• 沒有找到結果。


• 與父母、家人及朋友一同分享閱讀的經驗

• 溫習課堂上學會了的閱讀技巧/能及知識

• 養成良好的閱讀態度;從而建立終生閱讀的愛好 鼓勵孩子閱讀,家長可考慮以下建議:

• 養成閱讀習慣,以身作則,成為孩子的模範

• 在家中提供有利的閱讀環境,並存放不同類型的讀物

• 鼓勵孩子在家中閱讀

• 與孩子一同閱讀

• 支持學校推行的家庭閱讀計劃 家庭閱讀計劃運作模式



• 借閱的圖書﹝每週一本﹞

• 家庭閱讀冊

• 家長指引﹝刋於家庭閱讀冊內﹞

• 「我的首本字典」

After a week, your child returns his/her book to a designated place for his/her class before the Literacy Session.

Teacher makes sure books have been returned, checks the entries in the Home Reading Booklet and then replaces them where they are usually stored in the Reading Room before the Literacy Session.

Your child selects a book du the Literacy Session with guidance from the teacher.

Your child’s name and the b name are recorded in the H Reading Booklet.

請家長督促孩子填妥家庭閱讀 冊,並把借閱圖書及閱讀冊,一 併放進閱書袋,帶回學校。

你的孩子須於下一週退 還圖書,並於閱讀課前 把圖書放回指定位置

你的孩子會由老師指導 選取適合他閱讀的圖 書,並且在家庭閱讀冊 內登記書名


1. 請為孩子安排每日十至十五分鐘的固定閱讀時間,利用借閱的圖書進行下列一項或以上的活 動:

• 朗讀圖書給孩子聽

• 讓孩子讀圖書給你聽

• 讓孩子與你一同朗讀圖書

• 讓孩子自行朗讀圖書

• 讓孩子安靜默讀圖書

• 讓孩子朗讀圖書給家中其他成員聽,例如︰祖父母、兄姊 2. 請在週末時安排下列活動:

• 協助孩子另選一本英文圖書與你一同閱讀

• 協助孩子另選一本英文圖書讓孩子自行閱讀


• 抽空出席學校舉辦的閱讀講座,並細閱所有派發給家長的相關資料

• 在還書日協助你的孩子整理書袋,並提醒你的孩子於閱讀課前把書袋交還到已安排的特定位 置

• 鼓勵你的孩子愛護借回家的圖書、錄音帶(如配備)、家庭閱讀手冊及書袋

• 確定你和你的孩子填妥家庭閱讀冊內的記錄

• 告訴老師你的孩子遇到閱讀困難

• 協助你的孩子把生字寫在他/她的「我的首本字典」內

• 與孩子分享他/她的閱讀成果

• 鼓勵你的孩子默讀及嘗試自行閱讀

• 為你的孩子提供一個舒適寧靜的閱讀環境及提供其他種類的中英文圖書




School Support for Your Child’s Reading at Home

This questionnaire aims at collecting information about the support you may need to support your child’s reading at home. Your information will be very helpful to the Primary Literacy Programme – Reading (KS1) at school.

Name of Student: ___________________________ Class: _________

Name of Parent: ____________________________

Phone Contact Number: _____________________

Please circle the appropriate number. Never Sometimes Always

1. My child reads at home. 1 2 3

2. My child reads English books. 1 2 3

3. a. I read at home. (e.g. Chinese books, newspaper, magazines)

1 2 3

b. I read at home. (e.g. English books, newspaper, magazines)

1 2 3

4. a. I buy Chinese books (excluding textbooks and supplementary exercise books) for my child.

1 2 3

b. I buy English books (excluding textbooks and supplementary exercise books) for my child.

1 2 3

5. I take my child to the library to borrow books. 1 2 3

6. I read to /with my child. 1 2 3

7. I would like to attend parents’ reading workshops.

If yes, I would prefer:

 Saturday morning

 Saturday afternoon

 Weekday evenings

 Others (Please specify): _________________________

1 2 3

8. To help my child to read, I would like the school to provide the following support:



9. Other Comments (if any):





本問卷主要為配合此閱讀計劃搜集資料,以供校方參考,為家長提供支援,你的意見對本計劃的推行將大有幫 助。

學生姓名: ____________________________________________ 班別: _______

家長姓名: ____________________________________________

聯絡電話: ____________________________________________

請圈出適當的出現情況 從不 間中 時常

1. 我的孩子在家中閱讀。 1 2 3

2. 我的孩子閱讀英文圖讀。 1 2 3

3. a. 我在家中閱讀 (如中文圖書、報章、雜誌等) 。 1 2 3

b. 我在家中閱讀 (如英文圖書、報章、雜誌等) 。 1 2 3

4. a. 除教科書及補充練習,我會買中文圖書給我的孩子 1 2 3

b. 除教科書及補充練習,我會買英文圖書給我的孩子。 1 2 3

5. 我帶孩子上圖書館借閱圖書。 1 2 3

6. 我唸圖書給孩子聽。/ 我與孩子一同閱讀。 1 2 3

1 2 3 7. 我會參與家長閱讀坊。



 週六下午 ;  平日晚上 ;

 其他 (請註明) : _____________________________

8. 為幫助孩子閱讀,我需要校方提供下列支援:



9. 其他意見 (如有) :


_ __________________________________________________________________________

Flexible and diversified Modes of School-based Curriculum Development +

Effective learning and teaching and assessment


z To provide every learner of a second language with further opportunities for extending their knowledge and experience of the cultures of other people as well as opportunities for personal and intellectual development, further studies, pleasure and work in the English medium; and

z To enable every learner to prepare for the changing socio-economic demands resulting from advances in information technology; these demands include the interpretation, use and production of materials for pleasure, study and work in the English medium.

Key Emphases:

Four Key Tasks – Moral and Civic Education, Project Learning, Reading to learn, Information Technology … and Catering for Learner Diversity, Learner

Independence, Assessment for Learning, Cross-curricular Learning, Life-wide Learning, Language Arts, Task-based learning, Grammar in context, Phonics in context, Text types, Vocabulary learning, Speaking, Other

Learning Objectives:

1. Language Forms and Functions

2. Language Skills and 3. Language Development Strategies Learning Targets:

1. Subject Targets 2. Strand Targets:

Interpersonal, Knowledge, Experience