• 沒有找到結果。

A new approach based on self-consistency algorithm

3. Inference under Right Censoring

3.5 A new approach based on self-consistency algorithm

Portnoy (2003) proposed a method which utilizes the idea of self-consistency based on the Kaplan-Meier estimator. Specifically the Kaplan-Meier based on data {(Xi, ) (i i1,..., )}n can be written as

Alternatively it also satisfies:


S X . Now we return to the quantile problem. Setting ( ) 1


Figure 3.1 shows the idea of (3.7). For example, there is a single sample with 10 observations at X 1, 2,...,10 with X 5, 7,8 be censored points. functions but the former is decreasing, while the latter is increasing. Notice that the value of empirical quantile  is equivalent to 1 minus the corresponding value of

Y( )

This implies that a censored observation with i 0 will contribute the weight ( ) 1

 . Note that the proposed algorithm is based on minimizing

 

The idea proposed by Portnoy (2003) is novel, but it is hard to understand the details.

Later work by Neocleous, Branden and Portnoy (2006) and Portnoy and Lin (2010) provide more explanations on the self-consistency algorithm.


Chapter 4 Conclusion

In this thesis, we review literature on quantile regression models. Comparing with other regression models, the quantile regression model is more flexible without imposing strong assumption on the error distribution and can well explain the heterogeneity data. Unlike the squared loss function in the least squared regression method, the loss function for estimating the quantile is not differentiable. Accordingly many nice analytic approaches such as the Newton-Raphson method are no longer applicable. Nevertheless, without censoring, some nice analytic properties such as monotonicity and convexity for the estimating and objective functions still exist. They are also helpful for developing numerical algorithms to implement the estimation.

When censoring is present, how to modify the estimation procedures and how the modifications affect the analytical properties are the main issues. The thesis is just an initial review for these useful but complicated methods. Thorough investigation to understand these methods better deserve future study.


Figure 1.1: Definition of  th quantile.

Figure 1.2: Quantiles for two samples.

Figure 2.1: The loss function.


Figure 2.2: Plots of Un( ) and Rn( ) .


Figure 2.3: Objective and estimating functions based on LSE with

~ (1 2)

Zi Bernoulli .


Figure 2.4: Plots of ( ( ), ( ),    Rn) and ( ( ), ( ),    Un( )k ) (k 1, 2) based on quantile loss function with  0.3. Here Zi ~Bernoulli(1 2).


Figure 2.5: Plots of ( ( ), ( ),    Rn) and ( ( ), ( ),    Un( )k ) (k 1, 2) based on quantile loss function with  0.3. Here Zi ~Uniform(0,1).


~ (1 2)

Zi Bernoulli :

~ (0,1)

Zi Uniform :

Figure 2.6: Plots of Un(2)( ( ))  based on Zi ~Bernoulli(1 2) and

~ (0,1)

Zi Uniform .


Step 1: initial point Step 2:

Step 3: Step 4:


Step 5: Stpr 6:

Final step:

Figure 2.7: Intermediate steps for the simulated annealing algorithm.


Figure 3.1: Idea of equation (3.7)

Figure 3.2: The survival function SY( )y and the empirical quantile  .



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A.1 Data generation from a quantile regression model

Usually to generate Y which has the distributional function FY(.), we can monotone increasing function of t , it follows that

Pr(YiZiT ( ) |Zi)Pr(ZiT(Ui)ZiT ( ))Pr(Ui ) . 

The next question is how to set the distribution of Y as a target one. Consider a i simple two-sample case with Zi ~Bernoulli p( ). Notice that


Now let n500, p1 2 and c0 1.5. Then we generate data from a quantile regression model by the following codes of R:

n=500; b=1.5; Z=sample(c(0,1), size=n, replace=TRUE);

u=runif(n,0,1); btau=b*u; Y=array(0,n);

Y=qnorm(u)+Z*btau windows(); plot(Z, Y);

Figure A.1 shows that the two groups of generated data (Z Yi, )i (i1,...,n) with the

control group (Zi 0) and the treatment group (Zi 1). To check the normality for the control group, we can examine Figure A.2 which provides a histogram plot and the Q-Q plot which show that Y Zi| i 0 is exactly generated from a standard normal distribution. Notice that

Pr(Yi  ( ) ( ) |Zi  1) F1( ( )   ( ))

which means that the slope  ( )F11( ) F01( ) is the quantile treatment effect, illustrated in Figure A.3. To check the accuracy of generated data, we plot the empirical quantile functions and the corresponding theory functions of F and 0 F 1 in Figure A.4. Note that the empirical functions of F and 0 F are 1

From Figure A.4, we see that both empirical quantile functions match the corresponding theory functions very well. That is, our data generation from a quantile regression model is correct.

