• 沒有找到結果。

Axioms and Construction

在文檔中 1.2. Classifying Vector Bundles (頁 78-84)

3.1. Stiefel-Whitney and Chern Classes

Stiefel-Whitney classes are defined for real vector bundles, Chern classes for com-plex vector bundles. The two cases are quite similar, but for concreteness we shall em-phasize the real case, with occasional comments on the minor modifications needed to treat the complex case.

A technical point before we begin: We shall assume without further mention that all base spaces of vector bundles are paracompact, so that the fundamental results of Chapter 1 apply. For the study of characteristic classes this is not an essential restriction since one can always pass to pullbacks over a CW approximation to a given base space, and CW complexes are paracompact.

As in the real case, the formula in (b) for the total Chern classes can be rewritten in the form cn(E1E2)=P

i+j=nci(E1)`cj(E2) , where c0= 1.


roof of 3.1 and 3.2: Associated to a vector bundle π : E

B with fiber Rn is the projective bundle P (π ) : P (E)

B , where P (E) is the space of all lines through the origin in all the fibers of E , and P (π ) is the natural projection sending each line in π−1(b) to b∈ B . We topologize P(E) as a quotient of the complement of the zero section of E , the quotient obtained by factoring out scalar multiplication in each fiber.

Over a neighborhood U in B where E is a product U×Rn, this quotient is U×RPn−1, so P (E) is a fiber bundle over B with fiberRPn−1.

We would like to apply the Leray-Hirsch theorem for cohomology with Z2 co-efficients to this bundle P (E)

B . To do this we need classes xi ∈ Hi(P (E);Z2) restricting to generators of Hi(RPn−1;Z2) in each fiber RPn−1 for i = 0, ··· , n − 1.

Recall from the proof of Theorem 1.8 that there is a map g : E

R that is a linear injection on each fiber. Projectivizing the map g by deleting zero vectors and then factoring out scalar multiplication produces a map P (g) : P (E)

RP. Let α be a gen-erator of H1(RP;Z2) and let x= P(g)(α)∈ H1(P (E);Z2) . Then the powers xi for i= 0, ··· , n − 1 are the desired classes xi since a linear injection Rn

R induces

an embeddingRPn−1


RP for which α pulls back to a generator of H1(RPn−1;Z2) , hence αi pulls back to a generator of Hi(RPn−1;Z2) . Note that any two linear injec-tions Rn

R are homotopic through linear injections, so the induced embeddings RPn−1


RP of different fibers of P (E) are all homotopic. We showed in the proof of Theorem 1.8 that any two choices of g are homotopic through maps that are linear injections on fibers, so the classes xi are independent of the choice of g .

The Leray-Hirsch theorem then says that H(P (E);Z2) is a free H(B;Z2) module with basis 1, x,··· , xn−1. Consequently, xn can be expressed uniquely as a linear combination of these basis elements with coefficients in H(B;Z2) . Thus there is a unique relation of the form

xn+ w1(E)xn−1+ ··· + wn(E)· 1 = 0

for certain classes wi(E)∈ Hi(B;Z2) . Here wi(E)xi means P (π )(wi(E))`xi, by the definition of the H(B;Z2) module structure on H(P (E);Z2) . For completeness we define wi(E)= 0 for i > n and w0(E)= 1.

To prove property (a), consider a pullback f(E) = E0, fitting

into the diagram at the right. If g : E

R is a linear injection on



−−−−−→ −−→




B0 f B

f π fibers then so is g ef , and it follows that P ( ef ) takes the canonical π

class x= x(E) for P(E) to the canonical class x(E0) for P (E0) . Then P ( ef )X


P (π ) wi(E)




P ( ef )P (π ) wi(E)

`P ( ef ) x(E)n−i



P (π0)f wi(E)


so the relation x(E)n+ w1(E)x(E)n−1+ ··· + wn(E)· 1 = 0 defining wi(E) pulls back to the relation x(E0)n+ f(w1(E))x(E0)n−1+ ··· + f(wn(E))· 1 = 0 defining wi(E0) . By the uniqueness of this relation, wi(E0)= f(wi(E)) .

