• 沒有找到結果。

5. Conclusion

5.3. Limitation

Our work is subject to a number of limitations as follows.

1) The results of our research were based on cross-sectional data. However, it should

be longitudinal study to examine technological factors and social factors in

different time periods and make comparisons. Thus, the results and conclusion

could provide more marketing strategies to marketing managers.

2) This study asked internet users as respondents to answer an online survey. Thus,

the sample may not match the profile of the population because the sample was


3) A Taiwan-based sample was adopted in this study and might not be generalized to

users in other cultures or countries.

4) The research model of this study has investigated the respondents’ self-reported

behavior patterns. Therefore, social desirable and bias may occur.


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Questionnaire (English Version)

Relative Advantage

1. A motion-sensitive game consoles’ remote controller makes it an ideal Video game.

2. Motion-sensitive game consoles are enjoyable to replay

3. The advantages of using motion-sensitive game consoles will outweigh the disadvantages

4. Overall, I find using motion-sensitive game consoles to be more advantageous than other game consoles.


5. Using motion-sensitive game consoles are compatible with all aspects of my needs on entertainment 6. Using motion-sensitive game consoles are completely compatible with my current entertainment situation.

7. I think that using motion-sensitive game consoles fit well with the way I like to play(I’d like to play)


8. Using motion-sensitive game consoles improve my image within my group

9. People in my group who use motion-sensitive game consoles have more prestige than those who do not.

10. People in my group who use motion-sensitive game consoles are trendy.

Ease of Use

11. The interface of motion-sensitive game consoles is clear and understandable.

12. It would be easy for me to become skillful at operating motion-sensitive game consoles 13. It will be easy to learn how to operate motion-sensitive game consoles

14. Overall, I believe that motion-sensitive game consoles are easy to operate when I play.


15. I have seen what others do playing their motion-sensitive game consoles 16. Motion-sensitive game consoles are very visible in my group.

17. In my group, one hears others talking about buying a motion-sensitive game console 18. It is easy for me to observe others playing motion-sensitive game consoles in my group.


19. I've had a great deal of opportunity to try various motion-sensitive game consoles’ games 20. I know where I can go to satisfactorily try out various games of motion-sensitive game consoles.

21. Motion-sensitive game consoles are available to me to adequately test run various games

22. Before deciding whether to buy any motion-sensitive game consoles’ game, I was able to properly try them out.

23. I was permitted to use motion-sensitive game consoles on a trial basis long enough to see what it could do

Normative Social Influence

24. I rarely purchase the latest motion-sensitive game consoles until I am sure my friends approve of them.

25. It is important that others like the motion-sensitive game console I buy.

26. When buying motion-sensitive game consoles, I generally purchase those brands that I think others will approve of.

27. I like to know what brands of motion-sensitive game consoles make good impression on others.

28. If I want to be like someone, I often try to buy the same brands of motion-sensitive game consoles that they buy.

29. If other people can see me using motion-sensitive game consoles, I often purchase the brand they expect me to buy.

30. I often identify with other people by purchasing the same motion-sensitive game consoles they purchase.

31. I achieve a sense of belonging by purchasing the same motion-sensitive game console that others purchase.

Informational Social Influence

32. To make sure I buy the right brand of motion-sensitive game consoles, I often observe what others are buying and using.

33. If I have little experience with motion-sensitive game consoles I often ask my friends about the product 34. I often consult other people to help choose the best alternative available from all motion-sensitive game


35. I frequently gather information from friends or family about motion-sensitive game consoles before I buy.

Perceived Risk

36. Financial risk

I think that is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 that the purchase of a motion-sensitive game console would lead to a Financial Risk for me because of such things as its poor warranty, high maintenance costs, and/or high monthly payments.

(Improbable …………. Probable)

As far as I’m concerned, if this Financial Risk happened to me, it would be 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 (Unimportant ………….


37. Social risk

I think that is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 that the purchase of a motion-sensitive game console would lead to a Social Risk for me because my friends and relatives would think less highly of me.(Improbable …………. Probable)

As far as I’m concerned, if this Social Risk happened to me, it would be 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 (Unimportant ………….


38. Performance risk

I think that is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 that the purchase of a motion-sensitive game console would lead to a Performance Risk for me because it would run extremely poorly. (Improbable …………. Probable)

As far as I’m concerned, if this Performance Risk happened to me, it would be 1 2 3 4 5 6 7(Unimportant …………. Important)

39. Psychological risk

I think that is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 that the purchase of a motion-sensitive game console would lead to a Psychological Risk for me because it would not fit in well with my self-image or self-concept(i.e. the way I think about myself).

(Improbable …………. Probable)

As far as I’m concerned, if this Psychological Risk happened to me, it would be 1 2 3 4 5 6 7(Unimportant …………. Important)

40. Physical risk

I think that is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 that the purchase of a motion-sensitive game console would lead to a Physical Risk for me because it would not be very safe or would become unsafe.(Improbable …………. Probable)

As far as I’m concerned, if this Physical Risk happened to me, it would be 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 (Unimportant …………. Important)

Use Intention

41. I intend to play motion-sensitive game consoles in the near future

42. I intend to play motion-sensitive game consoles to fit well with all aspects of my needs on entertainment in the near future.

43. I intend to increase motion-sensitive game consoles playing frequency in the near future.


44. In general, I am among the last in my circle of friends to buy (know or play) a motion-sensitive game console when it appears.*

45. If I heard that a motion-sensitive game console was available in the store, I would be interested enough to buy it.

46. Compared to my friends I own little information about a motion-sensitive game console.*

47. I will buy a motion-sensitive game console, even if I haven’t heard it yet.

48. In general, I am the last in my circle of friends to know the names of motion-sensitive game consoles.*

49. I know about motion-sensitive game consoles before other people do.

Questionnaire (Chinese Version)

Normative Social Influence


44. 在我的朋友圈中,我是屬於考慮較久才會購買體感式主機的人

45. 如果我知道體感式主機已經開始販售了,我就會有購買意願

46. 相較於我的親友,我對體感式主機的資訊了解不多

47. 當我第一次(看到)聽到體感式主機的時候,我就會有購買意願

48. 在我的朋友圈中,我是屬於比較慢才聽過體感式主機的人

49. 在我的親友知道體感式主機之前,我對它已經有一定的了解
