• 沒有找到結果。


在文檔中 摘摘摘摘 要要要要 (頁 124-200)

(一) 支撐建議系統目前程式使用 RMR 評分參數給予建議,可增加其 他種類支撐建議,或依據台灣常用之支撐系統輔以參考。

(二) 整合之可視化收斂圍束法視窗程式與斷面收方視窗程式使用上 可針對相關性進行輔助相互應用。例如當斷面收方程式判斷出開 挖是為超挖或不足後,可利用外顯式收斂圍束法程式進行探討分 析,對下一階段開挖給予參考、建議。

(三) 目前程式資料庫系統為儲存與置放之功能,如能將分析後之隧道 資料整合,提供一使用平台,連結網路等系統資訊應用,對隧道 工程應用為一大助益。

參考文獻 參考文獻 參考文獻 參考文獻

[1] 王銘鋒,「可視化收斂圍束法在隧道工程分析與設計之研 究」,碩士論文,中華大學土木工程系,新竹(2005)。

[2] 行政院公共工程委員會,「台灣地區隧道岩體分類系統暨 隧 道工程資料庫之建立總報告書」,台灣(2000)。

[3] 后振宇,「卵礫石層隧道開挖與支撐互制行為之研究」,碩士 論文,中華大學土木工程系,新竹(2003)。

[4] 李煜舲,「隧道開挖前進效應與岩體力學行為關係之探討」,

第三屆海峽兩岸隧道與地下工程學術與技術研討會,四川成 都,pp.359~365(2002)。

[5] 李煜舲,「收斂圍束法在新奧隧道工法之分析與應用」,地工 技術,第九十五期,第 95-106 頁(2003)。

[6] 李文元,「隧道斷面收方技術與視窗程式設計之研究」,碩士 論文,中華大學土木工程系,新竹(2006)。

[7] 吳耀焜,張宏德,羅國峰,「八卦山隧道工程施工計測管理與 回饋分析」,台灣公路工程,第三十卷,第五期,第 30-46 頁


[8] 林志民,「岩石隧道之模組化分析-多孔隧道之交互影響應 用」,碩士論文,國立交通大學土木工程系,新竹(1996)。

[9] 林銘益,「台灣東部變質岩隧道群收斂資料之分析與應用」,


[10] 林子軒,「土木結構修復補強知識管理與支援決策輔助資訊 系統之研究」,碩士論文,國立交通大學土木工程系,新竹


[11] 柳雅瀞,「模糊德菲層級分析法應用於岩體分類之研究」,碩


[12] 陳正勳,「岩石隧道地盤反應曲線之研究」,碩士論文,國立 台灣大學土木工程系,台北(1989)。

[13] 陳威甫,「視窗化滯洪池設計之研究」,碩士論文,國立中興 大學土木工程系,台中(2001)。

[14] 陳聖彥,「視窗化收斂圍束法在隧道工程之研究與應用」,碩 士論文,中華大學土木工程系,新竹(2004)。

[15] 陳羿安,「卵礫石層隧道計測資料之分析與應用」,碩士論 文,中華大學土木工程系,新竹(2004)。

[16] 許榮達,「隧道斷面收方技術開發與工程應用之研究」,碩士 論文,中華大學土木工程系,新竹(2004)。

[17] 黃毓棋,「加勁邊坡之分析與電腦程式開發」,碩士論文,朝 陽科技大學營建工程系,台中(2004)。

[18] 張榮興,Visual Basic數值解析與工程計應用,全威圖書有限 公司,台北(2002)。

[19] 趙華誠,「以雙曲線模式探討隧道開挖之地盤反應曲線」,碩 士論文,中華大學土木工程系,新竹(1998)。

[20] 廖博才,「以雙曲線模式模擬卵礫石層隧道開挖之最佳化數 值分析研究」,碩士論文,國立台灣科技大學營建工程系,


[21] 劉立泰,「微震監測自動化系統程式之建立」,碩士論文,


[22] 嚴嘉錚,Visual Basic 6.0 實務經典,領達圖書有限公司,台 北(1998)。

[23] Bieniawski, Z.T., “Engineering rock mass classification,” Wiley,

New York, 251 pp.(1989).

[24] Barton, N., “Some new Q-value correlations to assist insite characterisation and tunnel design,” International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, Vol. 39, pp. 185-216


[25] Carranza-Torres, C. and Fairhurst, C., "The elasto-plastic response of underground excavation in rock masses that satisfy the Hoek-Brown failure criterion," International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, Vol. 36, pp .777-809(1999).

