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「 其 他 學 習 經 歷 」

指 南 針


"Other Learning Experiences" :

What is it about?

New Senior Secondary Curriculum



(新修訂內容補充) (二零一三年五月)


隨著在2012年首個三年新高中課程的教學循環及首屆香港中學文憑考試順利完 成後,教育局、課程發展議會及香港考試及評核局攜手合作,共同展開新學制檢 討,旨在檢視政策的推行成果、找出優勝之處、成功例子及面前的挑戰,為未來優 化課程及評估政策提出切實有效的建議。我們因應檢討結果,就著課程、評估及銜 接升學及就業出路等主要議題,已於2013年4月公佈新高中課程及評估的最新修訂 建議。有關詳情,可瀏覽《新學制檢討專頁》(http://www.edb.gov.hk/nas/review)。

為符合課程的學習目標,為學生提供寬廣而多元的課程以促進學生全人發 發展,並尊重大部分學校的選擇及校本發展需要,新修訂建議「其他學習經歷」

的分配課時為總課時的 10至15%,讓學生在五個範疇(體育發展、藝術發展、德 育及公民教育、社會服務、與工作有關的經驗)中,繼續獲得均衡發展。

「其他學習經歷」 新修訂建議 總課時百分比

德育及公民教育 社會服務 與工作有關的經驗

藝術發展 體育發展

10 - 15%











拓寬學生視野 發展終身興趣





學校應運用適當的策略與社區群體建立持續及互信的夥伴關 係。其他學校、政府及非政府機構、家長及校友等都可以是學校 推行「其他學習經歷」的合作夥伴。歡迎教師瀏覽「其他學習經 歷」網頁。






1. 甚麼是「德育及公民教育」?

    「德育及公民教育」是全人教育的重要學習 經歷。藉「提高認知」、「孕育情感」和「付諸 實踐」三個發展方向,培育學生的品德和公民意 識,讓他們在不同成長階段遇上與個人、家庭、

社會、國家以至世界相關的議題的時候,懂得如 何作出分析和判斷,並持守正面的價值觀和積極 的態度,勇於實踐和承擔。

2. 為甚麼要推行「德育及公民教育」?

    二十一世紀資訊科技發達,新的事物和思維 不斷湧現,青少年身處其中,常遇上一些與個 人和社會相關的議題或價值衝突,「耳提面命」

的教誨和提點,未必足夠幫助他們如何作出判斷 和決策。「德育及公民教育」不單是培育學生品 德,更要提高青少年的道德判斷能力和公民意 識,懂得以正面的價值觀和積極的態度,處理實 際生活情況,並作出合乎情理的決定。




班主任時段 早會短講 倫理及宗教科 主題學習周 同儕輔導 時事新聞分享 服務學習計畫 升旗隊/制服團體 家舍計畫


內地學習交流團 學界環保大使 國慶文藝匯演 領袖訓練計畫 社區義工計畫 清潔沙灘活動 參觀活動

(濕地公園、米埔自然 保護區等等)

4. 學習活動舉隅 3. 學習期望

在 成 長 的 不 同 階 段 , 懂 得 以 正 面 的 價 值 觀 和 積 極 的 態 度 , 處 理 與 個 人 及 社 會 相 關 的 議題;

當面對價值衝突的處境,能辨識當中蘊涵的 道德及公民價值,並依據個人原則及參考社 會規範,作出判斷和付諸實踐;


的社會公民,懂得關心別人、對社會和國家 建立認同和歸屬感、並關注世界的議題。



1. 甚麼是「社會服務」?

    「社會服務」是指個人或群體義務服侍其他人的行 動,透過積極的參與,以及精心組織的服務安排,讓學生 獲得學習和發展的機會,同時滿足社會上的不同需要。

良好的體驗是一種重要的學習經歷,它能幫助學生面向社 群,肯定自己在社會上的角色和價值,使他們在日後能成 為積極和負責任的公民。

2. 為甚麼要推行「社會服務」?

