 mmolmmol/L/L CLCL 109109 98-98-107107 mmolmmol/L/L
GGTGGT 1111 7-7-6464 U/LU/L
Sugar 9191 70-70-105105 mg/dlmg/dl
Albumin 4.234.23 3.5-3.5-5.05.0 gm/dlgm/dl A/GA/G 1.31.3 1.50-1.50-2.012.01
Image finding
Image finding – – CT of Oral CT of Oral Cavity
(95/09/22)(95/09/22) A focal oval homogeneous tumor (2.32cm x A focal oval homogeneous tumor (2.32cm x
1.92cm x 2.75cm) with mild ring enhancement is 1.92cm x 2.75cm) with mild ring enhancement is
found in the right aspect of the mouth floor.
found in the right aspect of the mouth floor.
No regional lymph node enlargement could be No regional lymph node enlargement could be identified.
The adjacent bony structure is essentially intact.The adjacent bony structure is essentially intact.
The visible portion of brain parenchyma is The visible portion of brain parenchyma is unremarkable.
Low attenuation soft tissue component is found Low attenuation soft tissue component is found within the sphenoid sinus.
within the sphenoid sinus.
Image – – CT of Oral Cavity CT of Oral Cavity
(95/09/22) (with contrast) (95/09/22) (with contrast)
Axial Coronal
Image finding
Image finding – – CT of Oral CT of Oral Cavity
(95/09/22)(95/09/22) Impression :Impression :
1.1. homogeneous tumor (2.32cm x homogeneous tumor (2.32cm x
1.92cm x 2.75cm) in the right aspect 1.92cm x 2.75cm) in the right aspect of mouth floor, consistent with mixed of mouth floor, consistent with mixed
2.2. Sphenoid sinusitis.Sphenoid sinusitis.
Image finding
Image finding – – Chest PA View Chest PA View
(95/09/22) (95/09/22)
The heart size enlarged.The heart size enlarged.
Atherosclerotic plaque of Atherosclerotic plaque of aorta is visualized.
aorta is visualized.
Mild linear increased Mild linear increased
densities in upper lungs densities in upper lungs
are present.
are present.
bony density decreased.bony density decreased.
PeribronchialPeribronchial thickening thickening at lower lungs are also at lower lungs are also
ThoracolumbarThoracolumbar spurs.spurs.
Image finding
Image finding – – Chest PA View Chest PA View
(95/09/22) (95/09/22)
Impression :Impression :
1.1. CardiomegalyCardiomegaly and atherosclerosis of and atherosclerosis of aorta.
2.2. Suspect chronic bronchitis in lower Suspect chronic bronchitis in lower lungs.
3.3. Mild Mild postinflammatorypostinflammatory fibrosis at upper fibrosis at upper lobes.
4.4. ThoracolumbarThoracolumbar degenerative degenerative spondylosis
Image finding
Image finding – – Skull PA, Lat and Skull PA, Lat and Waters' Views
Waters' Views
(95/09/23)(95/09/23) Mild mucosal thickening at bilateral maxillary Mild mucosal thickening at bilateral maxillary sinuses is identified.
sinuses is identified.
Mild nasal Mild nasal septalseptal deviation is also present.deviation is also present.
The nasal The nasal turbinatesturbinates are prominent.are prominent.
The The calvariumcalvarium appears intact.appears intact.
There is teeth defect.There is teeth defect.
Image finding
Image finding – – Skull PA, Lat Skull PA, Lat and Waters' Views
and Waters' Views
Impression : Impression :
1. 1. R/O chronic rhinitis and mild R/O chronic rhinitis and mild maxillary sinusitis.
maxillary sinusitis.
2. 2. Nasal Nasal septal septal deviation. deviation.
Biopsy Biopsy
9/28 arrange to Oral Surgery for wide 9/28 arrange to Oral Surgery for wide excision
Wide excision was performed over right Wide excision was performed over right mouth floor
mouth floor