[26] Carranza-Torres, C. and Fairhurst, C., “Application of the Convergence-Confinement Method of tunnel design to rock masses that satisfy the Hoek-Brown failure criterion,” Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, Vol.16, No.2, pp. 187-213


[27] Cai, M., Kaiser, P. K., Uno, H., Tasaka,Y. and Minami, M.,

“Estimation of rock mass deformation modulus and strength of jointed hard rock masses using the GSI system,” International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, Vol. 41, pp.


[28] Hoek, E., and Brown, E.T. Underground Excavation in Rock, The Institution of Mining and Metallurgy London, England.


[29] Hoek, E. and Brown, E. T., “Practical estimates of rock mass strength,” International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, Vol. 34, No. 8, pp. 1135-1186(1997).

[30] Ozsan.A. and Basarir.H, “Support capacity estimation of a diversion tunnel in weak rock,” Engineering Geology, Vol. 68, pp. 319–331(2002).

[31] Oreste, P. P., “Analysis of structural interaction in tunnels using the convergence confinement approach,” Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, Vol. 18, pp. 347-363 (2003).

[32] Panet, M., “Calcul des tunnels par la méthode de Convergence-Confinement, ” Press de l’école Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées, Paris.(1995)

[33] Ramamurthy, T., “A geo-engineering classification for rocks and rock masses,” International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, Vol. 41, pp. 89-101(2004).

[34] Sonmez, H. and Ulusay, R., “Modifications to the geological strength index (GSI) and their applicability of slopes,”

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[35] Sakurai, S., Akutagawa, K., Shinji, M., and Shimizu,N. “Back analysis for tunnel engineering as a modern observational method,” Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, Vol.

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10, No.2 , pp. 217-224(1995).

附錄 附錄 附錄 附錄

附錄 附錄 附錄

附錄 A1 可視化外顯式收斂圍束法視窗程式程式碼可視化外顯式收斂圍束法視窗程式程式碼可視化外顯式收斂圍束法視窗程式程式碼 可視化外顯式收斂圍束法視窗程式程式碼


Dim con As New ADODB.Connection Dim cmd As New ADODB.Command Dim rs As New ADODB.Recordset Dim rs1 As New ADODB.Recordset Dim rs2 As New ADODB.Recordset Dim cx, cy, pi

Dim fname Dim sql As String

Dim connectionText As String

Dim EngU(8) As String, EngL(6), EngR(2) As String Dim RMRL(12), RMRM(7), RMRR(7)

Dim CaL(5), CalM(5) Public NowProject As String Public States As String

Public OpenData As String, Kind As String Dim X As Integer, Y As Integer '宣告區

Private Declare Function OSWinHelp% Lib "user32" Alias "WinHelpA" (ByVal hwnd&, ByVal HelpFile$, ByVal wCommand%, dwData As Any)

Private Sub Command1_Click() Form11.Show

End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click() Adodc1.Recordset.MoveFirst Dim i As Integer

While Adodc1.Recordset.EOF = False

'Print Adodc1.Recordset.Fields(1), Adodc1.Recordset.Fields(2), Adodc1.Recordset.Fields(3)

i = i + 1

If MSFlexGrid1.rows <= i Then

MSFlexGrid1.AddItem ""

End If

For j = 1 To 30

'MSFlexGrid1.Col = j ' MSFlexGrid1.Row = i

'MSFlexGrid1.Text = Adodc1.Recordset.Fields(j) Next

Adodc1.Recordset.MoveNext Wend

End Sub

Private Sub Command3_Click() n = 90

For i = 1 To n

c = Int(Rnd() * 16) length = (Rnd() * 20) + 1

For a = 0 To 639 Step length

Pic1.Line (a, 0)-(639 - a, 479), QBColor(c) For k = 1 To 1000

Next Next '

For a = 0 To 479 Step length

Pic1.Line (639, a)-(0, 479 - a), QBColor(c) For k = 1 To 1000

Next Next


'^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^炫彩 End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load() Text1.Text = ""

