• 沒有找到結果。

The major finding of this study included: (1) the ToeOFF AFO was found to be consistent of the hypotheses, which improved the walking speed, cadence, step length, temporal symmetry, ankle push-off power generation, foot contact patterns, and energy cost; (2) the SAFO provided more improvement on the spatio-temporal parameters more; (3) in subjects of drop foot group, the power flow analysis showed different power delivery pathway on both AFO conditions. The ToeOFF AFO generated greater ankle power, but the transferring power did not bring on forward progression, which resulted in less improvement on spatio-temporal parameters than the SAFO.

Although some of the parameters discussed in this study did not reach the statistical significance, the improvement on the observational gait performance was revealed clinically. The two different configurations of AFOs indeed induced positive improvement clinically on subjects in this study, and the effectiveness was showed differently. For CVA patients, walk with an adequate AFO to compensate the deficit functions is a very important issue in rehabilitation work. Dissimilar configurations of AFOs provide different effectiveness for certain condition of patients. The results of this study supported that the SAFO provided better stability, and the ToeOFF AFO provided better power generation. The generated power could make use for propulsion in more stable patients, but for stabilizing in less stable patients. Accordingly, these

findings in the present study provided as a reference to choose an adequate AFO by considering what’s the majority of the patients need? The propulsion power or the stability is.

The most limited reason that the results did not showed statistically significant was the sample size and the high divergences of the subjects. Besides, the adaptation duration of the ToeOFF AFO and SAFO seemed to be less for subjects participated in this study. Future researches needed to investigate with fully accommodations with AFOs, and the sample size of subjects should be added more as well as the group of subjects should be select more specifically.


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Appendix A



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Appendix B

Modified Ashworth Scale (MAS) and Modified Tardieu Scale (MTS) Score Modified Ashworth Scale (1987) Modified Tardieu Scale (1954) (0) No increase in muscle tone No resistance throughout the course

of the passive movement


No increase in muscle tone,

manifested by a catch and release or by minimal resistance at the end of the range of motion when the affected part(s) is moved in flexion or


Slight resistance throughout the course of passive movement, no clear catch at a precise angle


Slight increase in muscle tone, manifested by a catch, followed by minimal resistance throughout the reminder (less than half) of the ROM (range of movement).

Clear catch at a precise angle, interrupting the passive movement, followed

by release


More marked increase in muscle tone through most of the ROM, but

affected part(s) easily moved.

Fatigable clonus with less than 10 seconds when maintaining the pressure

and appearing at the precise angle

(4) Considerable increase in muscle tone passive, movement difficult.

Unfatigable clonus with more than 10 seconds when maintaining the

pressure and appearing at a precise angle

(5) Part(s) rigid in flexion or extension. Joint is immovable

Manual Muscle Test Scale (1950)

Grade 0 No contractile activity can be felt in the gravity eliminated position.

Grade 1 The muscle/muscles can be palpated while the patient is performing the action in the gravity eliminated position.

Grade 2 Patient has all or partial range of motion in the gravity eliminated position.

Grade 3 Patient can tolerate no resistance but can perform the movement through the full range of motion.

Grade 4 Patient can hold the position against strong to moderate resistance, has full range of motion.

Grade 5 Patient can hold the position against maximum resistance and through complete range of motion.

Brunnstrom stage

stage Upper extremity Lower extremity hand

Ⅰ flaccid flaccid flaccid

Ⅱ Spasticity is developing Spasticity is developing Little or no active finger flexion

(1)placing the hand behind the body

(2)elevation of the arm to a forward-horizontal


(3)pronation-supination, elbow at 90°


1. hip abducted(supine) 2. knee isolated

extended(sitting) 3. knee flexed(sitting) 4. ankle

2. arm-raising forward and overhead

3. pronation-supination, elbow extended


1. knee isolated flexed (standing)

2. ankle dorsiflexed (standing)

Ⅵ Isolated joint movements are now freely performed

Nearly normal All prehensile types under control
