• 沒有找到結果。

Chapter 5 Conclusions

5.4 Suggestions for future research

This study investigates the correlations of parental attitudes towards English learning with children’s English academic performance, parental expectation of children’s English education and parental involvement in children’s English education. Three open-ended questions focus on parents’ difficulties in learning English and parents’ need for resources or assistance when they assist with children’s English work. Based on the results of this study and the implement process of the study, future researchers can take the following suggestions into account.

First, the data are only collected from 300 parents of six graders in Wanhua District and Da'an District. Due to the limited sample population and the discrepancy of parents’

socio-economic status, the findings in this study may not be generalized to all the parents in Taipei City or in Taiwan. Therefore, for future studies, it is recommended that a much larger scale of samples should be collected and the parents of each grade in both urban and rural areas should be recruited. Furthermore, parents’ socio-economic status should be taken into consideration as well. The comparison and contrast between different grades and different areas can be conducted as well.

Second, the study mainly focuses on the quantitative analysis although three open-ended questions are provided to elicit parents’ opinions about their difficulties in learning English and the assistance or resources that they need in the process of instructing children in their English schoolwork. The response from parents are limited and far from detailed. For further studies, qualitative analysis such as interviews with parents about their English learning experience can be conducted in studies in order to elicit more detailed

information of parents’ English learning experience.

Third, in this study, parental attitudes, parental expectation and parental involvement are measured based on parents’ own perceptions. However, for most studies such as Chen (2004), Chen (2007) and Liu (2006), parental expectation and parental involvement are measured from the perspective of children or learners. There may be a gap between parents’

and children’s perception of parental attitudes, parental expectation and parental involvement, and the gap may make differences in the discussion of parental influence and children’s achievement. For future studies, the comparison and contrast of parents’ and children’s perception of parental attitudes, parental expectation, parental involvement or other parental influences can be investigated in order to better comprehend the discrepancies between parents’ and children’s perceptions or the transmission of parental values to children.

Fourth, for parental attitudes towards English, only affective domains are discussed.

The study proves the positive correlation of the affective domain in parental attitudes towards English learning on children’s English achievement, parental expectation and parental

involvement. However, parents’ cognitive or behavioral domain in their attitudes towards English learning, the transmission of parental learning experience to children, and the comparison and contrast of parents’ current and past English learning experience can all be included and investigated when discussing parents’ English learning experience. For future studies, these factors in parents’ English learning experience should be enrolled and


Finally, the factors that may influence parental attitudes towards English learning can be examined as well such as parents’ education level, occupation level, socio-economic status or family learning background. For future studies, other factors can be taken into account in the analysis of parental attitudes towards English learning.


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Appendix A


7. 就您個人經驗,您認為那些課外英語教材對於學習英語較有幫助 (可複選)

8. 會要求孩子多接觸英語文化與社會 1 2 3 4 5

Appendix B

Questionnaire in Pilot Study (English Version)


Dear participant:

This is a study investigating parents’ English learning experience and parents’

involvement in and expectation of children’s’ English education. The questionnaire should be filled out by the parent who is mainly responsible for children’s English learning. Please answer the questions based on your personal experience in English learning. Your answers and personal data are used for academic purpose only.

Advisor: Dr. Vincent W. Chang and Dr. Chien-ju Chang Graduate: Yi-fei Wu

Department of English, NTNU Part One: Background Information

1. Sex:

(1)□ Male (2)□ Female 2. Educational Level:

(1)□ Not graduated from elementary school (2)□ Graduated from elementary school (3)□ Graduated from junior high school (4)□ Graduated from senior high school

(5)□ Graduated from college

(6)□ Graduated from graduate program (master or Ph.D. degree) 3. Age:

(1)□ 20 to 29 years old (2)□ 30 to 39 years old (3)□ 40 to 49 years old (4)□ 50 to 59 years old (5)□ older than 60 years old

4. What is your relationship with the learner?

(1)□ Father and son (2)□ Father and daughter (3)□ Mother and son (4)□ Mother and daughter (5)□ Other relationship

5. Are you the main instructor of children’s schoolwork?

(1)□ Yes (2)□ No

Part Two: English Learning Experience

Strongly disagree = 1, disagree = 2, no comment = 3, agree = 4, strongly agree = 5

1. Memorizing English vocabulary is difficult.

11. Learning English brings me the sense of achievement.

12. Learning English brings me the sense of frustration.

13. In whole, I like to learn English.

14. If not for the needs for job, I would not like to learn English.

15. My current learning experience in English is good.

16. My past learning experience in English is good.

17. I talk about my past English learning experience with my child.

18. I strengthen my child’s English ability based on my past English learning difficulties.

19. I instruct my child’s English based on my past English learning experience.

20. I help my child to learn English with my past effective learning methods.

1 2 3 4 5 Part Three: Personal English Learning Experience

1. When is your starting time of learning English?

(1)□ Before elementary school (2)□ Elementary school (3)□ Junior High school (4)□ Senior high school (5)□ College (6)□ after having a job (7)□ Others ____________________

2. What is your total time of receiving formal English education?

(1)□ Within 3 years (2)□ 3 to 6 years (3)□ 6 to 10 years (4)□ more than 10 years 3. What is your total time of receiving formal and informal English education?

