Primality Tests
• primes asks if a number N is a prime.
• The classic algorithm tests if k | N for k = 2, 3, . . . ,√ N .
• But it runs in Ω(2n/2) steps, where n = | N | = log2 N .
The Density Attack for primes
1: Pick k ∈ {2, . . . , N − 1} randomly; {Assume N > 2.}
2: if k| N then
3: return “N is composite”;
4: else
5: return “N is a prime”;
6: end if
a• Suppose N = P Q, a product of 2 primes.
• The probability of success is
< 1 − φ(N )
N = 1 − (P − 1)(Q − 1)
P Q = P + Q − 1 P Q .
• In the case where P ≈ Q, this probability becomes
< 1
P + 1
Q ≈ 2
√N .
• This probability is exponentially small.
aSee also p. 363.
The Fermat Test for Primality
Fermat’s “little” theorem on p. 365 suggests the following primality test for any given number p:
1: Pick a number a randomly from {1, 2, . . . , N − 1};
2: if aN −1 6= 1 mod N then
3: return “N is composite”;
4: else
5: return “N is probably a prime”;
6: end if
The Fermat Test for Primality (concluded)
• Unfortunately, there are composite numbers called Carmichael numbers that will pass the Fermat test for all a ∈ {1, 2, . . . , N − 1}.
• There are infinitely many Carmichael numbers.a
aAlford, Granville, and Pomerance (1992).
Square Roots Modulo a Prime
• Equation x2 = a mod p has at most two (distinct) roots by Lemma 54 (p. 370).
– The roots are called square roots.
– Numbers a with square roots and gcd(a, p) = 1 are called quadratic residues.
∗ They are 12 mod p, 22 mod p, . . . , (p − 1)2 mod p.
• We shall show that a number either has two roots or has none, and testing which one is true is trivial.
• There are no known efficient deterministic algorithms to find the roots.
Euler’s Test
Lemma 60 (Euler) Let p be an odd prime and a 6= 0 mod p.
1. If a(p−1)/2 = 1 mod p, then x2 = a mod p has two roots.
2. If a(p−1)/2 6= 1 mod p, then a(p−1)/2 = −1 mod p and x2 = a mod p has no roots.
• Let r be a primitive root of p.
• By Fermat’s “little” theorem, r(p−1)/2 is a square root of 1, so r(p−1)/2 = ±1 mod p.
• But as r is a primitive root, r(p−1)/2 6= 1 mod p.
• Hence r(p−1)/2 = −1 mod p.
The Proof (continued)
• Suppose a = r2j for some 1 ≤ j ≤ (p − 1)/2.
• Then a(p−1)/2 = rj(p−1) = 1 mod p and its two distinct roots are rj,−rj(= rj+(p−1)/2).
– If rj = −rj mod p, then 2rj = 0 mod p, which implies rj = 0 mod p, a contradiction.
• As 1 ≤ j ≤ (p − 1)/2, there are (p − 1)/2 such a’s.
The Proof (continued)
• Each such a has 2 distinct square roots.
• The square roots of all the a’s are distinct.
– The square roots of different a’s must be different.
• Hence the set of square roots is {1, 2, . . . , p − 1}.
– Because there are (p − 1)/2 such a’s and each a has two square roots.
• As a result, a = r2j, 1 ≤ j ≤ (p − 1)/2, are all the quadratic residues.
The Proof (concluded)
• If a = r2j+1, then it has no roots because all the square roots have been taken.
• Now,
a(p−1)/2 = [ r(p−1)/2 ]2j+1 = (−1)2j+1 = −1 mod p.
The Legendre Symbola and Quadratic Residuacity Test
• By Lemma 60 (p. 426) a(p−1)/2 mod p = ±1 for a 6= 0 mod p.
• For odd prime p, define the Legendre symbol (a | p) as
(a | p) =
0 if p | a,
1 if a is a quadratic residue modulo p,
−1 if a is a quadratic nonresidue modulo p.
• Euler’s test implies a(p−1)/2 = (a| p) mod p for any odd prime p and any integer a.