Text2.Text = ""

pi = 3.14159 cx = 320 cy = 240

Pic1.ScaleMode = 3

Pic1.Scale (0, 0)-(640, 480) set_color

For i = 0 To 47

Pic2(i).BackColor = color(i) Next

'^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^初始設定 frmMain.Text1.Text = ""

frmMain.Text2.Text = ""

frmMain.Text3.Text = ""

frmMain.Label1 = ""

frmMain.Label2 = ""

frmMain.Label12 = ""

frmMain.Label16 = ""

frmMain.Label17 = ""

frmMain.Label18 = ""

frmMain.Label19 = ""

frmMain.Label24 = ""

frmMain.Label25 = ""

frmMain.Label26 = ""

frmMain.Label27 = ""

frmMain.Label31 = ""

frmMain.Label32 = ""

frmMain.Label34 = ""

frmMain.Label35 = ""

frmMain.Label41 = ""

frmMain.Label42 = ""

frmMain.Label43 = ""

frmMain.Label44 = ""

frmMain.Label49 = ""

frmMain.Label50 = ""

frmMain.Label51 = ""

frmMain.Label51 = ""

frmMain.Label3 = ""

frmMain.Label5 = ""

frmMain.Label52 = ""

frmMain.Label53 = ""

frmMain.Text5.Text = ""

frmMain.Text6.Text = ""

frmMain.Text7.Text = ""

frmMain.Text8.Text = ""

frmMain.Text9.Text = ""

frmMain.Text10.Text = ""

frmMain.Text11.Text = ""

frmMain.Text12.Text = ""

frmMain.Text13.Text = ""

frmMain.Text14.Text = ""

frmMain.Text15.Text = ""

frmMain.Text16.Text = ""

frmMain.Text17.Text = ""

frmMain.Text18.Text = ""

frmMain.Text19.Text = ""

frmMain.Text20.Text = ""

frmMain.Text21.Text = ""

frmMain.Text22.Text = ""

frmMain.Text23.Text = ""

frmMain.Text24.Text = ""

End Sub

Private Sub Label53_Click() Label53.Alignment = Center End Sub

Private Sub mnuEditData_Click() Form2.Show

Form2.Text1 = Label41 Form2.Text4 = Label49 Form2.Text5 = Label50 Form2.Text6 = Label51 Form2.Text7 = Label52 Form2.Text9 = Text2 Form2.Text30.Text = ""

Form2.Text31.Text = ""

Form2.Text32.Text = ""

Form2.Text33.Text = ""

Form2.Text34.Text = ""

Form2.Text35.Text = ""

Form2.Text36.Text = ""

Form2.Text37.Text = ""

Form2.Text38.Text = ""

Form2.Text39.Text = ""

Form2.Text40.Text = ""

Form2.Text69.Text = ""

'^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^form2傳值及呼喚 End Sub

Private Sub mnuEditDraw_Click() Form5.Show

Form5.Text27 = Label41 Form5.Text28 = Label49 Form5.Text29 = Label50 Form5.Text30 = Label51 Form5.Text31 = Label52 Form5.Text32 = Form2.Text8 Form5.Text33 = Text2

'^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^form5傳值及呼喚 End Sub

Private Sub mnuEditOperation_Click() Form3.Show

Form3.Text33 = Text2 Form3.Text1.Text = ""

Form3.Text2.Text = ""

Form3.Text3.Text = ""

Form3.Text4.Text = ""

Form3.Text5.Text = ""

Form3.Text6.Text = ""

Form3.Text7.Text = ""

Form3.Text8.Text = ""

Form3.Text9.Text = ""

Form3.Text10.Text = ""

Form3.Text11.Text = ""

Form3.Text12.Text = ""

Form3.Text13.Text = ""

Form3.Text14.Text = ""

Form3.Text15.Text = ""

Form3.Text16.Text = ""

Form3.Text17.Text = ""

Form3.Text18.Text = ""

Form3.Text19.Text = ""

Form3.Text20.Text = ""

Form3.Text21.Text = ""

Form3.Text22.Text = ""

Form3.Text23.Text = ""

Form3.Text24.Text = ""

Form3.Text25.Text = ""

Form3.Text26.Text = ""

Form3.Text28.Text = ""

Form3.Text30.Text = ""

Form3.Text32.Text = ""

Form3.Text34.Text = ""

Form3.Text35.Text = ""

Form3.Text38.Text = ""

'^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^form3傳值及呼喚 End Sub

Private Sub mnuEditSpport_Click() Form4.Show

Form4.Text1.Text = ""

Form4.Text2.Text = ""

Form4.Text3.Text = "1"

Form4.Text4.Text = ""

Form4.Text5.Text = ""

Form4.Text6.Text = ""

Form4.Text7.Text = ""

Form4.Text8.Text = ""

Form4.Text9.Text = ""

Form4.Text10.Text = ""

'^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^form4傳值及呼喚 End Sub

Private Sub mnuFilePrint_Click() Form9.Show

'^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^form9呼喚 End Sub

Private Sub mnuFileSave_Click()

' On Error GoTo saveerr ' If States = "open" Then ' sql = "update eng set

Label16=?,Label17=?,Label18=?,Label24=?,Label25=?,Label26=?,Label19=?,Label2 7=?,"

' sql = sql &

"Label31=?,Label32=?,Label34=?,Label35=?,Label41=?,Label42=?,Label43=?,Label 44=?,Label49=?,"

' sql = sql &


' sql = sql & "Text2=?,Text3 = ? where projectno=?"

