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Inspecting the Evolution of Organization in People’s Liberation Army Air Force by Using the Concept of Enterprise Chang 劉盛隆、莊銘國


Academic year: 2022

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Inspecting the Evolution of Organization in People’s Liberation Army Air Force by Using the Concept of Enterprise Chang


E-mail: 9602318@mail.dyu.edu.tw


Enterprise globalization and competition have forced the enterprises to undertake organizational innovations in the past decade.

Almost all enterprises in the USA, Europe and Asia experience the pressure. In the old time the listed public company leaders could mange the company without difficulty because of the company’s good reputation. However, due to continuously rising rivals and rapid development of internet, many old business models have become out-dated. Therefore, regardless of industry type, company leaders must re-consider the positioning of their companies and reform their organization in order to keep up with the rapid change in the market and maintain the leading spot in a fierce competitive environment. Thus, the concept of how enterprises reform and change has become a hot topic which all modern organizations have to face and go into deep research.. Enterprise is a major supporting force in a nation’s economy. The troop is a foundation of a nation’s military force. Both of them belong to overall national defensive strengths. Morever, in response to the emergence of the Internet and development in Information Technology, organizational change has become a must for all enterprises in twenty first century. Similarly, the change of international strategic environment, rapid improvement and development in weapon technology and innovation coming from information technology have led the military to put emphasis on quick reaction and precise strike in battlefield. The military force has learned to incorporate the art of enterprise organization into their organization.. The results can be proved on the Cold War between United States and Soviets, Kosovo war, Afghanistan and two Persian gulf wars. The USA military has already cooperated with private enterprises to accelerate organizational change in military by adopting professional advices and assistances. Peter F.Drucker pointed out “every organization has to transform into a medium to push the change for surviving and success. To successfully manage the change, the most efficient way is to initiate the change actively. With such principle in mind, this paper targets the evolution of Air Force organization which PLA emphasizes to develop as a research object. The time covered ranging from 1949 when PLA Air Force was formed to most recent military reformation plan(2006 to 2010) of the Mainland China. The paper first explored the organizational structures and investigated the theories of organization change. This research aimed to verify the assumption and find out ideal methods and procedures of organization change by organizing and classifying related academic research and core principles of international and inland scholars of management. This paper also verifies the nucleus concepts of exterior and interior

organizational changes in PLA Air Force step by step, investigates their strength and weakness with a view to provide a reference source for other researchers and scholars, also to testify whether such principle of enterprisechange is applicable to a military

organization. The following is a summary of my research findings. 一、Methods and procedures of organization change. (一) First of all, enterprise leaders must confirm the needs of change and be aware of the directions of change. (二) Establish the change plans with careful thoughts (三) Organize an appropriate team to execute the change. (四) Develop consensus and set the vision (五) Remove resistances to achieve a successful outcome. (六) Establish a reasonable praise mechanism, and maintain the winning spot. ( 七) Finally, incorporate the changes into the corporate culture. 二、Whether the principle of enterprise organizational change is applicable to the organizations in military. Because of continuous improvement of information and telecommunication technology, military organizations worldwide tend to evolve toward flat organizational structure as large corporate attributes to. This paper is to testify that methods and procedures adopted by PLA Air Force during their evolution can be compared to current enterprise

organizational changes. Furthermore, principles of enterprise organizational change can be used to testify its effectiveness. Hence it is proved that principles of enterprise organizational change can be applied to military- -Type organizations.

Keywords : The theories of organization change. The meaning of organization change. Methods and procedures of organization change. PLA Air Force.The Organizations of military- type

Table of Contents

目錄 封面內頁 簽名頁 授權書... iii 中文摘要... iv 英文摘 要... vi 誌謝... ix 目錄... x 圖目

錄... xiii 表目錄... xiv 第一章 緒論... 1 第一節 研究動機與目 的... 1 壹、 研究動機... 1 貳、 研究目的... 3 第二節 研究方法與架


構... 4 壹、 研究方法... 4 貳、 研究架構... 6 第三節 研究範圍與限 制... 8 壹、 研究範圍... 8 貳、 研究限制... 8 第二章 文獻探

討... 10 第一節 組織定義與組織結構... 10 壹、 組織定義... 10 貳、 組織結 構... 13 第二節 組織變革理論與定義... 21 壹、 組織變革理論... 22 貳、 組織 變革定義... 29 第三節 組織變革種類與阻力... 39 壹、 組織變革種類... 39 貳、

組織變革阻力... 41 第三節 組織變革方法與步驟... 45 壹、 中外學者組織變革方法與步

驟... 45 貳、 組織變革方法與步驟歸納研析... 49 第三章 中共空軍組織發展... 58 第一節 中共空 軍創建時期... 59 第二節 中共空軍的全面建設時期... 61 第三節 中共空軍研改精進時期... 63 第四節 資訊化下中共空軍... 66 第四章 由組織變革理念檢證中共空軍組織發展外部影響因素 第一節 國際戰略 環境影響... 72 第二節 現代戰爭發展衝擊... 80 第三節 軍武科技交流激盪... 87 第四節 空權思維帶動改革... 94 第五章 由組織變革理念檢證中共空軍組織發展內部影響因素 第一節 國土防衛實質需 求      104 第二節 國家經濟力成長   111 第三節 工業科技能力提昇   116 第四節 軍隊組織變革連動   126 第 六章 結論 137 壹、 企業組織變革理論及組織變革方法與步驟 138 貳、 中共空軍組織變革之優勢與劣勢 141 參、 企業組織 變革理念是否適用於軍事組織之中 143 參考文獻 144


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