• 沒有找到結果。



According to recentyears’Monthly Report on Tourist Hotel Operations in Taiwan, which was published by Tourism Bureau of Taiwan, the percentages of food and beverage revenue and rental revenue are almost equal, even more than the room night revenue. Therefore, the catering services of international tourist hotel have put more efforts searching the fine food to get more revenue, but wish to avoid impacts to the environment. Our model will provide hotels a new direction of purchasing their food materials and managing their kitchen waste by applying TRIZ method.


[1] Hadley, Scott., Management Business Case: Management Accountants are an Integral Part of this Process. Strategic Finance: 2004, 29-34.

[2] Liping Chen, The effects of an integrated supply chain management on customer service, customer value, and firm performance, 2005, Ta-Tung University Thesis, Taiwan.

[3] Wang B.R.,K .SChen, T.L.Fan, TRIZ and its application problem analysis, The 3ird TRIZ Annual Conference of Taiwan TRIZ Association & The 1st TRIZ Conference Across Taiwan Straight, 2008.

[4] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TRIZ [5] http://triz40.com/aff_Principles.htm


日期: 100 年 10 月 9 日


IEEE The 18th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (EI) 是探討工業工程與工程管理領域一個相當正式的國際研討會,每年舉辦一 次,其主要目的是提供所有在產、關、學及軟體開發者一個國際聚會的機會,大家齊聚ㄧ堂彼 此交換構想、分享經驗及心得,並藉由溝通及討論,研擬未來之發展方向。2011 年是第十八 屆,由九月三日至五日共三天,地點選在中國大陸的吉林長春,由吉林大學與天津大學主辦。

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雖然本次研討會的主辦單位(吉林大學與天津大學)未能在會前做很好的溝通與安排,且 與會之國際學者並不多,但是能與多位來自大陸各大學之工業工程學者文化交流,尤其在開放 陸生來台入學的此刻,藉此機會了解大陸各省高中生選校偏好、入學比例、各大學目前之文化 水準、研究生程度及來台就學意願,還是很有收穫!

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計畫編號 NSC 99 - 2221 - E - 216 - 016 -

計畫名稱 服務供應鏈導入綠色管理績效評估、需求管理與最適定價/訂購決策 分析之競合營運模式(I)


姓名 謝玲芬 服務機構

及職稱 中華大學科技管理學系 會議時間 100 年 9 月 3 日至

100 年 9 月 5 日 會議地點 吉林長春,大陸


IEEE The 18th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (EI)

發表論文 題目

Developing Green Supply Chain Management Strategy of Hotel-Centered in Vegetable and Fruit Purchasing and Recycling

前往長白山一賭「天池」的壯觀,一路上坐了8小時的車,到了長白山下,還得換山區內的環 保車到山腰,再換驅動車繞行72個彎,終於到了也目睹長白山,見識到自然天成的天池,深深 感動!但也見識到一部份大陸民眾的不守規矩,硬是要跨越安全護欄,只為更貼近天池留影。

長白山,我終於到了! 開心與天池合影(我在護欄內,有人跨越安全護欄)


大會安排再研討會結束後參觀長春的第一汽車公司,生產的汽車主要是福斯授權生產的汽 車款式,所以在長春的福斯汽車就是國民車。參觀活動車首先廠方代表介紹中國大陸歷任領導 所使用的一汽車款及汽車製造原理,之後分別進入第一汽車公司的兩個廠房參觀汽車生產流程 及生產線,礙於產業機密現場不能拍照,無法留作編列教材之用!







Abstract - The main purpose of this study is developing

green supply chain management strategies of hotel-centered in vegetable and fruit purchasing and recycling. According to our another study, Constructing the Green Supply Chain Model of the International Tourist Hotel in Catering Service, we suggest 12 strategies for hotel industry to develop hotel-centered green supply chain management in this paper.

Key Words - Green Supply Chain Management (GSCM),

International Tourist Hotel, TRIZ, Environmental Issue, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).