• Note that (ab|p) = (a|p)(b|p).
aAndrien-Marie Legendre (1752–1833).
Gauss’s Lemma
Lemma 61 (Gauss) Let p and q be two odd primes. Then (q|p) = (−1)m, where m is the number of residues in
R = {iq mod p : 1 ≤ i ≤ (p − 1)/2} that are greater than (p − 1)/2.
• All residues in R are distinct.
– If iq = jq mod p, then p|(j − i) q or p|q.
• No two elements of R add up to p.
– If iq + jq = 0 mod p, then p|(i + j) or p|q.
– But neither is possible.
The Proof (continued)
• Consider the set R′ of residues that result from R if we replace each of the m elements a ∈ R such that
a > (p − 1)/2 by p − a.
– This is equivalent to performing −a mod p.
• All residues in R′ are now at most (p − 1)/2.
• In fact, R′ = {1, 2, . . . , (p − 1)/2} (see illustration next page).
– Otherwise, two elements of R would add up to p, which has been shown to be impossible.
5 1 2 3 4
6 5
1 2 3 4
p = 7 and q = 5.
The Proof (concluded)
• Alternatively, R′ = {±iq mod p : 1 ≤ i ≤ (p − 1)/2}, where exactly m of the elements have the minus sign.
• Take the product of all elements in the two representations of R′.
• So [(p − 1)/2]! = (−1)mq(p−1)/2[(p − 1)/2]! mod p.
• Because gcd([(p − 1)/2]!, p) = 1, the above implies 1 = (−1)mq(p−1)/2 mod p.
Legendre’s Law of Quadratic Reciprocity
a• Let p and q be two odd primes.
• The next result says their Legendre symbols are distinct if and only if both numbers are 3 mod 4.
Lemma 62 (Legendre (1785), Gauss) (p|q)(q|p) = (−1)p−12 q−12 .
aFirst stated by Euler in 1751. Legendre (1785) did not give a correct proof. Gauss proved the theorem when he was 19. He gave at least 6 different proofs during his life. The 152nd proof appeared in 1963.
The Proof (continued)
• Sum the elements of R′ in the previous proof in mod2.
• On one hand, this is just P(p−1)/2
i=1 i mod 2.
• On the other hand, the sum equals
qi − p iq p
+ mp mod 2
i − p
iq p
+ mp mod 2.
– Signs are irrelevant under mod2.
– m is as in Lemma 61 (p. 431).
The Proof (continued)
• Ignore odd multipliers to make the sum equal
i −
iq p
+ m mod 2.
• Equate the above with P(p−1)/2
i=1 i mod 2 to obtain m =
iq p
mod 2.
The Proof (concluded)
• P(p−1)/2
i=1 ⌊iqp ⌋ is the number of integral points under the line y = (q/p) x for 1 ≤ x ≤ (p − 1)/2.
• Gauss’s lemma (p. 431) says (q|p) = (−1)m.
• Repeat the proof with p and q reversed.
• So (p|q) = (−1)m′, where m′ is the number of integral points above the line y = (q/p) x for 1 ≤ y ≤ (q − 1)/2.
• As a result, (p|q)(q|p) = (−1)m+m′.
• But m + m′ is the total number of integral points in the
2 × q−12 rectangle, which is p−12 q−12 .
Eisenstein’s Rectangle
(p - 1)/2 (q - 1)/2
p = 11 and q = 7.
The Jacobi Symbol
a• The Legendre symbol only works for odd prime moduli.
• The Jacobi symbol (a | m) extends it to cases where m is not prime.
• Let m = p1p2 · · · pk be the prime factorization of m.
• When m > 1 is odd and gcd(a, m) = 1, then (a|m) =
(a | pi).
• Define (a | 1) = 1.
aCarl Jacobi (1804–1851).
Properties of the Jacobi Symbol
The Jacobi symbol has the following properties, for arguments for which it is defined.
1. (ab | m) = (a | m)(b | m).
2. (a | m1m2) = (a | m1)(a| m2).
3. If a = b mod m, then (a | m) = (b | m).
4. (−1 | m) = (−1)(m−1)/2 (by Lemma 61 on p. 431).
