• 沒有找到結果。

Although our framework can quickly compute the contingency cube, it needs to rebuild the whole cube to incorporate new data released by FAERS. A better way is to update part of the contingency cube to reflect the source evolution. But the contingency cube is more complicated than OLAP cube, because each cell stores a contingency table and the values of b, c, and d are dependent on the content of other cells. So our first challenging is to develop a new approach to incrementally update the ADR contingency cube efficiently.

Another interesting issue is to find more efficient computing framework. In MapReduce, each intermediate (key, value) pair always has to be written back to disk before sends to the reducers, which incurs lots of I/O overhead and so easy to become the performance bottleneck. Nowadays, more and more computing frameworks have been proposed, like Spark [2] and Flink [1]. They can cache intermediate data in memory for next computing stage, so are more efficient than MapReduce. Furthermore, these frameworks can also be run on Hadoop, which means they have many supports from open source community. Recently, more related applications have been developed on Spark and Flink. Our next step is to redesign our method for contingency cube computation on these new computing frameworks.



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