Proceeding to property (b), the inclusions of E1 and E2 into E1⊕E2 give in-clusions of P (E1) and P (E2) into P (E1⊕E2) with P (E1)∩ P(E2) = ∅. Let U1 = P (E1E2)− P(E1) and U2 = P(E1E2)− P(E2) . These are open sets in P (E1E2) that deformation retract onto P (E2) and P (E1) , respectively. A map g : E1E2


which is a linear injection on fibers restricts to such a map on E1 and E2, so the canonical class x∈ H1(P (E1⊕E2);Z2) for E1⊕E2 restricts to the canonical classes for E1 and E2. If E1 and E2 have dimensions m and n , consider the classes ω1 = P

jwj(E1)xm−j and ω2 = P

jwj(E2)xn−j in H(P (E1E2);Z2) , with cup product ω1ω2 =P




xm+n−j. By the definition of the classes wj(E1) , the class ω1 restricts to zero in Hm(P (E1);Z2) , hence ω1 pulls back to a class in the relative group Hm(P (E1⊕E2), P (E1);Z2) ≈ Hm(P (E1⊕E2), U2;Z2) , and similarly for ω2. The following commutative diagram, with Z2 coefficients understood, then shows that ω1ω2= 0:

−−−−−→ −−−−−→ −−−−−→

UEPHn 1 E2 1




), UEPHm n 1 E2 1 U 02









( 1E2), 2


× + =





( 1⊕E2)


Hm n








( 1⊕E2)


× + Thus ω1ω2 =P




xm+n−j = 0 is the defining relation for the Stiefel-Whitney classes of E1E2, and so wj(E1E2)=P

r+s=jwr(E1)ws(E2) . Property (c) holds by definition. For (d), recall that the canonical line bundle is E = { (`, v) ∈ RP×R | v ∈ ` }. The map P(π) in this case is the identity. The map g : E

R which is a linear injection on fibers can be taken to be g(`, v)= v . So P (g) is also the identity, hence x(E) is a generator of H1(RP;Z2) . The defining relation x(E)+ w1(E)· 1 = 0 then says that w1(E) is a generator of H1(RP;Z2) .

The proof of uniqueness of the classes wi will use a general property of vector bundles called the splitting principle:


roposition 3.3. For each vector bundle π : E

B there is a space F (E) and a map p : F (E)

B such that the pullback p(E)

F (E) splits as a direct sum of line bun-dles, and p: H(B;Z2)

H(F (E);Z2) is injective.


roof: Consider the pullback P (π )(E) of E via the map P (π ) : P (E)

B . This pull-back contains a natural one-dimensional subbundle L= { (`, v) ∈ P(E)×E | v ∈ ` }.

An inner product on E pulls back to an inner product on the pullback bundle, so we have a splitting of the pullback as a sum L⊕L with the orthogonal bundle L hav-ing dimension one less than E . As we have seen, the Leray-Hirsch theorem applies to P (E)

B , so H(P (E);Z2) is the free H(B;Z2) module with basis 1, x,··· , xn−1

and in particular the induced map H(B;Z2)

H(P (E);Z2) is injective since one of the basis elements is 1 .

This construction can be repeated with L

P (E) in place of E

B . After finitely

many repetitions we obtain the desired result. tu

Looking at this construction a little more closely, L consists of pairs (`, v) P (E)×E with v ⊥ `. At the next stage we form P(L) , whose points are pairs (`, `0) where ` and `0 are orthogonal lines in E . Continuing in this way, we see that the final base space F (E) is the space of all orthogonal splittings `1⊕ ··· ⊕ `n of fibers of E as sums of lines, and the vector bundle over F (E) consists of all n tuples of vectors in these lines. Alternatively, F (E) can be described as the space of all chains V1 ⊂ ··· ⊂ Vn of linear subspaces of fibers of E with dim Vi = i. Such chains are called flags, and F (E)

B is the flag bundle associated to E . Note that the description of points of F (E) as flags does not depend on a choice of inner product in E .

