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3.4. Customer Relationships

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 A website is another direct channel that can be under the company’s control. We can use this mean to convey the messages and content created by the institution itself for the

consumption of students.

 At the center, it is imperative to generate leads when people visit the center to ask for information.

 By employing our own channels, we can create a direct relationship with the customer, and also generate higher profit margins. However, you will require more investment to create the infrastructure to deliver your product to the market, and the production to market loop will be slower.

 Additionally, we will leverage from partners and their channels; we will use the platform of schools where students from those institutions can have a special deal when registering in our institution, this way schools can advertise our services without being there. We offer a benefit for the school as for the student.

3.4. Customer Relationships

3.4.1. Reaching customers

 Content Marketing. It is of extreme importance to constantly be issuing content relevant for creating a movement. To transmit the importance of the mandarin language, we will continuously deliver important information related to the language, and specially to convey the message that learning Chinese is easy, learning Chinese will prepare you for the future, learning Chinese will give you a competitive advantage at academic and professional levels.

 Search Engine Optimization. More and more its proven the importance of technology in business. SEO will allow our institution to create a name and keep information relevant to and available online; which is the way we consume media, get information

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and validate purchasing decisions nowadays. The more people are exposed to our institute’s name and brand; and more importantly, share it, the higher our content will rank in search results, which is one of the most effective ways of getting our institution noticed by our customers.

 Email marketing. From content creation and SEO, we can effectively start creating traffic on our web platforms. This traffic can give us access to a rich resource of potential customers. When customers subscribe to receive information and news regarding our services, we will be able to potentially acquire customers without having to invest in an extensive sales force. Ideally, to get those customers who were indecisive about the language.

 Social Media. social media can elevate the recognition of our institution significantly in our target customer segment’s estimation. Social media platforms like Facebook and twitter will provide the institution with an important tool of communication with current and potential customers, these are also a good platform for sharing the content we create.

Other platforms like blogs or YouTube are ideal for creating content that people can access to and generate interest for our services.

All these instances will be supported by analytics and will be adjusted over time, maximizing their impact.

3.4.2. Retaining customers

 Customer success management. Combining the high-quality teaching plans with the capable, we pretend to create an environment in which the customer can aspire to having tangible knowledge, measurable and progressively improved. We have foreseen the possibility of having official certifications in Chinese language proficiency; test like the Test of Chinese as a Foreign Language adjust to the Common European Framework of

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Reference for Languages.

 Showing results. Having satisfied customers who are learning is important for any education institution, however we must create a platform through which our current students can show their progress and learning. We believe is imperative that they participate in our content creation exercises.

 Customer Service. Since we are aiming towards a middle-high and high-end market segments, we understand the importance of providing excellent customer service. This service must reflect the qualities that our customers see in themselves and the expectation they have for the outcome of the courses.

 Continuous and permanent improvement, open communication with our customers.

Addressing the pain points of our customers and resolving problems with our services for them, will translate in retaining them for much longer.

 Discounts and loyalty benefits. Providing discounts for the customers who pay longer periods for their customers will invite them to remain with us longer; more importantly, will incentivize others to do the same to make the best of a discount. Special prices for customers who have been with us longer time or those who have siblings registered with us will also be considered as a good service by the customer.

 Classes with small groups, will improve the quality of the teaching-learning process;

teachers can do their job in a favorable environment and students can receive more attention in their learning. The more time a member of staff –academic or administrative– spends with the customer, getting to know them and therefore providing a level of personalization, the more likely it is to reassure the customer that the company truly knows them and therefore keep pulling them back to the brand.

 Culture activities and communal activities. Getting our customers engaged in the

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learning of the language happens in the classroom; however, we believe that the customers wish to participate in activities that educates them on cultural aspects related to the language. Traditions coming from Taiwan or China can be taught to our students to keep their interest growing for the learning of the language. Likewise, having our foreign teaching staff engaged in Mexican traditions and activities will invite our students to interact in a more casual manner with them and share their own traditions and promote exchange.

 Through our relationship with the Taiwanese representatives in Mexico we will seek for scholarships and possibilities to travel to Taiwan to continue and reinforce their learning experience. These are not only achievable goals for students, but we would be granting these benefits to students with higher level and those who have been part of the institution the longest. This is another effective way to invite our customers to remain with us.

3.4.3. Growing customers

For us to continue to sell to our customers we have some bi-products that can be of interest for our current base of students.

 Private lessons, these are important for students who wish to continue to be invested in the learning progress, they want to improve in a series of skills that their teacher may have detected that needs to be worked on, these will come at a premium price.

 Additional learning material. Additional to the books and in-class materials, we will sell books and media for the students to consume. These are going to maintain the student engaged and serve as a new stream of revenue.

 Summer programs, these summer programs are going to be related to the scholarship programs from the Taiwan Office, their characteristics will depend on the university that

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is hosting the program in Taiwan. The summer programs can signify and aspiration for the students as a medium-term goal in their learning of the language.

 Siblings discount, when siblings or relatives register together there are going to be discounts in place, inviting the impulse of having more people registered at once.

 Referral program, when students bring new students to the institution, they will be granted discounts and benefits for their contribution. It will create interest in students actively participating in the promotion of the institution, in exchange of discounts and benefits.
