• 沒有找到結果。

Ⅲ.Political Organization

在文檔中 凡 例 (頁 59-63)

1.The History

A city built with bamboo, it was known as Chu-Shin. During the Ching Dynasty, it was renamed Hsinchu. In the 21st Year of Kuan Hsu's Regime, Hsinchu Sub Office was established, responsible for independent administration on June 24. In June of the 24th Year of Kuang Hsu's Regime, it altered its local official system again. Hsinchu County was abolished. It was then under the administration of Hsinchu Administration Office, Taipei County. On November 11, 27th Year of Kuang Hsu's Regime, it established the Hsinchu Office. In 1920, Hsinchu Street was established, with the founding of Hsinchu Street District Office. In 1930, the city system was applied. It was renamed as Hsinchu City, under the governing of Hsinchu Chou, with the establishment of Hsinchu City Office. In 1941, its administration district was expanded, merging with Hsian Shan and Chiou Kang, and became a part of Liu Chia Chuang.

On October 25, 1945, Taiwan was restituted. The Hsinchu Chou Committee took over the administration from the Japanese and governed Hsinchu Chou. Hsinchu City Government was established then. In 1946, the Take Over Committee dissolved and Hsinchu County Government was formed. Hsinchu County Government was moved to Taoyuan. As the admi nistrative districts were readjusted, it became a Provincially governed city, using the original Chou office as its legal office, with seven district offices. In February of the same year, representative congress was formed in every district. On April 15,City Congress was formed. Provincial Representatives were elected from the city legislators, to become legislative bodies of different levels.

On August 16 1950, the administrative districts in Taiwan were re-adjusted once more, demarcating 16 counties and 5 provincially governed citie.

In June 1982, under the President's order, the Hsian Shan Village of Hsin-Chu County would mergeinto Hsinchu City, and changed into a Provincially governed city.

The Provincial government City Hsinchu Government was legally established on July 1, 1982, with 103 lis, and 1,635 lins. The City Government is located on 120 Chung Cheng Road, the former Hsinchu Chou Office.

In end of June 1983, there were three Bureaus (Civil Service, Public Works, and Education), four Departments (Finance, Social Welfare, Compulsory Military Service, and Land Affairs), four offices (Secretary, Planning, Personnel, and Auditing), and 49 sections (units, teams) under the City Government's organization to provide services for various urban affairs. Affiliate institutions include the Police Department, Tax Department, and Medicine and Hygiene Department.

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By the end of 1982, the city was classified into east, north and Hsian Shan districts.

By the order of the provincial government, the east, north and Hsian Shan district administration offices were posted on October 1 and then they were formally established on November 1 in the same year.

From 1994 to 1999, according to the "Regulation for Hsinchu City Government, Hsinchu City Government," "Local System Law", and "Guidelines for Local Administrative Organizations", we stipulated "Regulations for Self-Governing of Hsinchu City Government". We also established the Moral Office and stipulated the number of personnel in the Government to be 347. We added a deputy mayor, consumer officer, and three consultants. In 2002, in order to coordinate with Mayor’s labor policy, we established the Bureau of Labor and transferred the business of the Compulsory Military Service to the Department of Civil Service.

2.The Administrative System (1)Hsinchu City Government

The Mayor is the city government and is responsible for administering the entire government, and supervising all subordinate bodies and staff. There is one duty-mayor assisting the mayor in administrative affairs. A number of agencies were incorporated under the government. At the end of 2011, the City Government had 15 departments. There were Department of Civil Affairs, Department of Finance Department of Economic Development, Department of Education, Department of Public Works, Department of Social Affairs, Department of Labor Affairs, Department Land Administration, Department of Urban Development, Department of Transportation, Department of Tourism, Department of Personnel, Department of Civil Service Ethics, Department of General Affairs, Department of Budget, Accounting and Statistics.

(2)District Office

There are district offices under the municipal government, and each of the offices is directed under a district commissioner. There are the Civil Affairs Section, Social Affairs Section, Economic Reconstruction Section, Social Affairs Section, The Planning Office, Personnel Office and Mediation Committee. Therefore, the city divided its territory into 3 administrative districts.

(3)The Fundamental Administrative Unit of Lin and Li

Each administrative district is divided into several lins and lis. Citizen directly elect representatives of lis. There are 52 lis in East District,44 lis in North District,24 lis in Siangshan District. There are several lins under each Li. The representative of lin is appointed by the head of locality of lins from a group nof adults in the same lin. In consideration of special geographic location, transportation, special folk cultures, demarcation of li had been taken place several times. As the end of 2010, there were 2,165 lins in the city, there were 989 lins in

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East District, 811 lins in North District, 365 lins in Siangshan District, and a total of 145,517 households in the city.

3.Number of Civil Servant and Teacher (1)By Organization

As of the end of 2011, there were 5,297 civil servants and teachers in the city government, of whom 2,147 or 40.53% were government employees in administrative agencies; 3,150 or 59.47% were teachers or government employees in schools.

(2)By Sex

By the end of 2011, there were 1,962 males or 37.04% of total,and 3,335 females, or 62.96% of the total.

(3)By Age

As for the age of the employees, aged 40 to 49 constitued the lion share at 2,206 or 41.65% of total, The secondary largest source was aged 30 to 39 at 1,922 or 36.28%,The average age is 41.11.

(4)By Education Attainment

Of all the employees in public service 2,724 or 51.43% of them had received university education, 1,226 or 23.15% of them had graduate school education, 921 or 17.39% of them had junior college education.

Number of Civil Servants and Teachers growth in Hsinchu City

2,041 2,101 2,103 2,087 2 ,108 2 ,101 2 ,14 6 2,1 57 2,1 65 2,1 47 3,004 3,054 3,114 3 ,083 3 ,113 3,1 53 3 ,16 5 3,1 25 3,1 29 3 ,150

0 300 600 900 1,200 1,500 1,800 2,100 2,400 2,700 3,000 3,300

91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100

End of Year person

Governmen t employee Teach er

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Number of Civil Servants & Teachers growth in Hsinchu City─By Educational Attainment

End of 2011

Under Junior High School


High School or Vocational High

School 7.97%

Junior Collage 17.39%

University &

Collage 51.43%

Graduate School 23.15%

Total 5,297persons

Number of Civil Servant & Teacher growth Hsinchu City─

By Age End of 2011

29Years of Age and Under


60Years of Age and Over


50-59Years 12.46%

40-49Years 41.65%

30-39Years 36.28%

Total 5,297 persons


Cultivated Area in Hsinchu City End of 2011

Dry field 26.98%

Paddy field 73.02%

在文檔中 凡 例 (頁 59-63)