' cmd.CommandText = sql ' Else

' sql = "Insert Into eng("

' sql = sql &

"Label16,Label17,Label18,Label24,Label25,Label26,Label19,Label27,Label31,Label 32,Label34,Label35,Label41,Label42,Label43,Label44,Label49,"

' sql = sql &



' sql = sql & ") values(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"

' cmd.CommandText = sql

' NowProject = Format(Now, "yyyymmddhhmmss") ' End If

cmd.Parameters(0) = Label16 cmd.Parameters(1) = Label17 cmd.Parameters(2) = Label18 cmd.Parameters(3) = Label24 cmd.Parameters(4) = Label25 cmd.Parameters(5) = Label26 cmd.Parameters(6) = Label19 cmd.Parameters(7) = Label27 cmd.Parameters(8) = Label31 cmd.Parameters(9) = Label32 cmd.Parameters(10) = Label34 cmd.Parameters(11) = Label35 cmd.Parameters(12) = Label41

cmd.Parameters(13) = Label42 cmd.Parameters(14) = Label43 cmd.Parameters(15) = Label44 cmd.Parameters(16) = Label49 cmd.Parameters(17) = Label50 cmd.Parameters(18) = Label51 cmd.Parameters(19) = Label52 cmd.Parameters(20) = Label1 cmd.Parameters(21) = Label2 cmd.Parameters(22) = Label3 cmd.Parameters(23) = Label3 cmd.Parameters(24) = Text1 cmd.Parameters(25) = Text2 cmd.Parameters(26) = Text3 cmd.Parameters(28) = NowProject If States = "open" Then

cmd.Parameters(17) = Text20

cmd.Parameters(18) = NowProject Else

cmd.Parameters(17) = NowProject cmd.Parameters(18) = Text20 End If


'Form1.Caption = "目前的工程名稱為: " & Text1 & " 資料庫代碼為: "

& NowProject

MsgBox "存檔完成"


If Err.Number <> 0 Then Debug.Print sql

MsgBox "存檔發生錯誤,錯誤碼為:" & Err.Number & "錯誤訊息為:"

& Err.Description End If

Adodc1.Recordset.Update End Sub

Private Sub mnugsi_Click() Form12.Show

Form12.SSTab1.Tab = 2

End Sub

Private Sub mnuHelpAbout_Click() Form7.Show

'^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^form7呼喚 End Sub

Private Sub mnuHelpSearchForHelpOn_Click() Dim nRet As Integer



If Len(App.HelpFile) = 0 Then

MsgBox "無法顯示說明內容,沒有和此專案相關的說明。", vbInformation, Me.Caption


On Error Resume Next

nRet = OSWinHelp(Me.hwnd, App.HelpFile, 261, 0) If Err Then

MsgBox Err.Description End If

End If

'^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^說明內容 End Sub

Private Sub mnuHelpContents_Click() Form6.Show

'^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^form6傳值及呼喚 End Sub

Private Sub mnuFileOpen_Click() Form21.Show

'^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^form21傳值及呼喚 End Sub

Private Sub mnuFileNew_Click()

Form1.Show 0

Form1.Text1.Text = ""

Form1.Text2.Text = ""

Form1.Text3.Text = ""

Form1.Text4.Text = ""

Form1.Text5.Text = ""

Form1.Text6.Text = ""

Form1.Text7.Text = ""

Form1.Text8.Text = ""

Form1.Text9.Text = ""

Form1.Text10.Text = ""

Form1.Text11.Text = ""

Form1.Text12.Text = ""

Form1.Text13.Text = ""

Form1.Text14.Text = ""

Form1.Text15.Text = ""

Form1.Text16.Text = ""

Form1.Text17.Text = ""

Form12.Text18.Text = ""

Form12.Text19.Text = ""

Form12.Text20.Text = ""

Form12.Text21.Text = ""

Form12.Text22.Text = ""

Form12.Text23.Text = ""

Form12.Text24.Text = ""

Form12.Text28.Text = ""

Form12.Text29.Text = ""

Form12.Text30.Text = ""