5. (2 | m) = (−1)(m2−1)/8 (by Lemma 61 on p. 431).
6. If a and m are both odd, then (a | m)(m | a) = (−1)(a−1)(m−1)/4.
Calculation of (2200 |999)
Similar to the Euclidean algorithm and does not require factorization.
(202|999) = (−1)(9992−1)/8(101|999)
= (−1)124750(101|999) = (101|999)
= (−1)(100)(998)/4
(999|101) = (−1)24950(999|101)
= (999|101) = (90|101) = (−1)(1012−1)/8(45|101)
= (−1)1275(45|101) = −(45|101)
= −(−1)(44)(100)/4
(101|45) = −(101|45) = −(11|45)
= −(−1)(10)(44)/4(45|11) = −(45|11)
= −(1|11) = −(11|1) = −1.
A Result Generalizing Proposition 10.3 in the Textbook
Theorem 63 The group of set Φ(n) under multiplication mod n has a primitive root if and only if n is either 1, 2, 4, pk, or 2pk for some nonnegative integer k and and odd
prime p.
This result is essential in the proof of the next lemma.
The Jacobi Symbol and Primality Test
aLemma 64 If (M|N) = M(N −1)/2 mod N for all M ∈ Φ(N), then N is prime. (Assume N is odd.)
• Assume N = mp, where p is an odd prime, gcd(m, p) = 1, and m > 1 (not necessarily prime).
• Let r ∈ Φ(p) such that (r | p) = −1.
• The Chinese remainder theorem says that there is an M ∈ Φ(N ) such that
M = r mod p, M = 1 mod m.
aMr. Clement Hsiao (R88526067) pointed out that the textbook’s proof in Lemma 11.8 is incorrect while he was a senior in January 1999.
The Proof (continued)
• By the hypothesis,
M(N −1)/2 = (M | N) = (M | p)(M | m) = −1 mod N.
• Hence
M(N −1)/2 = −1 mod m.
• But because M = 1 mod m,
M(N −1)/2 = 1 mod m, a contradiction.
The Proof (continued)
• Second, assume that N = pa, where p is an odd prime and a ≥ 2.
• By Theorem 63 (p. 443), there exists a primitive root r modulo pa.
• From the assumption, MN −1 = h
M(N −1)/2 i2
= (M|N)2 = 1 mod N for all M ∈ Φ(N).
The Proof (continued)
• As r ∈ Φ(N) (prove it), we have
rN −1 = 1 mod N.
• As r’s exponent modulo N = pa is φ(N ) = pa−1(p − 1), pa−1(p − 1) | N − 1,
which implies that p| N − 1.
• But this is impossible given that p | N.
The Proof (continued)
• Third, assume that N = mpa, where p is an odd prime, gcd(m, p) = 1, m > 1 (not necessarily prime), and a is even.
• The proof mimics that of the second case.
• By Theorem 63 (p. 443), there exists a primitive root r modulo pa.
• From the assumption, MN −1 = h
M(N −1)/2 i2
= (M|N)2 = 1 mod N for all M ∈ Φ(N).
The Proof (continued)
• In particular,
MN −1 = 1 mod pa (6)
for all M ∈ Φ(N).
• The Chinese remainder theorem says that there is an M ∈ Φ(N) such that
M = r mod pa, M = 1 mod m.
• Because M = r mod pa and Eq. (6), rN −1 = 1 mod pa.
The Proof (concluded)
• As r’s exponent modulo N = pa is φ(N ) = pa−1(p − 1), pa−1(p − 1) | N − 1,
which implies that p| N − 1.
• But this is impossible given that p | N.
The Number of Witnesses to Compositeness
Theorem 65 (Solovay and Strassen (1977)) If N is an odd composite, then (M|N) 6= M(N −1)/2 mod N for at least half of M ∈ Φ(N).
• By Lemma 64 (p. 444) there is at least one a ∈ Φ(N) such that (a|N) 6= a(N −1)/2 mod N .
