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Written Test


Academic year: 2022

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8th Geography Olympiad

(Individual competition)

Written Test

Name: Reference No.:


﹒ This test consists of five sections and the total of all marks is 77.

Section 1: Cochinchina (12 m

ks) Section II: Wind Chills (18 marks) Section III: City Structures (14 marks) Section IV: Globalization (14 marks) Section V: N atural Hazard (19 marks)

September 5, 2009


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2009 Geography Olympiad

Section 1: Cochinchina

(12 marks)

Written Test

Cochinchina ,a French colony in Southeast Asia,is composed with southem provinces in Vietnam.

Please answer the following questions based on Figure 1 and 2.

Question 1

Based on Figure 1,what pe ofIandform is Cochinchina composed of? (2 mark)

boundary of Cochinchina

Figure 1

Question 2

Based on Figure 1,how far is Saigon om Rach Gia? (2 mark)

Question 3

Based on Figure 2a and 2b

please indicate the province that has high yield of rice production and is not by the sea (Fill in the associated number only.). (2 mark)


2009 Olympia Written test Written Test

Question 4

Compare Figure 2c and Figure 2d,and answer the following two questions.

(a) Please indicate what changes happened to Cochinchina in its spatial distribution after acquiring special right to plant rubber. (2 mark)

(b) Please infer what the reasons for this change can be. (4 mark)


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(a) Provinccs of Cochinchina

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(c) Europcan Rubbcr Conccssions(1928)


(d) Europcan Rubbcr Conccssions (1940)

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Figure 2


2009 GeographyOlympiad

Section 11: Wind Chills

(18 marks)


The combination of water vapor content (*氣含量),wind velocity and air temperature affects each individual's sense of comfort. For example ,high temperatu 時, high humidity (濕度)and low winds produce most heat discomfort

whereas low humidity and strong winds enhance cooling sensation (感覺).As wind speed increases ,the heat lost om the skin increases. People who experience (or live through) winters with eezing temperares need a wind-chill chart (Figure 3) to know the difference between the actual temperatures and the temperatures we sense (the so called

sensible temperature"). For instance,if air temperature is - 1


and wind is blowing

32 km per hour (kmph),skin temperature will be - 8


Please answer the following questions:

Question 5

A group of Taiwan's mountaineering expe successfully completed the Seven Summits1

challenge this year. On their way to the summits,they usually experience low air temperature and, occasionally ,extremely strong winds. For example,the jet stream (噴射氣流)on the summit of Everest sometimes can reach as much as 560 kmph

blowing equipments and even people right off the mountain.

(a) Assuming the air temperature is - 18


,the mountaineering experts are facing a 80 kmph wind blow,what is the wind chill temperature they would feel on any exposed skin? (2 mark) (b) le expes would experience ostbite (凍傷)in_____minutes.

given these conditions.

(2 mk)

(c) What kind of outfits should these experts wear for protection? Please name two. (4 marks) Question 6

How does the wind enhance the loss ofheat om exposed skin? (4 marks) Question 7

(a) Using the wind-chill concept ,please describe the difference between a cotton (loose-weave ,訢d鑒編織)jacket and a nylon windbrealr (防風)(tight-weave ,緊密編織)

jacket. (4 marks)

(b) Which prevents the wind access to your skin more ectively? (2 marks)

1 TheSevenSummitsare the highestmountainsof each ofthe sevencontinents.Summitingallof them is regarded as a mountaineeringchallenge.


2009 Olympia Written test Written Test

Actual Air Temperature in


+4 -7 -12 -18 -23 29 -34 -40

8 +2 -4 11 -17 -24 -30 -37 -43


16 +1 -6 -13 -20 -27 -33 -41



-7 -14 -22 -28 -36

zAnZH 32 -1 -8 -16 -23 -30 -37


40 -2 -9 -16 -24 -31




48 -2 -9 -17 -24 I -32

56 -2 -10 -18 -26 -33

64 -3 -11 -18 -26 -34

72 -3 -11 -19 -27

80 -3 -11 -19 -27




10 min.


5 min

Figure 3 Wind chill chart for various tempera res and wind velocities.


2009 GeographyOlympiad

Section 111: City Structures

(14 marks)


Please read the following paragraphs written by Christopher Alexander ,an architect and planner renowned for his contributions to the theories and practices of pattern language and particatoη planning.

The tree of my title is not a green tree with leaves. It is the name of an abstract structure. 1 shall contrast it with another,more complex abstract structure called a semi-Iattice. In order to relate these abstract structures to the nature of the city,1 must first make a simple distinction. 1 want to call those cities which have arisen more or less spontaneously over many years - natural cities. And 1 shall call those cities and parts of cities which have been deliberately created by designers and planners - artificial cities. Siena,Liverpool ,Kyoto ,Manhan are examples of natural cities. Levittown ,Chandigarh and the British New Towns are examples of artificial cities.

What is the inner natu間,the ordering principle ,which distinguishes the artificial city om the natural city? 1 believe that a natural city has the organization of a semi-Iattice; but that when we organize a city artificially ,we organize it as a tree. Both the tree and the semi-lattice are ways of thinking about how a large collection of many small systems goes to make up a large and

complex system. More generally,they are both names for structures of sets. A set is a collection of elements which for some reason we think of as belonging together. When the elements of a set belong together because they co-operate or work together somehow ,we call the set of elements a system.

