• 沒有找到結果。

第五章 結論與建議

第二節 建議

根據本次研究之迷思概念診斷與矯正的教學模式進行過程,所面臨的相關問題,提供以下教 學之建議,期望未來若有相關程式設計迷思概念之教學研究時,在資料蒐集與實際教學運用時更 加順利。

一、 迷思概念項目建置更完善

可以將迷思概念的主題與內容建置的更廣闊,加入非初學程式語言的迷思概念部分,或是 可以連結、應用到其它的程式語言。而迷思概念的項目可以有更明確的判斷原則與相關範例,


二、 系統之迷思概念診斷

系統的自動診斷功能,可以配合更多元化的題型,並能正確的診斷迷思概念。可以偵測使用 者輸入的全部程式碼,再篩選出關鍵之程式碼,進行一系列的迷思概念診斷流程。不過由於錯誤 的語法或迷思概念,導致程式無法執行或輸出結果不正確的排列組合狀況非常多,所以在何時判 定語法與何種診斷迷思概念的模式影響甚大。

三、 矯正回饋資料

矯正資料的完善建置,根據每個迷思概念都可以有多元的矯正資料,包含圖文、動畫、概 念圖、流程圖,如可以配合相關的概念,且設計出針對此概念的動手實作輔助教材,也可以具 體讓學生體會到該概念的重點。且矯正資料的給予時機,都盡量在發生此迷思概念當下,即時 的回饋給學習者是有較好的成效。




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72 conditional and


Change Variable In Condition

Interpret variables in the conditional part of conditionals as control variables.

Change Variable In Condition 2

Interpret variables in the conditional part of conditionals as the end value of the enclosing loop.

Change Variable In Loop

Interpret variables in conditionals as control variables.

Change Variable In Loop 2

Interpret variables in conditionals as the end value of the enclosing loop.

Change Variable In Simple Loop

Interpret variables in the body of conditionals as control variables.

Neglect(ignore) For Loop

Ignore loop when the body has no control variables.

Regard As Array Interpret substitution to keep the previous values.

Python UUhistle (VPS)

assignment, control structures

, and/or booleans Inverted assignment

The student assigns the value of the left-hand variable to the right-hand side variable, rather than the other way around.

Wrong branch

Even though the conditional evaluates to False, the student jumps to the ‘then’ clause.

Wrong False

As soon as the conditional evaluates to False , the student proceeds to return False from the function.

Conditional into accessed variable

After evaluating the expression, the student assigns its value to divisor.

Conditional into loop control variable

After evaluating the expression, the student assigns its value to i.

functions object-oriented

topics Executing function instead of defining it

The def command defines a new function: the student is supposed to store the function (object) in memory.Instead, the student starts executing the function body.

Unevaluated parameters

The student tries to start the function call before they have evaluated the sum.

Parameter in the wrong frame

The student creates parameter variables in the caller’s frame, not in the callee’s.

Misplacing return value

The student creates the variable result in calculate’s frame instead of returning the value.

Return value into variable

The student assigns the result of the

multiplication back into the variable intermediate.

73 Failing to store return value

After returning a value, the student does not store assign the return value to the caller’s local variable.Instead, they fetch the function call to the evaluation area again.

Assignment copies object

The student creates a new object rather than copying a reference.

Failing to create second object of a class

A new object should be created, but the student instead makes a copy of a a reference to an existing object.

Local variable becomes instance variable

Instead of creating a new local variable to store the reference, the student creates an instance variable for the new object.

Instance variable becomes local variable

Instead of creating a new instance variable for the object, the student creates a new local variable.

Method call without recipient

The student tries to call the method fuel from the Car class before accessing the variable for a reference to the target object.

Assigning reference to uninitialized object

The student assigns the reference to the variable before calling the __init__ method.

Returning self-reference instead of dereferencing it

The student returns self rather than the value of the instance variable __profession.

CS1 programing Java

memory models, and data assignment

T1: Students misunderstand the relationship between language

Semantics to semantics (Student applies real-world semantic understanding to variable declarations.)

elements and underlying memory usage.

All Objects same size (Student thinks all Objects are allocated the same amount of memory regardless of definition and instantiation.)

Instantiated no memory allocation (Student thinks no memory is allocated for an instantiated


Uninstantiated memory allocation (Student thinks memory is allocated for an uninstantiated


Off by 1 array construction (Student thinks an array's construction goes from 0 to length, inclusive.)

Primitive no default (Student thinks primitive types have no default value.)

Primitives don't have memory (Student thinks primitives without a value have no memory allocated.)

T2: Students misunderstand the process of while loop operation.

T3: Students lack a basic understanding of the Object concept T4: Students cannot trace code linearly.

74 Java(Greenfoot)

object- oriented concepts

Static data members vs. constant data members

Confused the properties of static data members with constant data members

certain programming constructs

Classes vs. Objects

Failed to recognize that classes were actually user-defined data types that could be used to define variables just like built-in data types such as integer and Boolean


(1) Erroneously thought that constructors of all classes defined in a project were invoked automatically when the project was opened (2) Defined the constructor(s) of a class as its private member(s) when they should be public members instead

(3) Did not realize that constructors, as a special type of method, did not require a return type Arguments passing for

method calls

Confused formal parameters with actual parameters


(1) Mistakenly considered that declaring one superclass variable instead of two subclass variables means declaring two variables at the same line

(2) Mistakenly considered that referencing two subclass objects successively by the same superclass variable means substituting two superclass objects for two subclass objects

Access modifiers of methods

Mistakenly considered that a private method could not invoke methods defined in other classes



1.Object vs. Class 1.1: The nature of a class as a template

1.1.1 Difficulties in understanding the static aspect of the class definition.

1.1.2 Difficulties in understanding that a method can be invoked on any object of the class.

1.1.3 Misconception: You can define a method that doesn’t access any attribute.

1.1.4 Misconception: You can define a method that adds an attribute to the class.

1.1.5 Difficulties in understanding the classification of methods that we used (constructors, mutators, accessors, ‘‘others’’).