Because the objective function is not differentiable, to evaluate the estimation procedures, we make 2-D plots of

 ( ),Rn( ( )) 


 ( ),Rn( ( )) 

for given

0.3, 0.5, 0.7

  by minimizing the objective function


Figure A.5, we see that there is a minimum for the parabolic curve in each panel and these are the estimators of ( )  and ( )  which are marked by blue points. It shows that the estimators of  ( ) and ( )  are close to the true values  0( ) and

0( )

  which are marked red dash lines. Figure A.5 is made by the following codes of R:

alpha=seq(-5, 5, by=0.1); beta=seq(-5, 8, by=0.1);

for(k in 2:4) {

tau=0.1*(2*k-1); windows(); par(mfrow=c(1,2));

Ra=array(0, length(alpha)); Rb=array(0, length(beta)) amax=-2^31; amin=2^31; bmax=amax; bmin=amin;

for(i in 1:length(alpha)) { for(j in 1:n) {


Ra[i]=Ra[i]+(Y[j]-alpha[i]-Z[j]*b*tau)*(tau-1) else Ra[i]=Ra[i]+(Y[j]-alpha[i]-Z[j]*b*tau)*tau } if(Ra[i]> amax) amax=Ra[i]

if(Ra[i]< amin) {

amin=Ra[i]; ax=alpha[i] } }

plot(alpha, Ra, type='l', xlab=expression(alpha(tau)),

ylab=expression(paste('R(',alpha(tau),')'))) title(main=substitute(list(tau)==list(a), list(a=tau)))

abline(v=qnorm(tau), col='red', lty=2)

text(qnorm(tau)+0.3, amax-200, substitute(list(alpha[0](tau))==list(a),


list(a=round(qnorm(tau),3))), col='red') points(ax, amin, col='blue')

text(ax, amin+350, substitute(list(hat(alpha)(tau))==list(a),

list(a=round(ax,3))), col='blue') for(i in 1:length(beta)) {

for(j in 1:n) {


Rb[i]=Rb[i]+(Y[j]-qnorm(tau)-Z[j]*beta[i])*(tau-1) else Rb[i]=Rb[i]+(Y[j]-qnorm(tau)-Z[j]*beta[i])*tau }

if(Rb[i]> bmax) bmax=Rb[i]

if(Rb[i]< bmin) {

bmin=Rb[i]; bx=beta[i]; } }

plot(beta, Rb, type='l', xlab=expression(beta(tau)),

ylab=expression(paste('R(',beta(tau),')'))) title(main=substitute(list(tau)==list(a), list(a=tau)))

abline(v=b*tau, col='red', lty=2)

text(b*tau+0.2, bmax-100, substitute(list(beta[0](tau))==list(a),

list(a=round(b*tau,3))),col='red') points(bx, bmin,col='blue')

text(bx, bmin+250, substitute(list(hat(beta)(tau))==list(a),

list(a=round(bx,3))), col='blue') } Now we do the data generation from a quantile regression model 100 times. The mean, variance and biased for the estimators of  ( ) and ( )  are presented in the following:

Estimator of  ( ) Estimator of  ( )

Mean Variance Bias Mean Variance Bias

 0.1 -1.269 0.0076 0.0125 0.164 0.019 0.014

 0.3 -0.524 0.0052 4 10 4 0.46 0.01777 0.01

 0.5 2 10 16 0.0056 2 10 16 0.747 0.01625 -0.003

 0.7 0.511 0.0056 -0.0134 1.038 0.01874 -0.012

 0.9 1.273 0.0066 -0.0085 1.331 0.01953 -0.019


From the table, we see that the values of bias are very small for all  .That is, the average values of the estimators are closed to the true value  0( ) and  0( ). A.2 How to generate the 3-D plots

