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Chapter 3 Methodology

3.1 Research Design

We conducted the experimental method, which is a subcategory in quantitative research to design our research. We used the online questionnaire tool - “Typeform”

in virtual lab to invite the users who have experiences in using social networks sites to attend the survey. We disseminated the online questionnaire to social network

platform such us Facebook, Mobile 01 and BBS. The collecting period was from March to April and we planed to collect the 400 samples. After collecting the sample, we adopt the two steps structural equation modeling approach to verify the

relationships among the constructs. All details are in Table 2.

This objective of study is to describe a better understanding of what factors potentially raise resonance while participating in social-network activities and whether resonance among customers affects their intention to buy. The conceptual framework of this study is based on the use and gratification theory. We separately use content construct, the social-relation construct, and the self-presentation construct to develop the framework in which to explore customer resonance and purchase intention. The framework is examined in Figure 2.

Figure 2. Constructs definition and research framework

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Table 2. Research design

Dimensions Research design

How Adapting the experimental method research in virtual lab to disseminate the online questionnaire on SNSs.

Who Targeting the users who have experiences in using SNSs.

Where Social network sites such as Facebook, Mobile 01 and BBS.

When March 2014 to April 2014.

Analysis Method The two steps structural equation modeling approach.

3.2 Research variables

Customer-behavior resonance of sharing and replying on social networks is the phenomenon we want to discuss in our research. In our research model, we further explore three constructs that result in customer resonance: content, social relation and self-presentation. Content is divided into utilitarian and hedonic value. Social relation is composed of social ties, homophily, trust, normative influence, and interpersonal influence. Self-presentation is individuals’ impressions that they want to convey to others. Lastly, we will discuss customer purchase intention, which is a form of customer pre-purchase satisfaction on a social network platform. Each research variable and its definition are listed in Table. 3

Table 3. Research Variables and Definitions Research Variables Description

Resonance Interactions between individual and a post on SNSs.

Content gratification Utilitarian and hedonic.

Social-relation gratification Ties, homophily, trust, normative influence, interpersonal influence.

Self-presentation gratification Self-presentation.

Purchase intention Pre-purchase satisfaction.

3.3 Data collection

We will focus on two social media platforms that provide user-generated content in which customer can discuss new products or recommendations for product

categories. The social network platforms we selected not only have user-generated

content but also comprise of many user behaviors such as like, reply of share on the platforms. We will then separately offer four kinds of questionnaires for each social network platform to customers. For each questionnaire, we will provide one type of user-generated content such as product reviews to other users who are engaged in social network platforms to browse and ask them to answer questions on the questionnaire. We assumed to collect a total of 400 questionnaires.

Out of 20 social networks platforms we selected Mobile 01 and Facebook, which all have same commonalities. First, these websites are mostly composed of

user-generated content and individuals can post content anytime. Second, there are many user behaviors such as like, reply of share on the platforms. People can follower other users, make friends, reply to or share messages. Moreover, Mobile 01 is the largest platform for Chinese people to refer to product reviews. Facebook is the largest social network site platform with people sharing different kinds of products or services in the world for people to browse the product or service information. All details are shown in Table 4.

Table 4. Data Collection of Different Social Network Platforms Social network

platforms Descriptions Sources

Mobile 01 A social network platform that contains different kinds of product information.

http://www.mobi le01.com/


A social network contains fanpage with people sharing different kinds of products.

Users can find information about products or services by browsing fanpage.

http://www.face book.com/

Questionnaires are developed to evaluate the relationships among different kinds of gratifications, customer resonance toward user-generated content, and purchase intention. For the constructs of our framework, data will be collected by online survey questionnaires according to different kinds of social network platforms and customers.

The questions in the questionnaire would include five constructs. The first three are related to gratification that comprises content, social relation, and self-presentation on a social network. The next is concerned with customer-resonance behavior and the last is concerned with intention to buy on social networks.

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3.4 Measurement

We use multi-item scales to test the constructs in our model according to

collected data from different social network platforms. Each construct is designed by adapting existing scales and modified to accommodate the research construct. The measurement of informational and hedonic value of content gratification is adapted from the scale from Jahnand Kunz (2012). The hedonic scales were also based on those designed by Babin et al. (1994). For tie strength, homophily, trust, interpersonal influence we adapted from the social-relation conceptual model via the social network from Chuand Kim (2011). Self-presentation gratification scales were based on the social-value component of customer-value framework from Jahnand Kunz (2012).

Customer-resonance scales were based on Chiu et al. (2006) and this study. The measurement of purchase intention is based on the scale from Lu et al. (2010). The constructs contain several observable indicators that represent some questions on the questionnaire (see Appendix for questionnaire). All survey items are evaluated by five-point interval scales, ranging from 1 (strong disagree) to 5 (strong agree). The objectives of this study are to empirically test the hypothesized relationship between factors and resonance and resonance and purchase intention.

3.5 Data Analysis

A two-step approach was employed to analyze the data (Andersonand Gerbing 1988). In the first phase, confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) would be performed to access the goodness of fit, composite reliability, and construct validity of the

measurement model. Confirmatory factor analysis will be conducted to verify the validity and estimate the competence of the measurement model. The goodness-of-fit statistic of the proposed model will show how reasonably the model fits the data. In the second phase of the analysis, we will test the proposed hypotheses by using a structural equation model with a maximum- likelihood method to test the relationship among constructs. All constructs are estimated by SPSS 17.0 and SmartPLS.

The measures were pretested by online questionnaire with 36 graduate students, and they showed a high reliability expect for homophily in the analysis. The results of reliability are shown in Table 5. In order to meet the recommended significant level of Cronbach’s α test, homophily is social relation must add one more questions to satisfy the lowest level of items in each factor for customer answering questionnaire.

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Table 5. Results of Pretest

Research Variables Items Cronbach’s α

Content Gratification Utilitarian Value 4 0.858

Hedonic Value 4 0.877

Social Relation Gratification Social Tie 3 0.845

Homophily 2 0.698

Trust 3 0.936

Normative Influence 3 0.746 Informational Influence 3 0.883 Self-presentation Gratification Self-presentation 4 0.753

Resonance Resonance 3 0.801

Purchase Intention Purchase Intention 3 0.842
