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Appendix A: The 2009 2nd EBCT

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Appendix B: Word Selection Test


76.limit 112.pressure

77.link 113.primary

78.liquid 114.prince

79.loaf 115.principal

80.lock 116.print

81.ma’am 117.private

82.mad 118.prize

83.major 119.professor

84.male 120.purse

94.neighbor 130.score

95.neither 131.secret

96.novel 132.section

138.shoot 174.textbook

139.shore 175.throat

140.shout 176.through

141.shrimp 177.throw

148.slender 184.tongue

149.slide 185.top

150.slim 186.tower

151.snail 187.trace

152.sneakers 188.trap

153.soap 189.travel

163.straight 199.wrist

164.stream 200.youth

165.strike 201.yummy

166.supper 167.survive 168.swallow

Appendix C: The Pre-and-Post Test

( )1. base

( )16. mass

( )31. stairs

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Appendix D: The Think-aloud Sheet 同學們:


英文單字 記憶思考過程 中文意思

1. base 2. beat 3. branch 4. bucket 5. bundle 6. contact 7. crime 8. drug 9. fault 10. frank 11. grand 12. lack 13. lift 14. limit 15. major 16. mass 17. narrow 18. pan 19. pipe 20. plain

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英文單字 記憶思考過程 中文意思

21. pop 22. pressure 23. primary 24. private 25. rob 26. row 27. section 28. sharp 29. shut 30. sink 31. stairs 32. state 33. strike 34. survive 35. sweep 36. through 37. tip 38. value 39. wild 40. youth

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Appendix E: Interview Questions 學生訪談綱要


1. 你以前大多是使用哪種方式記憶單字?

2. 「背了很快就忘」是許多同學在記憶單字時所遇到的困難,你覺得什麼原因 是對你來說背了就忘的問題所在?


1. 你覺得本學期所學的「語音表義」(字母對我來說有意義了,不同的發音有不 同的意義),對你記憶單字時是有幫助的嗎?

2. 你能發揮想像力,根據「這個音的發音方式及位置」而聯想出這個音及字母 所代表的意義嗎?

3. 你覺得用「語音表義」的方法可以幫助你認得單字(word recognition) 嗎?

4. 你覺得用「語音表義」的方法可以幫助你記憶單字的字音嗎?

5. 你覺得對國中階段記憶單字而言,「語音表義」比「字首字根字尾拆解法」對 你更有幫助嗎?

6. 你喜歡「語音表義教學法」嗎?為什麼呢?

7. 你以後會試著用「語音表義」的方式來記憶單字嗎?

8. 你認為語音表義教學法的優點為何?

9. 你認為語音表義教學法的缺點為何?

10. 你覺得本學期所上的語音表義教學法有沒有任何不清楚的地方?

11. 你認為本學期所上的語音表義教學法是否有需要改進的地方?若有需要改進 的地方,是什麼呢?

Appendix F: Teaching Material

A. b: /b/:發音時緊閉雙唇,氣流完全阻塞突放雙唇壓縮在口腔內的氣流突

8. bl-: /bl-/表:「鼓起、膨脹、起泡、迸發、爆破(expanding, swelling,


bun (n.) _____________ bundle (n.) _____________

base (n./adj) ___________________

pan (n.) ___________________

eg: ‘father’ vs. ‘mother’

‘brother’ vs. ‘sister’

(1) 本義:「大力撞擊(violent percussion)」

eg: ‘crash’ (v.) (東西墜落、猛撞的)琅璫聲;嘩啦聲;(飛機的)墜毀

1. 本義 a:「徒勞無功(wasted or misdirected effort)」

eg: ‘failure’ (n.) 失敗、不成功 ‘fall’ (v.) (政府等)垮台;(城市等)陷落

(2) 引申為:「滑、滑動(sliding movement)」(質地鬆弛之物容易鬆動滑動) eg: ‘sleigh’ (n.) (用馬拖拉的)雪橇 ‘slip’ (v.) 滑溜、滑落(滑行的動作)

6. st-:/st-/ 本義:「穩定性、牢固性、靜態性(fixity, firmness or stillness)、


1. 本義:「空、虛」(∵徒勞無功、白費力氣 wasted or misdirected effort) eg: ‘vase’ (n.) 花瓶 (中間為空的) ‘van’ (n.) 貨車 (中空可裝貨物之車)

Appendix G: The Pre-and-post Test in the Pilot Study Vocabulary Test

Appendix H: The Think-aloud Sheet in the Pilot Study

英文單字 記憶思考過程(如何記得這個單字的意思) 中文意思

Appendix I: Questionnaire in the Pilot Study 字彙教學課後問卷

□ 其他 請說明 ______________________________________________________

★ 以下請根據你的感覺作答,在適合的□中打勾。

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Appendix J: Teaching Material in the Pilot Study

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Appendix K: The Results of the Questionnaire in the Pilot Study

Question Item Subtotal (N=35) percentage

1. memorizing words by rote

(letter-by-letter) 13 37.14%

Question Item Subtotal (N=35) percentage

1. unable to spell out words 12 34.29%

2. unable to connect word form

with its meaning 14 40% Note: * SS= Instruction of sound symbolism

** 1= strongly agree, 2= agree, 3= disagree, 4= strongly disagree

Appendix L: A Sample of the Interview Transcription

Interview (12/29/2009) with Student A (HG, S1)


Note: 1. Student A was in the High group.

2. HG= High Group

Appendix M: Schmitt’s Taxonomy of Vocabulary Learning Strategy

Strategies for the discovery of a new word’s meaning