The regulation governing such supervision and assistance will be prescribed by the MMM in cooperation with the Ministry of the Interior. Regulations governing the income/expenditure, storage and use of the trade promotion fund shall be determined by the Executive Yuan.
Penal Provisions
If an exporter/importer has any of the following violations, BOFT may issue a warning or impose an administrative fine of not less than NT$30,000 but not more than NT$300,000 on that exporter/importer, or suspend it from exporting, importing or. These rules have been adopted in accordance with Article 36 of the Law on Foreign Trade (hereinafter: the Act).
Unless otherwise provided in other laws and regulations or notified as license exemption items by BOFT, license applications for the import of goods on the list of goods subject to import restrictions must be submitted in accordance with the rules prescribed in the said list. If a company, government agency and/or state-run enterprise imports goods that are not on the list of goods subject to import restrictions, licensing is exempt.
Regarding changing the content of an import permit, the applicant can submit an application for change together with the original of the import permit and relevant supporting documents for the change before the expiry of the validity of the import permit. No change may be made to the name of the applicant for an import permit, except for changes to already approved registration.
In the event that shipment of imported goods cannot be made from the port of embarkation within the validity period of an import permit, the applicant may apply for an extension within one (1) month before the expiry of the validity period. For BOFT designated goods for which shipment must take place within the validity of the import permit, extension is not permitted.
The exporter/importer may continue to carry on the export/import business only after it has completed the process of amending its registration as stated in the previous paragraph. If necessary, exporter/importer companies can apply to BOFT for an exporter/importer registration certificate.
A business entity must acquire SID codes from the competent authority by application prior to the manufacture of stamps for the pre-recorded optical discs described in the first paragraph of the previous article. Violation of Article 10, subsection 1, by producing pre-recorded optical discs without acquiring SID codes by the application;.
1 Applicant Chinese and English name of the applicant (company seal and its responsible person). Those importing pre-recorded optical disc manufacturing equipment must fill in the license reference number issued by the competent authority.
If any application document does not comply with the regulations, the central competent authority will order the applicant to take corrective action within the specified time frame. The applicant must apply to the competent central authority for a transfer permit according to the attached format and content (according to appendix 2).
The Central Competent Authority shall cancel the allowance allocation for any business unit whose actual consumption is zero for two consecutive years. Importers and producers can transfer quotas between themselves after approval from the central competent authority. The Central Competent Authority shall complete the review within 30 days of the acceptance cut-off date.
Guidelines for Screening Application for Letter of Approval for the Importation of Breeding Livestock and Poultry and Genetic Resources
- In order to execute Article 19 of the “Animal Industry Act” for issuing the approval letters of importing breeding livestock and poultry and genetic resources, the following guidelines were promulgated
- Approval letters shall be issued by the Council of Agriculture (also known as COA) for the importation of breeding livestock and poultry and other genetic resources for breeding purposes, breed improvement, and proliferation, with imports limited
- Applications to import breeding livestock and poultry and genetic resources should be limited to the listed breeds or lines as following
- Brahman
- Santa Gertrudis
- Brangus
- Simbrah
- Charbray
- Beefmaster
- Belmont Red
- Droughtmaster
- Angus
- Hereford
- Landrace
- Yorkshire or LargeWhite
- Duroc
- Hampshire
- Berkshire
- Saanen
- Toggenburg
- Nubian
- Alpine
- Boer
- Sambar deer
- Sika deer
- Red deer
- Fallow deer
- Application procedures and supporting documents required
- Breeding poultry: application for import approval letter shall be filed with the National Animal Industry Foundation
- Application form (as Annex 1 and Annex 2)
- Photocopy of a quotation issued from original country
- Photocopy of the farm registration certificate (except for imports of semen or embryos)
- Pedigree certificate: the pedigree of breeding livestock should be certified by the government of the exporting country or by an authorized breed association, or alternatively shall be confirmed by a certificate that the livestock is duly listed in the
- Performance data: those wishing to import semen should provide donor’s performance data that meet the average of the breed
- Application form
- Certificates of the importers
- Breeding history or discovery of the breed or line
- Feeding study references
- Photograph of the object or product
- Other related documents that may be required by the government
- An import permit is valid for six months from the day after the issue of the approval letter. The approval letter shall void upon expiration of the import permit, and a new application is required for continued importation
- Quarantine of imported breeding livestock and poultry and genetic resources shall follow the “Quarantine Requirements for the Importation of Animals or Animal Products into the ROC” promulgated by the Bureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection
- Within six months of the import of breeding livestock and poultry and genetic resources, an application for tariff exemption can be filed with the county/city government of the location where the livestock or poultry is raised or the genetic resources are
- If concern exists that a particular import may influence the market stability of the local livestock and poultry industry, the COA has the sole discretion to suspend the issuance of approval letter on a per item basis
- The import involving genetic manipulated shall follow other related regulations
Breeding of livestock: Application for import approval must be submitted to the county/city government in the area where the livestock will be allocated and bred. After review, the application must be referred to the COA for the issuance of the import livestock will be allocated and raised. After review, the application must be referred to the COA for issuance of the import approval letter.