• Let B = {b1, b2, . . . , bk} ⊆ Φ(N) be the set of all distinct residues such that (bi|N) = b(N −1)/2i mod N .
• Let aB = {abi mod N : i = 1, 2, . . . , k}.
The Proof (concluded)
• |aB| = k.
– abi = abj mod N implies N|a(bi − bj), which is
impossible because gcd(a, N ) = 1 and N > |bi − bj|.
• aB ∩ B = ∅ because
(abi)(N −1)/2 = a(N −1)/2b(N −1)/2i 6= (a|N )(bi|N ) = (abi|N ).
• Combining the above two results, we know
| B |
φ(N ) ≤ 0.5.
1: if N is even but N 6= 2 then
2: return “N is composite”;
3: else if N = 2 then
4: return “N is a prime”;
5: end if
6: Pick M ∈ {2, 3, . . . , N − 1} randomly;
7: if gcd(M, N ) > 1 then
8: return “N is a composite”;
9: else
10: if (M |N ) 6= M(N −1)/2 mod N then
11: return “N is composite”;
12: else
13: return “N is a prime”;
14: end if
• The algorithm certainly runs in polynomial time.
• There are no false positives (for compositeness).
– When the algorithm says the number is composite, it is always correct.
• The probability of a false negative is at most one half.
– When the algorithm says the number is a prime, it may err.
– If the input is composite, then the probability that the algorithm errs is one half.
• The error probability can be reduced but not eliminated.
The Improved Density Attack for compositeness
All numbers < N
Witnesses to compositeness of
N via Jacobi Witnesses to
compositeness of N via common
Randomized Complexity Classes; RP
• Let N be a polynomial-time precise NTM that runs in time p(n) and has 2 nondeterministic choices at each step.
• N is a polynomial Monte Carlo Turing machine for a language L if the following conditions hold:
– If x ∈ L, then at least half of the 2p(n) computation paths of N on x halt with “yes” where n = | x |.
– If x 6∈ L, then all computation paths halt with “no.”
• The class of all languages with polynomial Monte Carlo TMs is denoted RP (randomized polynomial time).a
aAdleman and Manders (1977).
Comments on RP
• Nondeterministic steps can be seen as fair coin flips.
• There are no false positive answers.
• The probability of false negatives, 1 − ǫ, is at most 0.5.
• But any constant between 0 and 1 can replace 0.5.
– By repeating the algorithm k = ⌈−log211−ǫ⌉ times, the probability of false negatives becomes (1 − ǫ)k ≤ 0.5.
• In fact, ǫ can be arbitrarily close to 0 as long as it is of the order 1/p(n) for some polynomial p(n).
– −log 1
21−ǫ = O(1ǫ) = O(p(n)).
Where RP Fits
• P ⊆ RP ⊆ NP.
– A deterministic TM is like a Monte Carlo TM except that all the coin flips are ignored.
– A Monte Carlo TM is an NTM with extra demands on the number of accepting paths.
• compositeness ∈ RP; primes ∈ coRP; primes ∈ RP.a – In fact, primes ∈ P.b
• RP ∪ coRP is another “plausible” notion of efficient computation.
aAdleman and Huang (1987).
bAgrawal, Kayal, and Saxena (2002).
a(Zero Probabilistic Polynomial)
• The class ZPP is defined as RP ∩ coRP.
• A language in ZPP has two Monte Carlo algorithms, one with no false positives and the other with no false
• If we repeatedly run both Monte Carlo algorithms, eventually one definite answer will come (unlike RP).
– A positive answer from the one without false positives.
– A negative answer from the one without false negatives.
The ZPP Algorithm (Las Vegas)
1: {Suppose L ∈ ZPP.}
2: {N1 has no false positives, and N2 has no false negatives.}
3: while true do
4: if N1(x) = “yes” then
5: return “yes”;
6: end if
7: if N2(x) = “no” then
8: return “no”;
9: end if
10: end while
ZPP (concluded)
• The expected running time for the correct answer to emerge is polynomial.
– The probability that a run of the 2 algorithms does not generate a definite answer is 0.5.
