• 沒有找到結果。

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圖一、柑橘鳳蝶之寄主植物(A)網室(B)酸橘(C)四季橘(D)金棗(E)食茱 萸(F)賊仔樹。

Fig. 1. Host plant of Papilio xuthus koxinga(A)screen house (length 6.1 m × width 2.5 m × heigth 1.9 m(B)Citrus sunki(C)C. microcarpa(D)C. margar(E)Zanthozylum ailanthoides(F)Tetradium glabrifolium.





圖二、試驗器材(A)小型塑膠盒(B)透明圓形塑膠盒(C)透明壓克力箱(D)葉面 積測定儀(E)數位式游標卡尺(F)電子天平。

Fig. 2. Experiments the equipment(A)small plastic of container(B)circle transparent plastic cup(C)transparent plastic box (30×30×30 cm)(D)Delta-T Devices Area

Measurement System(E)Digimatic, CD-6”CS, Mitutoyo Co.





圖三、柑橘鳳蝶卵之形態與在寄主植物之位置(A)卵粒(B)1 齡幼蟲與即將孵化之 卵粒(C)雌蝶將卵產於嫩芽上(D)卵產於葉背邊緣不同位置。

Fig. 3. Morphology of Papilio xuthus koxinga and its postions on hostplant:(A)egg;

(B)first instar larva and hatching egg;(C)the female laid egg on the shoot (D)the female laid eggs on the different place of leaves back.



圖四、柑橘鳳蝶一至四齡期之形態(A)剛孵化之 1 齡幼蟲取食卵殼(B)2 齡幼蟲伸 出臭角(C)3 齡幼蟲(D)4 齡幼蟲。

Fig. 4 . Morphology of 1st-4th instars of Papilio xuthus koxinga:(A)1st instar larva;(B)

reach out osmeteria of 2nd instar larva;(C)3rd instar larva(D)4th instar larva.




圖五、柑橘鳳蝶第五齡幼蟲之形態(A)5 齡幼蟲伸出臭角(B)5 齡幼蟲(C)5 齡 幼蟲(D)剛蛻皮 5 齡幼蟲與老熟 5 齡幼蟲之比較。

Fig. 5. Morphology of 5th instar of Papilio xuthus koxinga:(A)reach out osmeteria of 5th instar;(B)5th instar;(C)5th instar;(D)5th instar.




圖六、柑橘鳳蝶蛹之形態(A)腹足未鬆開之前蛹(B)前蛹(C)綠色蛹(D)棕色 蛹(E)紅棕色蛹(F)紅棕色蛹之側面。

Fig. 6. Morphology of pupa Papilio xuthus koxinga:(A)not releasing abdominal legs;

(B)prewpupa;(C)green pupa;(D)brown pupa(E)reddish brown(F)reddish brown (latera view).




圖七、柑橘鳳蝶成蟲之形態與交尾(A)雄蟲(背面觀)(B)雌蟲(背面觀)(C)雄 蟲(腹面觀)(D)雌蟲(腹面觀)(E)羽化失敗之成蟲(F)雌雄蟲交尾。

Fig. 7. Morphology of adult Papilio xuthus koxinga and its mating behaver:(A)Male (dorsal view);(B)Female (dorsal view);(C)Male (ventral view);(D)Female (ventral view);

(E)eclosion to lose of adult;(F)mating.






Temp.( ( ( (℃ ℃ ℃ ℃) ) )

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35

0 1 2 3 4 5

common logarithms of head capsule width common logarithms of head capsule width

0 1 2 3 4 5

Fig. 11 . Relationship between the common logarithms of head capsule width of larval stage and each instar of Papilio xuthus koxinga at various temperatures.

0 1 2 3 4 5

common logarithms of head capsule width

0 1 2 3 4 5

Fig. 12 . Relationship between the common logarithms of head capsule width of larval stage

Citrus sunki Citrus microcarpa

Citrus margarita Zanthozylum ailanthoides

Tetradium glabrifolium


表一、柑橘鳳蝶於 25℃下飼以酸橘時,各蟲期之存活率與發育日數

Table 1. Rate of survival(%)and Duration of various growth of the Papilio xuthus koxinga

Citrus sunki at on 25℃
