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Appendix: Paracompactness

在文檔中 1.2. Classifying Vector Bundles (頁 39-44)


roof: A preliminary observation is that X is normal. To show this, it suffices to find a map f : X

I with f (A)= 0 and f (B) = 1 for any two disjoint closed sets A and B . Such an f can be constructed inductively over the Xi’s, using normality of the Xi’s.

For the induction step one has f defined on the closed set Xi∪(A∩Xi+1)∪(B ∩Xi+1) and one extends over Xi+1 by Tietze’s theorem.

To prove that X is paracompact, let an open cover {Uα} be given. Since Xi is compact Hausdorff, there is a finite partition of unity ij} on Xi subordinate to {Uα∩ Xi}. Using normality of X , extend each ϕij to a map ϕij: X

I with support in the same Uα. Let σi =P

jϕij. This sum is 1 on Xi, so if we normalize each ϕij by dividing it by max{1/2, σi}, we get new maps ϕij with σi = 1 in a neighborhood Vi of Xi. Let ψij= max{0, ϕijP

k<iσk}. Since 0 ≤ ψij ≤ ϕij, the collection ij} is subordinate to {Uα}. In Vi all ψkj’s with k > i are zero, so each point of X has a neighborhood in which only finitely many ψij’s are nonzero. For each x∈ X there is a ψij with ψij(x) > 0 , since if ϕij(x) > 0 and i is minimal with respect to this condition, then ψij(x)= ϕij(x) . Thus when we normalize the collection ij} by dividing byP

i,jψij we obtain a partition of unity on X subordinate to{Uα}. tu


roposition 1.20. Every CW complex is paracompact.


roof: Given an open cover {Uα} of a CW complex X , suppose inductively that we have a partition of unity β} on Xn subordinate to the cover {Uα∩ Xn}. For a cell eγn+1 with characteristic map Φγ: Dn+1

X , βΦγ} is a partition of unity on Sn= ∂Dn+1. Since Snis compact, only finitely many of these compositions ϕβΦγcan be nonzero, for fixed γ . We extend these functions ϕβΦγ over Dn+1 by the formula ρε(r )ϕβΦγ(x) using ‘spherical coordinates’ (r , x)∈ I×Sn on Dn+1, where ρε: I


is 0 on [0, 1−ε] and 1 on [1−ε/2, 1]. If ε= εγis chosen small enough, these extended functions ρεϕβΦγ will be subordinate to the cover −1γ (Uα)}. Let {ψγj} be a finite partition of unity on Dn+1subordinate to−1γ (Uα)}. Then {ρεϕβΦγ, (1−ρεγj} is a partition of unity on Dn+1subordinate to−1γ (Uα)}. This partition of unity extends the partition of unity βΦγ} on Snand induces an extension of β} to a partition of unity defined on Xn∪en+1γ and subordinate to{Uα}. Doing this for all (n+1) cells eγn+1 gives a partition of unity on Xn+1. The local finiteness condition continues to hold since near a point in Xn only the extensions of the ϕβ’s in the original partition of unity on Xn are nonzero, while in a cell en+1γ the only other functions that can be nonzero are the ones coming from ψγj’s. After we make such extensions for all n , we obtain a partition of unity defined on all of X and subordinate to {Uα}. tu

Here is a technical fact about paracompact spaces that is occasionally useful:


emma 1.21. Given an open cover {Uα} of the paracompact space X , there is a countable open cover {Vk} such that each Vk is a disjoint union of open sets each contained in some Uα, and there is a partition of unity k} with ϕk supported in Vk.


roof: Letβ} be a partition of unity subordinate to {Uα}. For each finite set S of functions ϕβ let VS be the subset of X where all the ϕβ’s in S are strictly greater than all the ϕβ’s not in S . Since only finitely many ϕβ’s are nonzero near any x∈ X , VS is defined by finitely many inequalities among ϕβ’s near x , so VS is open. Also, VS is contained in some Uα, namely, any Uα containing the support of any ϕβ∈ S , since ϕβ∈ S implies ϕβ> 0 on VS. Let Vk be the union of all the open sets VS such that S has k elements. This is clearly a disjoint union. The collection {Vk} is a cover of X since if x∈ X then x ∈ VS where S= { ϕβ| ϕβ(x) > 0}.

For the second statement, let γ} be a partition of unity subordinate to the cover {Vk}, and let ϕk be the sum of those ϕγ’s supported in Vk but not in Vj for

j < k . tu


1. Show that the projection Vn(Rk)

Gn(Rk) is a fiber bundle with fiber O(n) by showing that it is the orthonormal n frame bundle associated to the vector bundle En(Rk)

Gn(Rk) .

bundles over a fixed base space X into the addition operation in a group. There are two slightly different ways of doing this, producing, in the case of complex vector bundles, groups K(X) and eK(X) with K(X)≈ eK(X)⊕Z, and for real vector bundles, groups KO(X) and gKO(X) with KO(X)≈ gKO(X)⊕Z. Complex K–theory turns out to be somewhat simpler than real K–theory, so we concentrate on this case in the present chapter.

