Savitch’s Theorem
Theorem 25 (Savitch (1970))
reachability ∈ SPACE(log2 n).
• Let G(V, E) be a graph with n nodes.
• For i ≥ 0, let
PATH(x, y, i)
mean there is a path from node x to node y of length at most 2i.
• There is a path from x to y if and only if PATH(x, y,⌈log n⌉)
The Proof (continued)
• For i > 0, PATH(x, y, i) if and only if there exists a z such that PATH(x, z, i − 1) and PATH(z, y, i − 1).
• For PATH(x, y, 0), check the input graph or if x = y.
• Compute PATH(x, y, ⌈log n⌉) with a depth-first search on a graph with nodes (x, y, z, i)s (see next page).a
• Like stacks in recursive calls, we keep only the current path of (x, y, i)s.
• The space requirement is proportional to the depth of the tree (⌈log n⌉) times the size of the items stored at each node.
aContributed by Mr. Chuan-Yao Tan on October 11, 2011.
The Proof (continued): Algorithm for PATH(x, y, i)
1: if i = 0 then
2: if x = y or (x, y) ∈ E then
3: return true;
4: else
5: return false;
6: end if
7: else
8: for z = 1, 2, . . . , n do
9: if PATH(x, z, i − 1) and PATH(z, y, i − 1) then
10: return true;
11: end if
12: end for
13: return false;
The Proof (continued)
3$7+[]ORJQ 3$7+]\ORJQ
The Proof (concluded)
• Depth is ⌈log n⌉, and each node (x, y, z, i) needs space O(log n).
• The total space is O(log2 n).
The Relation between Nondeterministic Space and Deterministic Space Only Quadratic
Corollary 26 Let f (n) ≥ log n be proper. Then NSPACE(f (n)) ⊆ SPACE(f2(n)).
• Apply Savitch’s proof to the configuration graph of the NTM on the input.
• From p. 242, the configuration graph has O(cf (n)) nodes; hence each node takes space O(f (n)).
• But if we construct explicitly the whole graph before applying Savitch’s theorem, we get O(cf (n)) space!
The Proof (continued)
• The way out is not to generate the graph at all.
• Instead, keep the graph implicit.
• In fact, we check node connectedness only when i = 0 on p. 250, by examining the input string G.
• There, given configurations x and y, we go over the Turing machine’s program to determine if there is an instruction that can turn x into y in one step.a
aThanks to a lively class discussion on October 15, 2003.
The Proof (concluded)
• The z variable in the algorithm on p. 250 simply runs through all possible valid configurations.
– Let z = 0, 1, . . . , O(cf (n)).
– Make sure z is a valid configuration before using it in the recursive calls.a
• Each z has length O(f(n)) by Eq. (2) on p. 242.
• So each node needs space O(f(n)).
• The depth of the recursive call on p. 250 is O(log cf (n)), which is O(f (n)).
• The total space is therefore O(f2(n)).
aThanks to a lively class discussion on October 13, 2004.
Implications of Savitch’s Theorem
• Nondeterminism is less powerful with respect to space.
• Nondeterminism may be very powerful with respect to time as it is not known if P = NP.
Nondeterministic Space Is Closed under Complement
• Closure under complement is trivially true for deterministic complexity classes (p. 227).
• It is known thata
coNSPACE(f (n)) = NSPACE(f (n)). (3)
• So
coNL = NL,
• But it is not known whether coNP = NP.
aSzelepsc´enyi (1987) and Immerman (1988).
Reductions and Completeness
It is unworthy of excellent men to lose hours like slaves in the labor of computation.
— Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz (1646–1716)
Degrees of Difficulty
• When is a problem more difficult than another?
• B reduces to A if there is a transformation R which for every input x of B yields an input R(x) of A.a
– The answer to x for B is the same as the answer to R(x) for A.
– R is easy to compute.
• We say problem A is at least as hard asb problem B if B reduces to A.
aSee also p. 164.
bOr simply “harder than” for brevity.
x R(x) yes/no
R algorithm
for A
Solving problem B by calling the algorithm for problem A once and without further processing its answer.
Degrees of Difficulty (concluded)
• This makes intuitive sense: If A is able to solve your problem B after only a little bit of work of R, then A must be at least as hard.
– If A is easy to solve, it combined with R (which is also easy) would make B easy to solve, too.a
– So if B is hard to solve, A must be hard (if not harder), too!
aThanks to a lively class discussion on October 13, 2009.
a• Suppose B reduces to A via a transformation R.