Now we can finish the proof of Theorem 3.1. Property (d) determines w1(E) for the canonical line bundle E

RP. Property (c) then determines all the wi’s for this bundle. Since the canonical line bundle is the universal line bundle, property (a) therefore determines the classes wi for all line bundles. Property (b) extends this to sums of line bundles, and finally the splitting principle implies that the wi’s are determined for all bundles.

For complex vector bundles we can use the same proof, but with Z coefficients since H(CP;Z) ≈ Z[α], with α now two-dimensional. The defining relation for the ci(E) ’s is modified to be

xn− c1(E)xn−1+ ··· + (−1)ncn(E)· 1 = 0

with alternating signs. This is equivalent to changing the sign of α , so it does not affect the proofs of properties (a)–(c), but it has the advantage that the canonical line bundle E

CP has c1(E) = α rather than −α, since the defining relation in this

case is x(E)− c1(E)· 1 = 0 and x(E) = α. tu

Note that in property (d) for Stiefel-Whitney classes we could just as well use the canonical line bundle overRP1instead ofRPsince the inclusionRP1


RP induces

an isomorphism H1(RP;Z2)≈ H1(RP1;Z2) . The analogous remark for Chern classes is valid as well.


xample 3.4. Property (a), the naturality of Stiefel-Whitney classes, implies that a product bundle E = B×Rn has wi(E)= 0 for i > 0 since a product is the pullback of a bundle over a point, which must have wi = 0 for i > 0 since a point has trivial cohomology in positive dimensions.


xample 3.5: Stability. Property (b) implies that taking the direct sum of a bundle with a product bundle does not change its Whitney classes. In this sense Stiefel-Whitney classes are stable. For example, the tangent bundle T Sn to Sn is stably

trivial since its direct sum with the normal bundle to Sn in Rn+1, which is a trivial line bundle, produces a trivial bundle. Hence the Stiefel-Whitney classes wi(T Sn) are zero for i > 0 .

From the identity

(1+ w1+ w2+ ···)(1 + w10+ w20+ ···) = 1 + (w1+ w10)+ (w2+ w1w10+ w20)+ ···

we see that w(E1) and w(E1E2) determine w(E2) since the equations w1+ w10 = a1

w2+ w1w10+ w20 = a2


iwn−iwi0= an

can be solved successively for the wi0’s in terms of the wi’s and ai’s. In particular, if E1E2 is the trivial bundle, then we have the case that ai= 0 for i > 0 and so w(E1) determines w(E2) uniquely by explicit formulas that can be worked out. For example, w10= −w1 and w20 = −w1w10− w2= w12− w2. Of course forZ2 coefficients the signs do not matter, but the same reasoning applies to Chern classes, with Z coefficients.


xample 3.6. Let us illustrate this principle by showing that there is no bundle E

RP whose sum with the canonical line bundle E1(R) is trivial. For we have w(E1(R))= 1 + ω where ω is a generator of H1(RP;Z2) , and hence w(E) must be (1+ ω)−1= 1 + ω + ω2+ ··· since we are using Z2 coefficients. Thus wi(E)= ωi, which is nonzero in H(RP;Z2) for all i . However, this contradicts the fact that wi(E)= 0 for i > dim E .

This shows the necessity of the compactness assumption in Proposition 1.9. To further delineate the question, note that Proposition 1.9 says that the restriction E1(Rn+1) of the canonical line bundle to the subspace RPn ⊂ RP does have an

‘inverse’ bundle. In fact, the bundle E1(Rn+1) consisting of pairs (`, v) where ` is a line through the origin in Rn+1 and v is a vector orthogonal to ` is such an inverse. But for any bundle E

RPn whose sum with E1(Rn+1) is trivial we must have w(E) = 1 + ω + ··· + ωn, and since wn(E) = ωn ≠ 0, E must be at least n dimensional. So we see there is no chance of choosing such bundles E for varying n so that they fit together to form a single bundle overRP.


xample 3.7. Let us describe an n dimensional vector bundle E

B with wi(E) nonzero for each i≤ n. This will be the n fold Cartesian product (E1)n