Computing eK(X) even for simple spaces X requires some work. The case X= Sn is the Bott Periodicity Theorem, which gives isomorphisms eK(Sn)≈ eK(Sn+2) for all n , and more generally eK(X) ≈ eK(S2X) where S2X is the double suspension of X . This is a deep theorem, so it is not surprising that it has applications of real substance.

We give some of these in§2.3, notably:

(1) The nonexistence of division algebras over R in dimensions other than 1, 2, 4, and 8 , the dimensions of the real and complex numbers, quaternions, and Cayley octonions.

(2) The nonparallelizability of spheres other than S1, S3, and S7.

The proof of the Bott Periodicity Theorem divides into two parts. The first is the hard technical work, proving an isomorphism K(X×S2)≈ K(X)⊗K(S2) . This takes about ten pages, forming the bulk of§2.1. The other half is easier, being more formal in nature, and this is contained in§2.2 where the cohomological aspects of K(X) are the main focus.

2.1. The Functor K(X)

Since we shall be dealing exclusively with complex vector bundles in this chapter, let us take ‘vector bundle’ to mean ‘complex vector bundle’ unless otherwise specified.

Base spaces will always be assumed to be compact Hausdorff, so that the results of the preceding chapter which have this hypothesis will be available to us.

For the purposes of K–theory it is convenient to take a slightly broader defini-tion of ‘vector bundle’ which allows the fibers of a vector bundle p : E

X to be vec-tor spaces of different dimensions. We still assume local trivializations of the form h : p−1(U)

U×Cn, so the dimensions of fibers must be locally constant over X , but if X is disconnected the dimensions of fibers need not be globally constant.

Consider vector bundles over a fixed base space X . The trivial n dimensional vector bundle we write as εn

X . Define two vector bundles E1 and E2 over X to be stably isomorphic, written E1sE2, if E1⊕εn≈ E2⊕εn for some n . In a similar vein we set E1∼ E2 if E1εm≈ E2εn for some m and n . It is easy to see that both s and ∼ are equivalence relations. On equivalence classes of either sort the operation of direct sum is well-defined, commutative, and associative. A zero element is the class of ε0.


roposition 2.1. If X is compact Hausdorff, then the set of∼ equivalence classes of vector bundles over X forms an abelian group with respect to ⊕.

This group is called eK(X) .


roof: Only the existence of inverses needs to be shown, which we do by showing that for each vector bundle π : E

X there is a bundle E0

X such that E⊕E0≈ εm for some m . If all the fibers of E have the same dimension, this is Proposition 1.4.

In the general case let Xi = { x ∈ X || dim π−1(x)= i }. These Xi’s are disjoint open sets in X , hence are finite in number by compactness. By adding to E a bundle which over each Xi is a trivial bundle of suitable dimension we can produce a bundle whose

fibers all have the same dimension. tu

For the direct sum operation ons equivalence classes, only the zero element, the class of ε0, can have an inverse since E⊕E0sε0 implies E⊕E0⊕εn≈ εn for some n , which can only happen if E and E0 are 0 dimensional. However, even though inverses do not exist, we do have the cancellation property that E1E2 s E1E3

implies E2 s E3 over a compact base space X , since we can add to both sides of E1⊕E2sE1⊕E3 a bundle E01 such that E1⊕E01≈ εn for some n .

Just as the positive rational numbers are constructed from the positive integers by forming quotients a/b with the equivalence relation a/b= c/d iff ad = bc , so we can form for compact X an abelian group K(X) consisting of formal differences E−E0 of vector bundles E and E0 over X , with the equivalence relation E1− E10 = E2− E02

iff E1⊕E02s E2⊕E10. Verifying transitivity of this relation involves the cancellation

property, which is why compactness of X is needed. With the obvious addition rule (E1−E01)+(E2−E02)= (E1E2)−(E10E02) , K(X) is then a group. The zero element is the equivalence class of E− E for any E , and the inverse of E − E0 is E0− E . Note that every element of K(X) can be represented as a difference E−εn since if we start with E− E0 we can add to both E and E0 a bundle E00 such that E0⊕E00≈ εn for some n . There is a natural homomorphism K(X)

K(X) sending Ee − εn to the ∼ class of E . This is well-defined since if E− εn= E0− εm in K(X) , then E⊕εmsE0⊕εn, hence E∼ E0. The map K(X)

K(X) is obviously surjective, and its kernel consists ofe elements E−εnwith E∼ ε0, hence E≈sεm for some m , so the kernel consists of the elements of the form εm− εn. This subgroup m− εn} of K(X) is isomorphic to Z.

In fact, restriction of vector bundles to a basepoint x0∈ X defines a homomorphism K(X)

K(x0) ≈ Z which restricts to an isomorphism on the subgroup {εm− εn}.

Thus we have a splitting K(X)≈ eK(X)⊕Z, depending on the choice of x0. The group K(X) is sometimes called reduced, to distinguish it from K(X) .e

在文檔中 1.2. Classifying Vector Bundles (頁 39-44)
