• 沒有找到結果。

The Path Integrals on Riemann Surfaces

Consider the line with the slope m = tan α, 0 < α ≤ π, and for any cuts on this line, we define that

z = {

re, θ∈ [α − 2π, α) iff z is in the sheet-I, re, θ∈ [α, α + 2π) iff z is in the sheet-II.

To begin with, we consider the values in sheet-I and sheet-II.

If we have f (z) =



(z− zk), and by using the polar form,

n k=1

(z− zk) = re1 = re2,

where θ1 and θ2 is in sheet-I and sheet-II respectively, so that θ2 = θ1+ 2π.


f (z)|(II) = reiθ22




reiθ12 e


reiθ12 =−f(z)|(I),

where f (z)|(I) and f (z)|(II) denotes the value of f (z) with z in sheet-I and sheet-II re-spectively.

Notice that the difference of argument between z in these two sheets is 2π, so the difference of argument between f (z)|(I) and f (z)|(II) is π, and this implies f (z)|(II) =


If we could find the equivalent straight paths of a, b-cycles, it would be easier to calculate the integrals over these cycles.

First, consider an a-cycle is shown in Fig. 2.24.

Fig. 2.24 Cycle a crossover a cut

We consider these paths are shown in Fig. 2.25.

Fig. 2.25 Cycle a = a1∪ a2 crossover a cut and some auxiliary paths

Notice that, by the Cauchy’s integral theorem,

Again, by the Cauchy integral theorem, { ∫

Next, consider a b-cycle is shown in Fig. 2.27.

Fig. 2.27 Cycle b crossover two cuts

We consider these paths are shown in Fig. 2.28.

Fig. 2.28 Cycle b = b1∪ b2 crossover two cuts and some auxiliary paths


And, by the Cauchy integral theorem, { ∫

Proposition 2.1. If f (z) =



(z− zk), where zk are distinct, and the paths r1 and r2 are shown in Fig. 2.30.

Fig. 2.30 Paths r1 and r2 for Pro. 2.1

f (z)dz, and this implies

Proposition 2.2. If f (z) =



(z− zk), where zk are distinct, and the paths r1 and r2 are shown in Fig. 2.31.

Fig. 2.31 Paths r1 and r2 for Pro. 2.2 Prove that


f (z)dz =


f (z)dz.


We know that f (z)|(II) =−f(z)|(I), so


f (z)dz =−


f (z)dz, where r2 is a straight path from zs+1 to zs in the sheet-I



f (z)dz.

Sometimes the integrals over some complicated paths are difficult to compute, so we want to use a computational software program, MATHEMATICA, to obtain the correct value of the integrals over cycles.

Now, we have known the difference between the value in sheet-I and sheet-II of theory, so we just discuss the difference between the value in the sheet-I of theory and in MATHEMATICA, then we can modify the computation in MATHEMATICA such that the numerical result we modified equals the numerical result of theory.

Notice that θ ∈ (−π, π] of re in MATHEMATICA, so if ϕ /∈ (−π, π] of re, MATHEMATICA will change re into re, such that re = re and θ ∈ (−π, π].

Lemma 2.1. If z is in the sheet-I for a cut whose one of the end points is zk. If this cut on the line with the slope m = tan α, 0 < α≤ π,

√z− zk|(I) =

{ √z− zk|M AT HEM AT ICA if arg(z− zk)∈ (−π, α),


z− zk|M AT HEM AT ICA if arg(z− zk)∈ [α − 2π, −π].


Let z be in the sheet-I, and using polar form, z− zk = re for some θ ∈ [α − 2π, α).

Notice that MATHEMATICA will change re into re such that re = re, and θ ∈ (−π, π].

Case 1: arg(z− zk) = θ∈ (−π, α) Notice that θ ∈ (−π, α) ⊆ (−π, π].

Then θ = θ, and this implies

z− zk|(I) =

z− zk|M AT HEM AT ICA. Case 2: arg(z− zk) = θ∈ [α − 2π, −π]

Notice that θ ∈ [α − 2π, −π] " (−π, π], so θ = θ + 2π∈ [α, π] ⊂ (−π, π].


√z− zk|(I) =

reiθ2, and

√z− zk|M AT HEM AT ICA = reiθ∗2

= reiθ+2π2

=−√ reiθ2, and this implies

z− zk|(I) =−√

z− zk|M AT HEM AT ICA.

Definition 2.1.

Define that {

f (z)M AT H.= f (z) means f (z)|(I) = f (z)|M AT HEM AT ICA, f (z)M AT H.= −f(z) means f(z)|(I) =−f(z)|M AT HEM AT ICA.

Next, we will discuss some situations of the domain such that the value in MATH-EMATICA must be modified.

Case 1:

If z is in the sheet-I, and we consider a cut on the line l1(z) = 0 with the slope m = tan α, 0 < α < π, from z1 to∞, where z1 = x1+ iy1 ∈ C (Fig. 2.32).

Fig. 2.32 Cut with end point z1

1. z ∈ + edge of this cut:

arg(z− z1) = α− 2π implies z− z1


= −√

z− z1. 2. z ∈ − edge of this cut:

arg(z− z1) = α implies z− z1



z− z1. 3. z is not on this cut:

Fig. 2.33 Modified-Value Domain for the cut with end point z1

Case 2:

We consider a cut on the line l1(z) = 0 with the slope m = tan α, 0 < α < π.

Assume without loss of generality that end points of the cut are z1 and z2, ∀zk = xk+ iyk∈ C (Fig. 2.34).

Fig. 2.34 Cut with end points z1 and z2

Now, we want to find the domain where z belongs, such that

√z− z1

√z− z2


= −√ z− z1

√z− z2.

