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在文檔中 2014 環境統計 (頁 30-39)

Explanatory notes


Environmental Statistics cover areas in relation to the environment including weather, air, waste, water, waste water treatment, etc.

Sources of data

Data were derived from statistical projects of the Statistics and Census Service, as well as information provided by other government departments and institutions.

Weather observations, air quality, concentration of air pollutants

- Meteorological and Geophysical Bureau

Tropical cyclone - Security Forces Coordination Office Air pollution complaints - Environmental Protection Bureau Potable water statistics - Marine and Water Bureau Water quality of distribution

network, potable water and swimming pools

- Laboratory of the Civic and Municipal Affairs Bureau

Water quality of beaches - Laboratory of the Health Bureau

Waste - Environmental Protection Bureau, Macao Waste Systems Company Limited, Marine and Water Bureau, Civic and Municipal Affairs Bureau

Recyclables, activities on environmental


- Environmental Protection Bureau, Civic and Municipal Affairs Bureau

Noise Complaints - Environmental Protection Bureau, Civic and Municipal Affairs Bureau, Public Security Police Force, Macau Government Tourist Office

Flora, fauna - Civic and Municipal Affairs Bureau Total land area, lane length

of public roads, length of coastline

- Cartography and Cadastre Bureau


Acid rain - Acid rain is defined as rain with the pH below 5.6. It is mainly caused by burning of fossil fuels (e.g. coal, petroleum, etc.), which releases sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides. Acid rain lowers the pH of lake water and soil, posing threat to animals and plants; it is also corrosive to buildings and other substances, damaging ancient monuments and human civilizations.

The pH table of rain

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14


acidic alkaline

Ph 5.6

“pure”rain acid rain

Air quality index - A reference indicator of air quality. The air quality index is based on the concentrations of air pollutants (including carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, sulphur dioxide, ozone and respirable suspended particulates) measured every 24 hours by the monitoring stations;

concentration is then converted to a value between 0 and 500 to indicate the pollution condition of the air.

Good Moderate Bad Very

Poor Severe Harmful 0-50 51-100 101-200 201-300 301-400 401-500

Carbon monoxide (CO) - Carbon monoxide is a colourless, tasteless and odourless gas produced by incomplete combustion of carbon. Carbon monoxide prevents oxygen from binding to the haemoglobin, reducing the oxygen carrying capacity of the blood, and affecting the health of human.

Fine suspended - Particles of less than 2.5 micrometres in diameter suspended in air, particulates (PM2.5) which occur in nature or are generated by human activities. Inhaled

particles penetrate deep into the lungs and cause symptoms like discomfort, short of breath, cough, etc. to the respiratory system.

The maximum standard value is 75 µg/m3 per day.

Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) - Nitrogen dioxide is a gas with a pungent and irritating odour, which comes mainly from vehicle exhausts and burning of industrial fuel.

Under sunlight, nitrogen dioxide forms ozone, which is the major cause of photochemical smog and main source of acid rain.

Ozone - Ozone is a pungent gas formed by a chemical reaction of ultraviolet ray of the sun and compounds of nitrogen oxides. It is a major component of photochemical smog, which seriously affects human respiratory system.

Estatísticas do Ambiente 2014 Environmental Statistics 2014

環境統計 二零一四年


Respirable suspended - Particles of less than 10 micrometres in diameter suspended in air, particulates (PM10) which occur in nature or are generated by human activities. Inhaled particles penetrate deep into the lungs and cause symptoms like discomfort, short of breath, cough, etc. to the respiratory system.

The maximum standard value is 150 µg/m3 per day.

Recyclable waste - The reuse of waste materials or the transformation of potentially polluted wastes to usable resources.

Sulphur dioxide (SO2) - Sulphur dioxide is a colourless gas. It is mainly produced by combustion of mineral fuels and comes from vehicle exhausts. SO2

reacts with water to form sulphurous acid, a main substance that causes acid rain.

Tropical cyclones - Massive hot and humid air formed in low latitude areas, which often moves in spiral directions and affects the weather of the surrounding area. Internationally, severity of cyclones is classified by the maximum wind speed near its center, as follows.

Tropical cyclones Speed (km/hour)

1. Tropical depression 62

2. Tropical storm 63-88

3. Severe tropical storm 89-117

4. Typhoon ≧118

Symbols and others

- Absolute value equals zero

.. Not applicable

~ No figure provided

r Revised figures

% Percentage

‰ Per mille

‘000 Thousand

‘000 MOP Thousand Macao Pataca

ºC Degree Celsius

h Hour

kg Kilogram

km Kilometre

km2 Square kilometre

mm Milimetre

m2 Square metre

m3 Cubic metre

mg/l Milligram/litre

µg/l Microgram/litre

µg/m3 Microgram/cubic metre

µS/cm Micro Siemen/centimetre

Nº/No. Number

NTU Nephelometric turbidity unit

Pt/Co scale Platinum-cobalt scale mgN/l Milligrams nitrogen per litre

E East

S South

W West

N North

Rounding of figures

Due to rounding, total may not correspond to the sum of partial figures.