– Let p(n) be the running time of each run.
– The expected running time for a definite answer is
0.5iip(n) = 2p(n).
• Essentially, ZPP is the class of problems that can be solved without errors in expected polynomial time.
Et Tu , RP?
1: {Suppose L ∈ RP.}
2: {N decides L without false positives.}
3: while true do
4: if N(x) = “yes” then
5: return “yes”;
6: end if
7: {But what to do here?}
8: end while
• You eventually get a “yes” if x ∈ L.
• But how to get a “no” when x 6∈ L?
• You have to sacrifice either correctness or bounded running time.
Large Deviations
• Suppose you have a biased coin.
• One side has probability 0.5 + ǫ to appear and the other 0.5 − ǫ, for some 0 < ǫ < 0.5.
• But you do not know which is which.
• How to decide which side is the more likely—with high confidence?
• Answer: Flip the coin many times and pick the side that appeared the most times.
• Question: Can you quantify the confidence?
The Chernoff Bound
aTheorem 66 (Chernoff (1952)) Suppose x1, x2, . . . , xn are independent random variables taking the values 1 and 0 with probabilities p and 1 − p, respectively. Let X = Pn
i=1 xi. Then for all 0 ≤ θ ≤ 1,
prob[ X ≥ (1 + θ) pn ] ≤ e−θ2pn/3.
• The probability that the deviate of a binomial random variable from its expected value
E[ X ] = E[Pn
i=1 xi ] = pn decreases exponentially with the deviation.
• The Chernoff bound is asymptotically optimal.
aHerman Chernoff (1923–).
The Proof
• Let t be any positive real number.
• Then
prob[ X ≥ (1 + θ) pn ] = prob[ etX ≥ et(1+θ) pn ].
• Markov’s inequality (p. 405) generalized to real-valued random variables says that
prob etX ≥ kE[ etX ] ≤ 1/k.
• With k = et(1+θ) pn/E[ etX ], we have
prob[ X ≥ (1 + θ) pn ] ≤ e−t(1+θ) pnE[ etX ].
The Proof (continued)
• Because X = Pn
i=1 xi and xi’s are independent, E[ etX ] = (E[ etx1 ])n = [ 1 + p(et − 1) ]n.
• Substituting, we obtain
prob[ X ≥ (1 + θ) pn ] ≤ e−t(1+θ) pn[ 1 + p(et − 1) ]n
≤ e−t(1+θ) pnepn(et−1) as (1 + a)n ≤ ean for all a > 0.
The Proof (concluded)
• With the choice of t = ln(1 + θ), the above becomes prob[ X ≥ (1 + θ) pn ] ≤ epn[ θ−(1+θ) ln(1+θ) ].
• The exponent expands to −θ22 + θ63 − θ124 + · · · for 0 ≤ θ ≤ 1, which is less than
2 + θ3
6 ≤ θ2
2 + θ 6
≤ θ2
2 + 1 6
= −θ2 3 .
Power of the Majority Rule
From prob[ X ≤ (1 − θ) pn ] ≤ e−θ22 pn (prove it):
Corollary 67 If p = (1/2) + ǫ for some 0 ≤ ǫ ≤ 1/2, then prob
" n X
xi ≤ n/2
≤ e−ǫ2n/2.
• The textbook’s corollary to Lemma 11.9 seems incorrect.
• Our original problem (p. 463) hence demands ≈ 1.4k/ǫ2 independent coin flips to guarantee making an error
with probability at most 2−k with the majority rule.
a(Bounded Probabilistic Polynomial)
• The class BPP contains all languages for which there is a precise polynomial-time NTM N such that:
– If x ∈ L, then at least 3/4 of the computation paths of N on x lead to “yes.”
– If x 6∈ L, then at least 3/4 of the computation paths of N on x lead to “no.”
• N accepts or rejects by a clear majority.
aGill (1977).
Magic 3/4?
• The number 3/4 bounds the probability of a right answer away from 1/2.
• Any constant strictly between 1/2 and 1 can be used without affecting the class BPP.