1.1.6 Misconception: You can invoke a method on an object only once.

1.2: Connections between objects and classes.

1.2.1 Misconception: A class is a collection of objects, rather than a template for creating objects.

1.2.2 Misconception: You can define a non-constructor method to create a new object.

1.2.3 Misconception: You can define a method that replaces the object itself.

1.2.4 Misconception: You can define a method that destroys the object itself.

1.2.5 Misconception: You can define a method that divides the object into two different objects.

1.3: Object creation

1.3.1 Difficulties in understanding the process of creating an object.

75 1.4: Identification of objects.

1.4.1 Misconception: Two objects of the same class cannot have equal values for their attributes.

1.4.2 Misconception: Two objects can have the same identifier if there is any difference in the values of their attributes.

1.4.3 Misconception: An attribute value can be used as the object identifier.

1.4.4 Misconception: The object identifier is one of the object’s attributes.

1.4.5 Difficulties recognizing an object due to multiple representations (the set of values of attributes, the BlueJ icon and the graphical rendering).

2.Instantiation and Constructors

2.1: General understanding of instantiation.

2.1.1 Misconception: There is no need to invoke the constructor method, because its definition is sufficient for object creation.

2.1.2 Misconception: Constructors can include only assignment statements to initialize attributes.

2.1.3 Misconception: Instantiation involves only the execution of the constructor method body, not the allocation of memory.

2.1.4 Misconception: Invocation of the constructor method can replace its definition.

2.2: Understanding instantiation in a composed class.

2.2.1 Misconception: If objects of the simple class already exist, there is no need to create the object of the composed class.

2.2.2 Misconception: Creation of an object of a composed class automatically creates objects of the simple class that appear as attributes of the composed class.

2.2.3 Difficulties in understanding where objects of the simple class are created,before the creation of the object of the composed class.

2.3: Understanding instantiation is affected by its implementation

in the

programming language.

2.3.1 Difficulties understanding the empty constructor.

2.3.2 Difficulties understanding objects if their attributes are not explicitly initialized.

2.3.3 Initializing an attribute with a constant as part of its declaration causes confusion in distinguishing between a class and an object.

2.3.4 Initializing an attribute with a constant within the constructor declaration causes confusion in distinguishing between a class and an object.

2.3.5 Misconception: If the attributes are initialized in the class declaration there is no need to create objects.

3.Simple vs.

Composed Classes

3.1: Understanding encapsulation.

3.1.1 Misconception: An object cannot be the value of an attribute.

3.1.2 Misconception: The attributes of the composed class include all the attributes of the objects of a simple class, instead of the objects themselves.


3.1.3 Misconception: The attributes of the composed class include all the attributes of the objects of a simple class, in addition to the objects themselves.

3.1.4 Misconception: Methods that are declared in the simple class have to be declared again in the composed class for each of the simple objects.

3.1.5 Misconception: There is no need for mutators and accessors for attributes that are of the simple class within the composed class.

3.1.6 Misconception: To change the value of an attribute of an object of a simple class that is the value of an attribute in an object of a composed class, you need to construct a new object.

3.1.7 Misconception: Methods can only be invoked on objects of the composed class, not on objects of the simple class defined as values in its attributes.

3.2: Understanding modularity.

3.2.1 Misconception: After a composed class is defined, new methods cannot be defined in the simple class.

3.2.2 Methods from the simple class are not used; instead, new equivalent methods are defined and duplicated in the composed class.

3.2.3 Methods in different classes are not distinguished if they have the same signature.

3.3: The class as a collection of objects.

3.3.1 Misconception: Objects of a simple class, used as values of the attributes of a composed class, have to be identical.

3.3.2 Misconception: In a composed class you can develop a method that adds an attribute of a simple class to the composed class.

3.3.3 Misconception: In a composed class you can develop a method that removes an attribute of a simple class from the composed class.

3.4: Understanding information hiding.

3.4.1 Misconception: Attributes of the simple class must be directly accessed from the composed class instead of through an interface.

3.5: Personification.

3.5.1 Misconception: Attributes in a simple class are automatically replicated in the composed class by transferring its meaning.

3.6: Understanding invocation on the implicit object.

3.6.1 Misconception: A method must always be invoked on an explicit object. (We did not teach the use of an explicit ‘‘this,’’ so the students invented an imaginary object upon which to invoke the method.)

4.Program Flow 4.1: Understanding executions of methods.

4.1.1 Misconception: Methods are executed according to their order in the class definition.

4.1.2 Misconception: Every method can be invoked only once.

4.1.3 Difficulties distinguishing when there is a need to explicitly write the identifier of the object.

4.1.4 Difficulties understanding the influence of method execution on the object state.


4.1.5 Difficulties understanding the invocation of a method from another method.

4.2: Understanding data flow.

4.2.1 Where do the values of the parameters come from?

4.2.2 To where does the return value of a method go?

4.3: Things happen with no cause.

4.3.1 Misconception: Objects are created by themselves.

4.3.2 Misconception: Attributes values are updated automatically according to a logical context.

4.3.3 Misconception: The system does not allow unreasonable operations.

4.4: ‘‘How does the computer know?’’

4.4.1 How does the computer know what the class attributes and methods are?

4.4.1 How does the computer know what the class attributes and methods are?