1. z ∈ + edge of this cut:

By the Lemma 2.1, we know that

√z− zk


= −√

z− zk if arg(z− zk)∈ [α − 2π, −π], and in this sense, consider


Fig. 2.35 S+, S, T+, and T Then,

z− z1

√z− z2


= −√

z− z1

√z− z2 if and only if z ∈ S+ ∩ T or z ∈ S∩ T+.

Notice that S+∩ T = ∅, so z− z1

√z− z2


= −√

z− z1

√z− z2 if and only if z ∈ S∩ T+.

Therefore, if z ∈ S∩ T+ ={z|z ∈ C, l1(z) < 0, y1 ≤ lm(z) < y2}, shown in Fig.


√z− z1

√z− z2


= −√ z− z1

√z− z2.

Fig. 2.36 S∩ T+

Case 3:

We consider a horizontal cut from z1 to ∞.

Since the cut is horizontal, its slope m = tan α = 0, and this implies α = π (Fig.


Fig. 2.37 Cut with end point z1

1. z ∈ + edge of this cut:

arg(z− z1) = −π implies z− z1


= −√

z− z1. 2. z ∈ − edge of this cut:

arg(z− z1) = π implies z− z1



z− z1. 3. z is not in this cut:

Since z is not in this cut, arg(z− z1)∈ (−π, π).

By the Lemma 2.1, we know that

√z− z1



z− z1.

Case 4:

We consider a horizontal cut with end points are z1 and z2.

Since the cut is horizontal, its slope m = tan α = 0, and this implies α = π (Fig.

3. z is not on this cut:

Suppose that z− z1

√z− z2


= −√ z− z1

√z− z2. By the Lemma 2.1, we know that

√z− zk


= −√

z− zk if arg(z− zk) =−π, and in this sense,

z− z1

√z− z2


= −√

z− z1

√z− z2 if and only if only one of arg(z− z1) and arg(z− z2) is −π.

Then, z is on the cut, but it is a contradiction.

So, for a horizontal cut with end points are z1 and z2,

√z− z1

√z− z2


= −√ z− z1

√z− z2 if z ∈ + edge of this cut.

For these different cases, we know that where z belongs for different cuts such that the value in MATHEMATICA must be modified.

Now, the followings are some examples.

First, we consider f (z) =

7 k=1

(z− zk), where













z1 =−1 − i, z2 =−1 + 3i, z3 = 0,

z4 = 2, z5 = 3− 2i, z6 = 9

2 + i, and z7 = 6− i.

And, we shown the branch cuts in Fg. 2.39.

Fig. 2.39 Branch points and the branch cuts of f (z)

Example 2.6. Evaluate

c1f (z)dz, c1 is shown in Fig. 2.40.


Fig. 2.40 Cycle c1 and the equivalent paths c11 and c12

We have f (z) =

By the discussion in this subsection, we have

√z− z1

By the Proposition 2.1,

Example 2.7. Evaluate

c2f (z)dz, c2 is shown in Fig. 2.41.


Fig. 2.41 Cycle c2 and the equivalent paths c21, c22, c23, and c24

We consider the equivalent paths, say c2 = c21∪ c22∪ c23∪ c24, shown in Fig. 2.41, such that c2 ≈ c2, where

c21 is the straight path on slant cut from z6 to 7

2− i on the + edge of sheet-I, c22 is the straight path on slant cut from 7

2 − i to z6 on the − edge of sheet-I, c23 is the straight path on slant cut from 7

2 − i to z5 on the + edge of sheet-I, and c24 is the straight path on slant cut from z5 to 7

2− i on the − edge of sheet-I.

1. If z ∈ c21:

By the discussion in this subsection, we have

By the Proposition 2.1,

By the discussion in this subsection, we have

√z− z1

4. If z ∈ c24:

By the Proposition 2.1,

Example 2.8. Evaluate

d1f (z)dz, d1 is shown in Fig. 2.42.


We consider the equivalent paths, say d1 = d11∪ d12∪ d13∪ d14, shown in Fig. 2.42, such that d1 ≈ d1, where

d11 is the straight path from z5 to 5

2 − i in the sheet-I, d12 is the straight path from 5

2− i to z5 in the sheet-II, d13 is the straight path from 5

2− i to z4 in the sheet-I, and

By the discussion in this subsection, we have

√z− z1

By the Proposition 2.2,

3. If z ∈ d13:

By the discussion in this subsection, we have

√z− z1

By the Proposition 2.2,

Example 2.9. Evaluate

d2f (z)dz, d2 is shown in Fig. 2.43.


Fig. 2.43 Cycle d2 and the equivalent paths d1, c12, d21, d22, d23, d24, and d25

We consider the equivalent paths, say d2 = d1 ∪ c12∪ d21∪ d22 ∪ d23∪ d24∪ d25, shown in Fig. 2.43, such that d2 ≈ d2, where

d21 is the straight path on horizontal cut from z3 to z4 on the + edge of sheet-II, d22 is the straight path from z3 to1

3 + i in the sheet-I, d23 is the straight path from 1

3 + i to z3 in the sheet-II, d24 is the straight path from 1

3 + i to z2 in the sheet-I, and d25 is the straight path from z2 to1

3 + i in the sheet-II.

To start with, we know that d21 is also the straight path on horizontal cut from z3 to z4 on the− edge of sheet-I, that is, d21=−c12, and this implies


f (z)dz +


f (z)dz = 0

1. If z ∈ d22:

By the discussion in this subsection, we have

√z− z1

By the Proposition 2.2,

By the discussion in this subsection, we have

By the Proposition 2.2,

The Pendulum Motion on Riemann