Estatísticas do Ambiente 2014 Environmental Statistics 2014

環境統計 二零一四年


統計表 Quadros Tables

1 氣象資料 ... 37 Elementos climatológicos

Weather observations

2 熱帶氣旋 ... 38 Tempestades tropicais

Tropical cyclone

3 空氣質量 ... 39 Qualidade do ar

Air quality

4 空氣污染物濃度 ... 40 Concentração de poluentes do ar

Concentration of air pollutants

5 有關空氣的投訴 ... 41 Reclamações sobre a poluição do ar

Air pollution complaints

6 食水統計 ... 42 Estatísticas da água potável captada

Potable water

7 水質 ... 43 Qualidade da água potável

Quality of potable water

8 污水處理 ... 44 Resíduos líquidos tratados

Waste water treated

9 廢料收集及處理 ... 46 Resíduos recolhidos e tratados

Waste collected and treated

10 資源回收 ... 48 Recolha de materiais recicláveis


11 環境保護/教育活動 ... 48 Actividades de protecção/educação ambiental

Activities on environmental protection/education

12 噪音投訴 ... 49 Reclamações sobre poluição sonora

Noise complaints

13 其他環境資料 ... 50 Outras informações do ambiente

Other environmental information


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2012 2013 2014 氣溫 (攝氏度)

Temperatura do ar (°C) Air temperature (°C)

絕對最高 Máxima absoluta Absolute maximum

36.1 (7/21)

34.4 (7/13)

36.1 (8/1) 平均

Média Mean

22.3 22.4 22.7

絕對最低 Mínima absoluta Absolute minimum

5.0 (1/25)

7.1 (1/5)

4.8 (2/12)

相對濕度 (%) Humidade relativa (%) Relative humidity (%)

平均 Média Mean

80 81 81

絕對最低 Mínima absoluta Absolute minimum

27 (9/17, 10/11)

21 (3/8)

26 (1/22)

日照時間 (小時) Duração da insolação (h) Duration of sunshine (h)

1 545 1 724 1 871

降雨 Precipitação Rainfall

總雨量 (毫米) Total (mm)

1 556 2 565 1 584

最高日降雨量 (毫米) Máxima diária (mm) Daily maximum (mm)

143 (7/24)

321 (5/22)

155 (5/9) 降雨日數

Dias com precipitação (Nº) Days with rain (No.)

165 143 135

Vento Wind


Direcção predominante Prevailing direction

東 E

北 N

北 N 平均風速 (公里/小時)

Velocidade média (km/h) Mean speed (km/h)

13.2 11.8 10.7

最高陣風 (公里/小時) Rajada máxima (km/h) Maximum gust (km/h)

100.0 76.0 96.0

1 氣象資料


註:極值日期 (月/日)

Nota: Data dos valores extremos (mês/dia) Note: Date of occurrence of extreme value (month/day)

2 熱帶氣旋


2012 2013 2014

熱帶氣旋 (個)

Tempestades tropicais (Nº) Tropical cyclone (No.)

5 7 3

最高陣風速度 (公里/小時) Rajada máxima (km/h) Maximum gust (km/h)

151.9 103.3 123.8


Sinal hasteado mais elevado Highest signal hoisted

9 8 8


Nome das tempestades de sinal hasteado mais elevado Name of cyclone with highest signal hoisted




造成影響 (宗) Efeitos negativos (Nº) Negative effects (case)

243 54 115

死傷 (人) Vítimas (pessoas) Casualties (person)

3 - 7

樹木倒塌 Queda de árvores Fallen trees

65 8 32


Queda de tabuletas/andaimes

Fallen advertisement boards/scaffolding

131 27 50

水浸 Inundações Floods

10 - 3

其他 Outros Others

34 19 23

Estatísticas do Ambiente 2014 Environmental Statistics 2014

環境統計 二零一四年


路邊 (水坑尾) Berma da rua (Rua do Campo)

Roadside (Rua do Compo)

高密度 住宅區(北區) Alta densidade

habitacional (Zona Norte) High density residential area (Northern District)

氹仔高密度 住宅區 (中央公園) Alta densidade

habitacional (Parque Central da

Taipa) High density residential area

(Taipa Central Park)

氹仔一般性 (大潭山) Ambiente na Taipa

(Taipa Grande) Ambient in Taipa

(Big Taipa Hill)

路環一般性 a (聯生工業邨) Ambiente em Coloane a (Parque Industrial

da Concórdia) Ambient in

Coloane a (Concordia Industrial Park)

監測總日數 Dias observados Days monitored

365 365 359 364 161

「良好 」日數 Dias com ar de “Boa”


Days with “Good” air quality

134 163 171 168 133

「普通 」日數

Dias com ar de qualidade


Days with “Moderate” air quality

178 172 154 167 24

「不良 」 日數

Dias com ar de qualidade


Days with “Poor” air quality

52 30 34 29 4

「非常不良 」日數 Dias com ar de qualidade

“Muito insalubre”

Days with “Very Poor” air quality

1 - - -

-全年最高指數 Índice máximo anual Highest index of the year

221 187 175 159 143

發生月份 No mês de In the month of

1 1 1 1 1


在文檔中 2014 環境統計 (頁 30-39)