• The input x is an instance of B.
• The output R(x) is an instance of A.
• R(x) may not span all possible instances of A.b
– Some instances of A may never appear in the range of R.
• But x must be a general instance for B.
aContributed by Mr. Ming-Feng Tsai (D92922003) on October 29, 2003.
bR(x) may not be onto; Mr. Alexandr Simak (D98922040) on October 13, 2009.
Is “Reduction” a Confusing Choice of Word?
a• If B reduces to A, doesn’t that intuitively make A smaller and simpler?
– Sometimes, we say, “B can be reduced to A.”
• But our definition means just the opposite.
• Our definition says in this case B is a special case of A.
• Hence A is harder.
aMoore and Mertens (2011).
Reduction between Languages
• Language L1 is reducible to L2 if there is a function R computable by a deterministic TM in space O(log n).
• Furthermore, for all inputs x, x ∈ L1 if and only if R(x) ∈ L2.
• R is said to be a (Karp) reduction from L1 to L2.
Reduction between Languages (concluded)
• Note that by Theorem 24 (p. 239), R runs in polynomial time.
– In most cases, a polynomial-time R suffices for proofs.a
• Suppose R is a reduction from L1 to L2.
• Then solving “R(x) ∈ L2?” is an algorithm for solving
“x ∈ L1?”b
aIn fact, unless stated otherwise, we will only require that the reduc- tion R run in polynomial time.
bOf course, it may not be an optimal one.
A Paradox?
• Degree of difficulty is not defined in terms of absolute complexity.
• So a language B ∈ TIME(n99) may be “easier” than a language A ∈ TIME(n3).
– Again, this happens when B is reducible to A.
• But isn’t this a contradiction if the best algorithm for B requires n99 steps?
• That is, how can a problem requiring n99 steps be reducible to a problem solvable in n3 steps?
Paradox Resolved
• The so-called contradiction does not hold.
• Suppose we solve the problem “x ∈ B?” via “R(x) ∈ A?”
• We must consider the time spent by R(x) and its length
| R(x) |:
– Because R(x) (not x) is solved by A.
hamiltonian path
• A Hamiltonian path of a graph is a path that visits every node of the graph exactly once.
• Suppose graph G has n nodes: 1, 2, . . . , n.
• A Hamiltonian path can be expressed as a permutation π of { 1, 2, . . . , n } such that
– π(i) = j means the ith position is occupied by node j.
– (π(i), π(i + 1)) ∈ G for i = 1, 2, . . . , n − 1.
• hamiltonian path asks if a graph has a Hamiltonian path.
Reduction of hamiltonian path to sat
• Given a graph G, we shall construct a CNF R(G) such that R(G) is satisfiable iff G has a Hamiltonian path.
• R(G) has n2 boolean variables xij, 1 ≤ i, j ≤ n.
• xij means
“the ith position in the Hamiltonian path is occupied by node j.”
• Our reduction will produce clauses.
5 6
8 7 9
x12 = x21 = x34 = x45 = x53 = x69 = x76 = x88 = x97 = 1;
π(1) = 2, π(2) = 1, π(3) = 4, π(4) = 5, π(5) = 3, π(6) = 9, π(7) = 6, π(8) = 8, π(9) = 7.
The Clauses of R(G) and Their Intended Meanings
1. Each node j must appear in the path.
• x1j ∨ x2j ∨ · · · ∨ xnj for each j.
2. No node j appears twice in the path.
• ¬xij ∨ ¬xkj(≡ ¬(xij ∧ xkj)) for all i, j, k with i ̸= k.
3. Every position i on the path must be occupied.
• xi1 ∨ xi2 ∨ · · · ∨ xin for each i.
4. No two nodes j and k occupy the same position in the path.
• ¬xij ∨ ¬xik(≡ ¬(xij ∧ xik)) for all i, j, k with j ̸= k.
5. Nonadjacent nodes i and j cannot be adjacent in the path.
• ¬xki ∨ ¬xk+1,j for all (i, j) ̸∈ G and k = 1, 2, . . . , n − 1.
The Proof
• R(G) contains O(n3) clauses.
• R(G) can be computed efficiently (simple exercise).
• Suppose T |= R(G).
• From the 1st and 2nd types of clauses, for each node j there is a unique position i such that T |= xij.
• From the 3rd and 4th types of clauses, for each position i there is a unique node j such that T |= xij.
• So there is a permutation π of the nodes such that π(i) = j if and only if T |= xij.