(1)□ Within 3 years (2)□ 3 to 6 years (3)□ 6 to 10 years (4)□ more than 10 years 4. Do you have English learning experience in the past three years?

(1)□ No

(2)□ Yes. The method is _______________________________

5. What are the English learning methods that you have ever used?

(1)□ Read English magazines, newspaper or novels.

(2)□ Watch English programs, movies or sitcoms.

(3)□ Watch English teaching programs or videos.

(4)□ Listen to English radio, news or programs. (5)□ Look up dictionary frequently.

(6)□ Memorize more English vocabulary. (7)□ Read aloud.

(8)□ Make foreign pen pals. (9)□ Others _____________

6. What are the English learning materials that you have ever used?

(1)□ English magazines (2)□ English newspaper (3)□ English novels (4)□ English movies, sitcoms or programs

(5)□ English teaching programs or videos (6)□ English radio programs (7)□ Reference books (8)□ Others __________________

7. Which English learning materials are more effective to you?

(1)□ English magazines (2)□ English newspaper (3)□ English novels (4)□ English movies, sitcoms or programs

(5)□ English teaching programs or videos (6)□ English radio programs (7)□ Reference books (8)□ Others __________________

8. What are your accesses for informal English education?

(1)□ Attend English cram schools or institutions.

(2)□ Read English magazines, newspaper or novels.

(3)□ Listen to English radio or programs.

(4)□ Others_________________

9. Have you ever taken any English tests?

(1)□ No.

(2)□ Yes. The name of the test: _______________________

The Level of the test:_____________________________

10. What are the differences between your English learning difficulties and your child’s English learning difficulties?



11. According to your past or current English learning experience, what is the most difficult part of English learning for you? Or what assistances or resources do you need most during the process of learning English? (Or write down your personal English learning experience)



Part Four: Parental Expectation of Children’s English education

Never = 1, seldom = 2, sometimes = 3, usually = 4, always = 5

1. I ask my child to perform well in English in the class. 1 2 3 4 5

2. I ask my child to join English related contests.

3. I care about my child’s English scores.

4. I ask my child to use English in their daily life.

5. I ask my child to seize more English learning opportunities after class.

6. I tell my child that English is a very important subject.

7. I tell my child the importance of English in their future.

8. I ask my child to contact know more about English culture and customs.

9. I ask my child to perform better in English than in other subjects.

10. I hope my child can go to English countries to study. Part Five: Parental Involvement in Children’s English education

Never = 1, seldom = 2, sometimes = 3, usually = 4, always = 5

1. I accompany my child to study English.

2. I transmit English learning skills or methods to my child.

3. I help my child to preview or review English lessons.

4. I pay extra fee for my child’s English learning.

5. I ask whether my child have learning difficulties in English automatically.

6. I do my best to solve my child’s difficulties in English learning.

7. I like to communicate with my child’s English teachers.

8. I check my child’s English schoolwork automatically.

9. I talk about what happened in class with my child. 15. When instructing or facilitating children’s English schoolwork, what kinds of difficulties

have you encountered and what resources or assistance do you need?



16. What are the factors that decide whether you get involved in children’s English schoolwork or not?



This is the end of the questionnaire.

Thanks for your cooperation

Appendix C

Questionnaire in Formal Study


4. 與學童之關係:

3. 對於孩子的英文成績非常在意 1 2 3 4 5

Appendix D

Questionnaire in Formal Study (English Version)


Dear participant:

This is a study investigating parents’ English learning experience and parents’

involvement in and expectation of children’s’ English education. The questionnaire should be filled out by the parent who is mainly responsible for children’s English learning. Please answer the questions based on your personal experience in English learning. Your answers and personal data are used for academic purpose only.

Advisor: Dr. Vincent W. Chang and Dr. Chien-ju Chang Graduate: Yi-fei Wu (4)□ Graduated from senior high school

(5)□ Graduated from college

(6)□ Graduated from graduate program (master or Ph.D. degree) 3. Occupation:

4. What is your relationship with the learner?

(1)□ Father and son (2)□ Father and daughter (3)□ Mother and son (4)□ Mother and daughter (5)□ Other relationship

5. When is your starting time of learning English

(1)□ Before elementary school (2)□ Elementary school (3)□ Junior High school (4)□ Senior high school (5)□ College (6)□ after having a job (7)□ Others ____________________

6. What is your total time of receiving formal English education

(1)□ Within 3 years (2)□ 3 to 6 years (3)□ 6 to 10 years (4)□ more than 10 years 14. According to your past or current English learning experience, what is the most difficult

part of English learning for you? Or what assistances or resources do you need most during the process of learning English?



Part Three: Parental Expectation of Children’s English education

Never =1, seldom= 2, sometimes=3, usually=4, always=5

1. I ask my child to perform well in English in the class.

2. I ask my child to join English related contests.

3. I care about my child’s English scores.

4. I ask my child to use English in their daily life.

5. I ask my child to seize more English learning opportunities after class.

6. I tell my child that English is a very important subject.

7. I tell my child the importance of English in their future.

8. I ask my child to know more about English culture and customs.

9. I ask my child to perform better in English than in other subjects.

10. I hope my child can go to English countries to study.

10. I hope my child can go to English countries to study.