Form12.Label1 = "0"

Form12.Label33 = "0"

Form12.Label34 = "0"

'^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^form1傳值及呼喚 End Sub

Private Sub mnunewdata_Click() Form1.Show

End Sub

Private Sub mnuq_Click() Form12.Show

Form12.SSTab1.Tab = 3 End Sub

Private Sub mnurmr_Click()


Form12.SSTab1.Tab = 1 End Sub

Private Sub mnusystem_Click() Form8.Show

'^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^form8呼喚 End Sub

Private Sub mnutaiwn_Click() Form12.Show

Form12.SSTab1.Tab = 0 End Sub

Private Sub MSFlexGrid1_Click()

MsgBox MSFlexGrid1.col & "/" & MSFlexGrid1.row & "/" & MSFlexGrid1.Text End Sub

Private Sub Pic2_Click(Index As Integer) Pic1.ForeColor = color(Index)

pic3.BackColor = color(Index) End Sub

Private Sub Text2_Change()

If Text2 = "I:甚佳" Then Label1 = "甚佳"

If Text2 = "I:甚佳" Then Label2 = "10,15m"

If Text2 = "I:甚佳" Then Label3 = ">400KPa"

If Text2 = "I:甚佳" Then Label5 = ">45"

If Text2 = "I:甚佳" Then Text3 = "塊狀有輕微裂隙但穩定之岩體,除局 部顯著弱面岩契需穩定外,岩塊自立時間甚長,二次襯砌施工前不需再加其他支 撐(鋼肋、噴凝土、岩栓等等),開挖後變形甚小。"

If Text2 = "II:佳" Then Label1 = ""

If Text2 = "II:佳" Then Label2 = "6,8M"

If Text2 = "II:佳" Then Label3 = "300-400KPa"

If Text2 = "II:佳" Then Label5 = "35-45"

If Text2 = "II:佳" Then Text3 = "破裂但穩定之岩體,隧道整體穩定可維 持數天,為確保安全,頂拱可採系統性支撐,側璧視破壞區域用局部支撐,開挖 後變形較第一類岩盤為大,但仍在彈性範圍內。"

If Text2 = "III:中等" Then Label1 = " 中等"

If Text2 = "III:中等" Then Label2 = " 1,5M"

If Text2 = "III:中等" Then Label3 = " 200-300KPa"

If Text2 = "III:中等" Then Label5 = " 25-35"

If Text2 = "III:中等" Then Text3 = "嚴重破裂之不穩定岩體,層面強度 低且節理情況不利,若無適當支撐,局部破裂有可能漸進導致隧道不穩定,頂拱 及側壁均需採系統性支撐,局部區域可能超壓"

If Text2 = "IV:劣" Then Label1 = ""

If Text2 = "IV:劣" Then Label2 = "10小時,2.5M"

If Text2 = "IV:劣" Then Label3 = "100-200KPa"

If Text2 = "IV:劣+++++++" Then Label5 = "15-25"

If Text2 = "IV:劣" Then Text3 = "完全破裂、或軟弱、或輕微受壓之岩 體,岩體自立時間短,常須以鋼肋或鋼衍架配合噴凝土襯砌來確保施工安全。輕 微岩壓及塑性變形有可能發生,但數天內可趨於穩定,依監測可能需要仰拱閉合


If Text2 = "V:甚劣" Then Label1 = "甚劣"

If Text2 = "V:甚劣" Then Label2 = "30分鐘,1M"

If Text2 = "V:甚劣" Then Label3 = "<100KPa"

If Text2 = "V:甚劣" Then Label5 = "15"

If Text2 = "V:甚劣" Then Text3 = "受壓岩體且強度低,內含破碎帶或剪 裂帶,常導致岩體之剪力破壞。常處於中至高之覆蓋深度下,襯砌受壓及變形延 續一段時間後將造成岩體之漸進破壞,岩壓亦可能由膨脹性黏土礦物造成"

'^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^RMR傳值 End Sub


Dim con As New ADODB.Connection Dim cmd As New ADODB.Command Dim rs As New ADODB.Recordset Dim rs1 As New ADODB.Recordset Dim rs2 As New ADODB.Recordset Dim sql As String

Dim connectionText As String

Dim EngU(8) As String, EngL(6), EngR(2) As String Dim RMRL(12), RMRM(7), RMRR(7)

Dim CaL(5), CalM(5) Public NowProject As String Public States As String

Public OpenData As String, Kind As String

在文檔中 摘摘摘摘 要要要要 (頁 124-200)