The Proof (concluded)
• The 5th type of clauses furthermore guarantee that (π(1), π(2), . . . , π(n)) is a Hamiltonian path.
• Conversely, suppose G has a Hamiltonian path (π(1), π(2), . . . , π(n)),
where π is a permutation.
• Clearly, the truth assignment
T (xij) = true if and only if π(i) = j satisfies all clauses of R(G).
A Comment
a• An answer to “Is R(G) satisfiable?” does answer “Is G Hamiltonian?”
• But a positive answer does not give a Hamiltonian path for G.
– Providing a witness is not a requirement of reduction.
• A positive answer to “Is R(G) satisfiable?” plus a satisfying truth assignment does provide us with a Hamiltonian path for G.
aContributed by Ms. Amy Liu (J94922016) on May 29, 2006.
Reduction of reachability to circuit value
• Note that both problems are in P.
• Given a graph G = (V, E), we shall construct a variable-free circuit R(G).
• The output of R(G) is true if and only if there is a path from node 1 to node n in G.
• Idea: the Floyd-Warshall algorithm.
The Gates
• The gates are
– gijk with 1 ≤ i, j ≤ n and 0 ≤ k ≤ n.
– hijk with 1 ≤ i, j, k ≤ n.
• gijk: There is a path from node i to node j without passing through a node bigger than k.
• hijk: There is a path from node i to node j passing through k but not any node bigger than k.
• Input gate gij0 = true if and only if i = j or (i, j) ∈ E.
The Construction
• hijk is an and gate with predecessors gi,k,k−1 and gk,j,k−1, where k = 1, 2, . . . , n.
• gijk is an or gate with predecessors gi,j,k−1 and hi,j,k, where k = 1, 2, . . . , n.
• g1nn is the output gate.
• Interestingly, R(G) uses no ¬ gates.
– It is a monotone circuit.
Reduction of circuit sat to sat
• Given a circuit C, we will construct a boolean
expression R(C) such that R(C) is satisfiable iff C is.
– R(C) will turn out to be a CNF.
– R(C) is basically a depth-2 circuit; furthermore, each gate has out-degree 1.
• The variables of R(C) are those of C plus g for each gate g of C.
– The g’s propagate the truth values for the CNF.
• Each gate of C will be turned into equivalent clauses.
• Recall that clauses are ∧ed together by definition.
The Clauses of R(C)
g is a variable gate x: Add clauses (¬g ∨ x) and (g ∨ ¬x).
• Meaning: g ⇔ x.
g is a true gate: Add clause (g).
• Meaning: g must be true to make R(C) true.
g is a false gate: Add clause (¬g).
• Meaning: g must be false to make R(C) true.
g is a ¬ gate with predecessor gate h: Add clauses (¬g ∨ ¬h) and (g ∨ h).
• Meaning: g ⇔ ¬h.
The Clauses of R(C) (concluded)
g is a ∨ gate with predecessor gates h and h′: Add clauses (¬h ∨ g), (¬h′ ∨ g), and (h ∨ h′ ∨ ¬g).
• Meaning: g ⇔ (h ∨ h′).
g is a ∧ gate with predecessor gates h and h′: Add clauses (¬g ∨ h), (¬g ∨ h′), and (¬h ∨ ¬h′ ∨ g).
• Meaning: g ⇔ (h ∧ h′).
g is the output gate: Add clause (g).
• Meaning: g must be true to make R(C) true.
Note: If gate g feeds gates h1, h2, . . ., then variable g appears in the clauses for h1, h2, . . . in R(C).
An Example
[ [ [
∧ ¬
(h1 ⇔ x1) ∧ (h2 ⇔ x2) ∧ (h3 ⇔ x3) ∧ (h4 ⇔ x4)
∧ [ g1 ⇔ (h1 ∧ h2) ] ∧ [ g2 ⇔ (h3 ∨ h4) ]
∧ [ g3 ⇔ (g1 ∧ g2) ] ∧ (g4 ⇔ ¬g2)
∧ [ g ⇔ (g ∨ g ) ] ∧ g .
An Example (concluded)
• In general, the result is a CNF.
• The CNF has size proportional to the circuit’s number of gates.
• The CNF adds new variables to the circuit’s original input variables.
• Had we used the idea on p. 209 for the reduction, the resulting formula may have an exponential length
because of the copying.a
aContributed by Mr. Ching-Hua Yu (D00921025) on October 16, 2012.