Based on our research, “Constructing the Green Supply Chain Model of the International Tourist Hotel in Catering Service”, we developed a new model by applying TRIZ method. This model will help the international tourist hotel to reconsider the environment

impactsfrom traditionalhotel’scatering service and its vegetable and fruit supply chain. The main environmentalissuesin hotel’straditional vegetable and fruit supply chain are its high expending of energy and huge amount of kitchen waste. Point of view from the hotels, lower costs won’t be a main concern in their operation goals, because hotels can earn money back from their services supplying. Yet, with the popularity of green consciousness, government pressure, consumer expectations and the competitive landscape start to make hotels reconsider what their top priority is.

Sustainability seems to be an answer of this question.

There are few studies discussed the vegetable and fruit supply chain of hotels before, also the kitchen waste recycle chain. Our study tries to combine both front vegetable and fruit supply chain and posterior kitchen waste recycling chain together. Discover the

Developing Green Supply Chain Management Strategy of Hotel-Centered in Vegetable and Fruit Purchasing and Recycling

Ling-Feng Hsieh1, Li-Hsin Wang2, Chih-Pin Su3

1Department of Transportation Technology and Logistics Management, Chung Hua University, Hsin-Chu, Taiwan

2Department of Hospitality Management, Chung Hua University, Hsin-Chu, Taiwan

3Department of Technology Management, Chung Hua University, Hsin-Chu, Taiwan

1 2 3

Developing Green Supply Chain Management Strategy of Hotel-Centered in Vegetable and Fruit Purchasing and Recycling

Ling-Feng Hsieh1, Li-Hsin Wang2, Chih-Pin Su3

1Department of Transportation Technology and Logistics Management, Chung Hua University, Hsin-Chu, Taiwan

2Department of Hospitality Management, Chung Hua University, Hsin-Chu, Taiwan

3Department of Technology Management, Chung Hua University, Hsin-Chu, Taiwan

environment issues within these chains and solve them by applying TRIZ method, reconstruct the new model and give hotels exact managing strategies suggestion.


The green supply chain model that we suggest hotels to reconsider is reconstructed by applying TRIZ method. The TRIZ method is a romanized acronym from Russian, and it is well known as the initial of the terms: Teoriya Resheniya Izobretatelskikh Zadatch, the theory of inventor’s problem solving. This theory was developed in 1946 by a Soviet engineer Genrich Altshuller and his co-workers, and the team is still evolving on it. Altshuller had traced the invention process through the patents research; he had concluded innovations into 5 levels (Altshuller, 2000):

Level 1. A simple improvement of a technical system.

Level 2. An invention that includes the resolution of a technical contradiction.

Level 3. An invention containing a resolution of physical contradiction.

Level 4. A new technology is applied which contains a resolution of contradictions with better approach to Ideal Final Result.

Level 5. Discovery of a new phenomena or substances.

Altshuller concluded most innovations had happened in Level 2, an invention including the resolution of a technicalcontradiction;it’sabout 45% of all. And further, Altshuller sorted engineering problems which often occurs on innovation through his patent researches into 39 typical contradictions and discovered a

contradiction matrix. Also, Altshuller generalized 40 principles by patent reviewed.

Actually, TRIZ method provides the tool on formulating problems, analyzing systems and the patents of system evolution, and it widely used on generating the innovative ideas and solutions for the technical problems (Terninko et.al, 1998). The differences to the traditional innovation theory, such as brainstorming, TRIZ method creates an algorithmic approach not only to the invention of new systems, but also the refinement of old system. The basic process of applying TRIZ method can be demonstrated as Fig. 1.

Fig. 1 The TRIZ Process [1]

Technical and physical contradictions are the foundation of TRIZ method. The purpose of formulating the Technical Contradiction is to understand the root of a problem well and discover the accurate solution for the problem faster. If there is no technical or physical contradiction existing in the problem then it is not inventive (or TRIZ) problem. The contradiction applying process can be drawn as Fig 2.

Fig .2 The contradiction applying process in problem solving[1]

TRIZ method often applied in system or engineering technical innovation or products innovation design fields. However, the innovating process of the TRIZ method is very clear and logically, it provides researchers innovation experiences from old studies and researchers. Therefore, more and more recent studies applied TRIZ method in business management, quality management, and service management fields. Mann and Domb(1999) first aimed TRIZ to organizations’ managing and innovating issues. They tried to apply 40 innovation principles into business environment and developed 40 business innovation principles and examples. And further, they reorganized the 31 managing contradictions and matrix which fitted in the business model with their 40 business innovation principles.