The Guidelines Needed for Obtaining Approval for the Import and Export of Genetically Modified Breeding Stock and Poultry and Genetic Resources
These guidelines are prescribe with an aim to executing Regulation 19 of the Animal Husbandry Law and issuing approving papers for the export and import of genetically modified breeding stock and poultry and genetic resources
The Agricultural Council of Executive Yuan (referred to hereunder as the Council) issues the approving papers for the export and import of the genetically modified breeding stock and poultry and genetic resource to serve the purpose of the breeders and those
Guidelines for obtaining approval for the import and export of genetically modified breeding stock and poultry and genetic resources. Applicants are limited to those who grow and raise livestock and poultry, research institutes and those who do business with breeding livestock and poultry.
The applicants are restricted to those who raise and breed breeding stock and poultry, a research institute and those who do business with breeding stock and poultry
The application procedure for import and the documents to be submitted:
Application procedure for export and the papers to be submitted:
The approving papers for import and export of the genetically modified breeding stock and poultry and genetic resource will be valid from the day after the issuing day to six months after. Exceeding the valid period necessitates a reapplication
Immunization procedures must be carried out in accordance with the statutes for the immunization of imported animals and their products of the R.O.C.
The immunization procedures have to be conducted in accordance with the statutes regarding the immunization of the imported animals and their products of R.O.C
After the imported genetically modified breeding stock and poultry complete the immunization procedures in flocks and are thus cleared, they have to be sent straightaway to the field test premises for assessment in accordance with “the Regulations of the field
The research institute which imports genetically modified breeding stock and poultry and genetic resource for the purposes of experiments and tests, and which has obtained approval from the Council, may be exempt for the field test and bio-safe evaluation
The imported genetically modified stock and poultry and genetic resource, which had been reviewed and passed bio-safe evaluation and been approved for promulgation, and which had been assessed to be low in risks, may be exempt from the field test
If the imported genetically modified stock and poultry are used for human consumption, they should be handled in accordance with related regulations of the competent authorities in charge of food safety
In case the exported and imported genetically modified stock and poultry and genetic resource have a negative effect on industrial development or endanger the intactness of domestic high technology, the Council may cease issuing approving papers
Quarantine and other matters concerning the control of imports of yellowfin tuna are governed by other applicable regulations. The official must be in the vehicle of the competent governmental authority of the flag State of the vessel that harvested the yellowfin tuna in the consignment indicated on the certificate. 2) The native country of the southern bluefin tuna are the countries where its transportation is prohibited by the national organization.
Notice of Application for Written Approval Licence to Import, Export and Re-export Southern Bluefin Tuna
Photocopy of re-export certificate of various countries of export before certification by the final country of export. Southern bluefin tuna re-export application and CCSBT SOUTHERN BLUEFIN TUNA RE-EXPORT CERTIFICATE (form as enclosure 2). Southern bluefin tuna re-export application and CCSBT SOUTHERN BLUEFIN TUNA RE-EXPORT CERTIFICATE (form as enclosure 2).
Notice of Application for Written Approval Licence to Import, Export and Re-export Swordfish
When there are following matters during application for import of bigeye tuna, letter of consent for import will not be issued
Quarantine and other matters concerning the control of the import of bigeye tuna will be governed by other applicable regulations.
Quarantine and other matters concerning the control of the importation of big-eye tuna shall be governed by other applicable regulations
4 If the period of time elapsed after the tobacco/alcohol importer establishment license issued to the applicant has been revoked or declared invalid by the central competent authority is less than three years; The competent authority shall send officials to inspect the tobacco/alcohol trade in relation to the matters covered by this law. If the competent authority takes samples of tobacco and/or alcohol products for research in accordance with Article 38, first paragraph, of the law, these samples are free of charge.
Formats of the documents set out in the Act and these Enforcement Rules will be formulated by the central competent authority. Ethyl alcohol that has been denatured without complying with the provision of the preceding paragraph shall be considered undenatured.