To show how to generate the 3-D plots in R, we take Figure 2.4, Figure 2.5 and Figure 2.6 as examples. Note that the functions for 3-D plots are in package scatterplot3d and rgl for R. If you are the first time to make a 3-D plot, you must install them and load them into R. The code of 3-D plot for R is as follow:

###Loading these packages

library(scatterplot3d) ; library(rgl);

### Data generate n=10; b=3.5; tau=0.3;

Z=sample(c(0,1),size=n,replace=TRUE); u=runif(n,0,1); btau=b*u;

Y=array(0,n); Y=qnorm(u)+Z*btau;

### Range of alpha and beta

alpha=seq(-4, 4, by=0.5); beta=seq(-4, 4, by=0.5)

a=array(rep(c(alpha), each=length(beta)), length(alpha)*length(beta)) b=array(rep(c(beta), times=length(alpha)), length(alpha)*length(beta))

### 3-D plot for R(.)

R=array(0, length(alpha)*length(beta)) ; NR=array(0, length(alpha)*length(beta));

for(k in 1: length(alpha)) { for(s in 1: length(beta)) {


NR[k+(s-1)*length(alpha)]=R[s+(k-1)*length(beta)] } } col=rainbow(length(alpha)*length(beta))


plot3d(a, b, R, pch=176, col=col, type='p', xlab="alpha", ylab="beta",

zlab=" R(tau)", smooth=FALSE) surface3d(alpha, beta, NR, col=col, alpha=0.65)

### 3-D plot for U1(.)

U1=array(0, length(alpha)*length(beta)); NU1=array(0, length(alpha)*length(beta)) for(k in 1: length(alpha)) {

for(s in 1: length(beta)) { NU1[k+(s-1)*length(alpha)]=U1[s+(k-1)*length(beta)] }}

col=rainbow(length(alpha)*length(beta)) open3d()

plot3d(a, b, U1, pch=176, col=col, type= 'p',xlab="alpha", ylab="beta",

zlab=" U1(tau)") surface3d(alpha, beta, NU1, col=col, alpha=0.65)

### 3-D plot for U2(.)

U2=array(0, length(alpha)*length(beta)); NU2=array(0, length(alpha)*length(beta)) for(k in 1: length(alpha)) {

for(s in 1: length(beta)) { NU2[k+(s-1)*length(alpha)]=U2[s+(k-1)*length(beta)] } }


col=rainbow(length(alpha)*length(beta)) open3d()

plot3d(a, b, U2, pch=176, col=col, type= 'p',xlab="alpha", ylab="beta",

zlab=" U2(tau)") surface3d(alpha, beta, NU2, col=col, alpha=0.65)

### 3-D plot for ||U(.)||

U=array(0, length(alpha)*length(beta)); NU=array(0, length(alpha)*length(beta)) for(k in 1: length(alpha)) {

for(s in 1: length(beta)) { for(j in 1: n) {

if(Y[j]< alpha[k]+beta[s]*Z[j])

U[s+(k-1)*length(beta)]=U[s+(k-1)*length(beta)]+Z[j]*(tau-1)/n else

U[s+(k-1)*length(beta)]=U[s+(k-1)*length(beta)]+Z[j]*tau/n } U[s+(k-1)*length(beta)]=abs(U[s+(k-1)*length(beta)])

NU[k+(s-1)*length(alpha)]=U[s+(k-1)*length(beta)] } } col=rainbow(length(alpha)*length(beta))


plot3d(a, b, U, col=col, type= 'p',xlab="alpha", ylab="beta", zlab=" U(tau)") surface3d(alpha, beta, NU, col=col, alpha=0.65)


Figure A.1: Scatterplot of generated data from a quantile regression model.

Figure A.2: Histogram plot and Q-Q plot of Y Zi | i 0.

Figure A.3: Plot of the quantile treatment effect  ( ).


Figure A.4: Plots of the empirical quantile functions and the corresponding theory functions of F and 0 F . 1

Figure A.5: Plots of

 ( ),Rn( ( )) 


 ( ),Rn( ( )) 