(G1)n of

the canonical line bundle over G1= RP with itself. This vector bundle is the direct sum π1(E1)⊕···⊕πn(E1) where πi: (G1)n

G1 is projection onto the ithfactor, so w((E1)n)=Q

i(1+ αi)∈ Z21,··· , αn]≈ H((RP)n;Z2) . Hence wi((E1)n) is the ithelementary symmetric polynomial σi in the αj’s, the sum of all the products of i different αj’s. For example, if n= 3 then σ1= α123, σ2= α1α21α32α3,

and σ3 = α1α2α3. Since each σi with i≤ n is nonzero in Z21,··· , αn] , we have an n dimensional bundle whose first n Stiefel-Whitney classes are all nonzero.

The same reasoning applies in the complex case to show that the n fold Cartesian product of the canonical line bundle overCP has its first n Chern classes nonzero.

In this example we see that the wi’s and ci’s can be identified with elementary symmetric functions, and in fact this can be done in general using the splitting princi-ple. Given an n dimensional vector bundle E

B we know that the pullback to F (E) splits as a sum L1⊕···⊕Ln

F (E) . Letting αi = w1(Li) , we see that w(E) pulls back to w(L1⊕···⊕Ln)= (1 + α1)··· (1 + αn)= 1 + σ1+ ··· + σn, so wi(E) pulls back to σi. Thus we have embedded H(B;Z2) in a larger ring H(F (E);Z2) such that wi(E) becomes the ithelementary symmetric polynomial in the elements α1,··· , αn

of H(F (E);Z2) .

Besides the evident formal similarity between Stiefel-Whitney and Chern classes there is also a direct relation:


roposition 3.8. Regarding an n dimensional complex vector bundle E

B as a

2n dimensional real vector bundle, then w2i+1(E)= 0 and w2i(E) is the image of ci(E) under the coefficient homomorphism H2i(B;Z)

H2i(B;Z2) .

For example, since the canonical complex line bundle overCPhas c1 a generator of H2(CP;Z), the same is true for its restriction over S2= CP1, so by the proposition this 2 dimensional real vector bundle E

S2 has w2(E)≠ 0.


roof: The bundle E has two projectivizationsRP(E) and CP(E), consisting of all the real and all the complex lines in fibers of E , respectively. There is a natural projection p :RP(E)

CP(E) sending each real line to the complex line containing it, since a real line is all the real scalar multiples of any nonzero vector in it and a complex line is all the complex scalar multiples. This projection p fits into a commutative diagram

−−−−−→ −−−−−→ −−−−−→ −−−−−−−−−−→ −−−−−−−−−→

EPP2 ( )

R R g


P ( )


-n 1




P ( )

C n 1- C CP ( )g CP

where the left column is the restriction of p to a fiber of E and the maps RP(g) and CP(g) are obtained by projectivizing, over R and C, a map g : E

C which

is a C linear injection on fibers. It is easy to see that all three vertical maps in this diagram are fiber bundles with fiber RP1, the real lines in a complex line. The Leray-Hirsch theorem applies to the bundle RP

CP, with Z2 coefficients, so if β is the standard generator of H2(CP;Z), the Z2 reduction β∈ H2(CP;Z2) pulls back to a generator of H2(RP;Z2) , namely the square α2 of the generator α H1(RP;Z2) . Hence the Z2 reduction xC(E) = CP(g)(β) ∈ H2(CP(E); Z2) of the basic class xC(E) = CP(g)(β) pulls back to the square of the basic class xR(E) =

RP(g)(α)∈ H1(RP(E); Z2) . Consequently the Z2 reduction of the defining relation for the Chern classes of E , which is xC(E)n+ c1(E)xC(E)n−1+ ··· + cn(E)· 1 = 0, pulls back to the relation xR(E)2n+ c1(E)xR(E)2n−2+ ··· + cn(E)· 1 = 0, which is the defining relation for the Stiefel-Whitney classes of E . This means that w2i+1(E)= 0

and w2i(E)= ci(E) . tu

在文檔中 1.2. Classifying Vector Bundles (頁 78-84)