General Provisions
In the event of any inconsistency with the English translation, the original terms in the Chinese language version shall prevail.
Article 2
Gas station: Refers to a business premises with an oil storage facility and fuel dispensing equipment installed so that motor vehicles, power machinery and other consumers can be supplied with gasoline or diesel oil. LPG pump: Refers to a business premises with gas storage installed and gas supply metering equipment installed so that the vehicle's on-board tank can be filled with LPG. Fishing Boat Gas Station: Refers to a business premises with oil storage and flow meters installed so that a fishing boat's built-in oil tank can be filled with fuel.
Article 3
Petroleum products: Refers to products that are mainly used as energy and are obtained from oil through the process. Oil refinery: Refers to a company that uses oil as a raw material for the manufacture of petroleum products through distillation, refining or blending. Oil Storage Facility: Refers to a structure specifically for oil storage that is located above ground or underground, with a top cover and enclosures.
Oil Refining Article 4
For constructions that do not fall under the provisions of the Building Act, where a use permit applies, approval is required from the competent authorities that have jurisdiction over the company. The criteria for petroleum products mentioned in points 1, 4 and 5 of the previous section shall be determined and promulgated by the Central Competent Authority after consulting the concerned agencies. have installed or leased an oil storage facility which has a capacity greater than the safety storage prescribed in Article 24 hereof.
Article 5
Article 6
However, the sale period is limited to six months and for this the provisions set forth in the first paragraph of Article 17 shall apply. The aforementioned business must comply with the safety stock requirement of an oil refinery operator set forth in article 24 of this article.
Article 7
Import/Export Article 8
Article 9
Documents on their oil storage, proving that it is in compliance with the requirement regarding security of stocks in Article 24 of this agreement.
Article 11
If a company meets any of the conditions below, it can apply to the central competent authority for special permission to import petroleum products for private use. The application must include the name and location of the main company, the name and residence of the responsible person, and the species, together with the quantity of petroleum products to be imported. The application must indicate the name and location of the main company, the size of the company, the name and place of residence of the person responsible for the company.
Administration of Gasoline and Diesel Oil Wholesalers and LPG Stations Article 16
To set up an oil export business, an application must be submitted to the competent central authority. A business is not allowed to start an oil export operation until its application is approved and a registration certificate is issued by the central authorities. Export of oil from a non-oil business for exploration and testing purposes requires prior approval of the central authority under special case status.
Article 17
The central competent authority establishes rules and regulations on land use for petrol stations, LPG stations and filling stations for fishing boats. The central competent authority can authorize the competent authority of the special municipal or provincial (city) government to do so. The provincial (city) government may also be authorized by the central competent authority to take charge of other administrative matters.
Article 18
It will also determine the rules and regulations on construction and facilities needed for these entities.
Article 19
Article 20
Oversight Article 21
Likewise, the central competent authority may send personnel or appoint a professional institution to conduct an inspection on the same issues. The central competent authority may send personnel or appoint a professional institution to investigate the quality of the petroleum products sold. The central competent authority may dispatch staff or appoint an agency to carry out random checks of said storage facilities.
Petroleum Fund
The central competent authority will prescribe rules governing application procedures, land use and other administrative matters. The central competent authority will determine the suitability, requirements, fee schedule and responsibilities of the inspection institution mentioned in the second paragraph of this article. The competent central authority shall prescribe the measures for the administration of businesses engaged in the production of renewable energies of alcohol, gasoline, bio-diesel or oil from recycled waste.
Penalty Provisions
Contrary to the provisions specified in Article 18, paragraph 1 (ie setting up an oil (gas) filling or storage facility for private use without first obtaining a permit). A violation of the rules for setting up oil storage facilities as specified in the first paragraph of Article 33 hereof. Seizure of oil distilling, refining or blending operations that violate the first paragraph of Article 6 hereof.
Supplemental Provisions
Seizure of gasoline or diesel wholesale business that violates the second paragraph of Article 16 hereof. Seizure of LPG filling or storage facilities for private use in contravention of Article 18(1) Investigation of sales of imported or sold solvent oil or lubricants pursuant to Article 28, second paragraph, hereof.
Fisheries Act
3) any fishing operator who arbitrarily imports vessels without obtaining permission from the Central Competent Authority. If one of the following circumstances occurs, the competent authority revokes the authorization of the fishery: Unless otherwise approved by the competent authority, the fishing right may not be combined or subdivided.