• 沒有找到結果。

。設有科大獨有的 Band 房




。設有科大獨有的 Band 房

無憾或許是最好的形容詞來形容這一年 HouseV 的 Halllife 。

這一年住 hall 的一點一滴盡在心中,沒有住過 hall 也不知道當中的趣味, HouseV 帶給每個 residents 和 members 不但是充實的校園生活,更重要的是那一份人情味 , 人與人之間的友誼、


House V Endeavour 由 3 個主要元素組成一sports 、 music、 unity 。

我們 HouseV 十分注重體育,設有不同的運動隊伍,絕對適合喜歡運動的你。我們每星期均設有 常規練習,還會和其他學會進行友誼賽,藉此建立團隊精神及試驗各種戰f柄。開餘時,各個 Hall residents 亦會相約去自行練習,加深友誼及默契。

此外, HouseV 有全科大獨有的 MusicGroup ’亦有自家的 band 房,能定期在 hall 夾 band, 建立友誼。練習過後亦有很多出 show 的機會,我們每年暑假都會在旺角街頭舉行 Annual Performance ,讓 HouseV Music Group 的成員能大顯身手,吸收演出經驗。

最後,每年也有一連串的活動,由 O'camp 至 wildcamp ’annual dinner 至 farewelldinner ,每一 樣都能體驗到 HouseV 的凰結。 Ex-co 、 Subcom 們通宵達旦的付出, members 投入的參與,令 每次活動都圓滿舉行。這無疑亦增加了我們對這稟的歸屬感。

而正正是這三方面的發展,使我們的 Hall life多姿多菜,讓我們建立深厚的友誼。每一位住在這 裹的人都能樂在其中,使我們大學舍堂生活活得精彩。

車毅 ExternalVice-Chairperson Johnny

Wriler: C.R. Type叫er:8 intellectual and pe的onalgrowth

Through designed p「og 「ams andαctivities which learning outcomes G『eclea「lyplanned and stated by instructo「sand o『ganize「s, students can learn how to develop thei『ownou旬oingresidential life As a result, the integ『atedenvironment provided can help to Foste『 inte『action between hall residents

5。urceof image llc.ust.hk

Hall VI is a 10-sto「ey building which consists of 16 wings. There are 594 「esidents with 201 double

「oomsand 64 t「iplerooms.

Residence Master · Prof Lam Lung YEUNG Residential Life Officer Miss Jessie LAM Living Learning Communities (LLC)

Fitness Connection

Fitness is one of the fundamental factors which allows participation and contribution throughout their residential life a certificate of me『it

Live Green

This LLC is obviously talking about ou「civil 『esponsibility to protect our environment. The members of Live Green Community willαctively participate O『even become a community leader in sustainαbility initiatives on and off campus. Topics may include alternative energies

transpo『tation,community developme川, food,『esponsible con sumpion and g「een careers. There is a requirement relationships with self, significant others’。ndour natu「e They may need to assess values of self and others in the activi1es. They have to make decisions fo「 self and be

「esponsiblefor the decisions made through some games Explo「ingand utilizing the poentials of self is this LLC aims todo.

Weekly Sharing Sessions

In O『der to enrich the intellectual and spirtual life of

『esidents, Hall VI engages residents in weekly life experience sharing sessions that are organized by themselves


• ﹔~~~ t~~ ~﹔﹔比已州 HALL

Hall VII is α8-storey building which consists of


single rooms and

1 53


rooms. There are 356 「esidentsliving there.

Living Learning Communities (LLC)

Arts a-LIVE

It is a community gathe 『s students who have a passion to develop their interests and experience in performing arts. Members will be p『ovidedwith different kinds of oppo『tunityto interact with arts in their life including going to various genres of performing G『ts live pe『formancestogether. Via the exposu 「eto live performances, discussions and talks hosted by guest speakers, members will 「ecognize pe『fo「ming o「ts canαct as a way to explo 「e and exp 「ess f「eely ↑hemselves. The ac1vities will also extend membe悶, knowledge of ce『tain kinds of pe『forming a『tsand enhance their interest in the local


Creative Affinity

Creativity is very impo『tant in our study which transcends disciplines and leads to design, inventio『1, collaboration and innovation. We can train ou 『 creativity by arts, science and othe『 interesting makeups. Students can develop their creative capacities in this LLC p『og 「am as they will have access to rich learning opporunities in envi 「onmen ts that nu『tu 「eand suppo「t their creative development With the aim to enhanc巴 personalcreative g『owth,the p『og 「αm is designed to verify the concepts, have some real life practices through an exploration in visual a『tsand design activities.

Residence Mαst眩, ProfHelen SHEN Residential Life Office「。 MrThomas HUI


iVillage is suitable for students inte 『ested in exploring cultu『es.Thesestudents should

「espect fo『 divergent cultu 『al values and they should be ready to live and learn in an international community. It is because they will experience global cultures and lifestyles t h 「 ough interaction with inte 「 national students and faculty and through some planned cultural events. As the LLC aims to integrate local and non local students by creating an international community, 50% local students and 50%

non local students with a sha『edcommitment to diversity will be selected to

join this community.


frbIGEAU-’d6 3O

Residence Master P「ofAlbe『ICHUNG

Organizing Team

In Hall VIII and IX,。nO『ganizingTeam was formed from 『esidentsof the two halls to organize various student activities for the hall residents eachγear They α『eselected by nominations from residents followed by elections. They work with the Hall Tutors in each lloo 「丸 ResidentiαI Lile Officers,。 nd the Residence Masers to cultiv。他 αfun, enriching and rewarding hall living experience

Residential Life Mento「


Residence Master P「ofRoge「 CHENG

ResidentiαI Life Officer : Miss Nicole CHAN

Hall VIII and IX plan to pilot a residential progrαm for

freshmen in the coming academic yea『(2014Fall sem). The objective is to help the freshmen to adapt lo learn in an open and diverse envi『onmentin their university life. They are learnt to recognize and app『eciatediversity in disciplines, nαtionalities and cultures. F陀的menare expected to find out for themselves what unive『sityeducation means to them αnd be proactive to pu「sue theirαspiration.

們的Iyea 「 students selecting 咐他 f『eshmenp「ogramwill live in Hall VIIIαnd IX. There will be around 20 25 日的l yea「

students in each Floor. Hall VIII and IX intendo mix stude『itsfrom different schools and gende「 andnαtionality on the same Floor. Compulsory prepaid meal plan will be cha「gedand lis hoped that dining togethe「 willc『巴atean atmosphere conducive inαchieving the objectives

Source 。fimage sao.usi.hk





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歡迎各位新生.加入 fl 太!﹔(± ,;f,;f 凹年是同學都會在科夫生活,快 !刊 fl }立

的改俑, :I- 老會在此介紹- T:同學經宿舍 l刊主1 /﹛1﹛] 二史蛇,希望今各位 ︱品Ht