    「社會服務」可有效地培養學生對不同社會階層人 士的同理心、社會關注和尊重,同時也培養德育及公民 教育中的核心價值觀和態度(例如:尊重及關心他人、

社會責任)。「社會服務」不單可以給學生自己帶來滿 足,也給「被服務者」帶來喜悅。透過接觸社會上需要 支援和協助的人和社群,學生學會更珍惜自己所擁有的 一切,明白幸福並非必然的道理。同時,通過與不同群 體的接觸,學生或會在某些範疇發展興趣、專長或作更





3. 學習期望

認識及關注發生在社會上不同階層的人、事和物,以 作出反思;

建立相關的共通能力(例如:協作能力),並培養 正面的價值觀和態度(例如:尊重及關顧他人、社 會責任),為未來參與義工服務作好準備;


4. 學習活動舉隅

校內服務,如學生會、朋輩輔導計畫 參與社區服務中心的服務活動

走到社區,為不同群體(包括其他學校)舉辦活動 邀請目標社群到校,為他們舉辦活動(如新年慶祝 晚會)

賣旗籌款 義賣活動








1. 甚麼是「與工作有關的經驗」?

    「與工作有關的經驗」是讓學生對現今的工作 世界有更多認識,它包含了學校為學生提供的一系 列學習活動,學生可透過和這些與工作有關的事物 接觸以擴闊經歷,增加對就業能力和工作道德操守 的理解,以及反思他們的事業抱負和發展。

2. 為甚麼要推行「與工作有關的經驗」?

    「與工作有關的經驗」幫助學生擴闊視野 和個人經歷,協助他們面對新世紀的挑戰。透 過不同的學習模式(如職業輔導課、講座、實 地探訪)來認識工作世界的有關範疇,學生可 以培養出正確的價值觀和態度(例如:承擔精 神),以及發展他們在未來工作終身學習的能 力,為面對未來瞬息萬變的世界作好準備。




課堂活動 與專家面談

學習領域的延伸活動 職業輔導課 生活教育課




與職業有關的專題研習 商校師友計畫





年宵義賣 工作實習 工作影子活動 工作實況考察


3. 學習期望


增加對有關工作就業能力的認識,鼓勵學生作個 人規畫,並思考未來工作方向;

就現今的工作世界,反思與工作相關的道德操守 和未來僱主的期望。





1. 甚麼是「藝術發展」?

「藝術發展」是高中「其他學習經歷」的重 要組成部分 。 每位學生在高中三年內均享有

「藝術發展」學習時間。 由於「藝術發展」沒 有公開考試,所以學生可以更輕鬆地透過欣賞、


2. 為甚麼要推行「藝術發展」?

藝術的經歷是培養創意和美感的最有效途 徑,既讓學生表達自我,調節身心,亦能拓闊學 生視野,有助其他學科的學習。此外,學習藝術 更可以提升他們的品味和修養,幫助發展正面的 價值觀和態度;因此,「藝術發展」學習經歷有 助學生達至全人教育的宗旨。

3. 學習期望

「藝術發展」學習經歷延續初中階段的藝術 學習,並進一步:






4. 學習活動舉隅

    學習活動可包括多樣的藝術形式,如音樂、視覺 藝術、戲劇、舞蹈和媒體藝術。為配合課堂內的學習,



出席校內、校外的藝術講座 出席音樂會、參觀展覽 參與展覽、演出、比賽 參與藝術培訓計畫 參與社區藝術服務





1. 甚麼是「體育發展」?

   「體育發展」是學校課程中主要學習經歷之一,亦稱 為「一般體育課程」。它涵蓋體育技能、健康及體適能、


審美能力等六個學習範疇,目的是幫助學生提升不同身 體活動所需的技能,了解有關的活動知識及安全措施,


2. 為甚麼要推行「體育發展」?

    「體育發展」強調幫助學生建立正面的價值觀和積 極的態度,提升自信,並發展協作、溝通、創造、批判 性思考等共通能力和審美能力,以及養成堅毅的精神,


3. 學習期望








4. 推行模式

    有組織的課堂學習:這是「體育發展」的主要推行 模式。每循環周或每星期的體育課,能讓學生獲取寬廣 而均衡的體育發展經歷。

    聯課活動:全方位學習是「體育發展」的關鍵,所 以體育發展不應局限於課堂內,學校應鼓勵學生積極參 與聯課活動,包括各類體育活動的興趣小組、訓練班、






    同學們前往內地進行服 務活動,不但可了解中國國 情,認識自己的國民身份,

加強對祖國的歸屬感,還可 以經歷刻苦生活,學習服務 他人, 磨練堅毅的意志,提 升靈活處事的能力,鍛鍊學 生面對挑戰的勇氣以及建立 他們的承擔精神。(老師)

    在通過商議及策劃服務的過程 中,年青人不但學會「團隊精神」

及明白有組織力的重要性。他們還 學懂了放下「自我」和「偏見」,

以上的經驗都是將來投身社會前的 最好裝備。(家長)

    參與社會服務,讓我 能再一次與年輕的學生們 一同經歷和感受身邊事物 的珍貴。(長者義工)

    雖然只是學校陸運會的一個獎 牌,但它是我辛苦練習和公平競技 的 成 果 , 給 我 留 下 一 個 美 好 的 回 憶。此外,我和多位老師和同學都 建立了良好的關係,他們原來是很




    在我來說,品德教育便 是教育的全部;學懂怎樣做 人,便能夠擁有正面和積極 的人生態度,待人接物大方 得體,無論在學業和工作,











令我了解到合宜的工 作態度是何等重要。


    學 校 除 須 注 重 學 業 成績外,也要多讓學生 走出課室,接觸商界,

拓 展 及 擴 闊 學 生 的 視 野。(社會人士)

    同學在生活中有很多 接觸藝術作品和藝術元素 的機會,但往往未必會察 覺,藝術的學習可引發他 們多留意身邊的事物。


    藝術活動不單可以紓緩 學 科 的 考 試 壓 力 , 我 更 看 到子女從參與創作、欣賞和 表演活動中所培養出來的能 力。這些能力可以幫助他們


    這 次 義 賣 , 不 單 能 為 社 會 褔 利 服 務 機 構 籌 款 , 更 加 深 了 學 生 對 商 業 買 賣 運 作 的 認識。(老師)

    我 很 開 心 能 將

不 同 的 藝 術 和 體 育

活 動 元 素 滲 入 在 這

一 次 義 工 服 務 中 ,

令 服 務 內 容 變 得 更



“Other Learning Experiences”:

New Senior Secondary (NSS) Curriculum and “Other Learning Experiences” (OLE)

Further to the implementation of the first 3-year cohort of the New Senior Secondary (NSS) Curriculum and the completion of the first Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) Examination in 2012, the Education Bureau, the Curriculum Development Council (CDC), and the Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority (HKEAA) have jointly conducted the New Academic Structure (NAS) review. The broad objective of the review is to assess the implementation and policy outcomes of the NAS and identify the strengths, good practices as well as the challenges ahead with a view to making effective recommendations for the continual improvement of the NSS curriculum and assessment in future. Based on the result of the review and with reference to the main issues on the curriculum, assessment and articulation pathways for further studies and work, the new recommendations for fine-tuning the NSS curriculum and assessment were delivered in April 2013. For details, please refer to the webpage of the NAS Review


In order to achieve the learning objectives of the OLE – providing students with a broad and balanced curriculum with diverse learning experiences to foster whole-person development as well as respect the choice of the majority of schools and their school-based development, the suggested time allocation of OLE is adjusted to 10 to 15% of the total lesson time for the continual enhancement of a balanced development of students through the five areas of OLE (Moral and Civic Education, Community Service, Career-related Experiences, Aesthetic Development and Physical Development).

What is it about?

(Supplementary Note) (May 2013)

Other Learning Experiences New Recommendation for Fine-Turning OLE:

Suggested Time Allocation (in percentage) Moral and Civic Education

Community Service Career-related Experiences

Aesthetic Development Physical Development

10 - 15%

(For each area, schools have the flexibility to make adjustments accordingly upon their existing practices and strengths.)

Under the new recommendation, schools are encouraged to have flexible planning of OLE (including time-tabled and non-time-tabled learning time) for students throughout the three years of the NSS education. Besides, schools can make school-based arrangement upon their professional judgment and flexibility in the time allocation of OLE. All along, it is the quality of OLE that matters, rather than the quantity. Schools should facilitate students to deepen and consolidate their own learning through quality reflection so as to nurture students’ life-long




To widen students’ horizon To develop lifelong interests

To nurture positive values and attitudes

To realise the curriculum goal of whole person and balanced development as in the five essential Chinese virtues: ‘Ethics, Intellect, Physique, Social Skills, Aesthetics’

To develop the lifelong learning capabilities

More information

Schools should devise appropriate strategies to build up a sustainable and trust abundant relationship with collaborative partners in the community. Partners such as other schools, Government departments, Non-government organisations, parents and alumni could contribute in school-based OLE programmes. Teachers are welcome to browse the OLE website for more information.



“Other Learning Experiences”

Moral and Civic Education

1. What is Moral and Civic Education?

    Moral  and  Civic  Education  is  an  essential  learning  experience for whole person development. Through “Raising  Cognition”,  “Nurturing Affection”  and  “Taking Action”,  students’ morality and civic awareness could be cultivated. 

Students are expected to analyse and judge issues or life  events related to self, family, country and the world, that they  may come across at different stages of development, and  to develop positive values and attitudes, as well as taking  proper actions and commitment when making the analysis  and judgement. 

2. Why Moral and Civic Education?

    With  rapid  development  of  information  technology  in the 21st Century, new issues and new ways of thinking  keep  emerging. Young  people  may  not  be  able  to  make  proper judgement and decision by exhortations when facing  dilemmas and personal and social issues. Moral and Civic  Education does not only intend to cultivate virtues among  students,  but  also  aims  to  enhance  their  ability  to  make  moral judgement and civic awareness, so that they could  learn how to make reasonable decision for themselves in  real life situations.


Inside School: 

Class teacher period Talk in morning assembly Ethics and religious education  subject

Thematic learning week Peer counseling programme Sharing on news and current  issues

Service learning programme Flag-raising team / uniformed  group

School as family programme D e b a t e   /   D r a m a   /   B o a r d 

Outside School:

Exchange  and  collaborative  educational programmes with the  Mainland

Student Environmental Protection  Ambassador Scheme

The National Day Extravaganza Leadership training programme Community volunteer scheme Beach cleaning activity

Visit (such as Wetland Park, Mai  Po Nature Reserve)

Experience workshop on social  integration

3. Expected learning outcomes

To develop and exemplify positive values and attitudes  when dealing with personal and social issues pertinent to  the development of adulthood;

To  identity  the  moral  and  civic  values  embedded  in  personal  and  social  dilemmas,  and  to  make  rational  judgment and take proper actions with reference to their  personal principles as well as the social norms;

To  become  “informed”,  “sensible”  and  “responsible” 

citizens who would care for others, develop a sense of  identity and commitment to the society and the nation,  and show concern on world issues.

4. Examples of learning activities



Community Service

“ Other Learning Experiences”

1. What is Community Service?

    Community  Service  refers  to  service  volunteered  by  individuals  or  an  organisation,  whereby  students  learn  and  develop  through  active  participation  in  thoughtfully  orgainised service that meets the needs of communities. A  good experience is an essential learning experience. It helps  students to get in touch with the community and to realise  their  role  played  and  value  in  society,  so  that  they  could  become active and responsible citizens of tomorrow.

2. Why Community Service?

    Community  Service  is  effective  for  developing  the  empathy,  social  concern  and  respect  for  different  groups  in  society,  as  well  as  the  core  values  and  attitudes  (e.g. 

respect and caring for others, social responsibility) for Moral  and Civic Education. Community Service does not only bring  joy to the ones who serve, but also the ones “being served”. 

It teaches us to treasure everything that we have, through  the contact with people and communities in need of support  and assistance. Students will understand that nothing can  be taken for granted. At the same time, through contact with  different sectors, students would develop interest, expertise  or more understanding in certain areas and would enrich  their lifelong learning pathways.


3. Expected learning outcomes

To identify and reflect on various social issues / concerns encountered in Community Service experiences;

To develop positive attitudes (e.g. respect and caring for  others,  social  responsibility)  and  related  generic  skills  (e.g. collaboration) to prepare for future voluntary service  involvement;

To  nurture  lifelong  interest  and  habits  in  Community  Service.

4. Examples of learning activities

Service opportunities inside school, e.g. student union,  peer mentoring scheme

Participate  in  various  Community  Service  activities  organised by local community centres

Organise events and activities for different social groups  (including other schools) within the community

Invite target groups to schools for activities (e.g. Chinese  New Year variety show)

Flag Days for charity organisations A group of students organising Charity sale

Service opportunities arranged by uniformed groups Clean Hong Kong activities

Environment protection and neighbourhood improvement  programmes...



Career-related Experiences

“ Other Learning Experiences”

1. What is Career-related Experiences?

    Career-related  Experiences  enables  students  to  obtain  up-to-date  knowledge  about  the  world  of  work. 

It  encompasses  a  broad  range  of  serial  programmes  /  activities organised by school for their students. Through  the exposure to a number of career-related issues, students  would widen their perspectives, enhance their understanding  on employability and work ethics, and reflect on their career aspirations and development.