To understand this structu時,let us consider a simpler strucre made of just half a dozen elements. Label these elements 1,2,3

5 and 6. Not including the full set [1,2,3

5,呵,the empty set [-],and the one-element sets [1],[2],[3],[呵,[5],[呵,there are 56 different subsets we can pick

om six elements. Suppose we now pick out certain of these 56 sets Gust as we pick out certain sets and call them units when we form our picture ofthe city). Let us s旬,for example that we pick the following subsets: [123],[3呵,[4月,[234] ,[345] ,[12345] ,[3456]. What are the possible relationships among these sets? Some sets will be entirely part of larger sets,的[34] is part of [345] and [3456]. Some ofthe sets will over1ap

like [123] and [234]. Some ofthe sets will be disjoint - that is,contain no elements in common like [123] and [45].

As we see om these two representations ,the choice of subsets alone endows the collection of subsets as a whole with an overall structure. When the structure meets certain conditions it is called a semi-Iattice. When it meets other more restrictive conditions ,it is called aee. The semi-Iattice axiom goes like this: A collection


sets /orms a semi-lattice if and only ifwhen two overlapping sets belong to the collectionthe set


elements common to both also belongs to the collection. le tree axiom states: A collection


sets /orms a tree if and only if/or any two sets that belong to the collection either one is wholly contained in the otheror else they are wholly


2009 Olympia


tten test



Here we are concemed with the difference between structures in which no overlap occurs,and those structures in which overlap does occur. It is not merely the overlap which makes the

distinction between the two. Still more important is the fact that the semi-Iattice is potentially a much more complex and subtle structure than a tree. We may see just how much more complex a semi-Iattice can be than aee in the following fact: a tree based on 20 elements can contain at most 19 further subsets ofthe 20,while a semi-Iattice based on the same 20 elements can contain more than 1,000,000 dierent subsets.

Please answer the following questions.

Question 8

In Figure 4,which two diagrams represent the tree structures ,and which two diagrams represent the semi-Iattice ones? (4 marks)

Question 9



2 3 4 15 e


Figure 4



1 2 3 .•• 5 6


Please explain briefly why the author thinks that natural cities developed over time are better than artificial cities created by modem architects? (6 marks)


2009 GeographyOlympiad Question 10


(C) Hsinchu (E) Tainan

Taiwan's towns/cities are generally characterized by the pattem of mixed land use

with housing ,factories ,and shops mixed together; but there are some exceptions. Which TWO among the following towns/cities are more likely to be artificial ,tree-like towns/cities? (2 marks)

(A) Taipei (B) Linkou (林口)

(D) Zhongxing New Resediential Quarter (中興新村)

Question 11

Which title is most suitable for this article? (2 marks)

(A) Trees in the Cities (B)le Pattem Language of City Trees (C) City Is Not a Tree (D) A Sustainable City Created by Trees



2009 OlympiaWrittentest

Section IV: Globalization

(14 marks)


The McDonald restaurant is the world's largest chain of fast food restaurants

serving nearly 47 million customers daily. It is also a great symbol of globalization. On the one hand

the McDonald offers very similar food and spatial design (空間設計)in its restaurants around the world; on the other,in addition to the similarities ,the McDonald incorporates elements of locali

(or localness 地方性)in food and space in order to suit different needs of people around the world.

Sociologist (社會學家)George Ritzer argued that the McDonald restaurant has become a typical modem mode of production (生產方式)and he called it McDonaldization (麥當勞化),where four factors could be highlighted in the processi.e. efficiency calculabili 吵,predictabili.and control.

Question 12

What might be the strategy of

incorporating elements of locality in food and space in order to suit different needs ofpeople around the world"? Please give an example ofthis strategy. (4 marks)

Question 13

Figure 5,6 7 and 8,are photographs taken in a local McDonald restaurant in Taipei. Examine the photographs carefully.

According to the features you have observed om photographs ,name


factors (仕om 吃伊ciency ,calculabili.predictability and control) you like to explain. Please elaborate (闡述、解 釋)how these two factors of

McDonaldization" are applied in terms of space design in the restaurant. (6 marks)

Question 14

There is also a seminar room (討論室、小會議問)open to customers in that restaurant. Why is that?

(4 marks)


2009 GeographyOlympiad WrittenTest

E 荒草三道~


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Figure 5 Advertisement of the McDonald with a slogan

kids playland"

Figure 7

the Fun Party" for the kids

Figure 8 Drive-through Service

Figure 6 Kids playground in the restaurant

Figure 9. A seminar room in the restaurant



2009 OlympiaWrittentest



Natural Hazards (19 marks)


Typhoon Morakot caused severe flooding in Taiwan,particularly across central and southem regions where damage to infrastructure and property was reported. Widespread floods destroyed farm land

disrupted road and rail traffic

cut off power and water supplies and brought down bridges across Taiwan. The heavy rain also triggered mudslides which tore through houses and businesses

ripped up roads and smashed bridges. Apart om the heavy rainfall

improper landuse is also believed one ofthe major reasons to cause such devastating crisis.

Fan delta (or alluvial fan) the lowest section of the Taimali Stream (太麻里溪)(to the east of site X in Figure 10a),unfortunately ,is one of the areas which were heavily damaged. Refer to Figure

10 - 14 and Figure 15 - 16 (on page 4 in the answer sheets) to answer the following questions.

Question 15

Landscape (地景、景觀)on the Taimali fan delta has changed dramatically over the 20th centu可﹒Describe the change of:

(a) river channel,(b) settlement (聚落),and (c) landcover (土地覆蓋)(9 mark) Question 16

Draw the boundary of the floodplain (氾濫平原)on the map provided in the answer sheets.

(4m k) Question 17

Draw a diagram (i丸 a flow chart 流程圖或系統概念圖) to show the factors which cause the flood hazard in this 訂閱.Both short-term and long-term factors should be considered.

(6 mark)

Figure 10. Images ofTaimali fan delta

before (a) and after (b) Typhoon Morakot


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Juang has received numerous distinctions and recognitions, including Bell Labs' President Gold Award, IEEE Signal Processing Society Technical Achievement Award, the IEEE

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