• 沒有找到結果。


舌質以黯紅舌較多(45.27﹪)、舌苔以黃膩苔較多(38.51﹪),舌下絡 脈多有怒張(72.30﹪)及瘀象(40.54﹪);而在治療前後舌苔顯著由黃 轉白、膩轉薄(P=0.0145),舌下絡脈怒張(P=0.0463)及瘀象(P<

0.0001)皆有改善,說明患者病勢向癒,印證了舌診的臨床意義,可進 一步應用在推測病狀之進退。本研究在證實中醫的舌診,是可以靈敏地 反映出潰瘍患者消化道的氣血寒熱變化,而且臨床應用在診斷治療與預 後判斷是有一定的客觀性及科學性。

期盼更大型、更廣泛的研究,明確地找出舌診與胃部疾患的關聯與 規律,再配合科學化的定性、定量研究,這也是現代中西醫結合的臨床 工作者未來努力的目標!


1. 神戶中醫學研究會:舌診與脈診,旺文出版社,台北,2005;pp3-4 2. Dennis L. Kasper, Eugene Braunwald, Anthony S. Fauci, Stephen

L. Hauser, Dan L. Longo, J. Larry Jameson:Harrison’s principles of internal medicine 16th edition, McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.,New York;2005; pp1746-1762

6. Byrd JA et al:Glossitis and other tongue disorders,Dermatol Clin21,2003,pp123


30.黃銘涵、林平:HP 感染相關性胃病中醫證治研究進展。實用中醫藥 雜誌,2005;2:126-127



32. Dennis L. Kasper, Eugene Braunwald, Anthony S. Fauci, Stephen L.Hauser, Dan L. Longo, J. Larry Jameson:Harrison’s manual of medicine 16th edition, McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.,New York 2005; pp 737-741

33.沈麒麟、王佩芳、唐紅敏、沈輝:舌像與胃鏡像及 Hp 的關係分析。





The peptic ulcer disease is the common situation in digestive tract. It is concerned with Helicobacter Pylori. And there is an old saying that the tongue is the mirror of the stomach. So it tells there is a close relationship between the tongue inspection and the peptic ulcer disease. In the study, the differences between the healthy and the patients with the peptic ulcer disease are compared in the tongue manifestation. And then, the study can compare and contrast the tongue manifestations between the patients with the gastric ulcer and those with the duodenal ulcer. And the tongue manifestations can be compared before and after the treatment. Moreover, the changes of the tongue fur, with or without Helicobacter Pylori, can also be

studied. By observing the tongue manifestations, it can be applied to evaluate the prognosis and the curative effects of the patients with the peptic ulcer disease.

In the study, there are 50 healthy adults in the control group and 148 patients in the experimental group. The patients were arranged to have the upper gastrointestinal endoscopy in clinic to make sure they were with the peptic ulcer disease. Besides, it has to be sure that they were without the systemic disease, active ulcer bleeding, malignancy of gastrointestinal tract and severe stained fur. Then, they were taken a photo to record their tongue manifestations. The result was that 108, out of the 148 patients with the peptic ulcer disease, had the

Helicobacter Pylori, which means the other 40 were not. Their tongue manifestations were mostly with yellow slimy fur and red dark

tongue, and the sublingual collateral vessels are with engorgement and blood stasis. In the 49 of 108 patient that accepted triple treatment took the second upper gastrointestinal endoscopy and the second photo for the tongue manifestations after three months. This

time was to exclude 8 patients still with Helicobacter Pylori infection.

That means the other 41, who got well on the ulcer and were not with Helicobacter Pylori, were treated to be compared the changes of their tongue manifestations. The result showed the color of tongue had no differences, but the fur obviously changed from yellow to white, and from thick to thin (P=0.0145). The sublingual collateral vessels with engorgement (P=0.0463) and blood stasis (P< 0.0001) both got

improved obviously. It told the patients were getting well. That proves the tongue inspection has the clinical meaning. It can be applied in figuring out the symptoms is good or not. The study is to show the tongue

inspection in Chinese Medicine can sharply reflect the qi, blood, cold and heat of the patients with peptic ulcer disease. And it is objective and it is also science to apply the tongue inspection in clinic diagnosis,

treatment and prognosis.

Key words:tongue inspection tongue diagnosis tongue manifestation peptic ulcer

upper gastrointestinal endoscopy