2. Why Career-related Experiences?

    Career-related  Experiences  helps  widen  students’ 

horizon  and  prepare  them  to  face  the  challenges  of  the  new  era.   Through  learning  about  the  world  of  work  in  a  variety of learning contexts (e.g. career guidance sessions,  talks, visits), students could develop positive attitudes and  manners  towards  works  (e.g.  commitment)  and  acquire  lifelong learning capability and disposition for their future  work  for  preparing  to  meet  the  challenges  in  this  rapidly  changing society.


classroom activities career talks and interviews extended activities of related Key  Learning Areas

career guidance sessions life education sessions

workplace visits project learning on careers business mentorship

organising school campus radio /   TV / newspaper

leading student unions

Towards the real world of work

Chinese  New  Year  eve  charity stalls

job attachment job shadowing

field work projects in a real context

Inside the classroom

Outside the classroom

In the real world of work

3. Expected learning outcomes

To  enhance  up-to-date  knowledge  about  “the  world  of  work”;

To acquire knowledge related to employability, in order to  encourage personal career planning and development;

To reflect on work ethics, and employers’ expectations in the current labour market.

4. Examples of learning activities



Aesthetic Development

“ Other Learning Experiences”

1. What is Aesthetic Development?

Aesthetic Development is an essential component of Other Learning Experiences. Throughout the three years of senior secondary education, every student should be provided with learning time for Aesthetic Development.

Since no public examinations are required for Aesthetic Development, students may learn arts in a more relaxing way through appreciating, creating, performing and reflecting.

2. Why Aesthetic Development?

Engaging in arts experiences is the most effective way to cultivate students’ creativity and aesthetic sensitivity. Arts experiences not only allow students to express themselves, regulate their bodies and minds as well as broaden their horizons, but also facilitate learning of other subjects.

Moreover, learning of the arts can foster students’ fine taste and cultivate their temperament, and helps them develop positive values and attitudes. After all, learning experiences of Aesthetic Development can help students attain the aim of whole person development.

3. Expected learning outcomes

Learning experiences of Aesthetic Development extend the learning of the arts at the junior secondary level, and further:

develop students’ creativity, aesthetic sensitivity and arts appraising ability;


cultivate students’ attitude of respecting different values  and cultures;

cultivate students’ lifelong interest in the arts.

4. Examples of learning activities

    Learning  activities  can  involve  diversified  art  forms  such as music, visual arts, drama, dance and media arts. 

To complement structured learning in lessons, students may  participate in different kinds of activities. For instance, 

conducting project learning related to the arts  attending arts seminars inside or outside school attending concerts and visiting exhibitions 

p a r t i c i p a t i n g  i n   e x h i b i t i o n s ,  p e r f o r m a n c e s  a n d  competitions 

participating in arts learning programmes  participating in community arts services



Physical Development

“ Other Learning Experiences”

1. What is Physical Development?

    Physical Development is one of the essential learning experiences  in  the  school  curriculum.  It  is  also  referred  to  as  “General  Physical  Education  (PE)”.  It  covers  six  learning  strands,  namely  Motor  and  Sports Skills, Health and Fitness, Sports-related Values and Attitudes,  Knowledge  and  Practice  of  Safety,  Knowledge  of  Movement,  and  Aesthetic Sensitivity. It aims to develop students’ physical competence  and knowledge of movement and safety, and their ability to use these to  perform in a wide range of activities associated with the development of  an active and healthy lifestyle.

2. Why Physical Development?

    Physical Development develops students’ confidence and generic  skills, especially those of collaboration, communication, creativity, critical  thinking and aesthetic appreciation. These, together with the nurturing of  positive values and attitudes, and perseverance in PE, provide a good  foundation for students’ lifelong and life-wide learning.

3. Expected learning outcomes

To refine the skills learnt and acquire skills of novel physical activities, and participate actively and regularly in at least one PE-related co- curricular activity;


To analyse physical movement and evaluate the effectiveness of a  health-related fitness programme;

To take the role of sports leader or junior coach in school and the  community, and to demonstrate responsibility and leadership.

4. Modes of implementation

    Structured PE Lessons:  This  is  the  major  implementation  mode for Physical Development. The PE lessons in each cycle/week  help ensure that students can enjoy a broad and balanced programme  featuring a variety of movement experiences.

    Co-curricular Activities: Life-wide learning is very important in  Physical Development as learning is not confined to lessons. Schools  should encourage students to participate actively in co-curricular activities  including interest groups of different physical activities, training courses,  inter-school competitions and physical activities outside school.


教育局課程發展處 Life-wide Learning and Library Section,

Curriculum Development Institute, Education Bureau

「 其 他 學 習 經 歷 」

指 南 針

"Other Learning Experiences" :

What is it about?



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1 The five components of OLE are: Aesthetic Development, Physical Development, Moral and Civic Education, Community Services, and Career-related Experiences.. learning