• In fact, 0.5 plus any inverse polynomial between 1/2 and 1,
0.5 + 1 p(n), can be used.
The Majority Vote Algorithm
Suppose L is decided by N by majority (1/2) + ǫ.
1: for i = 1, 2, . . . , 2k + 1 do
2: Run N on input x;
3: end for
4: if “yes” is the majority answer then
5: “yes”;
6: else
7: “no”;
8: end if
• The running time remains polynomial, being 2k + 1 times N ’s running time.
• By Corollary 67 (p. 468), the probability of a false answer is at most e−ǫ2k.
• By taking k = ⌈ 2/ǫ2 ⌉, the error probability is at most 1/4.
• As with the RP case, ǫ can be any inverse polynomial, because k remains polynomial in n.
Probability Amplification for BPP
• Let m be the number of random bits used by a BPP algorithm.
– By definition, m is polynomial in n.
• With k = Θ(log m) in the majority vote algorithm, we can lower the error probability to ≤ (3m)−1.
Aspects of BPP
• BPP is the most comprehensive yet plausible notion of efficient computation.
– If a problem is in BPP, we take it to mean that the problem can be solved efficiently.
– In this aspect, BPP has effectively replaced P.
• (RP ∪ coRP) ⊆ (NP ∪ coNP).
• (RP ∪ coRP) ⊆ BPP.
• Whether BPP ⊆ (NP ∪ coNP) is unknown.
• But it is unlikely that NP ⊆ BPP (p. 489).
• The definition of BPP is symmetric: acceptance by clear majority and rejection by clear majority.
• An algorithm for L ∈ BPP becomes one for ¯L by reversing the answer.
• So ¯L ∈ BPP and BPP ⊆ coBPP.
• Similarly coBPP ⊆ BPP.
• Hence BPP = coBPP.
• This approach does not work for RP.
• It did not work for NP either.
BPP and coBPP
“The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly”
Circuit Complexity
• Circuit complexity is based on boolean circuits instead of Turing machines.
• A boolean circuit with n inputs computes a boolean function of n variables.
• By identify true with 1 and false with 0, a boolean circuit with n inputs accepts certain strings in { 0, 1 }n.
• To relate circuits with arbitrary languages, we need one circuit for each possible input length n.
Formal Definitions
• The size of a circuit is the number of gates in it.
• A family of circuits is an infinite sequence
C = (C0, C1, . . .) of boolean circuits, where Cn has n boolean inputs.
• L ⊆ {0, 1}∗ has polynomial circuits if there is a family of circuits C such that:
– The size of Cn is at most p(n) for some fixed polynomial p.
– For input x ∈ {0, 1}∗, C| x | outputs 1 if and only if x ∈ L.
∗ C accepts L ∩ {0, 1}n.
Exponential Circuits Contain All Languages
• Theorem 14 (p. 153) implies that there are languages that cannot be solved by circuits of size 2n/(2n).
• But exponential circuits can solve all problems.
Proposition 68 All decision problems (decidable or otherwise) can be solved by a circuit of size 2n+2.
• We will show that for any language L ⊆ {0, 1}∗, L ∩ {0, 1}n can be decided by a circuit of size 2n+2.
The Proof (concluded)
• Define boolean function f : {0, 1}n → {0, 1}, where
f (x1x2 · · · xn) =
1 x1x2 · · · xn ∈ L, 0 x1x2 · · · xn 6∈ L.
• f(x1x2 · · · xn) = (x1 ∧ f (1x2 · · · xn)) ∨ (¬x1 ∧ f (0x2 · · · xn)).
• The circuit size s(n) for f(x1x2 · · · xn) hence satisfies s(n) = 4 + 2s(n − 1)
with s(1) = 1.
• Solve it to obtain s(n) = 5 × 2n−1 − 4 ≤ 2n+2.
• Proposition 68 (p. 480) does not contradict anything we knew so far about computation theory.
• Yes, there are only a finite number of circuits with size 2n+2.
• Yes, there are only 2n possible inputs of length n.
• Yes, those circuits can solve all problems of length n.
• But is there an algorithm to tell which circuit is the correct one?