Ruchti and Livotov(2001) believed TRIZ method had its own unique thinking process, and developed business and managing problem solving process. Retseptor(2003) applied TRIZ method into Quality Management field

and developed QM innovation principles of TRIZ. Besides, Zhang et al.(2003) performed the service design by applying TRIZ method, and emphasized the importance of service design process systematizing. Our model have used original TRIZ Contradictions Matrix and formed our strategies follow the 40 innovation principles.

III. Strategy Formation

Our last study had demonstrated three dimensions problems inside the vegetable and fruit supply chain and kitchen waste recycling chain:

1. Problems need improving in supply chain in order to reduce food miles, carbon dioxide emissions and energy waste during food supply and kitchen waste recycling logistic.

2. Problems need improving in dealing process, which usually occurs while we change the food supply chain process, therefore, finding safety food supply agents become more wasting time and affecting the reliability of hotels for the customers.

3. Problems need improving in impacting environment.

Actually, in our recent research, we simplified our problems into two basic questions as start point, and then developed two series question groups to solve the problems which may be occurred by the changes we made in the vegetable and fruit supply chain and the kitchen waste recycling chain. In order to solve these question groups with TRIZ method step by step, there are 12 strategies have been formed. There are 8 strategies that we can suggest hotels in the first group of vegetable

and fruit supply chain, which are listed as the following:

Strategy 1 Hotels may develop hotel-centered industry clusters in small area.

Hotels can find the suitable vegetable and fruit suppliers, or ask farmers to plant what they need.

Strategy 2 Electric vehicles will be the best transportation option of logistic between farmers and hotels.

Strategy 3 Hotels can adjust supply chain process by cooperating with farmers of area clusters in order to reduce the energy wasting problem. Also, hotels can enhance chiefs’ environment senses, such as carbon footprint and food miles, that will help hotels to reduce energy waste in their traditional supply chain.

Those concepts will excite chiefs’ passion to create new menu and meals.

Strategy 4 Hotels can develop strategy alliance with farmers by signing agricultural production contract to product what hotels need or special demand. The risk of this alliance relationship can be avoided or reduced by increasing trade frequency and information changing, therefore, time of trading procedure and organization energy expanding can be saved.

Strategy 5 Hotels should be more cautious in supplier selection, using one-time-action to instead of future supplier safety monitoring.

The one-time-action, for example, the agricultural production contract signing, can reduce the trading risk and increase the supply stability.

Strategy 6 The strategy alliance by contract signing between hotels and farmers not only reduce vegetable supply risk, but also enhance

the supply chain accuracy.

Strategy 7 Hotels and farmers can share information through an information changing system. The information, including plant plan and future menu, can be shared via this system.

By this system, hotels demands and farmers’ supply can be worked in coordination, then increase the purchasing system accuracy.

Strategy 8 Hotels can group different planting kinds of farmers, water culture or greenhouse planting, to adjust quantity of supply and avoid risk from natural disaster in theirareaby hotels’demands.

In order to be aimed at the kitchen waste recycling chain, there are another 4 strategies suggesting for hotels:

Strategy 9 Hotels can built up kitchen waste recycle system; also, find the suitable partners in their local area to use those output from this system. In the traditional supply chain, the kitchen waste recycle industry always helps hotelsto dealwith mosthotels’kitchen waste.

We suggest hotels can cooperate with local farmers in supporting kitchen waste to farmers in orderto reduce farmers’compost cost. On the other hand, hotels also can reduce their kitchen waste disposal fee.

Strategy 10 Help kitchen staffs’ to understand kitchen waste recycle sense and environment issue via training courses. Also, review and redesign kitchen layout and environment to change kitchen recycle procedure.

Strategy 11 Divide kitchen waste recycle bin into two and make different colors in order to help kitchen and service staffs easy separate dry/wet kitchen even in rush hours.

Strategy 12 Managing staffs can rise up

kitchen staffs’cognitions of environment issue by kitchen waste information announcement, then follow the standard kitchen waste recycle procedure actively.
