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西元 年 月 日

Editorial Board Organization - Terms and Conditions

ƒ The Board consists of one Chief Editor.

ƒ The Editorial Board recruit ten to thirty reviewers with a four-year term to participate in the editing and review process

ƒ The Editorial Board consists of one to two Assistant Editors for the administrative work involved in the editing of Taiwan Counseling Quarterly.

ƒ The terms and conditions take effect as the date of the approval or amendment of the Editorial Board meeting.

Operational Guidelines for the Editorial Board

The Operational Guidelines are developed by the board members to facilitate the editing and review process of Taiwan Counseling Quarterly.

ƒ Taiwan Counseling Quarterly is an academic journal published quarterly with at least three papers per issue. Papers are published in chronological order of acceptance. Submissions will be reviewed within 2 months of receipt.

ƒ All submissions are reviewed under a process where both the authors and the referees are kept anonymous. Editorial board members shall refrain from making a recommendation of the referees for manuscripts authored by themselves.

ƒ Based on the referees’ comments, the acceptance of the final the submission is outlined as follows:

Referee A Final Decision

Accept as is Accept after revision

Re-review after

revision Reject Accept as is Accept as is Accept after


Accept or re-review *

Include a third referee Accept after


Accept after revision

Accept after revision

Accept or re-review after


Include a third referee


Accept or re-review after


Accept or re-review after


Reject Include a third referee

Include a third referee

Reject or

re-review * Reject

* Decision rests with the Chief Editor based on the quality of the submissions and the referees’ comments.

ƒ Guidelines in regard to review and copyright issues shall be developed by the Editorial Board to facilitate the paper review process.

ƒ Contributions of each issue shall be restricted to one paper per individual as the first author. Each volume of the journal shall include at least two research papers external to the staff papers.

Call for Paper

Taiwan Counseling Quarterly is a scholarly, electronic journal published quarterly by Department of Guidance & Counseling at the National Changhua University of Education and Taiwan Counseling Net in Taiwan. The journal publishes contributions on many topics, such as mental health, guidance, counseling psychology, clinical psychology, rehabilitation, counseling, social work, psychiatry, Psychiatric nursing, occupational therapy, speech-language therapy, special education etc.. Our purpose is to represent the achievements of the academic research, encourage novice scholar and graduate student to submit, enhance the climate of academic research, and advance the transnational and interdisciplinary academic development and communication. We welcome previously unpublished empirical and review papers. Taiwan Counseling Quarterly publishes papers in the areas of

1. Academic monograph, including empirical research, review essay, theory or skill about mental health, guidance, counseling psychology, clinical psychology, rehabilitation counseling, social work, psychiatry, psychiatric nursing, occupational therapy, speech-language therapy, special education.

2. Practical monograph, including method or strategy in practical experiences, program design and practice.

Manuscript Preparation

Submission must include a title page, the submitted manuscript, two copies of Publication Form. Submitted manuscripts must be written in the style outlined in the Publication Format of Global Mental Health E-Journal and the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (5th edition). Any inconsistence with the format requirements will result in return of manuscripts. The authors are encouraged to correct the format and resubmit. All manuscripts must have Chinese and English abstracts both containing a maximum of 500 words (1,500 to 2,000 characters) typed in a separate page.

Up to five keywords or brief expressions can be supplied with the abstract. A manuscript (including tables, figures, and both abstracts) should be limited to 12,000 Chinese words or 6,000 English words. If manuscripts have been presented in conferences, have sponsors, or are adaptations of academic degree theses, it should be addressed in cover letters.

The template of title page and Copyright Authorization Form can be found at http://tcq.heart.net.tw/ . All the identifying information of the authors should only appear on cover letters not on the title page. All authors must submit two copies of completed Copyright Authorization Form.

Manuscripts must be single-spaced and typeset in 12-point word size and printed on one side only of A4 paper with page numbers. Each page has 38 lines and each line with 35 Chinese words (not applicable if written in English.) There should be no line spacing

between paragraphs. The author must supply all submitted materials on a CD in Word files (Word 98 or above).

Publication Policies

Upon acceptance for publication, the Department of Guidance and Counseling at the National Changhua University of Education has the right to:

Publish the accepted manuscript in printed or electronic version

Provide the accepted manuscript to commercial online databases for electronically storage, reproduction, offering access to read, download, or print.

Allow the National Library or other database services to provide accepted manuscripts to their users

Make editorial change in accepted manuscripts tailored to different format requirements of various database services

Review Process

Upon receipt of the manuscripts, the manuscript will be evaluated by the Chief Editor to ensure the manuscript content fit for the purpose of the journal. Then, the Editorial Board recommends two experts as reviewers to undergo a masked review process. Reviewer comments will be forwarded to the authors.


Submissions are accepted at all times. A review process starts shortly after receipt.

Submission materials must include a title page, three copies of the manuscript, copies of completed Copyright Authorization Form (each author with two copies completed) and a CD with all the submitted materials. Please send all materials to:

Department of Guidance & Counseling

Attn. Editorial Board of Taiwan Counseling Quarterly National Changhua University of Education

No. 1, Ji-De Road, Changhua City, Taiwan 500 R.O.C.

Tel:886-4-723-2105 Ext.2211 Email:tcq@mail.heart.net.tw

Title Page

Manuscript Title:



Key Words (maximum of five words):



Author(s) and Affiliation(s):

(If more than one authors, please write in the order of authorship):



Contact Information of the First Author and the Corresponding Author:

(Please include telephone and fax numbers, postal address, and email):

Author’s Note:

(If applicable, need to mention sources of research funds, academic theses the manuscript adapted from,

and/or conferences the manuscript has been presented)

Copyright Authorization Form

Manuscript Title: ______________________________________________________

(Will be addressed as this Manuscript throughout this form) 1. Upon acceptance of the Manuscript, the author, I, hereby transfer and assign to

Taiwan Counseling Quarterly the copyright to:

A. Publish the accepted manuscript in print or electronic forms.

B. Provide the accepted manuscript to commercial online databases for electronic storage, reproduction, offering their users to read, download, and print.

C. Permit the National Library or other database services to provide accepted manuscripts to their users.

D. Adjust accepted manuscripts in order to fit different format requirements of various database services.

2. The author permits the Department of Guidance & Counseling at the National Changhua University of Education can grant the use of this Manuscript to other database services for free or for a cost. If it is for a cost, the money belongs to the National Changhua University of Education.

3. The author adheres to all related ethical guidelines throughout the process of completing this Manuscript. This Manuscript is an original piece of work by the author. The author has the right to transfer its publishing and proprietary rights.

There is no plagiarism or violation of copyright. This form is the permission to publish this Manuscript. The author still holds the copy right of this Manuscript. If the Manuscript is prepared jointly with other authors, the completion of the authorization form for publication requires each author to complete this form separately and makes two copies of each. By signing this agreement, the author acknowledges the terms and conditions listed above.

Author’s signature:

ID Number (or SSN):

Telephone Number:



