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An Empirical Study of constructing a Corporate Information Security Governance System Using Balanced Scorecard---Evidenc 曹子珊、曹偉駿


Academic year: 2022

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An Empirical Study of constructing a Corporate Information Security Governance System Using Balanced Scorecard---Evidenc


E-mail: 9315871@mail.dyu.edu.tw


Based on the theory of corporate governance, the thesis develops the information security balanced scorecard for the benefit of fulfilling the information security management system (ISMS). On the purpose of achieving the mission and the maximum value of the stakeholders, we make ISMS more effective by the character of balanced scorecard which turns the strategy into motive program that tightly combines information security policy, the recognition of whole employees, and the culture and process of business management by core strategy to reach the corporate information security governance system. In order to evaluate whether the compliance of employees follows the information security practices, we solve the problem which the information security

management system cannot completely do it well in a corporate using the information security balanced scorecard and strategy map.

According to interviews with several domain experts, the thesis further shows that this strategic management framework is useful to raise the level of information security to protect the privacy of the clients and the demand of teaching and research, and also concerned about management performance. In summary, the thesis helps some medical center to construct the information security balanced scorecard and strategy map based on the theory of case study. Through detailed interviews with domain experts, the thesis also shows that the proposed strategic management framework can efficiently strengthen the information security management for the medical center to accomplish the purpose of sustained management.

Keywords : Information Security ; Information Security Management System ; Balanced Scorecard ; Strategy Map ; Corporate Governance

Table of Contents

封面內頁 簽名頁 授權頁 iii 中文摘要 iv 英文摘要 v 誌謝 vii 目錄 viii 表目錄 xi 圖目錄 xii 第一章 緒論...1 1.1 研究背景與動機...1 1.2 研究目的...4 1.3 研究流程...5 第二章 文獻探 討...7 2.1 公司治理...7 2.1.1 資訊揭露與透明度...12 2.2 資訊技術治

理...14 2.2.1 資訊技術治理的範籌...15 2.2.2 公司治理和資訊技術治理...21 2.2.3 資訊技術 治理的目標...21 2.3 資訊安全...23 2.3.1 資訊安全原則...25 2.3.2 資訊安全架 構...30 2.3.3 醫療資訊安全與醫療資訊隱私權...33 2.3.4 資訊安全管理系統─BS 7799...40 2.3.5 資 訊安全管理...44 2.4 資訊安全治理...50 2.4.1 資訊安全治理的定義...51 2.4.2 資訊安全 治理的執行流程...52 2.4.3 資訊安全治理成熟度...56 2.5 平衡計分卡...59 2.5.1 傳統績效評 估制度與平衡計分卡之比較...59 2.5.2 平衡計分卡概述...62 2.5.3 平衡計分卡實施程序面...67 2.5.4 平衡計分卡與策略地圖...69 第三章 研究設計與方法...72 3.1 研究設計...72 3.1.1 理 論架構...72 3.1.2 研究架構...73 3.2 研究方法...76 3.2.1 個案研究方 法...77 3.2.2 個案研究目的...78 3.2.3 個案研究規劃...79 第四章 個案研

究...83 4.1 非營利組織...83 4.1.1 非營利組織的法定形式...84 4.1.2 非營利組織的 公司治理...86 4.2 醫療產業...89 4.2.1 醫療機構與醫療區域...90 4.2.2 醫療資源概 況...91 4.3 個案醫院...98 4.3.1 個案醫院背景與組織...98 4.3.2 個案醫院歷史與願 景...100 4.3.3 個案醫院的資訊化現況...103 4.4 個案醫院之資訊安全平衡計分卡與策略地圖.104 4.4.1 個 案醫院之資訊安全平衡計分卡...104 4.4.2 個案醫院之策略地圖...109 4.5 研究命題...111 4.5.1 命題推導...112 4.5.2 小結...120 第五章 結論與建議...121 5.1 研究結 論...121 5.2 研究限制...124 5.3 未來研究方向...126 參考文


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