• 沒有找到結果。

篇以上的期刊論文 每一篇論文寫出1-2頁的重點

在文檔中 研究生應有的學習態度 (頁 41-58)

我的新工作 –碩/博士論文

至少每個月詳讀 2 篇以上的期刊論文 每一篇論文寫出1-2頁的重點




Conference Paper



Journal Paper


SCI (Science Citation Index) EI (Engineering Index)

SSCI (Social Science Citation Index)

TSSCI (Taiwan Social Science Citation Index)



不是一次 OK

格式不對老師根本不想看 老師都是機車的 !!

字形,大小,位置…. 他都有意見 改版, 改版,………. 再改版







XX Chen:

Please re-check your document, again.

不要隨便丟個論文給我, 我不是你的書僮, 也不是你的秘書.


怎麼可能這麼快就把整份論文的英文全部 check 好了呢?

你 如果有這種英文程度, 怎麼會給我那種爛英文水準的論文.

不只我修改的地方要看, 其他沒有修改的地方你自己更要仔細去 check.

要你自己仔細檢查, 你也許自己以為已經做過了, 但是要有水準的結果出來, 隨便丟個爛英文水準的論文給我, 我為何要幫你改英文.

我是你的指導教授, 不是英文秘書, 不是你的助理.

你 如果不接受我的建議, 也達不到我的要求.

吳重雨教授已經趕走一位高年級博士班研究生, 你打算當我研究群第一個被趕出去的嗎?

已經改幾次英文給你看了, 已經投稿過幾篇論文了, 自己的論文程度在哪裡?

不要怪我說話不客氣, 博士班不是幼稚園, 是精英教育.

一直沒有水準混下去, 你是在唸什麼博士班??


賢 教授 (89/5/18)

1. IC於第二年度4月底前通過CIC評審下線者,得於第二年度之6月底前以所完成之碩士論文初稿參加 第一梯論文口試;論文內容必須包含IC量測方法與結果之說明,否則應延至第二梯口試。

2. IC於第二年度5,6月才通過CIC評審下線者,應延至第二年度之7月底前以所完成之碩士論文初稿參 加第二梯論文口試,但是必須等到論文內容加入IC量測方法與結果之說明後方得畢業。

3. 若IC於第二年度6月底前未通過CIC評審下線者,應至少延至第三年度,完成IC設計且通過CIC評審 下線,方能以所完成之碩士論文初稿參加論文口試;論文內容必須包含IC量測方法與結果之說明。

※所設計之IC必須通過post-layout simulation※

4. 除學校規定之碩士論文外(得以中文撰寫),尚須完成

1. 一篇4頁以英文撰寫之正式paper,

2. 完整之IC設計報告,

3. 完整之IC測試報告或測試規劃,

4. 所有設計檔案及readme file以光碟存檔。

5. 碩士論文必須參考至少15篇有價值之paper,並於論文中分析說明。

6. 在學期間能和同學及學長互相幫忙,互相討論所學。

7. 研一下學期須參加教育部舉辦之IC競賽,而研二下學期則參加IP競賽。

8. 研究經費由老師統一分配;出國發表論文有適當補助(參見另外說明)。

9. 基本進度如下:

7 8 9 A B C 1 2 3 4 5 6


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7 8 9 A B C 1 2 3 4 5 6

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電子所 劉深淵 教授


1. 畢業具備:能獨立完成晶片設計與測量。

2. 畢業的期限:通常二年,但也有念了三年最後不能畢業。

3. 畢業的要求:

• a: 能完成我要求的晶片設計與測量----必須Function Work。

• b: 能有創新的結果,不要重複別人的結果。

• c: 能接受各種題目的挑戰。

4. 我認為不適任者,告知其更換指導教授或休學。


1. 畢業具備:獨立分析與解決問題的能力,指導後進的能力,與能獨立完成晶片設計與測量。

2. 畢業的期限 (3 至N 年):

3. 畢業的要求:

• 論文只能投稿至我認可之期刊,而且要以紅皮的IEEE JSSC 為投稿目標。

• 博士班研究生的論文能登上:

• ISSCC---少於3 年畢業

• IEEE JSSC Full paper---3 年畢業

• IEEE CAS-I Full paper 或SOVC paper----4 年畢業

• 其餘依照努力程度---至少N( ≥ 5)年畢業。

我認為不適任者,博二後,告知休學或更換指導教授 (之後,不得以類似研究成果畢業)。目前 我獨立指導博士班學生約14 位,畢業率不是太高(已有五人休學)。

電機所 王朝欽 教授

碩士班學生成為IC設計工程師:碩士班畢業至 少下線並測試一顆前瞻性晶片,養成實作能 力,並於畢業前刊登一篇會議論文,以及完成 一項專利申請。


導者:博士班畢業至少有一篇IEEE Trans. 或

J. 之論文,養成領導與組織能力,並於畢業前



大學 WITS 實驗室



嚴禁於實驗室內架設任何與學術研究無關之網站,並嚴格管控對外之資料流 量。於實驗室內不當架設網站者,唯一開除。


實驗室經費的使用,一定要經過老師的許可,才可以向總務或舟貝請款,違 反者,除追回款項之外,唯一開除。

擔任助教者,嚴禁洩題與改考卷時有舞弊徇私之情事,違反者,除追回助教 獎學金之外,唯一開除,以維護考試之公平與公正。

簽到… (四個規矩) 請假… (四個規矩) 罰款…

網路公佈 簽到狀況 !!!!

Graduate Student Skills at EECS /UCB

Research and Scholarship Skills Interaction Skills

Goal Management

Communications Skills

Career Skills and Integrity


Research and Scholarship Skills

Has s/he learned core material in his/her field.

Does s/he keep up with the current developments in this field, and evaluate them independently and critically?

How has s/he demonstrated his/her ability to successfully carry out research?

Is s/he able to

judge his/her own results, experimental or

theoretical, critically and objectively?

Has s/he learned how to acquire new knowledge or skills on his/her own?

What research skills (e.g., analysis, synthesis, creativity,

initiative, follow-through) are this student's strengths and

weaknesses? If there are any weaknesses, what steps can be /are being taken to remedy them?

Interaction Skills

Does the student work well independently, but ask for guidance when necessary?

Does s/he contribute to group discussions (oral or email)? Does s/he give others substantive feedback in oral presentations and papers? Does s/he engage in discussion, dispute and

sometimes criticism without taking or giving offense unnecessarily?

Has s/he had enough opportunities to practice collaboration and


(i.e., within the research group, the department, or the outside research community)? Does s/he collaborate

effectively with colleagues (e.g., is cooperative, dependable, considerate, fair)?

What interaction skills are the student's strengths and

weaknesses? If there are any weaknesses, what steps can

be/are being taken to help remedy them?

Goal Management

What goals, plans and schedules have you and your student agreed upon? Are these goals realistic?

Is the student progressing at a satisfactory rate toward these mutual goals? Does s/he complete tasks on time? If not, what are the

impediments to progress? What specific actions do you recommend to remove theses impediments?

If his/her progress is unsatisfactory or s/he lacks enthusiasm or direction, has the time come for a change?

Does s/he strike the appropriate balance between research,

coursework, teaching, volunteer service, consulting, industrial contact, and other extracurricular activities? If not, what actions should be taken to better achieve balance?

What are this student's good work habits? What practices need to be


Communications Skills

Has the student been practicing written and oral presentations enough?

Does s/he give effective oral research presentations and respond well to follow-up questions? If not, what specific suggestions do you have for improvement?

Does s/he communicate effectively in speech and writing? If not, what remedial steps should be taken to help him/her?

Are there any other particular communication

strengths that this student possesses? Are there any

areas which need further improvement?

Career Skills and Integrity

Does s/he keep a proper record of his/her work and document his/her results (e.g., tech reports, workshop papers, conference proceedings, journals)?

Has s/he made an adequate impression, either through

publications, networking with other researchers at conferences or via email, or interviews on potential employers? On your colleagues?

Is s/he a responsible member of the research community (e.g., shows integrity in reporting results, correctly attributes ideas to their originators, shows consideration for the interests of others, and treats others fairly and honestly)?

Do you have any praise or advice on the development of this student's career-related skills?


在文檔中 研究生應有的學習態度 (頁 41-58)
