• 沒有找到結果。


Number of Employees員工數目



樓宇裝修、大型設備及設備系統 每年5%

Building improvements, major equipment and services systems 5% per annum

傢具及設備 每年20% - 25%

Fixtures and equipment 20% - 25% per annum

The above items of property, plant and equipment are depreciated on a straight-line basis at the following rates per annum:

大學校舍座落於西貢約六十公頃之土地,由香港特別行政區政府(「香港特區政府」)按名義租金批出,為期五十八年 , 至2047年6月30日止。校園樓宇按直線法依照每年2%計算折舊。

The University campus is situated on approximately 60 hectares of land in Sai Kung under lease from the Government of The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region ("HKSAR") at a nominal rent for 58 years through 30 June 2047.

The campus buildings are depreciated on a straight-line basis at 2% per annum.

深圳市政府按名義租金批予集團其中一間附屬公司 ─ 港科大研究開發(深圳)有限公司一幅位於深圳約七千四百三十七平 方米之土地作為興建產學研基地之用,為期五十年,至2057年6月28日止。該等樓宇按餘下租約年期計算折舊。

A piece of land situated at Shenzhen of approximately 7,437 square metres was granted at a nominal amount to HKUST R&D Corporation (Shenzhen) Limited, a subsidiary of the Group, by the Shenzhen Municipal Government for the construction of an Industry-Education-Research base for 50 years through 28 June 2057. The respective building is depreciated over the remaining lease term.

在2012年12月21日,香港特區政府按名義租金及以370:150之比例批予大學及香港浸會大學(「浸大」)一幅位於將軍澳約 三千四百九十平方米之土地作為興建一座合辦學生宿舍之用,為期五十年,至2062年12月20日止。根據兩位受批者於 2015年4月23日所簽下的撤銷合同中,浸大退出該項合建項目,以及雙方同意以無代價轉讓及分配由浸大所持有該土地的 所有權利、產權及權益給大學。大學於以上提及的合同簽訂日起已被視作為獨自擁有該項物業之所有權益。

On 21 December 2012, a piece of land situated in Tseung Kwan O of approximately 3,490 square metres was granted to the University and The Hong Kong Baptist University ("BU") in the proportion of 370:150 by the Government of the HKSAR at a nominal rent for the construction of a joint student hostel for a lease of 50 years up to 20 December 2062.

Pursuant to the Cancellation Agreement signed by both grantees on 23 April 2015, BU withdrew from the joint construction project and both parties agreed the transfer and assignment of all the rights, title and interest in the land held by BU to the University at nil consideration. The University is deemed to have possession of the sole ownership of the property with effect from the aforesaid agreement signing date.

電腦軟件 Computer Software


$million 成本


2017年6月30日之結餘 109

Balance as at 30 June 2017

添置 9


撇減 (7)


2018年6月30日之結餘 111

Balance as at 30 June 2018

添置 7


撇減 (5)


2019年6月30日之結餘 113

Balance as at 30 June 2019



2017年6月30日之結餘 103

Balance as at 30 June 2017

本年度計算之攤銷 4

Amortisation charge for the year

撇減 (7)


2018年6月30日之結餘 100

Balance as at 30 June 2018

本年度計算之攤銷 5

Amortisation charge for the year

撇減 (5)


2019年6月30日之結餘 100

Balance as at 30 June 2019



2019年6月30日之結餘 13

Balance as at 30 June 2019

2018年6月30日之結餘 11

Balance as at 30 June 2018


Computer software is amortised on a straight-line basis at 25% per annum.

7. 無形資產


8. 財務資產

Bond securities, at amortised cost

上市 42 2

Maturing within one year

於一年後到期 105 65

Maturing after one year

106 69


Presentation in the consolidated balance sheet

持至到期日財務資產 0 69

Held-to-Maturity Financial Assets

按攤銷成本計量之財務資產 106 0

Financial Assets at Amortised cost

106 69

股權證券 Equity securities

非上市股權證券,按成本 0 1

Unlisted Equity Securities, at cost

上市股權證券,按市值 22 24

Listed Equity Securities, at market value

非上市股權證券,按公平值(附註a) 455 396

Unlisted Equity Securities, at fair value (Note a)

477 421


Presentation in the consolidated balance sheet

可供出售財務資產 0 421

Available-for-Sale Financial Assets

按公平價值透過其他全面收益列賬之財務資產 477 0

Financial Assets at Fair Value through Other Comprehensive income

477 421


Financial Assets at Fair Value through Income and Expenditure (Note b)

上市股權基金 948 1,260

Listed Equity Funds

非上市股權基金 1,757 1,654

Unlisted Equity Funds

上市固定收入基金 471 332

Listed Fixed Income Funds

非上市固定收入基金 1,654 1,550

Unlisted Fixed Income Funds

非上市實物基金 512 525

Unlisted Real Assets Funds

非上市對沖基金 988 901

Unlisted Hedge Funds

非上市私人投資 263 132

Unlisted Private Investments

6,593 6,354


Financial assets are mainly denominated in Hong Kong dollars and United States dollars.

附註 : Notes : (a)

(b) 公平值乃參考活躍市場或基金經理報價釐定。

The fair value was determined by reference to bid prices quoted in active markets or by fund managers.


The fair value was determined by reference to the recent transaction price, and financial models based on discounted cash flow analysis, earning multiple and net equity method with reference to market valuations for similar entities.

9. 於聯營公司權益


2019 2018

百萬元 百萬元

$million $million

所佔淨資產 83 83

Share of net assets


業務 Proportion of

架構模式 Nominal Value of

Form of Issued Capital 持有股本類別

Business Held by Class of 主要活動

Structure the Group Shares Held Principal Activity

深港產學研基地 事業法人單位 33% 注入資本

2019 2018

百萬元 百萬元

$million $million 下文載列為聯營公司之財務資料概要:

The summarised financial information in respect of the associate is set out below:

總資產 267 272

Group's share of net assets of the associate

營業額 47 43


本年度溢利 13 15

Profit for the year

集團年內應佔聯營公司業績 4 5

Group's share of results of the associate for the year 對賬至所佔資產淨值:

Reconciliation to share of net assets:

於7月1日 252 237

As at 1 July

本年度溢利 13 15

Profit for the year

基金分配 (5) (5)

Funds distributed

匯兌差額 (10) 5

Exchange translation difference

於6月30日 250 252

As at 30 June

集團應佔% 33% 33%

Group's share in %

集團應佔聯營公司之資產淨值 83 83

Group's share of net assets of the associate

To engage in technology commercialization, incubation of start-up companies, provision of research and technology management services, training of senior management and administrative executives.

People's Republic of 註冊及營運地點

10. 應收賬款及預付款項