Composition of Reductions
Proposition 27 If R12 is a reduction from L1 to L2 and R23 is a reduction from L2 to L3, then the composition R12 ◦ R23 is a reduction from L1 to L3.
• So reducibility is transitive.
a• As reducibility is transitive, problems can be ordered with respect to their difficulty.
• Is there a maximal element (the hardest problem)?
• It is not obvious that there should be a maximal element.
– Many infinite structures (such as integers and real numbers) do not have maximal elements.
• Hence it may surprise you that most of the complexity classes that we have seen so far have maximal elements.
aCook (1971) and Levin (1973).
Completeness (concluded)
• Let C be a complexity class and L ∈ C.
• L is C-complete if every L′ ∈ C can be reduced to L.
– Most complexity classes we have seen so far have complete problems!
• Complete problems capture the difficulty of a class because they are the hardest problems in the class.
• Let C be a complexity class.
• L is C-hard if every L′ ∈ C can be reduced to L.
• It is not required that L ∈ C.
• If L is C-hard, then by definition, every C-complete problem can be reduced to L.a
aContributed by Mr. Ming-Feng Tsai (D92922003) on October 15, 2003.
Illustration of Completeness and Hardness
L A1
A4 L
Closedness under Reductions
• A class C is closed under reductions if whenever L is reducible to L′ and L′ ∈ C, then L ∈ C.
• It is easy to show that P, NP, coNP, L, NL, PSPACE, and EXP are all closed under reductions.
Complete Problems and Complexity Classes
Proposition 28 Let C′ and C be two complexity classes such that C′ ⊆ C. Assume C′ is closed under reductions and L is C-complete. Then C = C′ if and only if L ∈ C′.
• Suppose L ∈ C′ first.
• Every language A ∈ C reduces to L ∈ C′.
• Because C′ is closed under reductions, A ∈ C′.
• Hence C ⊆ C′.
• As C′ ⊆ C, we conclude that C = C′.
The Proof (concluded)
• On the other hand, suppose C = C′.
• As L is C-complete, L ∈ C.
• Thus, trivially, L ∈ C′.
Two Important Corollaries
Proposition 28 implies the following.
Corollary 29 P = NP if and only if an NP-complete problem in P.
Corollary 30 L = P if and only if a P-complete problem is in L.
Complete Problems and Complexity Classes
Proposition 31 Let C′ and C be two complexity classes closed under reductions. If L is complete for both C and C′, then C = C′.
• All languages L ∈ C reduce to L ∈ C and L ∈ C′.
• Since C′ is closed under reductions, L ∈ C′.
• Hence C ⊆ C′.
• The proof for C′ ⊆ C is symmetric.
Table of Computation
• Let M = (K, Σ, δ, s) be a single-string polynomial-time deterministic TM deciding L.
• Its computation on input x can be thought of as a
| x |k × | x |k table, where | x |k is the time bound.
– It is essentially a sequence of configurations.
• Rows correspond to time steps 0 to | x |k − 1.
• Columns are positions in the string of M.
• The (i, j)th table entry represents the contents of position j of the string after i steps of computation.
Some Conventions To Simplify the Table
• M halts after at most | x |k − 2 steps.
• Assume a large enough k to make it true for | x | ≥ 2.
• Pad the table with ⊔
s so that each row has length | x |k. – The computation will never reach the right end of
the table for lack of time.
• If the cursor scans the jth position at time i when M is at state q and the symbol is σ, then the (i, j)th entry is a new symbol σq.
Some Conventions To Simplify the Table (continued)
• If q is “yes” or “no,” simply use “yes” or “no” instead of σq.
• Modify M so that the cursor starts not at but at the first symbol of the input.
• The cursor never visits the leftmost by telescoping two moves of M each time the cursor is about to move to the leftmost .
• So the first symbol in every row is a and not a q.
Some Conventions To Simplify the Table (concluded)
• Suppose M has halted before its time bound of | x |k, so that “yes” or “no” appears at a row before the last.
• Then all subsequent rows will be identical to that row.
• M accepts x if and only if the (| x |k − 1, j)th entry is
“yes” for some position j.
• Each row is essentially a configuration.
• If the input x = 010001, then the first row is
| x |k
z }| {
0s10001⊔ ⊔
· · ·⊔
• A typical row may look like
| x |k
z }| {
10100q01110100⊔ ⊔
· · ·⊔
Comments (concluded)
• The last rows must look like
| x |k
z }| {
· · · “yes” · · · ⊔
| x |k
z }| {
· · · “no” · · ·⊔
• Three out of the table’s 4 borders are known: