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by Rong-Fu Hsu

Abstract .

This stu.dy was designed to investigate the significant factors in stud.ents' characteristics and learning circumstances that affect the achievement of scientific attitude for junior high school students. Based on the attitude theory, Diderich's definition in scientific at-titude, and inferential questionnaire research methodology, the instrument was constructed.

Using straightfied random sampling, 1634 subjects were drawn from 54 junior high schools in the northern area. The Pearson product-moment coefficient of correlation and multiple regression were treated for processing the collected data.

Different regression models were found among grades. The regression models for grades 1,2,3 were:


Y=166.30+3.11 *1


-3.59*SL+ 1. 70*SP

1 一

1. 10 * E 1 + 0.54 * H1'

Y=147.00 + 1.34 * 12 + 0.95 * SP1 + 4.91 * S + 1.86 * H2 + 0.77 * SP3 + 1.52 * 11

0.91 * H

1 一

1.04 * SL,

Y=178.56 + 1.41 * SP 1 + 1.15 * 13 - 2.33 * A =- 2.00 * SL + 0.97 * 11 respectively.

-723 一
